14 research outputs found

    A motivação para a educação e a formação nos adultos: razões, crenças e objetivos dos adultos que se envolvem em atividades educativas e formativas

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    A motivação é um aspeto fundamental na iniciação, persistência e direção dos comportamentos humanos e na área educativa tem mostrado uma relação importante com o empenho, realização, aprendizagens e satisfação dos alunos. Apesar de a investigação na área da motivação e aprendizagem dos estudantes tradicionais ser vasta, o número de estudos que se foca nas dinâmicas motivacionais dos aprendentes adultos ou estudantes não-tradicionais é relativamente escasso. A crescente importância da Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida no desenvolvimento económico, social e cultural das sociedades modernas torna imperativo compreender os processos motivacionais envolvidos na iniciação e manutenção dos comportamentos de aprendizagem e procura educativa dos adultos, de forma a contribuir para aumentar e melhorar a qualidade da sua participação. O principal objetivo desta tese foi compreender a motivação para a educação e formação dos aprendentes adultos sob o enquadramento de alguns dos mais importantes modelos sociocognitivos da motivação, como a Teoria da Autodeterminação e a Teoria dos Objetivos de Realização. Para tal, desenvolveram-se quatro estudos empíricos onde, numa amostra diversificada de aprendentes, foram avaliadas várias dimensões motivacionais (motivos de adesão, crenças de autoeficácia e autoconceito académico, razões subjacentes ao envolvimento e objetivos pessoais de realização), a sua relação com variáveis de resultado (empenho, aprendizagem profunda, realização académica) e as diferenças entre grupos de acordo com as variáveis sociodemográficas e a modalidade de curso frequentada. Foram também explorados perfis motivacionais de motivação autónoma e motivação controlada e os seus efeitos, e foi desenvolvido um modelo de mediação que integrou várias dimensões motivacionais e de resultado e que foi testado numa amostra de estudantes tradicionais e de estudantes não-tradicionais. Os resultados dos estudos mostraram que, no geral, os aprendentes adultos apresentam um padrão motivacional bastante positivo, caracterizado por níveis elevados de motivação autónoma, objetivos de mestria e autoeficácia. No entanto, também ficou patente a associação entre determinadas características sociodemográficas e tipologia de curso frequentada e um padrão motivacional mais debilitante. Estes resultados levam-nos a recomendar que, em particular com grupos de aprendentes mais vulneráveis, os profissionais de educação de adultos apostem em práticas educativas que promovam a autonomia, a mestria e a confiança na capacidade dos aprendentes

    Motivational profiles of adult learners

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    This study investigated profiles of autonomous and controlled motivation and their effects in a sample of 188 adult learners from two Portuguese urban areas. Using a person-centered approach, results of cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of covariance revealed four motivational groups with different effects in self-efficacy, engagement, and learning. The study showed that groups of learners who have high autonomous motivation in the beginning of a course score higher in self-efficacy and later on in behavioral engagement and use of deep-learning strategies, whereas those who have controlled motivation alone or low levels of both types of motivation have worse results. Additionally, the study showed motivational differences according to adult learners? gender, educational level, and occupational status. The influence of the Portuguese adult education system on the results and the implications of the study for the practice of adult education are also discussed.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Motives and beliefs of learners enrolled in adult education

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    The present study intended to identify adult learners? motives for enrollment, and to assess their self-determination, self- efficacy beliefs and academic self-concept in a sample of 310 adult learners attending three different types of courses (short courses; long, vocational courses; long, nonvocational courses), as well as relating these constructs to each other and assess differences according to background variables. Autonomous regulation showed a strong, positive relationship with the epistemic motive and moderate, positive relationships with self-efficacy and academic self-concept. Although learners scored high in both intrinsic and extrinsic motives, group mean comparisons revealed that some characteristics like lower qualifications, unemployment and being a male showed a stronger connection to an extrinsic orientation. These results are in line with SDT predictions about the quality of motivation and suggest that learners with the former characteristics could be more at risk of failure and drop-out. Overall this study highlights the relevance of examining motivational variables in adult learners. Considering the relatively scarce research in the field, future research should further investigate adult learners? motivational profiles and how they relate to achievement.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    The influence of students self-determination and personal achievement goals in learning and engagement: a mediation model for traditional and nontraditional students

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    This study aimed to explore school factors that influence students? achievements in Trendsin International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, inthe United Arab Emirates. The study sample for TIMSS 2015 consisted of 4838 students in eighthgrade; 2172 girls, 2666 boys, and 156 schools from Abu Dhabi attended and participated in TIMSS2015. Principal component analysis (PCA) was run on 77 items of school questionnaires administeredto school principals to provide information about the school contexts for teaching and learning. Thefive factors from the school questionnaire were general school resources, school discipline and safety,parental support, principal experience and education, and library and instruction resources. Multipleregression models were implemented to examine the impact of school factors on student achievementin TIMSS 2015. The models are statistically significant, indicating that they fit the data well. This alsodemonstrates a significant linear relationship between students? achievement in TIMSS 2015 and thevariables related to school factors.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Effects of psychosocial interventions among people cared for in emergency departments after a suicide attempt: a systematic review

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    Background: The care of the emergency department (ED) for a person after a suicide attempt can act as a protector against future suicidal behavior. For this reason, it is essential that the ED ensure an assistance that involves effective interventions in preventing suicidal behaviors. Among suicidal behaviors, it is known that suicide attempt is one of the most lethal risk factors for consummated suicide. In addition, the risk for further attempts is greater in the period from the immediate post-discharge up to 12 months after the last attempt. This makes the ED a key link in the suicide prevention chain. The purpose of this review is to investigate the effects of psychosocial interventions on suicide prevention, when applied in the ED after a suicide attempt. Methods: This systematic review protocol was built and registered with the collaboration of a multidisciplinary scientific team. The review will include randomized clinical studies, quasi-experimental trials, and comparative observational studies, all conducted with people (11 years old or more) who have received a psychosocial suicide prevention intervention initiated in the ED after a suicide attempt. The research will be conducted across databases such as Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and DARE. The repetition of a suicide attempt and death by suicide as primary outcomes will be analyzed. The eligibility of the studies and data extraction will be carried out by matched and blind researchers. The risk of bias will be addressed using appropriate instruments. The analyses and synthesis of the results will be both qualitative and quantitative. Discussion: From a public health point of view, suicide is in itself a public health problem and requires appropriate interventions at different levels of care in order to be prevented. Taking into account that a high percentage of people who died by suicide sought the ED for suicide attempt in the year before their death, the ED is a clinical context with a privileged potential to implement these interventions. Presently, several clinical studies seek to validate interventions to be adopted regarding the prevention of suicidal behavior. Current evidence indicates that different interventions must be strategically combined to reduce suicide attempts and their mortality. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO registration number CRD4201913104


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    "Eu, quando era pequeno, gostava da escola… de comer na cantina": perspetiva(s) dos adultos sobre a organização escolar

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    A educação e formação de adultos não se restringe, hoje, a práticas educativas que se definem por relação a um qualquer sistema escolar (ou profissional). Ainda assim, e sendo a aprendizagem transversal às várias dimensões da vida humana e passível de acontecer em distintos contextos sociais, é legítimo que se questionem, por via de um inquérito, 32 adultos analfabetos ou com baixos índices de literacia sobre a perspectiva que perfilham quanto à organização escolar. Porque alguns deles experienciaram essa realidade e precocemente a abandonaram, porque outros têm familiares mais novos a frequentarem a escola, porque todos vivem num espaço/tempo onde tal instituição detém um papel de realce para cada um e para a comunidade. Além disso, com recurso à associação de palavras ou a respostas relativamente breves a partir de questões específicas, torna-se possível ler as representações construídas face ao assunto em discussão –o significado e importância da escola–, por indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre os 28 e os 69 anos, assumindo que as suas dificuldades de literacia serão mais um problema social do que uma deficiência individual.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio