23 research outputs found
Guerra pela memória: Malvinas e o embate entre veteranos (militares e civis) e familiares de soldados mortos no campo da construção de memórias
We start the article by analyzing the conflicting field of constructing memories on traumatic events that marked History. Afterwards, we focus on how this conflict takes place in the construction of memories about the Malvinas War, which involve various sectors of Argentine society, mainly veterans of war, military and civilians, and relatives of fallen soldiers. The analyzed period starts in 1982, with the end of the war, and ends in 2015, the year of conclusion of the research. When analyzing the vast Argentine bibliographic material on the subject and interviewing veterans and family members of soldiers who died in the conflict, we concluded that the main factor in the conflict in the construction of memories of the war is that it was undertaken by a government of a military dictatorship, which, for a group, is an aspect that should always be remembered due to the abuses committed by officers against conscripts in the front, and, for others, should be forgotten to avoid arguments that delegitimize the war.
Keywords: Constructions of memories. Malvinas War. Argentine Military Dictatorship.Comenzamos el artículo analizando el campo conflictivo de la construcción de la memoria sobre hechos traumáticos que marcaron la Historia. Posteriormente, nos enfocamos en cómo se procesa este conflicto en la construcción de memorias sobre la Guerra de Malvinas, que involucran a diversos sectores de la sociedad argentina, especialmente a veteranos de guerra, militares y civiles, y familiares de soldados muertos. El período analizado comienza en 1982, con el fin de la guerra, y finaliza en 2015, año de conclusión de la investigación. Al analizar el vasto material bibliográfico argentino sobre el tema y entrevistar a veteranos y familiares de militares fallecidos en el conflicto, concluimos que el factor principal en la construcción de memorias bélicas es que fue emprendido por un gobierno de dictadura militar, que para un grupo es un aspecto que siempre hay que recordar por los abusos cometidos por los oficiales contra los conscriptos en el frente, y para otros hay que olvidarlo para evitar discursos que deslegitiman la guerra.
Palabras clave: Construcciones de memoria. Guerra de Malvinas. Dictadura militar argentina.Iniciamos o artigo[1] analisando o conflituoso campo de construção de memórias sobre eventos traumáticos que marcaram a História. Posteriormente, enfocamos como se processa esse conflito nas construções de memórias sobre a Guerra das Malvinas, que envolvem vários setores da sociedade argentina, principalmente os veteranos da guerra, militares e civis, e familiares de soldados mortos. O período analisado inicia-se no ano de 1982, com o final da guerra, e encerra-se em 2015, ano de conclusão da pesquisa. Ao analisarmos o vasto material bibliográfico argentino sobre o tema e entrevistarmos veteranos e familiares de soldados que morreram no conflito, concluímos que o principal fator de embate nas construções de memórias da guerra é que esta foi empreendida por um governo de uma ditadura militar, o que para um grupo é um aspecto que dever ser sempre lembrado devido aos abusos cometidos por oficiais contra conscritos no front, e para outros deve ser esquecido para evitar discursos que deslegitimam a guerra.
Palavras-chave: Construções de memórias. Guerra das Malvinas. Ditadura Militar argentina.
[1] Texto proveniente da tese: “Trinta e três anos de guerra: Malvinas e o embate entre intelectuais, veteranos, familiares de caídos e narrativas fílmicas no campo da construção de memórias (1982-2015)”. (2016). Repositório da Universidade de Brasília (UNB) sem registro
Biocompatibility, Biomineralization and Induction of Collagen Maturation with the Use of Calcium Hydroxide and Iodoform Intracanal Dressing
Biocompatibility and biomineralization of root canal dressings are important requirements for periapical healing. This study evaluated the inflammatory response, biomineralization and tissue repair by collagen fiber maturation in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. Eighteen Wistar rats (n = 6) received subcutaneous implants: calcium hydroxide + propylene glycol [CH+P], calcium hydroxide + propylene glycol + iodoform [CH+P+I], iodoform + carbowax [I+Cwax] and carbowax [Cwax]. Extra empty tubes were used as a control [C]. After 7, 15 and 30 days, the implants were removed with surrounding tissue for staining of hematoxylin-eosin, Von Kossa, picrosirius red and without staining for analysis under polarized light. Results were analyzed via Kruskal-Wallis followed by Dunn testing for nonparametric data and ANOVA followed by a Tukey post hoc test for parametric data (p 0.05). Only groups containing calcium hydroxide were found to be positive using Von Kossa staining and polarized light in all periods. At 7 days, all groups showed a higher proportion of immature fibers. At 15 days, the [CH+P] and [Cwax] groups increased their proportion of mature/immature fibers. At 30 days, only the [CH+P] group presented a significant prevalence of mature collagen fibers (p < 0.05). All groups showed biocompatibility, but only groups containing calcium hydroxide induced biomineralization. The addition of iodoform delayed tissue healing
