6 research outputs found

    Antigen-specific B-cell receptor sensitizes B cells to infection by influenza virus

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    Influenza A virus-specific B lymphocytes and the antibodies they produce protect against infection. However, the outcome of interactions between an influenza haemagglutinin-specific B cell via its receptor (BCR) and virus is unclear. Through somatic cell nuclear transfer we generated mice that harbour B cells with a BCR specific for the haemagglutinin of influenza A/WSN/33 virus (FluBI mice). Their B cells secrete an immunoglobulin gamma 2b that neutralizes infectious virus. Whereas B cells from FluBI and control mice bind equivalent amounts of virus through interaction of haemagglutinin with surface-disposed sialic acids, the A/WSN/33 virus infects only the haemagglutinin-specific B cells. Mere binding of virus is not sufficient for infection of B cells: this requires interactions of the BCR with haemagglutinin, causing both disruption of antibody secretion and FluBI B-cell death within 18 h. In mice infected with A/WSN/33, lung-resident FluBI B cells are infected by the virus, thus delaying the onset of protective antibody release into the lungs, whereas FluBI cells in the draining lymph node are not infected and proliferate. We propose that influenza targets and kills influenza-specific B cells in the lung, thus allowing the virus to gain purchase before the initiation of an effective adaptive response.National Institutes of Health (U.S.

    Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Group on on Pollution Monitoring (CorMon Pollution)

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    In accordance with the UNEP/MAP Programme of Work adopted by COP 21 for the biennium 2020-2021, the United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan-Barcelona Convention Secretariat (UNEP/MAP) and its Programme for the Assessment and Control of Marine Pollution in the Mediterranean (MED POL) organized the Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Group on Pollution Monitoring (CorMon on Pollution Monitoring). The Meeting was held via videoconference on 26-27 April 2021. 2. The main objectives of the Meeting were to: a) Review the Monitoring Guidelines/Protocols for IMAP Common Indicator 18, as well as the Monitoring Guidelines/Protocols for Analytical Quality Assurance and Reporting of Monitoring Data for IMAP Common Indicators 13, 14, 17, 18 and 20; b) Take stock of the state of play of inter-laboratory testing and good laboratory practice related to IMAP Ecological Objectives 5 and 9; c) Analyze the proposal for the integration and aggregation rules for IMAP Ecological Objectives 5, 9 and 10 and assessment criteria for contaminants and nutrients; d) Recommend the ways and means to strengthen implementation of IMAP Pollution Cluster towards preparation of the 2023 MED Quality Status Report

    Вивчення моделей якості, що використовуються логістичними операторами в Аргентині та Південній Америці

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    This research aims to gather information on the use of Excellence models (such as the Quality Awards) by Logistics Operators in Argentina and neighboring countries. Therefore, the object of the research is the quality models used by logistics operators. In general, these organizations, and mainly those where Logistics is their main service, have begun applying quality standards later than other types of organizations, like those in the manufacture or services industries. This is because their practice is not deemed an added-value activity by the customer. This study found that, at the regional level, these companies are in the process of applying Quality, Environmental, Road Safety and other Management Systems from the ISO suite (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 39001, etc.), but the use of Excellence models is only present in some, mainly in Argentina-based companies. Remarkably, this behavior does not replicate in other countries of the region (Brazil, Chile, Uruguay), where the aforementioned standards are more widely applied. On the other hand, some countries have their own standards (Argentina, Brazil) for Freight activities developed by their local chambers, but these are mainly focused on the operational aspect of their activity. In this study, information was collected regarding the methodology related to quality and excellence of 109 companies, belonging to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. At the regional level, the ISO 9001 management model is adopted by 68 % of the organizations studied, followed by ISO 14001 adopted by 30 % of the organizations and ISO 45001 adopted by 15 % of the organizations. Based on the conclusions of this work, there is an opportunity to create specific policy around Quality Models for this industry that will support the creation of new standards and the improvement of existing ones. This paper can serve as a starting point for analyzing the scenario in other regions within a framework of similar geographical characteristics.Це дослідження направлене на збирання інформації про використання моделей досконалості (таких як нагороди за якість) логістичними операторами в Аргентині та сусідніх країнах. Отже, об’єктом дослідження є моделі якості, що використовуються логістичними операторами. В цілому ці організації, і в основному ті, де логістика є їхньою основною послугою, почали застосовувати стандарти якості пізніше, ніж інші типи організацій, наприклад, у сфері виробництва чи послуг. Це пов'язано з тим, що клієнт не вважає їхню практику діяльністю з доданою вартістю. Це дослідження показало, що на регіональному рівні ці компанії знаходяться в процесі застосування систем керування якістю, навколишнім середовищем, безпекою дорожнього руху та інших систем керування з пакету ISO (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 39001 тощо), але використання Моделі досконалості присутнє лише в деяких компаніях, переважно в аргентинських. Примітно, що така поведінка не повторюється в інших країнах регіону (Бразилія, Чилі, Уругвай), де вищезазначені стандарти застосовуються ширше. З іншого боку, деякі країни мають власні стандарти (Аргентина, Бразилія) вантажних перевезень, розроблені їх місцевими палатами, але вони в основному орієнтовані на експлуатаційний аспект їх діяльності. У цьому дослідженні була зібрана інформація про методологію, пов'язану з якістю та досконалістю, зі 109 компаній, що належать Аргентині, Бразилії, Чилі, Колумбії та Перу. На регіональному рівні модель управління ISO 9001 прийнята 68 % досліджених організацій, за нею слідує ISO 14001, прийнята 30 % організацій, та ISO 45001, прийнята 15 % організацій. На основі висновків цієї роботи існує можливість створення конкретної політики щодо моделей якості для цієї галузі, яка підтримуватиме створення нових стандартів та покращення існуючих. Ця робота може бути відправною точкою для аналізу сценарію в інших регіонах в рамках аналогічних географічних характеристик

    Exploring the association between agricultural production systems and household diets in Viet Nam

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    The government of Viet Nam promotes an integrated and diversified production system that focuses on the symbiotic relationship of livestock, aquaculture, and fruits and vegetables (F&V), locally known as Vuon Ao Chuong (VAC). The expectation is that this system can prevent soil degradation, while improving dietary quality and income. This study examines the correlation between VAC production systems and diets using cross-sectional data from the 2016 round of the Viet Nam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS). Using ordinary least squares, we model four continuous outcome variables related to quantity consumed of fruits and vegetables, fiber, animal protein, and dietary energy; while using logistical regression, we model three indicator variables related to whether diets are balanced in terms of intake of dietary energy derived from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. While individual components of VAC, such as aquaculture or F&V production, show a positive correlation with one or more dietary indicators, adoption of the full VAC system is found to be positively correlated only with dietary fiber consumption, making it challenging to establish a causal link between system adoption and improved dietary quality. However, we find that several socioeconomic variables, such as access to markets, household wealth, education of the household members, and household size are positively associated with one or more dietary indicators. Further research is needed to establish strong and causal relationships, or lack thereof, between VAC system and diets by exploiting the panel structure of VHLSS to examine the role of VAC in improving nutritional outcomes in Viet Nam