211 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research was to know the effect of  alone learning to the critical thinking skill and problem solving ability in SMA Teladan 1 Metro. This research applied quasy experimental with non-equvalent control group design. The population of this research is allow students of class X SMA Teladan 1 Metro on academic year 2009/2010. The samples of this research were class XA as experimental (alone learning) and class XB as control (conventional). The instrument of this research namely critical thinking and problem solving test. This research data are quantitative data consisted by score capacity critical thinking and problem solving ability to river ecosystem, collected on 15 january until 12 Juni 2010. Data were analysed by bilinear covariant statistical analysis (Ancova), continued with LSD test. The result of this research indicated that there were an effect of alone learning strategy toward the critical thinking skill and problem solving ability. Student with alone learning strategy having critical thinking higher 80,111% than conventional learning. Beside, student with alone learning strategy having 11,124% higher than convensional learning. Based on this research, the researcher suggest to the teacher that this strategy can implemented in biology learning. Kata Kunci: Belajar Mandiri, Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis, Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah


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    This research was intended to 1) know how to increase the students’ activity of class X of SMA Teladan 1 Metro through contextual learning based on inquiry 2) know how master the concept about ecosystem of students class X of SMA Teladan 1 Metro through contextual learning based on inquiry 3) know whether there is increase of learning activity and mastery of ecosystem concept through contextual learning based on inquiry. To gain the objectives above, the research method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (PTK). The subject of the research were the students of class X of SMA Teladan 1 Metro. Based on the result of data analysis, it was found that 1) Contextual Learning can increase the student learning activity, which covers: a) listening to teacher explanation activity which was 5-10 % previously out of the whole class became 96%, b) proposing idea activity which was previously 1-5% out of all students became 94%, c) observation activity which was previously 15% out of all students became 85%, d) activity in following discussion which was 15% previously out of the whole students became 84%, e) activity in doing analysis and reporting the result was 10% previously became 96%. 2) Contextual learning can increase concept of ecosystem mastery by comparing pre-test and post test result in the end of the cycle 2. From the analysis, it was found that the Gain score was normalized became 0,793 or there was increase of concept mastery as high as 79.3% from the gain before the treatment compared to after the treatment, and 3) contextual learning can increase learning activity and concept of ecosystem mastery. Kata kunci: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Aktivitas Belajar, Penguasaan Konse


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    Today democracy is regarded as the most ideal system of government. Many countries declare themselves to be democracies, albeit with different titles. Democracy in general is a system of government in which sovereignty is in the hands of the people, or is universally said to be government from, by and for the people. In Indonesia the democratic system used is the democracy of Pancasila. Democracy is based on the personality and philosophy of life of the Indonesian nation. Democracy based on Pancasila values, namely; based on the democracy led by the wisdom in the deliberations / representatives, having the concept of one god almighty upholding a just and civilized humanity, to unite Indonesia to bring about social justice for all Indonesians. The basic principle, prioritizing deliberation, with deliberations is expected to satisfy all those who differ, an expectation that is very difficult can be realized in the practice of nation and state. Implementation of Democrazy of Pancasila in the course of the nation's history, often experienced ups and downs. The applied democracy tends to deviate from the basic concept of the state, such as libral, guided, parliamentary and authoritarian practices. The 1998 reform order became the cornerstone of the democratic movement in Indonesia. The transition to a democratic system of government. If the implementation of this Pancasila democracy system can be realized, then Indonesia can be a model in the application of democratic system in governance

    Demokrasi Prosedural dan Semangat Kerakyatan Literasi Politik Era Reformasi

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    Ada adagium dalam Ilmu Sejarah yang menyatakan bahwa sejarah adalah politik di masa lalu, dan politik adalah sejarah yang sedang berlangsung. Bagi saya, pernyataan ini menemukan maknanya ketika membaca kembali percikan pemikiran yang dimuat beberapa media massa cetak. Pemikiran itu terekam dalam serial tulisan rubrik Orasi yang terbit setiap Jum’at di Harian Bali Post, sejumlah wawancara, berita, makalah dan juga esai lepas yang dimuat di beberapa media cetak. Setiap tulisan dalam antologi ini mesti dibaca dalam konteks masa, peristiwa, bahkan episode dalam proses sejarah yang sedang berlangsung saat itu. Hampir setiap tulisan dan materi wawancara dalam buku ini merupakan catatan, komentar, cetusan gagasan, bahkan sebagian bersifat forecast, prediksi atas bagian sebuah proses politik yang belum selesai. Karenanya kumpulan tulisan ini memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Ia dapat dibaca sebagai catatan kaki dari sejarah kontemporer republik ini, sebagai wakil dari suara cendekiawan politik yang jauh dari episentrum namun disemangati usaha mengedepankan kejernihan dalam meninjau berbagai peristiwa politik, termasuk di dalamnya isu-isu strategis di pentas nasional dan internasional. Pemikiran-pemikiran itu sebagian disampaikan lugas dalam bahasa yang mudah dipahami pembaca, dan untuk sebagian memperkenalkan konsep, pendekatan dan idiomidiom yang --bisa jadi-- baru bagi masyarakat awam. Untuk sebagian barangkali akan terasa sebagai representasi euphoria keterbukaan, mewakili pemahaman dan harapan rakyat, juga jembatan yang menghubungkan konstruksi nilai, norma dan prosedur demokrasi yang sedang dilembagakan vis a vis (saling berhadapan dengan-) pemahaman awam dan ekspresi semangat kerakyatan. Esai-esai dalam antologi ini terbangun sebagai dokumentasi literer pembelajaran politik melalui respon atas isu-isu politik aktual. Representasi era yang berubah cepat serupa itulah yang melatarbelakangi judul “Demokrasi Prosedural dan Semangat Kerakyatan: Literasi Politik Era Reformasi” ini. Banyak terjadi perubahan dalam dua dasawarsa setelah Reformasi bergulir di Indonesia. Semangat perubahan yang bergelora di awal Reformasi menemukan berbagai bentuk implementasi dalam dinamika sosial-politik, terutama dalam tataran peraturan perundang-undangan berhadapan dengan tataran praksis. Agenda pembaruan norma-norma yang mengatur jalannya suprastruktur politik dan infrastruktur politik terlaksana dalam wacana terbuka, tarik-menarik kepentingan yang massif dan dalam percepatan tinggi. Percaturan wacana di tataran akademik dan media massa menggambarkan bahwa meski tertatih, peranan intelektual berusaha didorong sekuat tenaga mengimbangi pertarungan kepentingan dalam perumusan tatanan baru kehidupan kenegaraan; Melampaui wacana, terjadi juga eskalasi riak-riak yang berkembang menjadi gelombang di daerah yang jauh dari pusat kekuasaan. Peristiwa politik lokal tidak jarang menjadi muara dari agenda elit politik dalam bentuk-bentuk konfigurasi peristiwa politik lokal yang ekstrem. Dalam ungkapan sinikal, gejala ini kerap digambarkan: “Elit partai yang minum tuak di Jakarta, massa partai mabuk di Bali”

    The Values of Local Wisdom in Democratic Reinforcement in Bali

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    The values of local wisdom in democratic reinforcement of direct general elections for the regional heads in Bali, - a case study in Badung regency-, proposes two problems: (1) How is the cultural struggle in political process of direct general elections for the regional heads in Bali? (2) What is the meaning of the values of local wisdom in streghtening the local democracy of direct elections for the regional heads in Bali? The method of research used in this study is descriptive-qualitative method. Democratic process in the direct general elections becomes a struggle arena between democracy as political culture of a large tradition and the values of local wisdom as a small tradition of the local society. The cultural struggle causes sustainable changes which resulted in collaboration and acculturation of democratic cultural values in Balinese culture. The values of local wisdom as the effort to strengthen local democracy of direct elections for the regional heads in Bali, has an important meaning in the political struggle, it can be seen from the values of Tri hita karana; Shanti lan jagadhita; Menyama Braya; Medarma suaka; Nyerahang dewek; Mepunia; Tatwam asi; and nilai segilik, segulu, selunglung sebayantaka, paras paros sarpanaya so that the values of local wisdom of Balinese society are used in strengthening local democracy rather than eroded by the current of democratizatio

    The Values of Local Wisdom in Democratic Reinforcement in Bali

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    The values of local wisdom in democratic reinforcement of direct general elections for the regional heads in Bali, - a case study in Badung regency-, proposes two problems: (1) How is the cultural struggle in political process of direct general elections for the regional heads in Bali? (2) What is the meaning of the values of local wisdom in streghtening the local democracy of direct elections for the regional heads in Bali? The method of research used in this study is descriptive-qualitative method. Democratic process in the direct general elections becomes a struggle arena between democracy as political culture of a large tradition and the values of local wisdom as a small tradition of the local society. The cultural struggle causes sustainable changes which resulted in collaboration and acculturation of democratic cultural values in Balinese culture. The values of local wisdom as the effort to strengthen local democracy of direct elections for the regional heads in Bali, has an important meaning in the political struggle, it can be seen from the values of Tri hita karana; Shanti lan jagadhita; Menyama Braya; Medarma suaka; Nyerahang dewek; Mepunia; Tatwam asi; and nilai segilik, segulu, selunglung sebayantaka, paras paros sarpanaya so that the values of local wisdom of Balinese society are used in strengthening local democracy rather than eroded by the current of democratization Keywords: cultural struggle, meaning of local wisdom, democratic reinforcement, direct general election for regional head


