227 research outputs found

    Competitive Gradient Descent

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    We introduce a new algorithm for the numerical computation of Nash equilibria of competitive two-player games. Our method is a natural generalization of gradient descent to the two-player setting where the update is given by the Nash equilibrium of a regularized bilinear local approximation of the underlying game. It avoids oscillatory and divergent behaviors seen in alternating gradient descent. Using numerical experiments and rigorous analysis, we provide a detailed comparison to methods based on \emph{optimism} and \emph{consensus} and show that our method avoids making any unnecessary changes to the gradient dynamics while achieving exponential (local) convergence for (locally) convex-concave zero sum games. Convergence and stability properties of our method are robust to strong interactions between the players, without adapting the stepsize, which is not the case with previous methods. In our numerical experiments on non-convex-concave problems, existing methods are prone to divergence and instability due to their sensitivity to interactions among the players, whereas we never observe divergence of our algorithm. The ability to choose larger stepsizes furthermore allows our algorithm to achieve faster convergence, as measured by the number of model evaluations.Comment: Appeared in NeurIPS 2019. This version corrects an error in theorem 2.2. Source code used for the numerical experiments can be found under http://github.com/f-t-s/CGD. A high-level overview of this work can be found under http://f-t-s.github.io/projects/cgd

    Multi-Object Classification and Unsupervised Scene Understanding Using Deep Learning Features and Latent Tree Probabilistic Models

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    Deep learning has shown state-of-art classification performance on datasets such as ImageNet, which contain a single object in each image. However, multi-object classification is far more challenging. We present a unified framework which leverages the strengths of multiple machine learning methods, viz deep learning, probabilistic models and kernel methods to obtain state-of-art performance on Microsoft COCO, consisting of non-iconic images. We incorporate contextual information in natural images through a conditional latent tree probabilistic model (CLTM), where the object co-occurrences are conditioned on the extracted fc7 features from pre-trained Imagenet CNN as input. We learn the CLTM tree structure using conditional pairwise probabilities for object co-occurrences, estimated through kernel methods, and we learn its node and edge potentials by training a new 3-layer neural network, which takes fc7 features as input. Object classification is carried out via inference on the learnt conditional tree model, and we obtain significant gain in precision-recall and F-measures on MS-COCO, especially for difficult object categories. Moreover, the latent variables in the CLTM capture scene information: the images with top activations for a latent node have common themes such as being a grasslands or a food scene, and on on. In addition, we show that a simple k-means clustering of the inferred latent nodes alone significantly improves scene classification performance on the MIT-Indoor dataset, without the need for any retraining, and without using scene labels during training. Thus, we present a unified framework for multi-object classification and unsupervised scene understanding

    Efficient approaches for escaping higher order saddle points in non-convex optimization

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    Local search heuristics for non-convex optimizations are popular in applied machine learning. However, in general it is hard to guarantee that such algorithms even converge to a local minimum, due to the existence of complicated saddle point structures in high dimensions. Many functions have degenerate saddle points such that the first and second order derivatives cannot distinguish them with local optima. In this paper we use higher order derivatives to escape these saddle points: we design the first efficient algorithm guaranteed to converge to a third order local optimum (while existing techniques are at most second order). We also show that it is NP-hard to extend this further to finding fourth order local optima

    Training Input-Output Recurrent Neural Networks through Spectral Methods

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    We consider the problem of training input-output recurrent neural networks (RNN) for sequence labeling tasks. We propose a novel spectral approach for learning the network parameters. It is based on decomposition of the cross-moment tensor between the output and a non-linear transformation of the input, based on score functions. We guarantee consistent learning with polynomial sample and computational complexity under transparent conditions such as non-degeneracy of model parameters, polynomial activations for the neurons, and a Markovian evolution of the input sequence. We also extend our results to Bidirectional RNN which uses both previous and future information to output the label at each time point, and is employed in many NLP tasks such as POS tagging

