19 research outputs found

    Desigualdades demográficas e socioeconômicas entre brancos e indígenas no Brasil

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    Using data from the 2000 Brazilian Demographic Census of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the fifteen municipalities with the highest percentage of indigenous people were analyzed. The fact of indigenous people represents a significant portion of total population in these fifteen municipalities does not mean they have demographic and socioeconomic conditions similar to those of white population.Este artigo descreve e compara alguns dos principais indicadores demográficos e socioeconômicos entre brancos e indígenas no Brasil. Utilizando os dados da amostra do Censo Demográfico 2000 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE, são analisados os 15 municípios brasileiros com maior percentual de indígenas. Os resultados mostram que o fato de os indígenas representarem uma parcela significativa da população dos municípios estudados não implica condições demográficas e socioeconômicas semelhantes às da população branca

    Sexual initiation and religion in Brazil

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    textWith the growth of Pentecostalism over the last few decades, conservative values and punitive sanctions related to the sexual behavior of adolescents and unmarried youth began to play an important and systematic role in Pentecostal and renewed Protestant churches as well as in charismatic Catholic communities. Simultaneously, religion has become an important and highly present factor in the lives of many adolescents and youth in Brazil. In terms of attempting to attract this age group, these churches and communities, stand out, as they have used their resources to create a space for this segment of the population to participate in a religious environment. Youth groups, dating groups, trade courses, lectures, aid work in poor communities, confirmation and other activities such as retreats and religious trips, have been frequently observed in these churches and charismatic communities. In this dissertation, I examine the associations between religious involvement and sexual initiation in Brazil. More specifically, I investigate (1) whether religious denomination and religiosity are associated with age at premarital first sexual intercourse, (2) whether these associations have changed over the last three decades, (3) how different churches and religious leaders address sexual behavior issues, and (4) the mechanisms through which religion can influence adolescents’ sexual behavior in Brazil. These research questions are assessed by employing multiple data sources and methodologies including three Demographic and Health Surveys carried out in Brazil in 1986, 1996, and 2006 and event history analysis, as well as in-depth interview data and participant observation among different religious groups and affiliations by attending several Catholic masses, Protestant religious services, youth groups, Sunday schools, and religious talks/lectures. Quantitative and qualitative findings of this dissertation show that adolescents and youth from Pentecostal churches and communities seem more likely to delay or abstain from premarital sexual initiation when compared to traditional Catholics. I conclude by suggesting that the dissemination of conservative norms and sanctions as well as the availability of greater space for youth to maintain close relationships with these churches have helped create mechanisms through which religion can directly and indirectly influence the lives and sexual behavior of young people in Brazil.Sociolog

    Explanations for religious influence on adolescent sexual behavior in Brazil: direct and indirect effects

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    Religion is becoming an important and highly present factor in the lives of many adolescents and young adults in Brazil. In addition to creating more space for them to maintain close relationships and participate actively in a religious environment, some religions have promoted the dissemination of clearer standards and objectives, as well as punitive sanctions, with respect to many aspects of their younger followers' lives, including their sexual behavior. This article examines how religion can affect, direct and indirectly, the sexual behavior of Brazilian adolescents. The main objective of this study is to look for a connection between Christian Smith's theoretical framework, which suggests several mechanisms through which religion can influence the lives of American adolescents, and ethnographic studies conducted in Brazil, as well as quantitative works that have brought attention to social and demographic consequences of recent religious transformations. Even though there is limited empirical evidence as to how the mechanisms of religious involvement work in Brazil, this study concludes that each of Smith's pathways can also be used to explain potential effects of religion on sexual behavior of Brazilian adolescents. This research should encourage empirical studies on such effects in Brazil. Besides the importance of examining the impact of the recent transformations in Brazil religious landscape on demographic phenomena, this topic deserves further consideration from Brazilian demographers because religion is a primary socialization agent of adolescents, and sexual activity is a sphere of human behavior of high importance in its religious applicability

    Religião e fecundidade: uma análise do nível e padrão da fecundidade segundo grupos religiosos no Brasil em 2006.

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    Studies on the association of demographic phenomena and religion have shown that religious institutions and religious identity of individuals can influence in various ways the demographic behavior of followers. This study aimed to identify and analyze possible differences in the fertility behavior and accordance religions among women between 15-49 years old in Brazil, including analyzes from the conversion and the frequency in religious worship and ceremonies. For this data from the National Survey of Demography and Health of Women and Children (DHS) of 2006 were used. The results suggest that there are differences in fertility rates  and types of religions. The same are also observed for those women who were always had the same religion and that changed religion throughout their reproductive period and there are also important differences on the fertility levels and pattern by participation in religious worship and ceremonies.Os estudos sobre a associação de fenômenos demográficos e religião têm mostrado que as instituições religiosas e a identidade religiosa dos indivíduos podem influenciar de várias maneiras o comportamento demográfico dos seguidores. Objetivou-se identificar e analisar os possíveis diferenciais no comportamento de fecundidade segundo religiões entre as mulheres de 15 a 49 anos no Brasil, incluindo análises a partir da conversão e frequência a cultos e cerimônias religiosas.  Para isso foram utilisados os dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Mulher e da Criança de 2006. Os resultados sugerem que realmente existem diferenças nas taxas de fecundidade segundo religiões, sendo que esses diferenciais também são verificados para aquelas mulheres que foram criadas sempre em uma mesma religião e para aquelas que mudaram de religião ao longo de seu período reprodutivo e também há diferenciais importantes nos níveis e padrão de fecundidade quanto à frequência na participação de cultos e cerimônias religiosas

    Religião e fecundidade entre adolescentes no Brasil Religion and fertility among adolescents in Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a associação entre a idade ao ter o primeiro filho durante a adolescência e antes do casamento e o envolvimento religioso no Brasil, medido através da afiliação religiosa e frequência aos cultos ou missas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados transversais e obtidos na Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde de 1996 e da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde de Mulheres e Crianças de 2006. Foram empregados modelos de riscos proporcionais de Cox para estimar a associação entre religião e idade ao ter o primeiro filho pré-marital e durante a adolescência. RESULTADOS: Os resultados indicam uma forte associação entre fecundidade pré-marital na adolescência e envolvimento religioso, tanto em 1996 como em 2006. Em 1996, a frequência aos cultos ou missas foi mais importante na explicação da idade ao primeiro filho do que a afiliação religiosa. Em 2006, o pertencimento a uma igreja pentecostal passa a ser predominante. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho são instigantes, na medida em que evidenciam que adolescentes protestantes, particularmente pentecostais, apresentam um risco reduzido de serem mães adolescentes e antes do casamento. Este resultado não era esperado, já que o pentecostalismo predomina nos grupos populacionais menos favorecidos, com menor renda, educação e residentes nas áreas urbanas, onde também se concentra a fecundidade de adolescentes no Brasil. Futuros estudos devem ser conduzidos a fim de compreender como os distintos mecanismos da influência religiosa atuam na vida e comportamento de adolescentes no Brasil.<br>OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the association between the age of having one's first child in adolescence and before marriage and religious involvement in Brazil, measured by religious affiliation and frequency of attendance at religious services or masses. The objective of this study was to examine the association between the age of having one's first child in adolescence and before marriage and religious involvement in Brazil, measured by religious affiliation and frequency of attendance at religious services or masses. METHODS: Transverse data obtained from the National Survey of Demographics and Health of 1996 and the National Survey of Demographics and Health of Women and Children of 2006 were utilized. Cox proportional risks models were employed to estimate the association between religion and age of having one's first child premaritally and during adolescence. RESULTS: The results indicate a strong association between premarital fertility in adolescence and religious involvement in both 1996 and 2006. In 1996, frequency of attendance at religious service s or masses was more important than religious affiliation in explaining the age at which one had her first child. In 2006, belonging to a Pentecostal church comes to predominate. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented in this study are encouraging insofar as they show that Protestant adolescents, particularly Pentecostals, have a reduced risk of adolescent premarital motherhood. This result was not expected, given that Pentecostalism predominates in the less advantaged population groups, with lower incomes and levels of education and residence in urban areas, where adolescent fertility is also concentrated in Brazil. Future studies must be undertaken with the purpose of understanding how the various mechanisms of religious influence operate in the life and behavior of adolescents in Brazil

