15 research outputs found

    Patient participation in patient safety: systematic review

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    Objetivo: Identificar as estratégias utilizadas, para participação do paciente na segurança do cuidado de saúde. Métodos: Revisão sistemática, norteada pelas recomendações do modelo PRISMA, nos bancos de dados: Scopus, WOS e Medline. Limitou-se a busca a estudos realizados entre janeiro de 2001 e julho de 2016, redigidos em português, inglês ou espanhol. Foram incluídos estudos observacionais, descritivos, qualitativos e/ou epidemiológicos, que descrevessem a metodologia de elaboração e/ou aplicação de, pelo menos, uma estratégia de inclusão dos pacientes na melhoria da segurança dos cuidados. A qualidade metodológica dos artigos foi avaliada usando a ferramenta Cochrane. Para analisar os resultados se fez uma análise temática. Resultados: Foram encontrados 11593 artigos na busca inicial. Após leitura de títulos, resumos e aplicação de critérios de exclusão, 19 artigos foram selecionados. Nestes se identificam estratégias de mobilização dos pacientes para a segurança dos cuidados, estratégias para promover a participação ativa dos pacientes na segurança dos cuidados e estratégias de solicitação de informação ao paciente sobre a segurança dos cuidados. Conclusões: Há descrita na literatura diversas estratégias que promovem a participação do paciente na segurança dos cuidados, que têm formas e métodos concretos de implementação, bem como objetivos distintos para o seu uso.ABSTRACT - Purpose: Identify strategies used on patients’ participation in patient safety at a hospital and ambulatory environments. Methods: Systematic literature review, following the PRISMA model, using Scopus, WOS, and Medline for data collection. The search was limited to studies carried out between January 2001 and July 2016, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Observational, descriptive, qualitative or epidemiologic studies were included if they described a development/appliance methodology using at least one patient safety improvement strategy. Studies’ methodological quality was assessed using Cochrane’s tool. In order to analyze the results, a thematic analysis was performed. Results: On the primary searching, 11593 studies were found. After the title, abstract analysis, and exclusion criteria appliance, 19 studies were ed. On these studies were identified patient safety strategies that promoted patients’ active participation on patient safety and information request strategies. Conclusions: We found a vast panoply of strategies promoting patient participation on patient safety, with concrete implementation methods, as well as distinct purposes for their use.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alcohol consumption and risky sexual practices: the pattern of nursing students from the Spanish University

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    OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of substance abuse and unsafe sexual practices and to analyze the relationship between them, in nursing students at the University of Seville. METHOD: quantitative methodological approach with a descriptive cross-sectional design. The population was composed of first year nursing students in the University of Seville, during the academic year 2010-2011 (N=510), with consecutive opportunistic sampling composed of students who attended class on the scheduled day (n=291). RESULTS: a high prevalence of alcohol consumption, and increased likelihood of not using protective measures during sexual practices when alcohol had been consumed, was present. CONCLUSION: these findings are consistent with those obtained in the same population in Brazil, and highlight the need to strengthen in the nursing curriculum, the transverse axis related to the prevention of substance abuse, especially alcohol

    Alcohol consumption and risky sexual practices: the pattern of nursing students from the Spanish University

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    OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of substance abuse and unsafe sexual practices and to analyze the relationship between them, in nursing students at the University of Seville. METHOD: quantitative methodological approach with a descriptive cross-sectional design. The population was composed of first year nursing students in the University of Seville, during the academic year 2010-2011 (N=510), with consecutive opportunistic sampling composed of students who attended class on the scheduled day (n=291). RESULTS: a high prevalence of alcohol consumption, and increased likelihood of not using protective measures during sexual practices when alcohol had been consumed, was present. CONCLUSION: these findings are consistent with those obtained in the same population in Brazil, and highlight the need to strengthen in the nursing curriculum, the transverse axis related to the prevention of substance abuse, especially alcohol

    Participação dos pacientes na segurança dos cuidados de saúde: revisão sistemática.

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    The scope of this article was to identify the strategies used for the participation of the patient in healthcare security in hospital and outpatient environments. It involved a systematic review of the literature based on the recommendations of the PRISMA model on the Scopus, WOS and Medline databases. The search was restricted to studies written in Portuguese, English or Spanish conducted between January 2001 and July 2016. Observational, descriptive, qualitative and/or epidemiological studies that described a development/appliance methodology using at least one patient security improvement strategy of inclusion were included. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the randomized Cochrane risk-of-bias tool. Thematic analyses were performed in order to analyze the results. After the application of criteria of title, abstract analysis and exclusion, 19 studies were selected. In these studies, patient security strategies that promoted patients' active participation on patient security and information request strategies were identified. In the literature, sundry strategies promoting patient participation on healthcare security, with concrete implementation methods, as well as distinct purposes for their use, were encountered

    Participação dos pacientes na segurança dos cuidados de saúde: revisão sistemática

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    [EN]: The scope of this article was to identify the strategies used for the participation of the patient in healthcare security in hospital and outpatient environments. It involved a systematic review of the literature based on the recommendations of the PRISMA model on the Scopus, WOS and Medline databases. The search was restricted to studies written in Portuguese, English or Spanish conducted between January 2001 and July 2016. Observational, descriptive, qualitative and/or epidemiological studies that described a development/appliance methodology using at least one patient security improvement strategy of inclusion were included. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the randomized Cochrane risk-of-bias tool. Thematic analyses were performed in order to analyze the results. After the application of criteria of title, abstract analysis and exclusion, 19 studies were selected. In these studies, patient security strategies that promoted patients’ active participation on patient security and information request strategies were identified. In the literature, sundry strategies promoting patient participation on healthcare security, with concrete implementation methods, as well as distinct purposes for their use, were encountered.[PT]: O artigo objetiva identificar as estratégias utilizadas, para participação do paciente na segurança do cuidado de saúde. Revisão sistemática, norteada pelas recomendações do modelo PRISMA, nos bancos de dados: Scopus, WOS e Medline. Limitou-se a busca a estudos realizados entre janeiro de 2001 e julho de 2016, redigidos em português, inglês ou espanhol. Foram incluídos estudos observacionais, descritivos, qualitativos e/ou epidemiológicos, que descrevessem a metodologia de elaboração e/ou aplicação de, pelo menos, uma estratégia de inclusão dos pacientes na melhoria da segurança dos cuidados. A qualidade metodológica dos artigos foi avaliada usando a ferramenta Cochrane. Para analisar os resultados se fez uma análise temática. Após leitura de títulos, resumos e aplicação de critérios de exclusão, 19 artigos foram selecionados. Nestes se identificam estratégias de mobilização dos pacientes para a segurança dos cuidados, estratégias para promover a participação ativa dos pacientes na segurança dos cuidados e estratégias de solicitação de informação ao paciente sobre a segurança dos cuidados. Há na literatura diversas estratégias que promovem a participação do paciente na segurança dos cuidados, que têm formas e métodos concretos de implementação, bem como objetivos distintos para o seu uso

    Los mayores cuentan

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    Trabajo presentado en La noche europea de l@s investigador@s (Mujeres y hombres que hacen ciencia para ti), celebrado online el 27 de noviembre de 2020.Esta actividad es desarrollada desde el Proyecto TEC-MED “Desarrollo de un Modelo de atención social, ético y transcultural para poblaciones dependientes en la cuenca mediterránea”. El principal objetivo es desarrollar un Modelo de atención social de calidad para personas mayores dependientes y/o en riesgo de exclusión social en la cuenca mediterránea, informando a los ciudadanos, y las administraciones públicas sobre las mejores prácticas e iniciativas para el desarrollo de este modelo y dando voz a los beneficiarios finales de este proyecto, a fin de reflexionar sobre la atención que merecen en base a sus vivencias. Actualmente, las personas mayores de 60 años representan el 12% de la población mundial. Se estima que esta cifra se duplicará en los próximos 30 años, cuadruplicándose el número de octogenarios (1). La mayor esperanza de vida, éxito de las políticas de salud pública y del desarrollo socioeconómico, ha conllevado un mayor envejecimiento poblacional, no siempre ligado a adecuados índices de calidad de vida y donde predomina la existencia de altas tasas de fragilidad y vulnerabilidad asociadas. La dependencia se manifiesta con pérdida de capacidad física, psíquica y funcional, que se traduce en una alta complejidad en los procesos, con el consiguiente incremento de la demanda de asistencia y cuidados (2). Sin embargo, no siempre el sistema de atención social de los países se sitúa a la altura para satisfacer las necesidades y demandas de nuestros mayores. El proyecto TEC-MED ha indagado sobre las prácticas de atención social llevadas a cabo en los países mediterráneos, determinando que: a) se observa una falta de recursos financieros e infraestructuras dirigida a la atención de personas mayores; b) son escasos los servicios especializados en afecciones relacionadas con adultos mayores y servicios limitados de TIC para el cuidado de ancianos en algunos países; c) la situación por pandemias, como la actual por COVID-19, podría poner en peligro el sistema de atención social a los mayores generando incidentes que desborden la disponibilidad de recursos. La toma de conciencia sobre la calidad de vida de nuestros mayores se hace, por tanto, necesaria, y solo desde una ciudadanía activa y comprometida será posible hacer que las administraciones públicas den un paso hacia adelante para adecuar sus modelos de atención social hacia los cuidados éticos y transculturales de calidad. La sensibilización sobre la situación real que viven los mayores en diferentes países también proporciona una visión de cooperación transfronteriza, tan necesaria para la búsqueda de una salud global comunitaria y colectiva para todos los seres humanos.Financiado por la Comisión Europea a través del Programa ENI CBC MED, No. de Contrato A_A.3.2_0376 “Development of a Transcultural social-ethical-care model for dependent populations in the Mediterranean Sea basin”

