12 research outputs found

    Efeito de prostaglandinas sobre a atividade fingicida de monócitas humanos desafiados com o Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), agente etiológico da paracoccidioidomicose, é um fungo dimórfico que sobrevive no interior de monócitos/macrófagos humanos não ativados. Estudos anteriores em nosso laboratório têm demonstrado que os monócitos humanos não ativados são incapazes de realizar atividade fungicida, e esse processo está associado com a capacidade do fungo induzir a produção de prostaglandinas (PGs), uma vez que, essas células são capazes de realizar atividade fungicida significativa após o tratamento com indometacina (INDO), um inibidor da produção de ciclooxigenase. No entanto, o processo de pré-ativação com IFN-γ, resulta em um parcial efeito compensatório sobre os efeitos inibidores das PGs, principalmente quando essas células são desafiadas com a cepa de baixa virulência do fungo. Assim, a proposta deste presente estudo foi avaliar se a ativação de monócitos humanos com outras citocinas como TNF-α e GM-CSF resulta em um efeito similar ao observado com IFN-γ. Uma outra questão a ser respondida é se esse processo poderia estar associado com alterações nos níveis de H2O2 e NO, que são moléculas efetoras envolvidas na atividade fungicida contra o P. brasiliensis, bem como nos níveis das citocinas TNF-α, IL-10 e IL-6. Culturas de monócitos do sangue periférico, obtidos de 20 indivíduos normais foram tratadas somente com INDO ou ativados com IFN-γ, TNF-α ou GM-CSF na presença ou ausência de INDO por 18h, e posteriormente desafiados com cepas de alta (Pb18) ou baixa (Pb265) virulência do P. brasiliensis por 4h. Após esse período, as culturas foram avaliadas quanto à atividade fungicida, produção de H2O2 e NO e expressão de mRNA para enzima óxido nítrico sintase (iNOS) por RT-PCR em tempo real. As concentrações de TNF-α, IL-6 e IL-10 nos sobrenadantes das coculturas foram avaliadas por ELISA. Nossos resultados...Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), the etiological agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, is a dimorphic fungus that survives within nonactivated human monocytes/macrophages. Previous studies have demonstrated that the lack of fungicidal activity by nonactivated human monocytes is associated to fungus capacity to inducing prostaglandins release, since a significative fungicidal activity was detected after monocytes treatment with indomethacin (INDO), a cyclooxigenase inhibitor. However, cells activation with IFN-γ seems to partially compensating this inhibitory effect, mainly when cells were challenged with low virulent strain of the fungus. Here, we extended our studies, addressing whether monocytes activation with other cytokines such as TNF-α and GM-CSF results in a similar effect to that observed with IFN-γ. Moreover, we asked if this process could be associated with alterations on H2O2 and NO levels, the molecules involved in Pb killing, as well as in the levels of the cytokines TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-6. Peripheral blood monocytes obtained from 18 healthy donors were treated only with INDO or activated with IFN-γ, TNF-α or GM-CSF in presence or absence of INDO for 18h, and further challenged with high (Pb18) or low (Pb265) virulent strain of Pb for 4h. After, cultures were evaluated for fungicidal activity, H2O2 and NO release and expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA by real-time RT-PCR. The concentrations of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 on supernatants of cocultures were evaluated by ELISA. Our results provided evidence that human monocytes challenged with both strains of P. brasiliensis release prostaglandins that via induction of IL-10 and IL-6 inhibits TNF-α production. This process results in defective cell activation with consequent release of low H2O2 levels and lack of fungicidal activity by cells. However the inhibitory effect of PGs may be... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    The immunomodulatory effect of propolis on receptors expression, cytokine production and fungicidal activity of human monocytes

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    ObjectivesPropolis is a beehive product and its immunomodulatory action has been documented; however, little is known concerning its mechanisms of action on human cells. Propolis influence on the initial events of the immune response was assessed, evaluating cell markers, cytokine production and the fungicidal activity of human monocytes.MethodsToll-like receptor (TLR)-2, TLR-4, human leukocyte antigen-DR and cluster of differentiation (CD)80 expression by human monocytes was assessed using a FACSCalibur flow cytometer, cytokine production (tumour necrosis factor (TNF)- and interleukin (IL)-10) was determined by ELISA and the candidacidal activity was investigated after monocytes incubation with propolis and challenged with Candida albicans. The role of TLR-2 and TLR-4 on propolis action was assessed as well.Key findingsPropolis upregulated TLR-4 and CD80 expression and affected TNF- and IL-10 production, depending on concentration. Propolis also increased the fungicidal activity of monocytes. Cytokine production was decreased by blocking TLR-4, whereas the fungicidal activity was affected by blocking TLR-2.ConclusionsPropolis exerted an immunomodulatory action on cell receptors, cytokine production and fungicidal activity of human monocytes without affecting cell viability and depending on concentration. TLR-2 and TLR-4 may be involved in its mechanism of action.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Production of leukotriene B4 by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, the most prevalent deep mycosis in Latin America. The production of eicosanoids during fungal infection has been associated with the biology of these microorganisms and modulation of host immune response. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether P. brasiliensis strains with high or low virulence produce leukotriene B4 (LTB4), using endogenous and/or exogenous sources of arachidonic acid (AA). Moreover, we assessed whether this fungus might use the same metabolic pathway, described for mammalian cells, that involves the lipoxygenase (LOX) enzyme. The association between the production of this eicosanoid and fungus survival and growth was also evaluated. Our results showed that P. brasiliensis, irrespective of its virulence, produces high levels of LTB4 using endogenous AA. In addition, in cultures treated with exogenous AA, LTB4 levels were significantly higher, showing that this fungus also uses exogenous sources of fatty acids. Treatment with MK886, which blocks the activity of lipoxygenase, by inhibiting five-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) or with nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), a non-selective lipoxygenase inhibitor, resulted in a significant reduction in LTB4 levels, indicating that the fungus produces this eicosanoid by using the LOX pathway or an enzyme with biochemically similar function. The significant reduction in viability detected in cultures treated with these inhibitors was, however, restored by adding exogenous LTB4, confirming the role of this eicosanoid in fungus survival. Moreover, the addition of LTB4 to cultures capable of producing LTs induces fungal growth. These results provide a foundation for additional studies on the contributions of LTB4 in P. brasiliensis virulence. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Uses Endogenous and Exogenous Arachidonic Acid for PGE(x) Production

