8 research outputs found

    The influence of the interactive form of repetition on the success of learning Science in the 5th grade of elementary school

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    Načini ponavljanja nastavnog sadržaja stalno se mijenjaju, primjenjuju se nove metode koje nerijetko daju bolje rezultate na kraju poučavanja. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi kako ponavljanje primjenom interaktivnih lekcija u online okruženju može utjecati na razumijevanje i povezivanje nastavnih sadržaja biologije. Istraživanje je provedeno 2022. godine, a vezano je uz nastavne teme Hrana kao izvor energije i Prilagodbe živih bića na život u vodi te Svojstva vode kao tema baziranu na terenskom istraživanju. Nastavne teme su odabrane uz dva biološka koncepta - koncept A (Energetski učinci prehrane živih bića) i koncept B (Prilagodbe živih bića kao posljedice evolucije) te uz poučavanje primjenom simulacija terenskih istraživanja. Uzorak je sačinjavalo šest razrednih odjeljenja petih razreda, koji su ponavljali nastavne sadržaje u online obliku uz pomoć Moodle lekcija platforme BUBO (na sustavu MoD, SRCE). Na kontrolnom uzorku primijenjeno je klasično ponavljanje. Svi učenici u istraživanju poučavani su uz pomoć istih nastavnih materijala. Lekcije za ponavljanje su izrađene na osnovu materijala koji su služili za poučavanje i učenje pojedine teme. Nakon ponavljanja, učenici su pisali završnu provjeru znanja koja je sadržavala po jedno pitanje iz svake teme s po tri čestice, od kojih je svaka čestica provjeravala jednu od kognitivnih razina znanja (reprodukcija, razumijevanje i primjena znanja, rješavanje problema). Uspješnost učenja uz interaktivno online ponavljanje u obliku Moodle lekcije prikazana je na osnovi praćenja ostvarenosti ishoda tijekom rješavanja zadataka u sklopu lekcije i na osnovi rezultata rješavanja završne pisane provjere. Za prikupljanje informacija o dojmovima učenja uz lekcije za ponavljanje korišten je anketni upitnik s trostupanjskom Likertovom skalom, kojim su učenici procjenjivali težinu pitanja, zanimljivost lekcije, kvalitetu uputa i kvalitetu sadržaja. Učenici većinom procjenjuju kako im je učenje uz pomoć lekcija praktično, jasno i jednostavnije od klasičnog ponavljanja. U velikoj većini slažu se da je ovaj način ponavljanja zanimljiv te da bi bilo dobro češće učiti na ovaj način, pri čemu navode kako je lakše ponavljati kada su postavljena pitanja koja ih vode u učenju, jer na taj način lakše uočavaju bitne sadržaje i poveznice između sadržaja.The ways of repeating the teaching content are constantly changing, new methods are applied that often give better results at the end of the teaching. The goal of the research is to determine how repetition using interactive lessons in an online environment can affect the understanding and connection of the teaching contents of biology. The research was conducted in 2022, and is related to the teaching topics Food as a source of energy and Adaptations of living things to life in water, and Properties of water as a topic based on field research. The teaching topics were selected with two biological concepts - concept A (Energy effects of nutrition of living beings) and concept B (Adaptations of living beings as consequences of evolution) and with teaching using field research simulations. The sample consisted of six fifth-grade classes, which repeated the teaching contents in online form with the help of Moodle lessons of the BUBO platform (on the MoD, SRCE system). A classic repetition was applied to the control sample. All students in the study were taught with the help of the same teaching materials. Lessons for repetition are created on the basis of materials that were used for teaching and learning a particular topic. After the repetition, the students wrote the final knowledge test, which contained one question from each topic with three parts, each part of which tested one of the cognitive levels of knowledge (reproduction, understanding and application of knowledge, problem solving). The success of learning with interactive online repetition in the form of a Moodle lesson is shown on the basis of monitoring the achievement of outcomes during the solving of tasks within the lesson and on the basis of the results of solving the final written test. In order to collect information about the impressions of learning with the repetition lessons, a survey questionnaire with a three-point Likert scale was used, with which the students assessed the difficulty of the questions, the interestingness of the lesson, the quality of the instructions and the quality of the content. Students mostly estimate that learning with the help of lessons is practical, clear and simpler than classic repetition. The vast majority agree that this method of repetition is interesting and that it would be good to learn this way more often, while they state that it is easier to repeat when questions are asked that guide them in learning, because in this way they can more easily notice important content and links between content

    The Repetitive DNA Composition in the Natural Pesticide Producer Tanacetum cinerariifolium: Interindividual Variation of Subtelomeric Tandem Repeats