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    Maka terhadap tanah-tanah yang dikuasai oleh persekutuan hukum (Desa Adat/Pekraman), maupun tanah-tanah, hendaknya didaftarkan sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 24 Tahun 1997 sebagai pengganti Peraturan Pemerintah No. 10 Tahun 1961, tentang Pendaftaran Tanah. Tanah-tanah adat termasuk didalamnya tanah laba pura di Bali hampir semua tidak terdaftar pada Kantor Pendaftaran Tanah untuk mendapatkan kepastian hak dan kepastian hukum bagi pemegangnya, sehingga tanah-tanah tersebut tidak mempunyai sertifikat sebagai tanda bukti hak atas tanah. Tanah-tanah tersebut hanya didaftar pada Kantor-kantor Landrete atau pajak bumi, sehingga tanda-tanda bukti yang diberikan adalah tanda bukti pengenaan atau pembayaran pajak bumi berupa pipil/petuk D/Girik. Jadi pendaftaran ini bersifat fiscal kadaster, sedangkan yang kita maksudkan adalah pendaftaran yang diadakan untuk memberikan kepastian hak dan kepastian hukum (rechts kadaster). Tanah laba pura adalah tanah-tanah yang khusus yaitu tempat untuk mendirikan pura (bangunan suci) dan tanah yang merupakan sumber dana upacara keagamaan dan pemeliharaan pura. Dengan ditunjuknya pura sebagai badan hukum keagamaan yang dapat mempunyai hak milik atas tanah berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor: 556/DJA/1986, membawa konsekwensi Yuridis terhadap tanah-tanah laba pura baik mengenai status haknya maupun pendaftarannya. Sekarang statusnya jelas yaitu berstatus hak milik menurut UUPA. Kemudian tanah-tanah laba pura wajib didaftarkan sesuai dengan ketentuan UUPA yo PP No. 24 Tahun 1997, agar memperoleh sertifikat sebagai tanda bukti haknya


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    The purpose of this study were to increase the biological activity and learning outcomes through the discussion method. In the theory, discussion method is a method in the learning process so that students dare to issue his opinion, daring to ask and answer questions. The analysis of data showed an increase in activity and student learning outcomes. The research was conducted at grade VII MTs. Muhammadiyah Margototo academic year 2011/2012. Expression increased the activity of 10.29%, the activity of your friends pay attention when presenting the results of their discussion to increase 24.02%, the activity increased 11.27% to ask questions, answer questions activity increased 16.67% and complete the task group activities increased 19.52%. On learning outcomes also increased with evidence of students increased to 24% complete.  Kata Kunci: Diskusi, Aktivitas Belajar, Hasil Belajar


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    Abstract: One of the obstacles that farmers faced is the presence of leaf pests. The effort to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides is necessary to look for the alternative ingredients derived from plants that have potential as plant pesticide. One of them is papaya plant. The purposes of this study are (1st) to know the whether there is effect of variant dose of papaya leaf solution toward mortality of leaf pests. (2nd) to know whether the dose of papaya leaf solution is the most appropriate for leaf pests mortality. (3rd) to arrange the biology learning source to senior high school students of tenth grades in even semester. This research was an experimental design and this research was completely randomizes design (RAL) by using five times repeats by using variant doses in the control treatment, 15gr/L, 20gr/L, 25gr/L, 30gr/L, 35gr/L. The data were analyzed by using non-parametric test one-way ANOVA. The results showed the percentage of the leaf pests from the lowest to the highest are control=0%, 15gr/L=64%, 30gr/L=68%, 20gr/L=76%, and 35gr/L=92%. From the result of discussion and conclusion that there was significant influence on the variant dose of papaya leaf solution toward mortality of leaf pests by testing the hypotheses that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Because, X2count 18,25> X2 table 9,49 at and X2 count 18,25 > X2table 13,3 at  on the chi-square table. Based on this result of the research and discussion, it can be conclude that (1st) there was significant influence on the administration of papaya leaf solution, toward mortality of leaf pests, it was gained the coefficient H=18,25 > chi-square value 9,49 at α level of 0,05 and 13,3 at α level 0,01. (2nd) at dose 35gr/L of papaya leaf solution was the best dose to mortality of the leaf pest. (3rd) the result can be used as a source of biology learning to senior high school students, tenth grades in even semester for the worksheet of Students Activity (LPKS) about the interaction of ecosystem of the pests and diseases in plants

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pembatasan Bangunan Akomodasi Wisata dalam Menopang Pariwisata Berkelanjutan

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    This article aims to discuss the urgency and implementation of restrictions on tourist accommodation buildings in the Badung Regency. The research data were obtained through observation, literature study, and in-depth interviews with informants, namely officials, actors, and observers of Bali tourism. Data analysis was carried out descriptively-interpretatively from the perspective of tourism studies. The results of the study show that it is very urgent to restrict tourist accommodation buildings in Badung Regency to anticipate the oversupply of the number of available tourist accommodation rooms, as well as to create a healthy tourist accommodation business situation. Implementation of three policies, namely Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2012; Regional Regulation No. 26 of 2013; and Perbud Badung No. 36 of 2014 has been able to hinder the development of new tourist accommodation buildings, and support sustainable tourism development, namely tourism development that supports environmental conservation efforts (Palemahan), increasing the socio-economic welfare of local communities (pawongan), as well as tourism development that is sustainable. support the preservation and development of Balinese traditions and culture
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