Condições de saúde bucal de crianças e adolescentes portadores de síndrome de Down
Patients with Down syndrome have shown different conditions of oral health, and there is a low occurrence of dental caries and a higher susceptibility to periodontal diseases. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal diseases in subjects with Down syndrome. The population was composed of 40 patients with the syndrome, aged 6 to 18 years, of both genders, and an equal number of non-syndromic patients. The periodontal conditions were evaluated by mean of the criteria of PSR and dental conditions were registered following indexes dmft and DMFT. It was found that in children with Down syndrome, the dmft index was 1.17 and DMFT 3.53 while the control group was verified dmft 1.97 and DMFT 2.77. The results of PSR evidenced that 32.5% of children with Down syndrome were periodontally healthy, 65% were gingivitis patients and 2.5% were periodontitis patients, while in the control group, 50% healthy and 50% were gingivitis patients. The results evidenced similar populations of cariogenic cocci between patients with Down syndrome and non-syndromic subjects. It was concluded that the incidence of caries in children with Down syndrome was higher in permanent teeth compared with the control group, while in the occurrence of deciduous teeth caries was slightly higher in the control group, so when children with Down syndrome are subjected to periodic examinations, they present themselves periodontally healthy.Os pacientes com síndrome de Down têm mostrado diferentes condições de saúde bucal, destacando-se uma baixa ocorrência de cárie e maior suscetibilidade às doenças periodontais. Assim, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a prevalência de cárie e de patologias periodontais em portadores de Síndrome de Down. A população foi constituída de 40 pacientes portadores da síndrome, com idade de 6 a 18 anos, de ambos os gêneros, e igual número de pacientes não sindrômicos, os quais foram submetidos ao exame clínico periodontal segundo os critérios do PSR para determinação do índice de cárie empregando-se os índices ceo-d e CPOD. Verificou-se que nas crianças com síndrome de Down o índice médio ceo-d foi 1,17 e o CPO-D 3,53 enquanto que no grupo controle foi observado ceo-d 1,97 e o CPOD 2,77. Verificou-se que 32,5% das crianças com síndrome de Down eram saudáveis, 65% com gengivite e 2,5% com periodontite e, no grupo controle, 50% foram saudáveis e 50% mostraram gengivite. Os resultados evidenciaram que a população de cocos cariogênicos foi similar entre pacientes portadores ou não de síndrome de Down. Concluiu-se que a ocorrência de cárie em crianças com síndrome de Down foi maior nos dentes permanentes comparadas com o grupo controle, enquanto que na dentição decídua a ocorrência de cárie foi maior no grupo controle, assim quando crianças com síndrome de Down são submetidas a exames periódicos, elas apresentam-se periodontalmente saudáveis
Effects of cigarette smoke inhalation on the immune-inflammatory profile of experimental apical periodontitis in rats
To evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke inhalation on the immune-inflammatory profile of experimental apical periodontitis in rats. Methodology
In total, 32 male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 8): AP—induced apical periodontitis; S—cigarette smoke inhalation; APS—induced AP and cigarette smoke inhalation; and C (control)—neither AP nor cigarette smoke inhalation. To induce cigarette smoke inhalation, the animals were kept in a chamber filled with tobacco smoke for 8 min thrice a day for 50 days. AP was induced 20 days after inhalation initiation by exposing their coronary pulp to their oral environment for 30 days. After animals were euthanized, their right hemimaxillae were removed for histopathological, semi-quantitative and immunohistochemical (F4/80, CD206 and iNOS) analyses. Results
Quantitative data showed a moderate number of inflammatory infiltrates in AP and an intense number in APS (p \u3c .05). Comparing F4/80+ cells showed no statistically significant differences among groups, but we found more CD206+ cells in AP than in C and S (p \u3e .05). INOS+ immunostaining showed a significant increase in AP and APS, when compared with C and S (p \u3c .05). APS had more iNOS+ cells than AP (p \u3c .05). Conclusion
Cigarette smoke inhalation worsened AP, leading to a predominantly pro- inflammatory profile in our experimental model
Calcium hydroxide associated with a new vehicle: Psidium cattleianum leaf extracts. Tissue response evaluation
