64 research outputs found

    Visualization of oxytocin release that mediates paired pulse facilitation in hypothalamic pathways to brainstem autonomic neurons

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    Recent work has shown that oxytocin is involved in more than lactation and uterine contraction. The paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) contains neuroendocrine neurons that control the release of hormones, including vasopressin and oxytocin. Other populations of PVN neurons do not release hormones, but rather project to and release neurotransmitters onto other neurons in the CNS involved in fluid retention, thermoregulation, sexual behavior and responses to stress. Activation of oxytocin receptors can be cardioprotective and reduces the adverse cardiovascular consequences of anxiety and stress, yet how oxytocin can affect heart rate and cardiac function is unknown. While anatomical work has shown the presence of peptides, including oxytocin, in the projections from the PVN to parasympathetic nuclei, electrophysiological studies to date have only demonstrated release of glutamate and activation of fast ligand gated receptors in these pathways. In this study, using rats, we directly show, using sniffer CHO cells that express oxytocin receptors and the Ca2+ indicator R-GECO, that optogenetic activation of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) expressing PVN fibers in the brainstem activates oxytocin receptors in the dorsomotor nucleus of the vagus (DMNV). We also demonstrate that while a single photoactivation of PVN terminals only activates glutamatergic receptors in brainstem cardiac vagal neurons (CVNs), neurons that dominate the neural control of heart rate, both the paired pulse facilitation, and sustained enhancement of glutamate release in this pathway is mediated by activation of oxytocin receptors. Our results provide direct evidence that a pathway from the PVN likely releases oxytocin and enhances short-term plasticity of this critical autonomic connection

    TGF-β Sustains Tumor Progression through Biochemical and Mechanical Signal Transduction.

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    Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling transduces immunosuppressive biochemical and mechanical signals in the tumor microenvironment. In addition to canonical SMAD transcription factor signaling, TGF-β can promote tumor growth and survival by inhibiting proinflammatory signaling and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. In this article, we review how TGF-β activated kinase 1 (TAK1) activation lies at the intersection of proinflammatory signaling by immune receptors and anti-inflammatory signaling by TGF-β receptors. Additionally, we discuss the role of TGF-β in the mechanobiology of cancer. Understanding how TGF-β dampens proinflammatory responses and induces pro-survival mechanical signals throughout cancer development is critical for designing therapeutics that inhibit tumor progression while bolstering the immune response

    Granulin Secreted by the Food-Borne Liver Fluke Opisthorchis viverrini Promotes Angiogenesis in Human Endothelial Cells

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    The liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini is a food-borne, zoonotic pathogen endemic to Thailand and adjacent countries in Southeast Asia. The adult developmental stage of the O. viverrini parasite excretes and secretes numerous proteins within the biliary tract including the gall bladder. Lesions caused by the feeding activities of the liver fluke represent wounds that undergo protracted cycles of healing and re-injury during chronic infection, which can last for decades. Components of the excretory/secretory (ES) complement released by the worms capably drive proliferation of bile duct epithelial cells and are implicated in establishing the oncogenic milieu that leads to bile duct cancer, cholangiocarcinoma. An ES protein, the secreted granulin-like growth factor termed Ov-GRN-1, accelerates wound resolution in mice and in vitro. To investigate angiogenesis (blood vessel development) that may contribute to wound healing promoted by liver fluke granulin and, by implication, to carcinogenesis during chronic opisthorchiasis, we employed an in vitro tubule formation assay (TFA) where human umbilical vein endothelial cells were grown on gelled basement matrix. Ten and 40 nM Ov-GRN-1 significantly stimulated angiogenesis as monitored by cellular proliferation and by TFA in real time. This demonstration of potent angiogenic property of Ov-GRN-1 bolsters earlier reports on the therapeutic potential for chronic non-healing wounds of diabetics, tobacco users, and the elderly and, in addition, showcases another of the hallmark of cancer characteristic of this carcinogenic liver fluke

    Melanoma induction by ultraviolet A but not ultraviolet B radiation requires melanin pigment

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    Malignant melanoma of the skin (CMM) is associated with ultraviolet radiation exposure, but the mechanisms and even the wavelengths responsible are unclear. Here we use a mammalian model to investigate melanoma formed in response to precise spectrally defined ultraviolet wavelengths and biologically relevant doses. We show that melanoma induction by ultraviolet A (320–400 nm) requires the presence of melanin pigment and is associated with oxidative DNA damage within melanocytes. In contrast, ultraviolet B radiation (280–320 nm) initiates melanoma in a pigment-independent manner associated with direct ultraviolet B DNA damage. Thus, we identified two ultraviolet wavelength-dependent pathways for the induction of CMM and describe an unexpected and significant role for melanin within the melanocyte in melanomagenesis

    Localization and sub-cellular shuttling of HTLV-1 tax with the miRNA machinery

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    The innate ability of the human cell to silence endogenous retroviruses through RNA sequences encoding microRNAs, suggests that the cellular RNAi machinery is a major means by which the host mounts a defense response against present day retroviruses. Indeed, cellular miRNAs target and hybridize to specific sequences of both HTLV-1 and HIV-1 viral transcripts. However, much like the variety of host immune responses to retroviral infection, the virus itself contains mechanisms that assist in the evasion of viral inhibition through control of the cellular RNAi pathway. Retroviruses can hijack both the enzymatic and catalytic components of the RNAi pathway, in some cases to produce novel viral miRNAs that can either assist in active viral infection or promote a latent state. Here, we show that HTLV-1 Tax contributes to the dysregulation of the RNAi pathway by altering the expression of key components of this pathway. A survey of uninfected and HTLV-1 infected cells revealed that Drosha protein is present at lower levels in all HTLV-1 infected cell lines and in infected primary cells, while other components such as DGCR8 were not dramatically altered. We show colocalization of Tax and Drosha in the nucleus in vitro as well as coimmunoprecipitation in the presence of proteasome inhibitors, indicating that Tax interacts with Drosha and may target it to specific areas of the cell, namely, the proteasome. In the presence of Tax we observed a prevention of primary miRNA cleavage by Drosha. Finally, the changes in cellular miRNA expression in HTLV-1 infected cells can be mimicked by the add back of Drosha or the addition of antagomiRs against the cellular miRNAs which are downregulated by the virus

