37 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton observation of the ULIRG NGC 6240: The physical nature of the complex Fe K line emission

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    We report on an XMM-Newton observation of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240. The 0.3-10 keV spectrum can be successfully modelled with: (i) three collisionally ionized plasma components with temperatures of about 0.7, 1.4, and 5.5 keV; (ii) a highly absorbed direct power-law component; and (iii) a neutral Fe K_alpha and K_beta line. We detect a significant neutral column density gradient which is correlated with the temperature of the three plasma components. Combining the XMM-Newton spectral model with the high spatial resolution Chandra image we find that the temperatures and the column densities increase towards the center. With high significance, the Fe K line complex is resolved into three distinct narrow lines: (i) the neutral Fe K_alpha line at 6.4 keV; (ii) an ionized line at about 6.7 keV; and (iii) a higher ionized line at 7.0 keV (a blend of the Fe XXVI and the Fe K_beta line). While the neutral Fe K line is most probably due to reflection from optically thick material, the Fe XXV and Fe XXVI emission arises from the highest temperature ionized plasma component. We have compared the plasma parameters of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240 with those found in the local starburst galaxy NGC 253. We find a striking similarity in the plasma temperatures and column density gradients, suggesting a similar underlying physical process at work in both galaxies.Comment: 8 pages including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    On why the Iron K-shell absorption in AGN is not a signature of the local Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium

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    We present a comparison between the 2001 XMM-Newton and 2005 Suzaku observations of the quasar, PG1211+143 at z=0.0809. Variability is observed in the 7 keV iron K-shell absorption line (at 7.6 keV in the quasar frame), which is significantly weaker in 2005 than during the 2001 XMM-Newton observation. From a recombination timescale of <4 years, this implies an absorber density n>0.004 particles/cm3, while the absorber column is 5e22<N_H <1 1e24 particles/cm2. Thus the sizescale of the absorber is too compact (pc scale) and the surface brightness of the dense gas too high (by 9-10 orders of magnitude) to arise from local hot gas, such as the local bubble, group or Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM), as suggested by McKernan et al. (2004, 2005). Instead the iron K-shell absorption must be associated with an AGN outflow with mildly relativistic velocities. Finally we show that the the association of the absorption in PG1211+143 with local hot gas is simply a coincidence, the comparison between the recession and iron K absorber outflow velocities in other AGN does not reveal a one to one kinematic correlation.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS LETTERS. 5 pages, 4 figure

    X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051 Observed with Suzaku

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    We report results from a Suzaku observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 NGC 4051. During our observation, large amplitude rapid variability is seen and the averaged 2--10 keV flux is 8.1x10^-12 erg s^-1 cm^-2, which is several times lower than the historical average. The X-ray spectrum hardens when the source flux becomes lower, confirming the trend of spectral variability known for many Seyfert 1 galaxies. The broad-band averaged spectrum and spectra in high and low flux intervals are analyzed. The spectra are first fitted with a model consisting of a power-law component, a reflection continuum originating in cold matter, a blackbody component, two zones of ionized absorber, and several Gaussian emission lines. The amount of reflection is rather large (R ~ 7, where R=1 corresponds to reflection by an infinite slab), while the equivalent width of the Fe-K line at 6.4 keV is modest (140 eV) for the averaged spectrum. We then model the overall spectra by introducing partial covering for the power-law component and reflection continuum independently. The column density for the former is 1x10^23 cm^-2, while it is fixed at 1x10^24 cm-2 for the latter. By comparing the spectra in different flux states, we identify the causes of spectral variability. (abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Suzaku 3rd special issue

    Wide-band spectroscopy of the Compton thick Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 3 with Suzaku

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    We obtained a wide-band spectrum of the Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 3 with Suzaku. The observed spectrum was clearly resolved into weak, soft power-law emission, a heavily absorbed power-law component, cold reflection, and many emission lines. The heavily absorbed component, absorbed by gas with a column density of 1.1x10^24 cm^-2, has an intrinsic 2--10 keV luminosity of ~1.6x10^43 erg s^-1, and is considered to be direct emission from the Mrk 3 nucleus. The reflection component was interpreted as reflection of the direct light off cold, thick material; the reflection fraction RR was 1.36+/-0.20. The cold material is inferred to be located > 1 pc from the central black hole of Mrk 3 due to the low ionization parameter of iron (xi < 1 erg cm s^-1) and the narrow iron line width (s < 22 eV). A Compton shoulder to the iron line was detected, but the intensity of the shoulder component was less than that expected from spherically distributed Compton-thick material. The weak, soft power-law emission is considered to be scattered light by ionized gas. The existence of many highly-ionized lines from O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe in the observed spectrum indicates that the ionized gas has a broad ionized structure, with xi=10--1000. The scattering fraction with respect to the direct light was estimated to be 0.9+/-0.2%, which indicates that the column density of the scattering region is about 3.6x10^22 cm^-2. This high-quality spectrum obtained by Suzaku can be considered a template for studies of Seyfert 2 galaxies.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, accepted in PASJ for publicatio

    Suzaku observations of the hard X-ray variability of MCG-6-30-15: the effects of strong gravity around a Kerr black hole

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    Suzaku has, for the first time, enabled the hard X-ray variability of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 to be measured. The variability in the 14-45 keV band, which is dominated by a strong reflection hump, is quenched relative to that at a few keV. This directly demonstrates that the whole reflection spectrum is much less variable than the power-law continuum. The broadband spectral variability can be decomposed into two components - a highly variable power-law and constant reflection - as previously inferred from other observations in the 2-10 keV band. The strong reflection and high iron abundance give rise to a strong broad iron line, which requires the inner disc radius to be at about 2 gravitational radii. Our results are consistent with the predictions of the light bending model which invokes the very strong gravitational effects expected very close to a rapidly spinning black hole.Comment: accepted for publication in PASJ Suzaku special issu

    Monte-Carlo Simulator and Ancillary Response Generator of Suzaku XRT/XIS System for Spatially Extended Source Analysis

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    We have developed a framework for the Monte-Carlo simulation of the X-Ray Telescopes (XRT) and the X-ray Imaging Spectrometers (XIS) onboard Suzaku, mainly for the scientific analysis of spatially and spectroscopically complex celestial sources. A photon-by-photon instrumental simulator is built on the ANL platform, which has been successfully used in ASCA data analysis. The simulator has a modular structure, in which the XRT simulation is based on a ray-tracing library, while the XIS simulation utilizes a spectral "Redistribution Matrix File" (RMF), generated separately by other tools. Instrumental characteristics and calibration results, e.g., XRT geometry, reflectivity, mutual alignments, thermal shield transmission, build-up of the contamination on the XIS optical blocking filters (OBF), are incorporated as completely as possible. Most of this information is available in the form of the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) files in the standard calibration database (CALDB). This simulator can also be utilized to generate an "Ancillary Response File" (ARF), which describes the XRT response and the amount of OBF contamination. The ARF is dependent on the spatial distribution of the celestial target and the photon accumulation region on the detector, as well as observing conditions such as the observation date and satellite attitude. We describe principles of the simulator and the ARF generator, and demonstrate their performance in comparison with in-flight data.Comment: 19 pages with 8 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ Vol 58, Suzaku special issu