287 research outputs found

    Ana Karenjina i Emma Bovary u metodičkom zrcalu

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    This paper proposes teaching methods, techniques and approaches for a comparative interpretation in the intertextual teaching system of the two literature characters; Ana Karenina from Tolstoj’s novel Ana Karenina and Emma Bovary from Flaubert’s novel “Madame Bovary”. The importance of the establishment of creative literature class is pointed out, both on high school (literature teaching classes) and university (literature teaching methodics classes) level. The successfulness of the presented literature tends to be proven with the practical examples from the higher education literature teaching methodics classes.U ovome se radu predlažu nastavne metode, metodički postupci i metodički pristupi za komparativnu interpretaciju dvaju književnih likova – Ane Karenjine iz istoimenog romana Lava Nikolajeviča Tolstoja i Emme Bovary iz romana „Madame Bovary“ Gustavea Flauberta, u intertekstualnom nastavnom sustavu. Upućuje se na važnost ustrojenja stvaralačke nastave književnosti – i na srednjoškolskoj razini (na nastavi književnosti) i na visokoškolskoj razini (na nastavi metodike nastave književnosti) ‒ te se pokušava dokazati uspješnost izvođenja takve nastave na primjerima iz praktične visokoškolske nastave metodike nastave književnosti

    How hard does the tax bite hurt? Croatian vs. European worker

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyse the tax burden in Croatia and to find out whether and how the size and the structure of total labour costs affect the functioning of the labour market. The tax wedge, together with employment and unemployment rates, is brought into play to classify EU countries and Croatia into clusters using K-means and hierarchical clustering. The results show that Croatia is classified among countries with a high tax wedge and a high unemployment rate. The same holds when, instead of the tax wedge, personal average tax rate is considered. However, in Croatia most of the tax burden is borne by the employees, not by the employers. Thus, the average Croatian industry worker bears a relatively high tax burden, which is exacerbated when the newly introduced “crisis tax” and increased VAT are taken into account

    How hard does the tax bite hurt? Croatian vs. European worker

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyse the tax burden in Croatia and to find out whether and how the size and the structure of total labour costs affect the functioning of the labour market. The tax wedge, together with employment and unemployment rates, is brought into play to classify EU countries and Croatia into clusters using K-means and hierarchical clustering. The results show that Croatia is classified among countries with a high tax wedge and a high unemployment rate. The same holds when, instead of the tax wedge, personal average tax rate is considered. However, in Croatia most of the tax burden is borne by the employees, not by the employers. Thus, the average Croatian industry worker bears a relatively high tax burden, which is exacerbated when the newly introduced “crisis tax” and increased VAT are taken into account

    Utjecaj visine vjeđnog rasporka u primarnom položaju pogleda na stabilnost suznog filma

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of palpebral fissure height in primary gaze position in healthy individuals on tear film stability. In this cross-sectional study, 120 subjects (60 male and female each) were enrolled and divided according to age into two groups, i.e., group 1 (aged 18-50 years) and group 2 (aged 51 and older). Palpebral fissure height on both eyes was measured in primary gaze position with a clear plastic ruler held in a central vertical position between the upper and lower lid margin, and the standard tear break-up time (TBUT) test was performed to evaluate tear film stability. Palpebral fissure height was significantly higher in younger than older subjects in all measurements on both eyes (p<0.001), and TBUT was shorter in older than in younger subjects. In all subjects included in the study, palpebral fissure height was not related to TBUT (p=0.589). However, analyzing the two age groups separately, a significant negative correlation was found between the palpebral fissure height and TBUT in both groups of younger (p<0.001) and older (p=0.009) subjects. In conclusion, an enlarged exposed ocular surface due to higher palpebral fissure height in healthy individual’s primary gaze position negatively affects tear film stability expressed by TBUT.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj visine vjeđnog rasporka u primarnom položaju pogleda kod zdravih osoba na stabilnost suznog filma. U ovo presječno istraživanje bilo je uključeno 120 ispitanika (60 muškaraca i 60 žena) i prema životnoj dobi podijeljeno u dvije ispitivane skupine: 1. skupina (u dobi od 18-50 godina) i 2. skupina (u dobi od 51 i više godina). Visina vjeđnog rasporka na oba oka mjerena je u primarnom položaju pogleda prozirnim plastičnim ravnalom koje se držalo u središnjoj okomitoj liniji između ruba gornje i ruba donje vjeđe, a standardni test pucanja suznog filma (tear break-up time, TBUT) primijenjen je za procjenu stabilnosti suznog filma. Visina vjeđnog rasporka bila je u svim mjerenjima na oba oka značajno veća u mlađih nego u starijih ispitanika (p<0,001), a TBUT je bio kraći u starijih nego u mlađih ispitanika. U svih ispitanika uključenih u istraživanje visina vjeđnog rasporka nije bila povezana s TBUT-om (p=0,589). No, analizirajući dvije dobne skupine odvojeno utvrđena je značajna negativna povezanost između visine vjeđnog rasporka i TBUT-a u obje skupine, u mlađih (p<0,001) i starijih (p=0,009) ispitanika. U zaključku, povećana izložena očna površina zbog veće visine vjeđnog rasporka u primarnom položaju pogleda u zdravih osoba negativno utječe na stabilnost suznog filma izraženu TBUT-om

    Knowledge, attitudes and practice of preventing the occurrence of nosocomial infections among students at Faculty of Medicine in Osijek

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    Cilj istraživanja: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su ispitati i usporediti znanja, stavove i praksu studenata Medicinskoga fakulteta Osijek o sprječavanju nastanka bolničkih infekcija te ispitati postoji li razlika u odnosu na dob, spol i studijski program. Nacrt studije: Presječno istraživanje. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju su sudjelovali studenti triju studijskih programa (medicina, sestrinstvo, medicinsko laboratorijska dijagnostika) Medicinskoga fakulteta Osijek koji su u sklopu kurikula akademske godine 2015./2016. odslušali kolegije koji obrađuju temu intrahospitalnih infekcija - Medicinska mikrobiologija i/ili Infektologija. Rezultati: Obrađeni su podatci 316 ispitanika, utvrđeno je da znanje studenata Medicinskoga fakulteta Osijek prati trendove sličnih istraživanja provedenih u europskim zemljama. Razlika u odnosu na dob postoji u svezi sa standardnim mjerama opreza pri radu za grupu ispitanika od 22 - 24 godine. Ne postoji razlika u znanju s obzirom na spol. S obzirom na studijski program, postoji razlika za područje BI u korist studenata MLD-a. Prema godini studija, razina znanja studenata proporcionalna je količini odslušanih sati o sprječavanju bolničkih infekcija; oni koji su odslušali više sati pokazali su i bolje znanje u ispitivanim područjima. Zaključak: Iako su studenti pokazali odgovarajuću razinu znanja o sprječavanju BI, uočena je nedovoljna razina znanja o pravilnom provođenju higijene ruku, točnije o indikacijama za dezinfekciju ruku alkoholnim preparatima (antisepticima).Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine and compare the knowledge, attitudes and practice of preventing the occurrence of nosocomial infections among students of the Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, and to determine whether there is a difference regarding age, sex and study program. Study design: Cross-sectional. Participants and Methods: The study involved students from three different study programs at the Faculty of Medicine in Osijek (Medicine, Nursing, Medical laboratory diagnostics) that have completed a course with the subject of nosocomial infections as part of the curriculum during the academic year 2015/2016 (Medical Microbiology and/or a course about infectious diseases). Results: The study included data from 316 respondents. It was found that the knowledge of students of the Faculty of Medicine in Osijek kept up with the global trends of similar surveys conducted in other European countries. The difference in relation to age existed among the group of students from 22 to 24 years of age, regarding the knowledge about standard precautions. There were no differences in knowledge regarding gender. When it comes to study programs, the students of Medical laboratory diagnostics had more knowledge about nosocomial infections. Furthermore, the level of students' knowledge was proportional to the amount of classes on the prevention of nosocomial infections attended. In other words, those who have attended more classes, showed better knowledge in the studied area. Conclusion: Although the students showed an adequate level of knowledge about the prevention of nosocomial infections, there is an insufficient level of knowledge about the proper implementation of hand hygiene, more precisely, about the indications for the use of alcohol-based hand rubs (antiseptic


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    Cilj ovog rada je približiti poslovanje niskobudžetnih zračnih prijevoznika te njihovog velikog utjecaja na gospodarstvo i turizam, kako na jednom užem području tako i na području cijele države. U ovom slučaju je naglasak na Zadarskoj županiji zbog vlastitog iskustva autora. Nije moguće ne zamijetiti u koje sve pore jednog gospodarstva seže ovakav jedan fenomen. Njegov utjecaj je gotovo opipljiv. Kad se govori o niskobudžetnim zračnim prijevoznicima ne misli se pri tome samo na jeftini ili jeftiniji prijevoz putnika. Ova pojava je mnogo više od toga, fenomen koji se odnosi osim na prijevoza putnika, najvećim dijelom i na promociju jedne destinacije, a samim time dopire posredno ili neposredno do svakog čovjeka u takvoj jednoj destinaciji. Često se može čuti negodovanje domicilnog stanovništva vezano za sufinanciranje lokalne zajednice ovakvih prijevoznika. Nerijetko je takvo negodovanje i za svakog turista braneći se činjenicom da pojedinac koji ne iznajmljuje svoj smještaj ili ne posjeduje uslužni objekt direktno vezan za turizam nema koristi od toga te mu turist i turizam kao takav samo unose nemir u pomalo uobičajen i komforan život (gužve, buka i sl.). Svaki pojedinac koji živi u ovakvom uvjerenju je potpuno u krivu. Turizam je neizmjerno važan i za građevinarstvo i za trgovinu i za sve vrste uslužnih djelatnosti koje nisu direktno povezane s turistima, a svi prihodi se slijevaju u gradski proračun, što znači veće blagostanje za sve građane u vidu javnog dobra. U ovom smislu niskobudžetni zračni prijevoznici imaju veliku ulogu jer svojom ponudom utječu na povećanu potražnju za destinacijom, a najvažnije i na produljenje sezone. Većina prijevoznika posluje u Zadarskoj županiji od početka travnja do kraja listopada, dok u nekim većim gradovima i tokom cijele godine


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    Cilj ovog rada je približiti poslovanje niskobudžetnih zračnih prijevoznika te njihovog velikog utjecaja na gospodarstvo i turizam, kako na jednom užem području tako i na području cijele države. U ovom slučaju je naglasak na Zadarskoj županiji zbog vlastitog iskustva autora. Nije moguće ne zamijetiti u koje sve pore jednog gospodarstva seže ovakav jedan fenomen. Njegov utjecaj je gotovo opipljiv. Kad se govori o niskobudžetnim zračnim prijevoznicima ne misli se pri tome samo na jeftini ili jeftiniji prijevoz putnika. Ova pojava je mnogo više od toga, fenomen koji se odnosi osim na prijevoza putnika, najvećim dijelom i na promociju jedne destinacije, a samim time dopire posredno ili neposredno do svakog čovjeka u takvoj jednoj destinaciji. Često se može čuti negodovanje domicilnog stanovništva vezano za sufinanciranje lokalne zajednice ovakvih prijevoznika. Nerijetko je takvo negodovanje i za svakog turista braneći se činjenicom da pojedinac koji ne iznajmljuje svoj smještaj ili ne posjeduje uslužni objekt direktno vezan za turizam nema koristi od toga te mu turist i turizam kao takav samo unose nemir u pomalo uobičajen i komforan život (gužve, buka i sl.). Svaki pojedinac koji živi u ovakvom uvjerenju je potpuno u krivu. Turizam je neizmjerno važan i za građevinarstvo i za trgovinu i za sve vrste uslužnih djelatnosti koje nisu direktno povezane s turistima, a svi prihodi se slijevaju u gradski proračun, što znači veće blagostanje za sve građane u vidu javnog dobra. U ovom smislu niskobudžetni zračni prijevoznici imaju veliku ulogu jer svojom ponudom utječu na povećanu potražnju za destinacijom, a najvažnije i na produljenje sezone. Većina prijevoznika posluje u Zadarskoj županiji od početka travnja do kraja listopada, dok u nekim većim gradovima i tokom cijele godine