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate edemogenic activity and subcutaneous inflammatory reaction induced by Psidium cattleianum leaf extracts associated with Ca(OH)2. Thirty male Wistar rats, split equally into three groups [aqueous extract + Ca(OH)2; ethanolic extract + Ca(OH)2; and propylene glycol + Ca(OH)2], were assessed every 3 h or 6 h (five animals in each period). Under general anesthesia, 0.2 mL of 1% Evans blue per 100 g of body weight was injected into the penile vein and each combination to be evaluated was subcutaneously injected into the dorsal region 30 min thereafter. Edemogenic activity was analyzed by spectrophotometry (λ=630 nm). For inflammatory reaction analysis, 50 rats received four polyethylene tubes (three experimental groups) and an empty tube (control group). The assessments were made at 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, followed by hematoxylin-eosin staining and by the assignment of scores for evaluation of tissue response intensity. Ethanolic extract + Ca(OH)2 yielded the largest edemogenic activity at 3 h. Intergroup differences at 6 h were not significant. The histological analysis showed progressive repair over time (p<0.05) and aqueous and ethanolic extracts produced similar responses to those of the control and Ca(OH)2 + propylene glycol groups. Psidium cattleianum leaf extracts used as Ca(OH)2 vehicles evoked similar tissue response when compared to Ca(OH)2 associated with propylene glycol
Cleaning effectiveness of a nickel-titanium ultrasonic tip in ultrasonically activated irrigation: a SEM study
Abstract In endodontic treatment, regardless of the instrumentation technique, the presence of a smear layer covering contaminated dentin walls is always a concern. Thus, irrigation plays an essential role in reducing bacterial load. To enhance irrigation effectiveness, different ultrasonic activation methods and the use of different tips have been studied. This study assessed the cleaning capacity of the novel NiTi ultrasonic tip for smear layer removal using ultrasonically activated irrigation (UAI) with passive or continuous ultrasonic irrigation (PUI or CUI, respectively), compared with conventional irrigation. Forty-five single-rooted human mandibular premolars were decoronated to a standardized length of 16 mm. Instrumentation was performed using the Genius system up to size 50.04 and irrigated with 3% NaOCl. The specimens were divided into three groups (n = 15) according to the final irrigation activation technique: conventional irrigation (CI), as control group; PUI; and CUI, following the manufacturer’s protocol. The samples were longitudinally cleaved and analyzed under a scanning electron microscope for smear layer removal according to a cleanliness score for the cervical, middle, and apical thirds. Data were evaluated by means of the Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey’s tests, with a 5% level of significance. UAI enhanced cleaning compared to conventional irrigation, mainly at the apical third. CUI showed the best results, with statistically significant lower scores than PUI and CI (p < 0.05). Final irrigant activation with the NiTi tip showed better cleaning capacity than conventional irrigation. In addition, CUI resulted in better smear layer removal than PUI
Cyclic fatigue resistance of novel Genius and Edgefile nickel-titanium reciprocating instruments
Abstract: This study aimed to assess the cyclic fatigue resistance of Genius and EdgeFile X1 reciprocating instruments compared with WaveOne Gold Primary. Twenty Genius (Ultradent) 25.04, 20 Genius 30.04, 20 EdgeFile X1 (EdgeEndo) and 20 WaveOne Gold Primary (Dentsply Maillefer) instruments were included in this study and tested in a static cyclic fatigue testing device, which has an artificial stainless steel canal with a 60° angle of curvature and a 5-mm radius of curvature. All instruments were operated in reciprocation mode until fracture occurred. The number of cycles to failure (NCF) was calculated and time to fracture (TF) was recorded in seconds using a digital chronometer. The mean and standard deviations of NCF and TF were calculated for each reciprocating system and the data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance and to Dunn's test (p < .05) using SigmaPlot software (Systat software, CA, USA). The fractured surfaces of five instruments from each brand were randomly examined and microphotographed by a low-vacuum environmental scanning electron microscopy – SEM (Tabletop Microscope TM3030, Hitachi, Japan) to confirm the cyclic fatigue fracture. EdgeFile exhibited the highest cyclic fatigue resistance, followed by both Genius files (p < .05). Within the limitations of this in vitro study, EdgeFile X1 instruments had significantly higher cyclic fatigue resistance than did Genius and WaveOne Gold Primary instruments. The cyclic fatigue resistance of both Genius files was higher than that of WaveOne Gold Primary
Cell proliferation after exposure to different dilution of sealers extract: The letters indicate statistical difference comparing different materials in the same dilution: a: vs. Control; b: vs. Dia-Proseal; c: vs. Sealer Plus.
The symbols indicate statistical difference observed comparing different extract dilution of the same material: *: vs. undiluted extract; #: vs. ½ dilution; o: vs. ¼ dilution.</p
Antimicrobial activity.
Inhibitory halo induced by groups, measured by digital caliper. (PDF)</p