    Infant mortality and mothers' religious involvement in Brazil

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    The growth of Protestantism in Brazil has been associated with changes in mortality and health-related outcomes. Recent research has suggested that affiliation with Protestant churches may positively influence their members' well being by: 1) providing moral directives, 2) creating formal or informal sanctions, and 3) promoting social networks and support. This article uses data from the 1996 and 2006 Brazilian Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) and Cox's proportional hazard models to examine the relationship between infant mortality and mothers' religious involvement. Unadjusted results show that differences in the hazard ratios of infant mortality by mothers' religious involvement are considerable and statistically significant. When one controls demographic and socioeconomic variables in the 1996 DHS, the baseline relationship disappears, supporting the hypothesis of selectivity. Results using the 2006 DHS are somewhat different and suggest that the association between religious involvement and infant mortality was stronger in Brazil in 2006 than in 1996. This research should encourage future studies on religious involvement and health-related outcomes in Brazil. This topic deserves further consideration from Brazilian demographers not simply because this country has undergone enormous changes in its religious landscape over recent decades, but also because religion can affect believers' lifestyles and behaviors, and this can indirectly influence their health and well-being

    Growth of indigenous population in Minas Gerais: analysis of the influence of demographic dynamics and racial-ethnic reclassification, using census data from 1991-2000.

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    Objetivo: Analisar como a dinâmica demográfica e a reclassificação racial podem ter contribuído para o crescimento da população indígena residente em Minas Gerais no período entre 1991 e 2000. Métodos: Trabalho de natureza epidemiológica com a utilização de dados secundários provenientes dos Censos Demográficos do período de 1991 a 2000. O impacto de crescimento foi evidenciado a partir dos cálculos do impacto do crescimento vegetativo, da migração e reclassificação racial nesse incremento. Resultados: Observou-se uma taxa de crescimento da população autodeclarada indígena de 26% ao ano, com aumento de 800% no número de indígenas, evidenciada a partir de migração de população parda para indígena. O processo migratório para o estado elevou em 2,7% a população estudada e houve incremento no processo de urbanização de 66% para 78%. Conclusão: Os resultados mostram que em Minas Gerais a dinâmica demográfica tem pouca influência no aumento observado da população indígena e que a reclassificação racial é a principal razão na explicação para esse fenômeno.Objective: To analyze how demographic dynamics and racial-ethnic reclassification may have contributed to the growth of indigenous population residing in Minas Gerais in the period between 1991 and 2000. Methods: An epidemiological study using secondary data from Demographic Censuses from the period of 1991 to 2000. The impact of the increase was determined by the calculation of vegetative growth, migration and racial-ethnic reclassification within this increment. Results: There was a growth rate of the self-declared indigenous population of 26% per year, with an increase of 800% in the number of indigenous people. This was evidenced from the migration of mulatto population to indigenous. The migratory process to the state increased in 2.7% the studied population and there was an increment in the urbanization process from 66% to 78%. Conclusion: The results show that in Minas Gerais population dynamics has little influence in indigenous population growth and racial-ethnic reclassification is the main reason for explaining this phenomenon

    Desigualdades demográficas e socioeconômicas entre brancos e indígenas no Brasil.

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    Este artigo descreve e compara alguns dos principais indicadores demográficos e socioeconômicos entre brancos e indígenas no Brasil. Utilizando os dados da amostra do Censo Demográfico 2000 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE, são analisados os 15 municípios brasileiros com maior percentual de indígenas. Os resultados mostram que o fato de os indígenas representarem uma parcela significativa da população dos municípios estudados não implica condições demográficas e socioeconômicas semelhantes às da população branca

    Fertility of indigenous women in Minas Gerais State, Brazil : an analysis using the 2000 census.

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    Indigenous populations living in villages in Brazil have presented high total fertility rates (TFR) that have increased over time in some cases. Meanwhile, data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) or National Census Bureau show a decline in the TFR for the total self-declared indigenous population (combining urban, rural, and specific rural residence). The current study uses data from the 2000 Population Census to describe and compare the structure and level of period fertility for the cohort of self-declared indigenous women living in the State of Minas Gerais. We calculated age-specific fertility rates (ASFR), the period TFR for 2000, and the cohort TFR for women 50 years and older. According to the findings, self-declared indigenous women living in Minas Gerais experienced high fertility in the past, regardless of their place of residence. In conclusion, the 2000 Population Census is an important data source for studies on indigenous populations in Brazil, based on the high coverage and wealth of information