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    Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.), a plant species endemic to the east Adriatic coast, is used worldwide for production of the organic insecticide, pyrethrin. Most studies concerning Dalmatian pyrethrum have focused on its morphological and biochemical traits relevant for breeding. However, little is known about the chromosomal evolution and genome organization of this species. Our study aims are to identify, classify, and characterize repetitive DNA in the T. cinerariifolium genome using clustering analysis of a low coverage genomic dataset. Repetitive DNA represents about 71.63% of the genome. T. cinerariifolium exhibits linked 5S and 35S rDNA configuration (L-type). FISH reveals amplification of interstitial telomeric repeats (ITRs) in T. cinerariifolium. Of the three newly identified satellite DNA families, TcSAT1 and TcSAT2 are located subterminally on most of T. cinerariifolium chromosomes, while TcSAT3 family is located intercalary within the longer arm of two chromosome pairs. FISH reveals high levels of polymorphism of the TcSAT1 and TcSAT2 sites by comparative screening of 28 individuals. TcSAT2 is more variable than TcSAT1 regarding the number and position of FISH signals. Altogether, our data highlights the dynamic nature of DNA sequences associated with subtelomeres in T. cinerariifolium and suggests that subtelomeres represent one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving regions in eukaryotic genomes

    Characterization of repetitive DNA families in dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.)

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    Ponavljajuće DNA su brzo evoluirajuće te je njihova različitost vrlo važna u određivanju vrsta. Novija istraživanja pokazuju da su važne pri regulaciji diobe stanica te da utječu na veličinu i organizaciju genoma. Usprkos navedenom značaju, ponavljajuće DNA su još uvijek nedovoljno istražene. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da je rod Tanacetum zanimljiv evolucijski model obzirom na veliku varijabilnost u položaju ribosomskih gena među vrstama. Dalmatinski buhač je Hrvatski endem i ima veliku važnost u ekološkoj poljoprivredi. Bez obzira na vrlo važnu primjenu i relativno velike kromosome koji olakšavaju citogenetička istraživanja, dalmatinski buhač je citogenetički neistražena vrsta. U ovom istraživanju odredili smo položaj i organizaciju satelitne, ribosomske i telomerne DNA na kromosomima dalmatinskog buhača. U ovom radu istražen je položaj na kromosomima tri satelitne porodice TcSAT1, TcSAT2 i TcSAT3. Porodice TcSAT1 i TCSAT2 smještene su subtelomerno na kromosomima, dok je TcSAT3 smještena intersticijski na dva akrocentrična kromosmska para. Utvrđena su intersticijska telomerna ponavljanja (ITS) koja se smatraju evolucijski zastarjelim razmještajem na kromosomu. Metodom FISH dokazano je da genom buhača sadrži rijetku L-konfiguraciju 35S/5S rDNA. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje na plastičnost genoma dalmatinskog buhača te da su subtelomerna područja najdinamičniji dio genoma dalmatinskog buhača.Repetitive DNAs represent the most evolving DNA and their diversity is very important for determination of species. Resent research showed that they are involved in the regulation of cell division, determination of the genome size and organization. Despite its significance, repetitive DNA is poorly investigated. Genus Tanacetum is interesting evolutionary model because of great variability in localization of rRNA genes among species. Dalmatian pyrethrum is endemic to Croatia and has important role in ecological agriculture. Regardless of important role in agriculture and relatively large chromosomes that facilitate cytogenetic research, dalmatian pyrethrum is cytogenetically poorly investigated. Our study aims to identify organization of repetitive DNA in the T. cinereriifolium genome using FISH method. Three satellite DNA families were described in T. cinerariifolium TcSAT1, TcSAT2 I TcSAT3. TcSAT1 and TcSAT2 satellite DNA families were heterogeneously distributed among different chromosome ends, while TcSAT3 family was exclusively located intercalary on the longer arm of two acrocentric chromosome pairs. FISH analysis has identified interstitial telomeric repeats which are likely evolutionary relics of chromosomal rearrangements. T. cinerariifolium exhibited an unusual linked rDNA configuration (L-type). Altogether our data highlights the genome plasticity of T. cinerariifolium and confirms that subtelomeres represent one of the most dynamic regions in the genome

    Characterization of repetitive DNA families in dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.)