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    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, the most prevalent deep mycosis in Latin America. Production of eicosanoids during fungal infections plays a critical role on fungal biology as well as on host immune response modulation. The purpose of our study was to assess whether P. brasiliensis strains with different degree of virulence (Pb18, Pb265, Bt79, Pb192) produce prostaglandin E-x (PGE(x)). Moreover, we asked if P. brasiliensis could use exogenous sources of arachidonic acid (AA), as well as metabolic pathways dependent on cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme, as reported for mammalian cells. A possible association between this prostanoid and fungus viability was also assessed. Our results showed that all strains, independently of their virulence, produce high PGE(x) levels on 4 h culture that were reduced after 8 h. However, in both culture times, higher prostanoid levels were detected after supplementation of medium with exogenous AA. Treatment with indomethacin, a COX inhibitor, induced a reduction on PGEx, as well as in fungus viability. The data provide evidence that P. brasiliensis produces prostaglandin-like molecules by metabolizing either endogenous or exogenous AA. Moreover, the results suggest the involvement of these mediators on fungal viability

    Inhibitory effect of PGE(2) on the killing of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by human monocytes can be reversed by cellular activation with cytokines

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    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the etiological agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a deep mycosis endemic in Latin America. Studies to elucidate the host-parasite relationship in this mycosis have demonstrated that non-activated phagocytes fail to kill the etiologic agent. Investigations of human monocytes have shown that the lack of fungicidal activity is partially associated with the capacity of a high-virulence strain to induce PGE(2) release by these cells. This eicosanoid inhibits production of TNF-alpha, the cytokine involved in cell activation for release of H2O2, the fungicidal metabolite. Cell priming with IFN-gamma was shown to partially reverse this inhibitory effect. In this study, we asked whether monocyte challenge with a low-virulence strain of this fungus would also result in PGE(2) release and consequently inhibition of antifungal activities. We also assessed whether PGE(2), besides inhibiting production of TNF-alpha, a monocyte-activating cytokine, also affects IL-10. The latter, in contrast to TNF-alpha, is a monocyte-suppressing cytokine. Finally, we evaluated whether priming cells with other cytokines, namely TNF-alpha and GM-CSF, could be more effective than IFN-gamma in reversing the PGE(2) inhibitory effect. The results revealed that the less virulent P. brasiliensis strain also induces human monocytes to release PGE(2). However, the inhibitory effect of PGE(2) was less pronounced when cells were challenged with this strain than with the more virulent one. It was also demonstrated that PGE(2), while inhibits TNF-alpha production, tends to increase IL-10 levels. Priming with GM-CSF or TNF-alpha was more effective than IFN-gamma in compensating for the inhibitory PGE(2) effect, since these cytokines induce cells to produce higher H2O2 and TNF-alpha levels.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    High expression of human monocyte iNOS mRNA induced by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is not associated with increase in NO production

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    In this study we investigated the role of nitric oxide (NO) in monocyte fungicidal activity against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. We found that cells primed with IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha or GM-CSF and challenged with a high-(Pb18) or low-virulence (Pb265) strain of the fungus increase their fungicidal activity. Expression of iNOS mRNA was increased after priming cells with each cytokine, and tended to be inhibited by Pb18. Despite up-regulation of iNOS mRNA expression by Pb265, an equivalent increase in NO production was not detected, as metabolite levels were similar in all cultures. The results indicated that high expression of human monocyte iNOS mRNA induced by P brasiliensis is not correlated with NO concentrations produced. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Interleukin-15 increases Paracoccidioides brasiliensis killing by human neutrophils

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    Interleukin-15 is a cytokine produced by a wide range of different cell types, including macrophages, in response to lipopolysaccharide or microbial infection. This cytokine may play a crucial role in the activation of phagocytic cells against pathogens, especially during innate immune response. The effects of IL-15 on human polymorphonuclear leukocyte fungicidal activity against a highly virulent Paracoccidioides brasiliensis strain were investigated. Pretreatment of human neutrophils from healthy individuals with IL-15 for IS h increased cell fungicidal activity in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the exposure to IL-15 induced an increase in neutrophil oxidative burst as evaluated by superoxide anion and H(2)O(2) release. Catalase inhibited fungicidal activity supporting a role for H(2)O(2) in fungus killing. In contrast, IL-8 and TNF-alpha levels were not affected by IL-15 suggesting that its effects were not mediated by these cytokines. Together, these results show that IL-15 is a potent stimulant of antifungal activities in human neutrophils, at least in part by a mechanism dependent on oxidative metabolism. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved