11 research outputs found

    Embedded coherent structures from MHD to sub-ion scales in turbulent solar wind at 0.17 au

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    We study solar wind magnetic turbulence with Parker Solar Probe during its first perihelion (at 0.17 au), from MHD to kinetic plasma scales. Using Morlet wavelet decomposition, we detect intermittent coherent structures, appearing as localized in time energetic events and covering a large range of scales. This implies the presence of embedded coherent structures from MHD down to sub-ion scales. For example, we observe a current sheet at MHD scales (200\sim 200 s) with magnetic fluctuations inherent for a magnetic vortex at ion scales (1\sim 1 s) and at sub-ion scales (0.1\sim 0.1 s). The amplitude anisotropy of magnetic fluctuations is analyzed within nearly (i) 200200 structures at MHD scales, (ii) 2103\sim 2 \cdot 10^3 events at ion scales and (iii) 104\sim 10^4 events at sub-ion scales. We compare it with crossings of model structures, such as Alfv\'en vortices, current sheets and magnetic holes, along the trajectories with various impact parameters. From this comparison, we conclude that at MHD and ion scales the majority of the structures are incompressible and represent mainly dipole Alfv\'en vortices (>80 %), monopole Alfv\'en vortices (<10 %) and current sheets (<10 %). On subion scales coherent structures represent monopole vortices (7 %), dipole vortices (49 %) current sheets (5 %) and magnetic holes (0.4 %). Around 40 % of structures at sub-ion scales do not fit any of the considered models. These events might represent compressible vortices.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal, 25 pages, 15 figure


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    The work covers the fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields and also the dynamics of electrons. The aim is to model the operation of the current transducer, to determine the wave characteristics in 1 - 10 Hz range and to calculate the heating of electrons on the shock wave. The model of functioning current transducers on the shock wave has been constructed and applied firstly. The non-adiabatic heating of electrons on the shock wave has been calculated firstly. Application field: physics of space plasmaAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Czech director Bohdan Slama in the context of European cinema

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    Předložená práce nese název Český režisér Bohdan Sláma v kontextu evropské kinematografie a zabývá se tvorbou současného českého filmového režiséra Bohdana Slámy, který během let 2001 až 2012 natočil čtyři celovečerní hrané filmy: Divoké včely (2001), Štěstí (2005), Venkovský učitel (2008) a Čtyři slunce (2012). Tyto filmy uspěly i na evropských filmových festivalech. Práce je koncipována tak, aby přinesla i obecnější pohled na kinematografii jako na fenomén, který se před více než sto lety stal součástí celosvětové kultury.Katedra filozofieObhájenoThe presented thesis is called Czech director Bohdan Sláma in the context of European cinema. It covers the work of contemporary Czech film director Bohdan Sláma, who made the following four feature films from 2001 to 2012: Divoké včely (The Wild Bees, 2001), Štěstí (Something Like Happiness, 2005), Venkovský učitel (The Country Teacher, 2008) and Čtyři slunce (Four Suns, 2012). The movies have gained success at various European film festivals. Besides, the thesis offers a general perspective on cinematography as a phenomenon that has been part of the global culture for more than a hundred years

    Acceleration of plasma in current sheet during substorm dipolarizations in the Earth's magnetotail: Comparison of different mechanisms

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    International audienceThis work is devoted to the investigation of particle acceleration during magnetospheric dipolarizations. A numerical model is presented taking into account the four scenarios of plasma acceleration that can be realized: (A) total dipolarization with characteristic time scales of approximate to 3 min; (B) single peak value of the normal magnetic component B-z occurring on the time scale of less than 1 min; (C) a sequence of rapid jumps of B-z interpreted as the passage of a chain of multiple dipolarization fronts (DFs); and (D) the simultaneous action of mechanism (C) followed by the consequent enhancement of electric and magnetic fluctuations with the small characteristic time scale <= 1 s. In a frame of the model, we have obtained and analyzed the energy spectra of four plasma populations: electrons e(-), protons H+, helium He+, and oxygen O+ ions, accelerated by the above-mentioned processes (A)-(D). It is shown that O+ ions can be accelerated mainly due to the mechanism (A); H+ and He+ ions (and to some extent electrons) can be more effectively accelerated due to the mechanism (C) than the single dipolarization (B). It is found that high-frequency electric and magnetic fluctuations accompanying multiple DFs (D) can strongly accelerate electrons e(-) and really weakly influence other populations of plasma. The results of modeling demonstrated clearly the distinguishable spatial and temporal resonance character of particle acceleration processes. The maximum particle energies depending on the scale of the magnetic acceleration region and the value of the magnetic field are estimated. The shapes of energy spectra are discussed

    Monitoring of Physical Processes in Upper Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere in Ionosphere Space Missions

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    The Ionosphere missions are the part of Ionosond-2025 space project, which main scientific objectives are monitoring of physical processes in the Earth upper atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere, as well as of solar activity. Within the framework of the Ionozond-2025 project, it is planned to launch four spacecraft Ionosphere and one satellite Zond. The Zond satellite is planned to be launched in 2025. The main task of Zond mission is patrol of solar activity. The launch of the first pair of spacecraft is planned in early 2022, the second pair - late 2022 or early 2023. In case of successful implementation of the program of experiments on the Ionosphere satellites, control of the physical parameters of electromagnetic fields and corpuscular radiation in the near-Earth space will be provided, new information will be obtained on the geophysical processes occurring in the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere in their connection with solar activity