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    Ponavljajuće DNA su brzo evoluirajuće te je njihova različitost vrlo važna u određivanju vrsta. Novija istraživanja pokazuju da su važne pri regulaciji diobe stanica te da utječu na veličinu i organizaciju genoma. Usprkos navedenom značaju, ponavljajuće DNA su još uvijek nedovoljno istražene. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da je rod Tanacetum zanimljiv evolucijski model obzirom na veliku varijabilnost u položaju ribosomskih gena među vrstama. Dalmatinski buhač je Hrvatski endem i ima veliku važnost u ekološkoj poljoprivredi. Bez obzira na vrlo važnu primjenu i relativno velike kromosome koji olakšavaju citogenetička istraživanja, dalmatinski buhač je citogenetički neistražena vrsta. U ovom istraživanju odredili smo položaj i organizaciju satelitne, ribosomske i telomerne DNA na kromosomima dalmatinskog buhača. U ovom radu istražen je položaj na kromosomima tri satelitne porodice TcSAT1, TcSAT2 i TcSAT3. Porodice TcSAT1 i TCSAT2 smještene su subtelomerno na kromosomima, dok je TcSAT3 smještena intersticijski na dva akrocentrična kromosmska para. Utvrđena su intersticijska telomerna ponavljanja (ITS) koja se smatraju evolucijski zastarjelim razmještajem na kromosomu. Metodom FISH dokazano je da genom buhača sadrži rijetku L-konfiguraciju 35S/5S rDNA. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje na plastičnost genoma dalmatinskog buhača te da su subtelomerna područja najdinamičniji dio genoma dalmatinskog buhača.Repetitive DNAs represent the most evolving DNA and their diversity is very important for determination of species. Resent research showed that they are involved in the regulation of cell division, determination of the genome size and organization. Despite its significance, repetitive DNA is poorly investigated. Genus Tanacetum is interesting evolutionary model because of great variability in localization of rRNA genes among species. Dalmatian pyrethrum is endemic to Croatia and has important role in ecological agriculture. Regardless of important role in agriculture and relatively large chromosomes that facilitate cytogenetic research, dalmatian pyrethrum is cytogenetically poorly investigated. Our study aims to identify organization of repetitive DNA in the T. cinereriifolium genome using FISH method. Three satellite DNA families were described in T. cinerariifolium TcSAT1, TcSAT2 I TcSAT3. TcSAT1 and TcSAT2 satellite DNA families were heterogeneously distributed among different chromosome ends, while TcSAT3 family was exclusively located intercalary on the longer arm of two acrocentric chromosome pairs. FISH analysis has identified interstitial telomeric repeats which are likely evolutionary relics of chromosomal rearrangements. T. cinerariifolium exhibited an unusual linked rDNA configuration (L-type). Altogether our data highlights the genome plasticity of T. cinerariifolium and confirms that subtelomeres represent one of the most dynamic regions in the genome

    Characterization of repetitive DNA families in dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.)

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    Ponavljajuće DNA su brzo evoluirajuće te je njihova različitost vrlo važna u određivanju vrsta. Novija istraživanja pokazuju da su važne pri regulaciji diobe stanica te da utječu na veličinu i organizaciju genoma. Usprkos navedenom značaju, ponavljajuće DNA su još uvijek nedovoljno istražene. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da je rod Tanacetum zanimljiv evolucijski model obzirom na veliku varijabilnost u položaju ribosomskih gena među vrstama. Dalmatinski buhač je Hrvatski endem i ima veliku važnost u ekološkoj poljoprivredi. Bez obzira na vrlo važnu primjenu i relativno velike kromosome koji olakšavaju citogenetička istraživanja, dalmatinski buhač je citogenetički neistražena vrsta. U ovom istraživanju odredili smo položaj i organizaciju satelitne, ribosomske i telomerne DNA na kromosomima dalmatinskog buhača. U ovom radu istražen je položaj na kromosomima tri satelitne porodice TcSAT1, TcSAT2 i TcSAT3. Porodice TcSAT1 i TCSAT2 smještene su subtelomerno na kromosomima, dok je TcSAT3 smještena intersticijski na dva akrocentrična kromosmska para. Utvrđena su intersticijska telomerna ponavljanja (ITS) koja se smatraju evolucijski zastarjelim razmještajem na kromosomu. Metodom FISH dokazano je da genom buhača sadrži rijetku L-konfiguraciju 35S/5S rDNA. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje na plastičnost genoma dalmatinskog buhača te da su subtelomerna područja najdinamičniji dio genoma dalmatinskog buhača.Repetitive DNAs represent the most evolving DNA and their diversity is very important for determination of species. Resent research showed that they are involved in the regulation of cell division, determination of the genome size and organization. Despite its significance, repetitive DNA is poorly investigated. Genus Tanacetum is interesting evolutionary model because of great variability in localization of rRNA genes among species. Dalmatian pyrethrum is endemic to Croatia and has important role in ecological agriculture. Regardless of important role in agriculture and relatively large chromosomes that facilitate cytogenetic research, dalmatian pyrethrum is cytogenetically poorly investigated. Our study aims to identify organization of repetitive DNA in the T. cinereriifolium genome using FISH method. Three satellite DNA families were described in T. cinerariifolium TcSAT1, TcSAT2 I TcSAT3. TcSAT1 and TcSAT2 satellite DNA families were heterogeneously distributed among different chromosome ends, while TcSAT3 family was exclusively located intercalary on the longer arm of two acrocentric chromosome pairs. FISH analysis has identified interstitial telomeric repeats which are likely evolutionary relics of chromosomal rearrangements. T. cinerariifolium exhibited an unusual linked rDNA configuration (L-type). Altogether our data highlights the genome plasticity of T. cinerariifolium and confirms that subtelomeres represent one of the most dynamic regions in the genome