60 research outputs found

    Tutoring in higher education in Portugal and Spain : lessons learned from six initiatives in place

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    Tutoring has been one of the issues which have received growing interest within the context of restructuring process in higher education under the so-called Bologna process in Europe. In this paper six tutoring initiatives currently being implemented in Portuguese and Spanish universities are examined in the light of the framework within which tutoring operates in higher education contexts. The various kinds of tutoring — mentoring, curricular tutoring, academic tutoring and training-related tutoring — are implemented in higher educational institutions in an attempt to meet the needs of the students. Data are drawn from the analysis of the reports on six tutoring programs underway in various higher education institutions in Portugal and Spain. In general, they have been put into practice as part of a number of experiences in each of the institutions involved, according to the characteristics of the students and the context. Findings point to the importance and the need of Faculty to be trained in tutoring as well as the need to better clarify the role of the tutor. The paper ends with a number of reflections and recommendations for an improved model of tutoring and guidance as a planned action within higher education. It encompasses a cumulative and consistent process based on a developmental and integral intervention, in order to encourage the active involvement of students and the participation of different agents interacting in the tutoring process.(undefined

    Opportunities for self-regulation in preschool: teachers’ perceptions and practices

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    Following a socio-cognitive perspective, preschool children have competencies to selfregulate daily tasks. Considering this, we questioned preschool teachers’ perceptions about the promotion of self-regulation in this context. We also observed educational practices, given children where were opportunities to self-regulate preschool tasks. This was a multiple case study with four schools. We interviewed teachers and observed practices along six months. In the interviews, the most quoted issue was the need to respect children’s individual development, and also the importance of promoting it. In systematic observations, we identified 739 self-regulation indicators categorized in four dimensions: emotional and behavioral control, cognitive control, pro-social attitudes, as well as motivation to self-regulation. The results linked self-regulation dimensions to teachers’ speech and the opportunities children were provided with. The most expressive dimensions were emotional and behavioral control and cognitive control. The motivation to self-regulation dimension was the most emphasized, but only at one school. The discussion reflects how preschool play should have a pedagogical intentionality, but it also highlights that children’s autonomy can be developed in progressively higher degrees of freedom. The pedagogical implications of our study include teachers’ practices so they can promote opportunities for self-regulation. In fact, children should have opportunities to play a central role in their learning process.Conhecendo as competências das crianças para autorregular as tarefas cotidianas e seguindo uma perspetiva sociocognitiva, procuramos compreender as percepções de educadores de infância sobre a promoção da autorregulação de tarefas. Pretendíamos também conhecer as práticas educativas que promovem oportunidades para as crianças autorregularem tarefas na educação pré-escolar. Realizamos um estudo de casos múltiplos com quatro contextos ao longo de seis meses, entrevistando as educadoras e observando as práticas com os seus grupos de crianças. Nas entrevistas, o aspecto mais destacado pelas educadoras refere que é preciso respeitar o desenvolvimento individual, sendo também necessário potenciá-lo. Nas observações sistemáticas, identificamos 739 indicadores de autorregulação que avaliamos em quatro dimensões: controle emocional e comportamental, controle cognitivo, atitudes prossociais e motivação para a autorregulação. Os resultados permitiram relacionar as dimensões de autorregulação com o discurso das educadoras e as oportunidades observadas nos contextos. As oportunidades que remetiam para o controle emocional e comportamental e o controle cognitivo foram as mais expressivas, no geral, e as de motivação para a autorregulação estiveram em maior número, mas só num contexto. A investigação permite refletir sobre a intencionalidade pedagógica num ambiente onde (quase) tudo é brincar, mas também sublinha a pertinência de desenvolver a autonomia das crianças na educação pré-escolar em graus de liberdade cada vez maiores. Nas implicações do estudo, refere-se que é preciso apoiar os educadores nas suas práticas para que criem oportunidades nos contextos que permitam às crianças deter o papel ativo na construção do conhecimento


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    After previous study which analyzed the prospects of researchers, early childhood educators and teachers of the 1st cycle of basic education in order to study support strategies that provide real opportunities and essential to the development of self-regulatory skills in children from 5 to 7 years, presents a drawing of an investigation that seeks to justify the need to promote reflection on the pedagogical practice, ensuring educational continuity for the early promotion of self-regulation skills of learning. It is proposed to teachers and student-trainees using the Checklist of Independent Learning Development (CHILD) and, through the analysis of their narratives, we intend to investigate the potential of this instrument in reflection, identification and evaluation of educational approaches of the participants to the fit the needs of school transition and development of self-regulatory processes.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v25i3.3163Después de un estudio anterior que analizó las perspectivas de los investigadores, educadores de la primera infancia y profesores del 1º ciclo de educación básica con el fin de estudiar las estrategias de apoyo que ofrecen oportunidades reales y esenciales para el desarrollo de habilidades de autorregulación en niños de 5 a 7 años , presenta un dibujo de una investigación que pretende justificar la necesidad de promover la reflexión sobre la práctica pedagógica, asegurando la continuidad educativa para la promoción temprana de habilidades de autorregulación del aprendizaje. Se propone a los profesores y estudiantes-aprendices utilizando la Lista de Verificación de Desarrollo de Aprendizaje Independiente (CHILD) y, a través del análisis de sus narraciones, tenemos la intención de investigar el potencial de este instrumento en la reflexión, la identificación y evaluación de los enfoques educativos de los participantes en la adaptarse a las necesidades de la transición de la escuela y el desarrollo de los procesos de autorregulación.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v25i3.3163Após estudo prévio em que se analisaram as perspetivas de investigadores, educadores de infância e professores do 1º ciclo do ensino básico com o objetivo de estudar estratégias de suporte que proporcionem oportunidades efetivas e essenciais ao desenvolvimento de competências de autorregulação nas crianças dos 5 aos 7 anos, apresenta-se um desenho de uma investigação em que se procura fundamentar a necessidade de promover a reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica, assegurando a continuidade educativa, com vista à promoção precoce de competências de autorregulação da aprendizagem. Propõe-se a docentes e alunos-estagiários que utilizem a Checklist of Independent Learning Development (CHILD) e, através da análise das suas narrativas, pretendemos apurar as potencialidades desse instrumento na reflexão, identificação e avaliação das abordagens educativas dos participantes a fim de as ajustarem às necessidades das crianças em transição escolar e ao desenvolvimento de processos autorregulatórios.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v25i3.316

    Effectiveness and relevance of feedback in Higher Education: a study of undergraduate students

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    This paper draws upon a wider study on assessment in higher education. It focuses on students’ perceptions of the effectiveness and relevance of feedback in regard to assessment methods and self-regulation of learning. In total, 605 undergraduates participated in the study from five Portuguese public universities. Data were collected through questionnaires with open and closed-ended questions. Results revealed that feedback is perceived as more relevant, effective and in a more positive way by students who are assessed by learner-centred methods than by those assessed by traditional methods. Also, participants who are assessed by learner-centred methods or mixed methods perceived feedback as more effective in all phases of self-regulation learning than students who are assessed by traditional methods. Implications of the findings for feedback and assessment in Higher Education are discussed.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), PortugalFundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) no âmbito do CIEC (Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, da Universidade do Minho) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562This work was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under grant SFRH/BD/76175/2011.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cyberbullying: percepções acerca do fenômeno e das estratégias de enfrentamento

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    O cyberbullying, caracterizado como um dos tipos de violência em contexto educativo, apresenta-se como uma das principais causas do mal-estar vivido por seus protagonistas. O estudo inserido no Projeto Cyberbullying - o diagnóstico da situação em Portugal pretendeu compreender o fenômeno a partir das vivências de 118 estudantes do primeiro ano do Ensino Superior público português, que responderam a um questionário. Pudemos perceber a percepção dos alunos sobre o fenômeno e a importância que pares, professores e pais apresentam no enfrentamento e prevenção do cyberbullying. Tais resultados orientam-se no sentido do desenvolvimento sistêmico de comunidades que se fortalecem internamente para que cada um se sinta autorizado a intervir e a cuidar dos que nelas são vítimas de violência

    Projeto CriaTivo: Intervenção com alunos e desenvolvimento profissional de professores

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    O Projeto CriaTivo promove competências de autorregulação na escrita que, através do trabalho colaborativo em sala de aula com professores, procura contribuir, simultaneamente, para o desenvolvimento das competências de escrita dos alunos e para o desenvolvimento profissional de professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Serão apresentadas algumas das opções diferenciadoras deste projeto (e.g., recurso à narrativa e ao lúdico) e um conjunto de metodologias e técnicas suportadas pela evidência científica. Serão ainda discutidos os resultados da avaliação do projeto realizada pelos professores, bem como o impacto do trabalho colaborativo na prática pedagógica dos professores

    Cyberbullying: The hidden side of college students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how university students perceive their involvement in the cyberbullying phenomenon, and its impact on their well-being. Thus, this study presents a preliminary approach of how college students’ perceived involvement in acts of cyberbullying can be measured. Firstly, Exploratory Factor Analysis (N = 349) revealed a unidimensional structure of the four scales included in the Cyberbullying Inventory for College Students. Then, Item Response Theory (N = 170) was used to analyze the unidimensionality of each scale and the interactions between participants and items. Results revealed good item reliability and Cronbach’s α for each scale. Results also showed the potential of the instrument and how college students underrated their involvement in acts of cyberbullying. Additionally, aggression types, coping strategies and sources of help to deal with cyberbullying were identified and discussed. Lastly, age, gender and course-related issues were considered in the analysis. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed

    Cyberbullying: The hidden side of college students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how university students perceive their involvement in the cyberbullying phenomenon, and its impact on their well-being. Thus, this study presents a preliminary approach of how college students’ perceived involvement in acts of cyberbullying can be measured. Firstly, Exploratory Factor Analysis (N = 349) revealed a unidimensional structure of the four scales included in the Cyberbullying Inventory for College Students. Then, Item Response Theory (N = 170) was used to analyze the unidimensionality of each scale and the interactions between participants and items. Results revealed good item reliability and Cronbach’s α for each scale. Results also showed the potential of the instrument and how college students underrated their involvement in acts of cyberbullying. Additionally, aggression types, coping strategies and sources of help to deal with cyberbullying were identified and discussed. Lastly, age, gender and course-related issues were considered in the analysis. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed