15 research outputs found


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    In this paper we shall depict an imaginary journey through Athol Mayhewā€™s Montenegrin chronotope. More precisely, we shall present heterotopia as an associative space of evocative elements by which the author, apart from spatial and temporal, also provides a mimetic paradigm of an unfolding story. We shall describe the ways Athol Mayhewā€™s travel narrative ā€œMontenegro As We Saw Itā€ achieves its cultural and historical coding through emphasizing its intellectual, monologic, associative, essayistic, existential and dramatic mimetic paradigm

    DruŔtveno poduzetniŔtvo u odabranim zemljama Europske unije

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    Social entrepreneurs create value. Global problems such as poverty have been heightened by the economic crisis lately and continue to affect the lives of many people all over the world and bring a great deal of interest to the social economy. Social entrepreneurship is an important determinant of the social economy and describes a set of exceptional behaviors. This paper analyzes the notion, perception, and degree of social-economic development with an emphasis on social entrepreneurship in the selected countries of the European Union and Croatia. The analysis encompasses the concept and development of selected older members of the European Union and relies on post-socialist countries at the same time as the newest members of the European Union. By analyzing the facts it is trying to prove that the social economy and social entrepreneurship are more developed and more fragmented in the older and more developed countries of the European Union. Further evidence of this fact is the level of employment in the social economy in the European Union, where the post-socialist countries lag behind the more developed countries of the European Union.DruÅ”tveni poduzetnici stvaraju vrijednost. Globalni problemi poput siromaÅ”tva u posljednje su vrijeme intenzivirani uslijed gospodarske krize te i dalje imaju velik utjecaj na život mnogih ljudi diljem svijeta i predstavljaju velik interes druÅ”tvenoj ekonomiji. DruÅ”tveno poduzetniÅ”tvo je važna odrednica druÅ”tvene ekonomije i opisuje skup iznimnih ponaÅ”anja. Ovaj rad analizira pojam, percepciju i stupanj druÅ”tveno-gospodarskog razvoja s naglaskom na druÅ”tveno poduzetniÅ”tvo u odabranim zemljama Europske unije i u Hrvatskoj. Analiza obuhvaća koncept i razvoj odabranih starijih članica Europske unije i oslanja se na postsocijalističke zemlje, kao najmlađe članice Europske unije. Analiziranjem činjenica članak pokuÅ”ava dokazati da su druÅ”tvena ekonomija i druÅ”tveno poduzetniÅ”tvo razvijeniji i rascjepkaniji u starijim i razvijenijim zemljama članicama Europske unije. Dodatni dokaz tome je razina zaposlenosti u druÅ”tvenom gospodarstvu u Europskoj uniji, gdje postsocijalističke zemlje zaostaju za razvijenijim zemljama Europske unije

    Flowers in the attic ā€“ adverse childhood experiences and their relations with life-outcome

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    This is an introductory abstract for other papers within this symposium, which are all part of the same study, Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) in Serbia. ACE is a traumatic experience in oneā€™s life occurring before the age of 18 that the person remembers as an adult. The purpose of this survey was to explore the prevalence of ACEs and their correlates on a sample of 18-65 years old in Serbia. We used multistage random sampling, with a stratified cluster sample in the first (187 settlements were sampled from 4 regions), and random sample in the second stage (a random-walk technique for sampling participants). The final sample consisted of 2792 respondents (57.4% females), interviewed face-to-face. Instrument package included: ACE International Questionnaire, Health Appraisal, Family Health History, Trauma Symptom Checklist, Benevolent Childhood experience, Experiences in Close Relationships- Revised, HEXACO, DELTA9, and Non-suicidal self-injury. Each ACE was represented by a binary score, in two ways: (1) any ACE score implies that participant had a specific event at least ā€œonce or twiceā€; (2) frequent ACE implies that participant had specific events ā€œmany timesā€. Factor analysis, principal axis with varimax rotation extracted three dimensions: violence (involvement in physical fight, bullying, community violence, physical abuse, collective violence, psychological abuse), neglect (depression in family, suicide in family, psychological neglect, sexual abuse and parental separation) and abuse (alcoholism in family, abuse of mother or father by the partner, incarceration of family member, drug abuse in family and physical neglect). If we use ACEs as predictors of various life events in multiple regression analysis, the highest prediction is gained for a number of suicidal attempts (R2 = .53, F = 2.38; df = 17, 36; p < 0.05) - more ACEs lead to more attempts, with psychological neglect as strongest predictor. Most frequent ACEs in Serbia are community violence (any 69.4%; frequent 37.7%), psychological abuse (any 43.7%; frequent 26.3%), and involvement in a physical fight (any 37.7%; frequent 19.7%). For comparison, physical abuse and domestic violence appeared more frequently in Serbia than in Wales study, while parent separation and sexual abuse appeared a bit more frequently in Wales sample. Possible higher prevalence of This is an introductory abstract for other papers within this symposium, which are all part of the same study, Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) in Serbia. ACE is a traumatic experience in oneā€™s life occurring before the age of 18 that the person remembers as an adult. The purpose of this survey was to explore the prevalence of ACEs and their correlates on a sample of 18-65 years old in Serbia. We used multistage random sampling, with a stratified cluster sample in the first (187 settlements were sampled from 4 regions), and random sample in the second stage (a random-walk technique for sampling participants). The final sample consisted of 2792 respondents (57.4% females), interviewed face-to-face. Instrument package included: ACE International Questionnaire, Health Appraisal, Family Health History, Trauma Symptom Checklist, Benevolent Childhood experience, Experiences in Close Relationships- Revised, HEXACO, DELTA9, and Non-suicidal self-injury. Each ACE was represented by a binary score, in two ways: (1) any ACE score implies that participant had a specific event at least ā€œonce or twiceā€; (2) frequent ACE implies that participant had specific events ā€œmany timesā€. Factor analysis, principal axis with varimax rotation extracted three dimensions: violence (involvement in physical fight, bullying, community violence, physical abuse, collective violence, psychological abuse), neglect (depression in family, suicide in family, psychological neglect, sexual abuse and parental separation) and abuse (alcoholism in family, abuse of mother or father by the partner, incarceration of family member, drug abuse in family and physical neglect). If we use ACEs as predictors of various life events in multiple regression analysis, the highest prediction is gained for a number of suicidal attempts (R2 = .53, F = 2.38; df = 17, 36; p < 0.05) - more ACEs lead to more attempts, with psychological neglect as strongest predictor. Most frequent ACEs in Serbia are community violence (any 69.4%; frequent 37.7%), psychological abuse (any 43.7%; frequent 26.3%), and involvement in a physical fight (any 37.7%; frequent 19.7%). For comparison, physical abuse and domestic violence appeared more frequently in Serbia than in Wales study, while parent separation and sexual abuse appeared a bit more frequently in Wales sample. Possible higher prevalence of This is an introductory abstract for other papers within this symposium, which are all part of the same study, Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) in Serbia. ACE is a traumatic experience in oneā€™s life occurring before the age of 18 that the person remembers as an adult. The purpose of this survey was to explore the prevalence of ACEs and their correlates on a sample of 18-65 years old in Serbia. We used multistage random sampling, with a stratified cluster sample in the first (187 settlements were sampled from 4 regions), and random sample in the second stage (a random-walk technique for sampling participants). The final sample consisted of 2792 respondents (57.4% females), interviewed face-to-face. Instrument package included: ACE International Questionnaire, Health Appraisal, Family Health History, Trauma Symptom Checklist, Benevolent Childhood experience, Experiences in Close Relationships- Revised, HEXACO, DELTA9, and Non-suicidal self-injury. Each ACE was represented by a binary score, in two ways: (1) any ACE score implies that participant had a specific event at least ā€œonce or twiceā€; (2) frequent ACE implies that participant had specific events ā€œmany timesā€. Factor analysis, principal axis with varimax rotation extracted three dimensions: violence (involvement in physical fight, bullying, community violence, physical abuse, collective violence, psychological abuse), neglect (depression in family, suicide in family, psychological neglect, sexual abuse and parental separation) and abuse (alcoholism in family, abuse of mother or father by the partner, incarceration of family member, drug abuse in family and physical neglect). If we use ACEs as predictors of various life events in multiple regression analysis, the highest prediction is gained for a number of suicidal attempts (R2 = .53, F = 2.38; df = 17, 36; p < 0.05) - more ACEs lead to more attempts, with psychological neglect as strongest predictor. Most frequent ACEs in Serbia are community violence (any 69.4%; frequent 37.7%), psychological abuse (any 43.7%; frequent 26.3%), and involvement in a physical fight (any 37.7%; frequent 19.7%). For comparison, physical abuse and domestic violence appeared more frequently in Serbia than in Wales study, while parent separation and sexual abuse appeared a bit more frequently in Wales sample. Possible higher prevalence of ACEs in our study might occur due to the context of the collective experience of wars, civil unrest, insecurity, etc.Knjiga rezimea / XXV naučni skup Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji 29ā€“31. mart 2019 The research was supported and fully funded by UNICEF, Serbi

    Inpatient care in Serbia: trends in hospitalization and diagnostics over time

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    This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Pejovic Milovancevic, M.; Kesic, A.; Grujicic, R.; Stojkovic, A.; Zivotic, S.; Stupar, D.; Borovnica, V.; Radosavljev-Kircanski, J.; Manojlovic, I.; Stojiljkovic, D. J. Inpatient Care in Serbia: Trends in Hospitalization and Diagnostics over Time. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2018, 27 (12), 1645ā€“1651. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-018-1191-3

    Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) in Serbia: Nationally representative sample study

