3 research outputs found

    Remediation in ADHD

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    This paper discusses techniques of remediation used in a practical study case of an ADHD child. The major focus of this process is to enhance the development of underdeveloped functions and its main objective is to create, together with the patient, effective work methods, which would be meaningful to the child and would a part of his or her experiences in life. The paper considers the case of a 7.year.old boy suspected of having ADHD and provides his pre.and post.neuropsychological evaluation data. The 6.month intervention process brought some significant results as the evaluation showed the development of several superior mental functions and the initial hypothesis of ADHD was refuted. Thus, the remediation process which involved an adult that respected the level of the child’s development and included meaningful activities within an affective impact enhanced the child’s development

    A importância da intervenção precoce com pais de bebês que nascem com alguma deficiência

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    O presente trabalho, à luz da teoria de Winnicott, que elucida a importânciado ambiente e da relação interpessoal para a constituição de um ser humanosaudável, pretende apresentar uma proposta de intervenção para trabalharcom os pais de bebês que nascem com alguma deficiência. É no apontar adois que se confirma a realidade, que se vê nos olhos do outro o seu próprioolhar. Para tanto, o primeiro cuidador, instrumentalizado com informaçõese orientações poderá propiciar meios para que esse bebê se desenvolvaplenamente. Respeitando as suas iniciativas espontâneas e originais, seumodo de se expressar, e sendo contingente em retorno, proporcionará aessa criança um sentido de aceitação e de compreensão de suas expressões,inserindo-a adequadamente no meio circundante.The present article, using Winnicott’s theory as a background, whichelucidates the importance of the environment and of social relationsto constitute a healthy human being, intends to present an interventionproposal with parents of a newborn deficient baby. It is by pointing atreality two by two that one sees in the eyes of the other his own eyes. Inspite of this, the first caregiver, instructed with information and orientations,will be able to offer conditions for this deficient baby to develop himselfcompletely. It is by respecting the spontaneous and original initiatives ofthe baby, his own way of expressing himself, and by being contingent inreturn, that this child will be able to acknowledge a sense of acceptanceand comprehension of his own expressions, positioning him adequately into the environment

    A importância da intervenção precoce com pais de bebês que nascem com alguma deficiência The importance of early intervention with parents of babies who are born with a deficiency

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    O presente trabalho, à luz da teoria de Winnicott, que elucida a importância do ambiente e da relação interpessoal para a constituição de um ser humano saudável, pretende apresentar uma proposta de intervenção para trabalhar com os pais de bebês que nascem com alguma deficiência. É no apontar a dois que se confirma a realidade, que se vê nos olhos do outro o seu próprio olhar. Para tanto, o primeiro cuidador, instrumentalizado com informações e orientações poderá propiciar meios para que esse bebê se desenvolva plenamente. Respeitando as suas iniciativas espontâneas e originais, seu modo de se expressar, e sendo contingente em retorno, proporcionará a essa criança um sentido de aceitação e de compreensão de suas expressões, inserindo-a adequadamente no meio circundante.<br>The present article, using Winnicott's theory as a background, which elucidates the importance of the environment and of social relations to constitute a healthy human being, intends to present an intervention proposal with parents of a newborn deficient baby. It is by pointing at reality two by two that one sees in the eyes of the other his own eyes. In spite of this, the first caregiver, instructed with information and orientations, will be able to offer conditions for this deficient baby to develop himself completely. It is by respecting the spontaneous and original initiatives of the baby, his own way of expressing himself, and by being contingent in return, that this child will be able to acknowledge a sense of acceptance and comprehension of his own expressions, positioning him adequately into the environment