    Instruments to measure quality of life in institutionalised older adults: Systematic review

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    This study analysed the available instruments intended to measure the quality of life of institutionalised older adults, the psychometric properties of said instruments, and their use. This review was conducted using six international databases. The quality of the psychometric properties was assessed using the COSMIN checklist. Risk of bias was assessed using the QUADAS-2 tool. Twenty-four instruments which measure quality of life were analysed. The instruments assessed are related to two areas, thus establishing two stages of the concept of quality of life in the ageing process. The Dementia Quality of Life (DQoL) scale and the FACIT-Sp Spiritual Well-Being Scale were found to be the instruments with the best combination of length, high methodological quality, and bias control for use in older people with and without cognitive impairment, respectively. Knowing which instruments have higher quality will facilitate the evaluation of the aspects that influence quality of life in geriatric institutions

    Consecuencias del Dolor Crónico no Oncológico en la edad adulta. Scoping Review

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine and map the consequences of chronic pain in adulthood. METHOD: Documents addressing the impact of chronic pain on the psychological and social spheres of people suffering from chronic pain, published in Spanish and English between 2013 and 2018, were included. Those who addressed pharmacological treatments, chronic pain resulting from surgical interventions or who did not have access to the full text were excluded. Finally, 28 documents from the 485 reviewed were included. RESULTS: Studies show that pain is related to high rates of limitation in daily activities, sleep disorders and anxiety-depression spectrum disorders. People in pain have more problems to get the workday done and to maintain social relationships. Chronic pain is also associated with worse family functioning. CONCLUSIONS: This review shows that limitations in the ability to perform activities of daily living, sleep, psychological health, social and work resources and family functioning are lines of interest in published articles. However, knowledge gaps are detected in areas such as the influence of having suffered pain in childhood or adolescence, the consequences of non-fulfillment of working hours and gender inequalities.El presente estudio se encuentra enmarcado en una tesis doctoral financiada por un contrato predoctoral del Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) del Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Universidades del Gobierno de Españ

    Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and measurement properties of the Portuguese version of the Global Trigger Tool for adverse events

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    Purpose: To adapt and validate the Global Trigger Tool (IHI-GTT), which identifies and analyzes adverse events (AE) in hospitalized patients and their measurement properties in the Portuguese context. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was based on a random sample of 90 medical records. The stages of translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the IHI-GTT were based on the Cross-Cultural Adaptation Protocol that originated from the Portuguese version, GTT-PT, for the hospital context in medical-surgical departments. Internal consistency, reliability, reproducibility, diagnostic tests, and discriminatory predictive value were investigated. Results: The final phase of the GTT-PT showed insignificant inconsistencies. The pre-test phase confirmed translation accuracy, easy administration, effectiveness in identifying AEs, and relevance of integrating it into hospital risk management. It had a sensitivity of 97.8% and specificity of 74.8%, with a cutoff point of 0.5, an accuracy of 83%, and a positive predictive value of 69.8%, and a negative predictive value of 0.98%. Conclusion: The GTT-PT is a reliable, accurate, and valid tool to identify AE, with robust measurement properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors that Influence Coping with Chronic Noncancer Pain in European Countries: A Systematic Review of Measuring Instruments

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    Background and aim Coping can be defined as the cognitive efforts and behavioral practices that people develop in situations which they consider to be stressful. In people with Chronic Non-Cancer Pain (CNCP), coping is influenced by the biological, psychological, and socio-cultural resources available to them. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the psychometric properties of European measuring instruments related to coping with CNCP in non-hospitalized adults. Database and data treatment The review was conducted following the guidelines of the PRISMA Statement and the methodological framework of the Joanna Briggs Institute. The CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched by two reviewers independently. The analysis of psychometric properties was performed using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) checklist, and the risk of bias was analyzed using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Study-2 (QUADAS-2) tool. Results Thirty-six studies validated twenty-four different instruments. The Portuguese version of the Pain Beliefs and Perceptions Inventory (PBPI), which assess catastrophizing, and the Spanish version of the Roland-Morris Questionnaire (RMQ), which assess disability, are the instruments with the best methodological quality and bias control. Conclusions There are important gaps in the measurement of different aspects of pain coping, such as stress, social and family support, or self-care. Future studies could consider the creation of an instrument to comprehensively assess the resources that influence coping with chronic non-cancer pain.The present paper is part of a Doctoral thesis within the framework of the Inter-University Doctoral Program in Health Sciences of the University of Seville, the University of Jaen, and the Andalusian School of Public Health, registered at the Laboratory of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Care. The main author benefits from a grant for training university professors (FPU) from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Spain