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    Although NSSI has been drawing the attention of researchers intensely for the last 30 years, to date there is no published study about rates of NSSI behaviors in countries of south-eastern Europe. The study aimed to explore NSSI in the Republic of Serbia. Data were collected using multistage random sampling. The final sample consisted of 2792 participants (57.4% female) while the NSSI subsample consisted of 405 participants (54.3% males). Results showed the NSSI rate in Serbia is 4.3% based on a percentage of people who answered affirmatively to lifetime NSSI engagement. However, when the percentage of people who reported at least one positive answer through the NSSI behaviors checklist, the rate rises to 14.5%. The most frequent NSSI behavior is wound picking. NSSI rate drops to 8.8% when wound picking is excluded. Those engaged in NSSI were more likely to report suicide attempts and seek professional help than those who did not report NSSI. Gender differences in NSSI frequency are found only in cases of headbanging and burning oneself. This study showed the scope of NSSI-related problems is similar in Serbia compared to other countries. It also raised questions about the lack of preventive programs and treatment strategies for dealing with NSSI in Serbia.[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772598722000320]Corresponding author. Institute for Educational Research, Dobrinjska 11/3, 11 000, Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A. Radanović)

    Scientific Study of the Origin of the Painting from the Early 20th Century Leads to Pablo Picasso

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    This study applied multiple scientific approaches to establish the significance of an old work of art, Red Guitar, by examining its historical origin and the color materials used in its creation. Additionally, the study provides thus far unknown pieces of Olga Picasso&rsquo;s family history to be added to her biography. Scientific approaches included digital X-ray radiography, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and elemental thermal conductivity analysis. This combination of techniques provided a broad confirmation as to when the painting was created. The artwork includes colors (white, black, blue, yellow, green, red, and brown/red) and prevalent use of lead- and iron-based historic pigments&mdash;chrome yellow, yellow ochre, and red ochre. It also documents the use of unconventional materials, such as the colorant Pigment Red 4, and nitrocellulose. This investigation led to the conclusion that the artwork, Red Guitar, is authentic and in accordance with Picasso&rsquo;s work during the first two decades of the 20th century

    Scientific Study of the Origin of the Painting from the Early 20th Century Leads to Pablo Picasso

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    This study applied multiple scientific approaches to establish the significance of an old work of art, Red Guitar, by examining its historical origin and the color materials used in its creation. Additionally, the study provides thus far unknown pieces of Olga Picassoā€™s family history to be added to her biography. Scientific approaches included digital X-ray radiography, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and elemental thermal conductivity analysis. This combination of techniques provided a broad confirmation as to when the painting was created. The artwork includes colors (white, black, blue, yellow, green, red, and brown/red) and prevalent use of lead- and iron-based historic pigmentsā€”chrome yellow, yellow ochre, and red ochre. It also documents the use of unconventional materials, such as the colorant Pigment Red 4, and nitrocellulose. This investigation led to the conclusion that the artwork, Red Guitar, is authentic and in accordance with Picassoā€™s work during the first two decades of the 20th century

    The quantification of total lead in lipstick specimens by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

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    Lipstick is known to contain lead, and this has been a general area of concern. Methods of quantifying lead in lipstick currently require the use of rather harsh digestion procedures given that lipstick specimens are high in their lipid content and contain many refractory materials. A simple method of performing lead analysis in lipstick specimens based on total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF) is presented here. Samples were prepared by melting lipstick specimens along with a non-ionic surfactant and an yttrium internal standard followed by homogenization. Solid prepared samples were then finely streaked directly onto a quartz reflector, and TXRF measurements made for 900-s live time. The method was found to produce a mean limit of detection for lead of 0.04Ī¼g/g. Precisions were found to be on the order of 11ā€“38% relative standard deviation (RSD) and apparent recoveries for lead between 92% and 106% (n = 8). Although the spreading technique may result in thickness variations that may contribute to the higher than expected variances about the determined lead concentrations, the method presented in this work does show promise as a means of performing routine lead analysis in lipstick specimens without the need for harsh digestion procedures.</p

    Deep Texture Analysisā€”Enhancing CT Radiomics Features for Prediction of Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Outcomes: A Machine Learning Approach

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    (1) Background: Some cancer patients do not experience tumour shrinkage but are still at risk of experiencing unwanted treatment side effects. Radiomics refers to mining biomedical images to quantify textural characterization. When radiomics features are labelled with treatment response, retrospectively, they can train predictive machine learning (ML) models. (2) Methods: Radiomics features were determined from lymph node (LN) segmentations from treatment-planning CT scans of head and neck (H&N) cancer patients. Binary treatment outcomes (complete response versus partial or no response) and radiomics features for n = 71 patients were used to train support vector machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier models with 1ā€“7 features. A deep texture analysis (DTA) methodology was proposed and evaluated for second- and third-layer radiomics features, and models were evaluated based on common metrics (sensitivity (%Sn), specificity (%Sp), accuracy (%Acc), precision (%Prec), and balanced accuracy (%Bal Acc)). (3) Results: Models created with both classifiers were found to be able to predict treatment response, and the results suggest that the inclusion of deeper layer features enhanced model performance. The best model was a seven-feature multivariable k-NN model trained using features from three layers deep of texture features with %Sn = 74%, %Sp = 68%, %Acc = 72%, %Prec = 81%, %Bal Acc = 71% and with an area under the curve (AUC) the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) of 0.700. (4) Conclusions: H&N Cancer patient treatment-planning CT scans and LN segmentations contain phenotypic information regarding treatment response, and the proposed DTA methodology can improve model performance by enhancing feature sets and is worth consideration in future radiomics studies