423 research outputs found

    Security-Development Nexus and the Discourse of Fragile States

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    This paper will examine the underlying problem within the discourse of fragile state. It will be investigating the framework of security-development nexus used to justify the policy agenda of state and nation building in fragile states. It argues that the security development nexus underpinning the project of nation/state-building in ‘fragile states' obviously create insecurity and (re)produce inequality and poverty, rather than generate security and equality throughout society

    Great Power Rivalry in a New Asia Pacific Order: Examining the Great Power Concert Model for Asia Pacific

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    China\u27s rising power in the Asia Pacific region is leading the regional order to face a potential of rivalry between existing great powers in the region. This paper hence seeks to investigate the great power rivalry in a new Asia Pacific order. It argues that while ‘the European great power concert model\u27, as proposed by Hugh White (2008), could potentially be a mechanism for maintaining peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region, it has considerable problems and obstacles to be applied in the region


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    Research conducted by the author, with the title of the code of ethics of communication in the perspective of Q.S. Luqman, using a qualitative research form, using a librarian approach. Where in the research results. That the success of effective communication interaction, which was built by Luqman to his wife and children. Not because he is good at processing messages. However, because in building communication interactions, he places great emphasis on the code of ethics for communication in accordance with what Allah has commanded. Where there are five codes of communication ethics used by Luqman. First, do the contents of the message before he sent the message, his wife and children. Both are confident that is accompanied by the truth of the message. Third, be patient. Fourth, give love to the communicant. The fifth is polite and avoids arrogance. Thus, the code of ethics becomes the spearhead in determining the communication interactions that are built by each person

    Resource Control and Grassroots Development in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

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    In every society, economic development is an important part of social living, especially the specific economic activities of government in ensuring the development of that society. But then integrated effort towards this development will be incomplete where cognizance of the existing resources and ways of tapping as well as equitably allocating the resources is undermined. For some time now. this has reflected in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria and the inequitable allocation of the resources especially to the areas of their derivation has led to the constraints in developmental efforts and consequently deterioration in the lives of the rural dwellers. The effects of this have been marginalization and unsavory reactions from the affected communities and these have led to national insecurity. This paper examines these issues in the context of resource control, causes of agitation for control of resources by the Niger Delta dwellers, the contending trend of uneasiness in the nation and actions that can be taken by the government to ensure grassroots development in the area, thus pulling an end to the insecurity of lives and property in that region, and the nation as a whole

    A study to determine the effects of epidural analgesia in labour and to assess its maternal and neonatal outcome

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    Background: There is widespread acceptance of epidural analgesia among many physicians and patients, but disagreement remains regarding the effect of intrapartum epidural analgesia on the subsequent progress of labour and the mode of delivery. This study was designed to look and assess the effects of labour analgesia on maternal and fetal outcomes. Methods: This is an observational prospective cohort study where 60 parturient visiting the hospital in labour during the study period who fulfilled the eligibility criteria & gave written informed consent for the participation were included as cases. Another 60 parturient visiting the hospital during the same period who also fulfilled the eligibility criteria and consent for the same were included as controls. After test dose of 3 ml of 2% lignocaine with 1:2,00,000 adrenaline, an initial bolus of 10 ml of 0.1% Ropivacaine+1microgram/cc Fentanyl is given. Results: Epidural analgesia gave better pain relief when the VAS scores of the two groups were compared. No effect on increase of Caesarean or instrumental delivery rates was observed. Even though the first stage of labour was prolonged and the second stage shortened, the overall time of active stage of labour remained the same in both groups. No adverse neonatal outcome was seen with respect to epidural analgesia. Conclusions: Epidural analgesia provided excellent pain relief for most of the women delivering at our institute & is associated with high patient satisfaction

    Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Senyawa Flavonoid Ekstrak Etanol Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus Polyrhizus (F.A.C.Weber) Briton & Rose): Isolation and Identification of Flavonoid Compounds From Ethanol Extract of Red Dragon Fruits (Hylocereus Polyrhizus (F.A.C.Weber) Briton & Rose

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa flavonoid dari ekstrak etanol buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus (F.A.C.Weber) Briton & Rose).  Ekstrak buah naga merah diperoleh melalui maserasi serbuk buah naga merah dengan pelarut etanol 96%. Ekstrak etanol yang diperoleh di partisi dengan metode partisi cair-cair menggunakan pelarut n-heksana, etil asetat dan air. Hasil partisi ekstrak etil asetat  kemudian dilakukan pemisahan dengan Kromatografi vakum cair, sedangkan ekstrak air dihidrolisis terlebih dahulu dengan HCl lalu dipartisi dengan etil asetat (fraksi etil asetat). Berdasarkan  hasi pemurnian ekstrak etil asetat dan fraksi etil asetat dengan KLT Preparatif diperoleh 5 isolat tetapi hanya isolat 3 yang positif senyawa flavonoid. Hasil spektroskopi UV-Vis isolat 3 menghasilkan puncak pada 330 nm (pita I) dan 280 nm (pita II), sedangkan pada penambahan pereaksi geser tidak mengalami pergeseran batokromik dan hipsokromik. Berdasarkan data-data yang diperoleh isolat 3 diduga merupakan golongan senyawa flavanon

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Flavonoid dari Ekstrak Etanol Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) dengan Metode Spektrofotometri Uv-vis

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    Star fruits (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) from family of oxalidaceae is a plant which has potential as an antibacterial Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Flavonoid are the active compounds from the extract of star fruit which has potential as an antibacterial. Star fruit were extracting by ethanol 96 % using maceration. Extract were identified using thin layer chromatography (TLC) with eluent analytic n-butanol- glacial acetic acid- water (6:1:3). Preparative isolation using thin layer chromatography resulting three bands. Each band was centrifuged to obtain isolates. Physics isolates were analyzing using spectrophotometer UV Vis and chemically using color test (shift reagent). UV Vis spectrum results with shift reagent from isolates 1, suspected as isoflavone compound with OH groups in position 6,7,4 and OH groups in O- ring A, in isolates 2 was not flavonoid compound and predicted as other polyphenolic compound and in isolates 3 suspected of flavone compound with OH groups in position 5,6,7 and OH groups in O-ring

    Studi Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Dari Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Pada PLTU 6 MW Di Bangka Belitung

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    Limbah padat dari perkebunan kelapa sawit berupa cangkang dan fibre dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi alternatif pada PLTU. Cangkang memiliki kandungan energi sebesar 4115 kkal/kg dan fibre sebesar 3500 kkal/kg. Cangkang dan fibre dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar pada PLTU 6 MW, yang digunakan untuk memanaskan air didalam boiler sehingga menghasilkan temperatur uap dan tekanan uap yang mampu memutar turbin uap. Turbin uap berfungsi sebagai prime mover untuk memutar generator sehingga menghasilkan output berupa daya listrik. Pada saat menggunakan bahan bakar cangkang PLTU 6 MW menghasilkan ouput rata – rata sebesar 4.8 MW/hr dan dalam 1 MW output membutuhkan 1.02 ton cangkang dan pada saat menggunakan bahan bakar fibre PLTU 6 MW menghasilkan output rata – rata 2.3 MW/hr dan dalam 1 MW output membutuhkan 1.83 ton fibre. Karena lebih optimal dalam pengoperasian serta maksimalnya output yang dihasilkan dari bahan bakar cangkang, maka efisiensinya pun lebih baik. Efisiensi PLTU 6 MW pada saat menggunakan bahan bakar cangkang sebesar 20.5 % dan efisiensi PLTU 6 MW dari bahan bakar fibre 13 %. Oleh karena itu bahan bakar cangkang merupakan bahan bakar utama yang digunakan pada PLTU 6 MW

    Speech Acts Analysis of the Main Character in Shrek Movie Script Analisis (Tindak Tutur Pada Tokoh Utama Di Dalam Naskah Film Shrek)

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    In the study of language, what people do by saying something is called speech acts. Speech acts is not only found in everyday life but also in the film. This research concerns with speech acts produced by the main character in Shrek movie script. The aims of this research are to describe the types of speech acts and to analyze the most dominant speech acts produced by the main character. Besides, the aim of this research is also to know and describe the purposes of Shrek as the main character to use speech acts. The objects of this research are texts in the form of movie script. Austin\u27s (1962) theory of speech acts is applied in this research as the major theory. The types of research in this study are qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research is applied to analyze the data in the form of the text. Quantitative research is used to count the member of speech acts used by Shrek to conclude which types of speech acts is dominantly used. There are 50 utterances to be analyzed. The result of this research shows that the four types of speech acts produced by Shrek are directives, representatives, expressives, and commissives. This study shows that the dominant speech acts used is directives. It reaches 44%. It indicates that Shrek uses directives because he wants to make the hearer do something. Besides, Shrek also wants to be admitted by the people that he is actually a kind ogre
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