10 research outputs found


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    Fundamentado na importância que a produção de leite tem para a agricultura familiar do sudoeste do Paraná, foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre a biossegurança em rebanhos leiteiros na agricultura familiar da região, que consistiu em um levantamento do conhecimento dos agricultores familiares sobre as práticas básicas de biossegurança adotadas. A estratégia para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi a aplicação de questionários pertinentes ao tema supracitado, com visitas in locu, para obter o conhecimento da realidade das propriedades e aquisição dos dados referentes à pesquisa. Observou-se um comprometimento da biossegurança nas propriedades pesquisadas, pois apesar de todas afirmarem vacinar os animais, 89% realizarem o combate de roedores e 81% fornecerem colostro para os bezerros, 36% fornecem leite de vacas com mastite e 61% leite com resíduo de antibiótico; 36% das propriedades realizavam reposição do rebanho com animais externos, mas somente uma realizava exame na aquisição destes; em 24% das propriedades existia o trânsito de animais sem controle; 85% não realizava quarentena; 56% não fazia exames laboratoriais; 48% não contavam com auxílio de médico veterinário ou técnico; 53% não adota calendário de vermifugação, mas todas realizam o controle de ectoparasitas; em 88% não existe o controle de qualidade da água; apenas 28% utilizam luvas no parto; os materiais perfurocortantes não são descartados adequadamente na maioria das propriedades; 67% destas não fazem o isolamento dos animais; em 28% não existia um destino sanitário adequado às carcaças de animais mortos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo servem de instrumento para a elaboração de políticas públicas regionais voltadas para a bovinocultura de leite e a agricultura familiar

    Influence of sulfide on the evaluation of methane production through the degradation of sugarcane vinasse

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    Anaerobic digestion is a widely used effluent and organic waste treatment practice, in which it is possible to minimize and control environmental problems, associating the reduction of environmental impacts with energy recovery. Low methane production and process instability are often found in anaerobic digestion reactors, preventing this technique from being widely applied. Inhibitory substances, such as sulfides resulting from sulfate conversion by the sulfur reducing bacteria, are one of the causes of inhibition or malfunctioning of anaerobic digesters if they are present in the effluent to be treated. The objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of sulfide at two different values of pH (7.0 and 7.5) using sulfide concentrations of 0 to 1000 mg S2-L-1. All the tests were performed in batches and performed at mesophilic conditions. For the concentrations of 50 mg S2-L-1 and 1000 mg S2-L-1, the inhibitions of the methanogenic activity at pH 7.0 were in the order of 38.5% to 59.8% and at pH 7.5 in the order of 67% to 94%, respectively. Concerning the test at pH 7.0, the removal of COD in the experiment without addition of any concentration of S2- was 93.3%, and it reached a 49.14% COD removal at concentrations of 1000 mg S2-L-1. At pH 7.5 under the same conditions, the COD removals were respectively 80.7% and 9.6%. The concentrations of 50, 75 and 100 mg S2-L-1 of S2- initially tested at the two aforementioned pH values promoted the greatest increase in the reduction of SMA. When the experiments were carried out at pH 7.0 the reductions were 37.96%, 41.70%, and 46.06% respectively for the same concentrations. At pH 7.5 the reductions represented 67.01%, 82.47% and 81.81%

    Antibiotic residues in pasteurized and unpasteurized milk marketed in southwest of Paraná, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT: The treatment of dairy cattle with antibiotics may lead to milk contamination by drugs residues, which represents risks to human health. This study aimed to investigate the presence of antibiotic residues in milk, produced and marketed in Capanema microregion, Paraná, Brazil, through the analysis of pasteurized milk samples from different brands consumed by the local population and unpasteurized milk samples provided by a dairy industry. Enzyme immunoassays screening kits SNAPduo™ Beta-Tetra ST Test (Idexx Laboratories) were used, which verified the presence of β-lactam and tetracyclic drugs residues, as well as enzyme immunoassays screening kits Charm ROSA Test (Charm Sciences), which established the presence of quinolones and sulfonamides groups. Positive samples were reported for the four different classes of drugs, demonstrating failures in the inspection and monitoring of the sanitary and chemistry quality of the milk. Results obtained will form the basis to building a database about the quality of milk produced and marketed in the region, as well as the use of these materials to build up an initial theoretical framework for the development of research in animal health and public policies focused on the milk producers and dairy industry, to improve the quality of the milk produced