    Septins of platyhelminths: identification, phylogeny, expression and localization among developmental stages of Schistosoma mansoni

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    Septins are a family of eukaryotic GTP binding proteins conserved from yeasts to humans. Originally identified in mutants of budding yeast, septins participate in diverse cellular functions including cytokinesis, organization of actin networks, cell polarity, vesicle trafficking and many others. Septins assemble into heteroligomers to form filaments and rings. Here, four septins of Schistosoma mansoni are described, which appear to be conserved within the phylum Platyhelminthes. These orthologues were related to the SEPT5, SEPT10 and SEPT7 septins of humans, and hence we have termed the schistosome septins SmSEPT5, SmSEPT10, SmSEPT7.1 and SmSEPT7.2. Septin transcripts were detected throughout the developmental cycle of the schistosome and a similar expression profile was observed for septins in the stages examined, consistent with concerted production of these proteins to form heterocomplexes. Immunolocalization analyses undertaken with antibodies specific for SmSEPT5 and SmSEPT10 revealed a broad tissue distribution of septins in the schistosomulum and colocalization of septin and actin in the longitudinal and circular muscles of the sporocyst. Ciliated epidermal plates of the miracidium were rich in septins. Expression levels for these septins were elevated in germ cells in the miracidium and sporocyst. Intriguingly, septins colocalize with the protonephridial system of the cercaria, which extends laterally along the length of this larval stage. Together, the findings revealed that schistosomes expressed several septins which likely form filaments within the cells, as in other eukaryotes. Identification and localization demonstrating a broad distribution of septins across organs and tissues of schistosome contributes towards the understanding of septins in schistosomes and other flatworms.NIH Shared Instrumentation (S10RR025565)CNPqInstituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Biotecnologia Estrutural e Química Medicinal em Doenças Infecciosas (INBEQMeDI)CAPES (BEX: 9193/11-1

    Genetic Manipulation of Schistosoma haematobium, the Neglected Schistosome

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    More people are infected with Schistosoma haematobium than other major human schistosomes yet it has been less studied because of difficulty in maintaining the life cycle in the laboratory. S. haematobium might be considered the ‘neglected schistosome’ since minimal information on the genome and proteome of S. haematobium is available, in marked contrast to the other major schistosomes. In this report we describe tools and protocols to investigate the genome and genetics of this neglected schistosome. We cultured developmental stages of S. haematobium, and investigated the utility of introducing gene probes into the parasites to silence two model genes. One of these, firefly luciferase, was a reporter gene whereas the second was a schistosome gene encoding a surface protein, termed Sh-tsp-2. We observed that both genes could be silenced – a phenomenon known as experimental RNA interference (RNAi). These findings indicated that the genome of S. haematobium will be amenable to genetic manipulation investigations designed to determine the function and importance of genes of this schistosome and to investigate for novel anti-parasite treatments

    Big Data Approach to Electron Microscopy Acquisition and Analysis of Neuronal Tissue: Utility in Analysis of Neuronal and Synaptic Alterations in a Mouse Model of 22q11 deletion Syndrome

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    A novel approach was applied using scanning electron microscopy and block-face imaging to areas of the nuclei of the hypoglossal nerve to compare the neuronal architecture and cellular alterations in the mouse model of DiGeorge Syndrome. Since the swallowing and feeding is frequently compromised in human patients carrying this disease our hypothesis is that XII neurons are affected by the deletion in a way that prevents them to perform their function. Therefore, the focus was on XII cranial nerve, because it contains the neurons innervating the tongue. To accomplish the objective, an approach for data acquisition and analysis is designed that allows sampling the entire area of the XII nucleus at 2nm pixel size. This approach allowed us to apply several strategies for data collection and analysis that are impossible with traditional electron microscopy methods. Brainstem tissue was collected from wild type mice and LgDel mice (carrying similar 22q11 deletion as the patients with DiGeorge Syndrome) after perfusion with glutaraldehyde. The brainstems containing the XII nucleus were cut into 400 mm sections, fixed with osmium tetroxide, infiltrated with uranium acetate, dehydrated in ascending alcohols, and infiltrated in resin that was polymerized in wafers at 60°C. Thin sections of 100mm were cut with a diamond knife and mounted on silicon wafers for imaging. Imaging was performed using the FEI Helios SEM (FEI), equipped with solid-state circular backscattering detector. Imaging was done using 2kV accelerating voltage and current between 100-400 pAmps. MAPs software was used to integrate at different layers the low magnification data (500x), moderate magnification data (5000x) and high magnification data (80,000x). The images at the highest magnification were taken at 2nm pixel size. Serial tile images from one side of the nucleus were taken and stitched together in one large RAW image, which was further transferred to Photoshop for data conversion. Sections of the large image were then selected and transferred to Arivis software as .tif data for segmentation and analysis. Manual annotations are made and stored using Arivis. The data is exported into a spreadsheet. The purpose of the research is to quantitatively explain cellular degeneration and understand the structural differences between Wild types cells and LgDel cells in hopes of one day treating the issues created by DiGeorge Syndrome
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