221 research outputs found

    Vicisitudes de la contemporaneidad ante la dualidad urbana/rural de las artes de India : en torno al caso de Jagdish Swaminathan y el Bhārat Bhavan de Bhopal

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    Este artículo aborda la difícil inclusión de las artes que surgen de los márgenes de la modernidad en un ámbito aparentemente envolvente como la contemporaneidad. La coexistencia en el tiempo no parece suficiente para considerar ciertas artes, como las artesanías o las artes tribales, como parte indisoluble del espacio del "arte contemporáneo". Desde la crítica a este planteamiento, el artista indio Jagdish Swaminathan desarrolló una línea teórica aplicada sobre el proyecto del Bhārat Bhavan en Bhopal, del cual se establece aquí una revisión crítica guiada por el concepto de contemporaneidad. El planteamiento de este artículo defiende al Bhārat Bhavan como un proyecto innovador en el contexto internacional de los años 80, pero de calado limitado por las vicisitudes históricas a las que se vio sometido.This paper deals with the issue of the difficult inclusion in the contemporaneity of those arts emerging from the edges of modernity, given the contemporaneity as a supposedly enveloping field. The coexistence in time does not seem to be enough to consider certain arts, as handicrafts or tribal arts, as indissoluble part of the space of "contemporary art". The Indian artist Jagdish Swaminathan carried out, from the criticism to that approach, a work, both in the theory as in the practice, applied to the Bhārat Bhavan in Bhopal, which is critically examined here through the concept of contemporaneity. The proposal of this paper defends the idea of Bhārat Bhavan as an innovative project in the international context of the 80's, but with a limited projection due to the historical vicissitudes it suffered

    Big Food and Soda Versus Public Health: Industry Litigation Against Local Government Regulations to Promote Healthy Diets

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    Diets high in fats, sugars, and sodium are contributing to alarming levels of obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers throughout the United States. Sugary drinks, which include beverages that contain added caloric sweeteners such as flavored milks, fruit drinks, sports drinks, and sodas, are the largest source of added sugar in the American diet and an important causative factor for obesity and other diet-related diseases. City and county governments have emerged as key innovators to promote healthier diets, adopting menu labeling laws to facilitate informed choices and soda taxes, warnings labels, and a soda portion cap to discourage consumption. These measures raise tension between the public health promotion and the food and beverage industry’s interests in maximizing profits. This article analyzes the food and beverage industry’s efforts to undermine local government nutrition promotion measures, including lobbying, funding scientific research, public messaging, and litigation. It examines four case studies (New York City’s soda portion cap, San Francisco’s soda warnings ordinance, and soda taxes in Philadelphia and Cook County), and distills steps that local governments can take to address industry opposition and help ensure the legal viability and political sustainability of key public health interventions

    Big Soda: Too Sweet to Fail?

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    Kicking the Soda Habit

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    A recipe formula for the new type of biologically active additive (BAA) "Neurostabil" has been developed taking into account the pharmacological characteristics of the active principles of the initial ingredients and their synergistic properties with respect to the correction of metabolic processes. Along with local plant raw materials the recipe includes vitamin preparations (retinol, tocopherol, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, niacinamide, calcium pantothenate, cyanocobalamine, folic and ascorbic acids), minerals and vitamin premix. An innovative tabletting technology for a specialized product has been proposed and tested. Moderate technological parameters of production: granulate drying at (65 ± 5) °C to 5–7 % of residual moisture and other processes at room temperature provide stability of consumer and functional properties. Regulated quality indicators, including nutritional values, terms and modes of storage have been determined: 3 years in a dry, protected from light place, at a temperature not higher than 25 °C. The efficacy of BAA is confirmed by conducting clinical testing in representative groups of patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum in combination with hypertension. The parameters of the acid-forming function, the dynamics of the endoscopic and morphological picture of the stomach, the number of nucleic acids in duodenal and gastric aspirates, as well as the indices of psychosomatic disorders, clinical manifestations before and after complex diet therapy have been studied. The ability of a specialized product to reduce the symptoms of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, positively influence the epithelization of erosion of the stomach, reduce inflammation and the manifestation of gastritis is demonstrated. Improvement of the psycho-emotional state of patients is noted. The developed product is tested and produced at the enterprises of R&D “Art Life”, (Tomsk).Разработана рецептурная формула нового вида биологически активной добавки (БАД) «Нейростабил» с учетом фармакологической характеристики действующих начал исходных ингредиентов и их синергических свойств в отношении коррекции обменных процессов. Рецептура включает, наряду с местным растительным сырьем, препараты витаминов (ретинол, токоферол, рибофлавин, тиамин, пиридоксин, никатинамид, пантотенат кальция, цианокобаламин, фолиевую и аскорбиновую кислоты), минералов и витаминный премикс. Предложена и апробирована инновационная технология таблетирования специализированного продукта. Щадящие технологические параметры производства: сушка гранулята при температуре (65 ± 5) °C до остаточной влажности 5–7 % и проведение других процессов при комнатной температуре, обеспечивают стабильность потребительских и функциональных свойств. Определены регламентируемые показатели качества, в том числе пищевой ценности, сроки и режимы хранения: 3 года в сухом, защищенном от света месте, при температуре не выше 25 °C. Эффективность БАД подтверждена путем проведения клинических испытаний на репрезентативных группах больных язвенной болезнью желудка, двенадцатиперстной кишки в сочетании с гипертонией. Изучены показатели кислотообразующей функции, динамики эндоскопической и морфологической картины желудка, количество нуклеиновых кислот в дуоденальных и желудочных аспиратах, а также показатели психосоматических расстройств, клинические проявления до и после комплексной диетотерапии. Показана способность специализированного продукта купировать симптомы язвенной болезни желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки, положительно влиять на эпителизацию эрозии желудка, снижать воспаление и проявление гастрита. Отмечено улучшение психоэмоционального состояния больных. Разработанный продукт апробирован и производится на предприятиях НПО «Арт Лайф» (г. Томск)

    Like Your President: A Case for Online Voting

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    In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey allowed displaced residents to vote in the 2012 elections by email. The option to vote online has been available to military members stationed overseas since 2009. New Jersey’s decision to open online voting to civilians raises the question of why this shift didn’t take place sooner. Assuming New Jersey’s system holds up under post-election scrutiny, why not utilize it to the fullest extent possible? Online voter registration is already permitted by eleven states, including the liberal, infrastructure-rich, population-heavy California and the conservative, sparsely populated Alaska. Extending the registration system to voting itself could save taxpayers significant amounts of money, encourage young people to get involved in politics early on, and provide millions of Americans with a more convenient way to vote

    Revisiting the Public Safety Exception to Miranda for Suspected Terrorists: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the Bombing of the 2013 Boston Marathon

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    This Comment examines the application of the public safety exception to Miranda to cases of domestic terrorism, looking particularly at the case of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. By comparing the Department of Justice’s War on Terror policies to the Warren Court’s rationale for Miranda, this Comment argues that courts should require law enforcement officers to have reasonable knowledge of an immediate threat to public safety before they may properly invoke the Quarles public safety exception