    Caracterização das condições de higiene de ordenha na produção leiteira da agricultura familiar no município de Realeza - Sudoeste Paranaense

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    Esta pesquisa foi realizada através de questionários. Verificou-se que desinfecção pré e pós-ordenha não é realizada por 83% e 67% dos produtores, respectivamente; 67% dos produtores não realizavam o teste da caneca de fundo preto e 54% não faziam o “California Mastitis Test” (CMT); 10% dos produtores utilizam objetos para condução dos animais até a ordenha; 16,5% dos produtores não observavam o tempo de ordenha, e dos 83% que observavam este parâmetro, 30,9% relataram que o tempo médio de ordenha para cada animal ultrapassava sete minutos; 67% das propriedades possuíam um sistema de ordenha mecanizada, sendo 97% com balde ao pé, e 3% com sistema canalizado; 91% dos produtores não usavam sanitizantes na limpeza do equipamento e 38,8% não utilizava água quente para limpeza da ordenhadeira; 86,5% dos agricultores familiares faziam a manutenção da ordenhadeira, mas 61,2% faziam manutenção apenas a cada 12 meses; 36% das propriedades não possuíam resfriador para armazenar o leite; em 70% das propriedades o leite era coletado uma vez a cada dois dias, e em 15% o leiteiro passava apenas uma vez por semana; 74% dos produtores alimentavam os animais durante ordenha, e 56% dos produtores relataram que os animais ficam em pé pelo período de uma hora após a ordenha. Conclui-se que a maioria dos produtores de leite da agricultura familiar do município de Realeza-PR não possui conhecimento suficiente sobre manejo do rebanho e práticas de higiene de ordenha para produção de um leite de qualidade, que atenda as especificações estabelecidas pela legislação vigente

    Emergence of Two Distinct SARS-CoV-2 Gamma Variants and the Rapid Spread of P.1-like-II SARS-CoV-2 during the Second Wave of COVID-19 in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil

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    The western mesoregion of the state of Santa Catarina (SC), Southern Brazil, was heavily affected as a whole by the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2021. This study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreading patterns in the SC state from March 2020 to April 2021 using genomic surveillance. During this period, there were 23 distinct variants, including Beta and Gamma, among which the Gamma and related lineages were predominant in the second pandemic wave within SC. A regionalization of P.1-like-II in the Western SC region was observed, concomitant to the increase in cases, mortality, and the case fatality rate (CFR) index. This is the first evidence of the regionalization of the SARS-CoV-2 transmission in SC and it highlights the importance of tracking the variants, dispersion, and impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the public health systems

    Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    International audienceBackground and Purpose: The efficiency of prehospital care chain response and the adequacy of hospital resources are challenged amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, with suspected consequences for patients with ischemic stroke eligible for mechanical thrombectomy (MT). Methods: We conducted a prospective national-level data collection of patients treated with MT, ranging 45 days across epidemic containment measures instatement, and of patients treated during the same calendar period in 2019. The primary end point was the variation of patients receiving MT during the epidemic period. Secondary end points included care delays between onset, imaging, and groin puncture. To analyze the primary end point, we used a Poisson regression model. We then analyzed the correlation between the number of MTs and the number of COVID-19 cases hospitalizations, using the Pearson correlation coefficient (compared with the null value). Results: A total of 1513 patients were included at 32 centers, in all French administrative regions. There was a 21% significant decrease (0.79; [95%CI, 0.76–0.82]; P <0.001) in MT case volumes during the epidemic period, and a significant increase in delays between imaging and groin puncture, overall (mean 144.9±SD 86.8 minutes versus 126.2±70.9; P <0.001 in 2019) and in transferred patients (mean 182.6±SD 82.0 minutes versus 153.25±67; P <0.001). After the instatement of strict epidemic mitigation measures, there was a significant negative correlation between the number of hospitalizations for COVID and the number of MT cases ( R 2 −0.51; P =0.04). Patients treated during the COVID outbreak were less likely to receive intravenous thrombolysis and to have unwitnessed strokes (both P <0.05). Conclusions: Our study showed a significant decrease in patients treated with MTs during the first stages of the COVID epidemic in France and alarming indicators of lengthened care delays. These findings prompt immediate consideration of local and regional stroke networks preparedness in the varying contexts of COVID-19 pandemic evolution

    31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part one

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