    Score Function Features for Discriminative Learning: Matrix and Tensor Framework

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    Feature learning forms the cornerstone for tackling challenging learning problems in domains such as speech, computer vision and natural language processing. In this paper, we consider a novel class of matrix and tensor-valued features, which can be pre-trained using unlabeled samples. We present efficient algorithms for extracting discriminative information, given these pre-trained features and labeled samples for any related task. Our class of features are based on higher-order score functions, which capture local variations in the probability density function of the input. We establish a theoretical framework to characterize the nature of discriminative information that can be extracted from score-function features, when used in conjunction with labeled samples. We employ efficient spectral decomposition algorithms (on matrices and tensors) for extracting discriminative components. The advantage of employing tensor-valued features is that we can extract richer discriminative information in the form of an overcomplete representations. Thus, we present a novel framework for employing generative models of the input for discriminative learning.Comment: 29 page

    Beating the Perils of Non-Convexity: Guaranteed Training of Neural Networks using Tensor Methods

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    Training neural networks is a challenging non-convex optimization problem, and backpropagation or gradient descent can get stuck in spurious local optima. We propose a novel algorithm based on tensor decomposition for guaranteed training of two-layer neural networks. We provide risk bounds for our proposed method, with a polynomial sample complexity in the relevant parameters, such as input dimension and number of neurons. While learning arbitrary target functions is NP-hard, we provide transparent conditions on the function and the input for learnability. Our training method is based on tensor decomposition, which provably converges to the global optimum, under a set of mild non-degeneracy conditions. It consists of simple embarrassingly parallel linear and multi-linear operations, and is competitive with standard stochastic gradient descent (SGD), in terms of computational complexity. Thus, we propose a computationally efficient method with guaranteed risk bounds for training neural networks with one hidden layer.Comment: The tensor decomposition analysis is expanded, and the analysis of ridge regression is added for recovering the parameters of last layer of neural networ

    Compact Tensor Pooling for Visual Question Answering

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    Performing high level cognitive tasks requires the integration of feature maps with drastically different structure. In Visual Question Answering (VQA) image descriptors have spatial structures, while lexical inputs inherently follow a temporal sequence. The recently proposed Multimodal Compact Bilinear pooling (MCB) forms the outer products, via count-sketch approximation, of the visual and textual representation at each spatial location. While this procedure preserves spatial information locally, outer-products are taken independently for each fiber of the activation tensor, and therefore do not include spatial context. In this work, we introduce multi-dimensional sketch ({MD-sketch}), a novel extension of count-sketch to tensors. Using this new formulation, we propose Multimodal Compact Tensor Pooling (MCT) to fully exploit the global spatial context during bilinear pooling operations. Contrarily to MCB, our approach preserves spatial context by directly convolving the MD-sketch from the visual tensor features with the text vector feature using higher order FFT. Furthermore we apply MCT incrementally at each step of the question embedding and accumulate the multi-modal vectors with a second LSTM layer before the final answer is chosen

    A Scale Mixture Perspective of Multiplicative Noise in Neural Networks

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    Corrupting the input and hidden layers of deep neural networks (DNNs) with multiplicative noise, often drawn from the Bernoulli distribution (or 'dropout'), provides regularization that has significantly contributed to deep learning's success. However, understanding how multiplicative corruptions prevent overfitting has been difficult due to the complexity of a DNN's functional form. In this paper, we show that when a Gaussian prior is placed on a DNN's weights, applying multiplicative noise induces a Gaussian scale mixture, which can be reparameterized to circumvent the problematic likelihood function. Analysis can then proceed by using a type-II maximum likelihood procedure to derive a closed-form expression revealing how regularization evolves as a function of the network's weights. Results show that multiplicative noise forces weights to become either sparse or invariant to rescaling. We find our analysis has implications for model compression as it naturally reveals a weight pruning rule that starkly contrasts with the commonly used signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). While the SNR prunes weights with large variances, seeing them as noisy, our approach recognizes their robustness and retains them. We empirically demonstrate our approach has a strong advantage over the SNR heuristic and is competitive to retraining with soft targets produced from a teacher model
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