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    Analyzing corporate failures, regulators tagged lack of professional competencies and integrity of board members, supervisory board members, as one of the reasons that lead to bankruptcies. In this paper, the authors will analyze the comparative legal framework for the financial industry in the EU, hard law and soft law regarding this matter, and why it became necessary to full fill other standards in appointing Board members. The financial industry, as the most regulated, proscribed the concept of „fit and proper” criteria for managers, as a standard in corporate governance. The financial industry has its own specifics needed for Board members, so the same criteria might not fulfill the requirements of other industries and there is the need for harmonizing soft law practices. This paper will give an overview and analyze set up criteria and evaluate their ground, purpose, and impact on the assessment. Criteria were set up to examine and evaluate management’s ability to fulfill their duties “fitness”, as well as their integrity and suitability “propriety”. The paper argues why most financial supervision mechanism includes these fit and proper requirements in their regulatory frameworks. Although the matter of Board member’s appointment is not specific to the financial industry, but a common matter for all companies, there is a gap between regulation of the financial sector and other sectors the can be bridged by soft law. The purpose of this paper, from conducted analysis, will be to demonstrate why it is upright for business and to recommend legislator and companies to define the fit and proper procedure for other industries through business practice. Following the introductory part, the paper gives a brief historical survey of the United States market, as the one which generally leads the way in setting up the optimum legal tools and market mechanisms. The third part of the paper presents both the general and financial industry’s legal framework from the Croatian perspective, with a banking industry as a targeted subcategory. The fourth part of the paper conducts a detailed analysis of the criteria for fit and proper assessment. In the final part, the paper gives de lege ferenda solutions for the Croatian legislator

    Contemporary Serbian Orthodox church architecture: Architectural competitions since 1990

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    This paper focuses on the architectural competitions for Orthodox Christian churches in Serbia since 1990, both on the analysis of the designs submitted and the competition requirements. The first competition for an Orthodox church in Serbia after World War II was announced for Priština in 1991. After that, competitions for the temple in Čukarica, Novi Beograd, Niš, Aleksinac and Kruševac were conducted. Thanks to the fact that architectural competitions allow a greater degree of creative freedom to the architects than regular practice, various solutions were offered, from replicas of models from architectural history and tradition to fully non-traditional proposals. Depending on the relationship to tradition, architectural design approaches can be classified into three main groups: radically modernizing, conservatively traditionalist, and compromising. Of the six competitions conducted, four churches were built, which are among the most architecturally successful newer churches in Serbia. This points to the importance of the implementation of the architectural competition in this field of architecture. The diversity of the award-winning projects shows that there is awareness of the possibility for the further development of church architecture, favouring a moderate approach


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    The European Parliament adopted the Directive 2017/828 as regards the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement that grants shareholders to hold the right to vote on the remuneration policy for employees and directors. Following the collapse of large companies in the USA and common agency problem, the intent of regulators on capital markets was to ensure preconditions for stable companies, so remuneration policies were prescribed by the recommendations and through corporate governance mechanisms, such as is say on pay. In order to align interests of the companies and their directors, remuneration policy was recognized as one of the key instruments introduced by the EU legislator for financial institutions, primarily investment funds and banks. The implementation of the Directive into national legislation is mandatory, so for the first time the regulator gives shareholders the right to decide on the remuneration of directors, it gives them the option of setting the framework within the pay of directors is to be held and proposing public disclosure of remuneration policy. One of the major issues that will be imposed by the new Directive will be how and to what extent the decision on the remuneration of directors, will be left to the shareholders to vote at the general meeting. The authors in this paper analyze new system on remuneration policies, opportunities and obstacles that companies may face, as well as the challenges imposed to directors, in the implementation of the Directive in national legislation and practice