1,206 research outputs found

    Herramientas predictivas para disminuir futuras complicaciones en pacientes hipertensos ingresados a través de un servicio de urgencias hospitalario

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares suponen una de las principales causas de ingresos hospitalarios. Los pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular acuden e ingresan en mayor proporción a los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios, y dentro de estos factores de riesgo cardiovascular destaca la hipertensión arterial como el más prevalente. Los pacientes hipertensos que ingresan a través de servicios de urgencias hospitalarios suelen tener una alta comorbilidad de otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular y una alta mortalidad en el ingreso. Por tanto es importante tomar medidas preventivas para poder diminuir los ingresos hospitalarios y la mortalidad en estos pacientes. En la actualidad no existen modelos predictivos de enfermedad cardiovascular o de mortalidad por todas las causas en pacientes hipertensos ingresados a través de servicios de urgencias hospitalarias. Por este motivo decidimos realizar un estudio de cohorte con seguimiento de 1 año, con el objetivo de poder obtener herramientas que nos permitan estimar la probabilidad de desarrollar una enfermedad cardiovascular, así como el fallecimiento de los pacientes hipertensos ingresados, facilitando de esa forma al clínico mejorar en el cuidado de dichos pacientes. Se consideraron como variables principales el tiempo hasta la aparición de una nueva enfermedad cardiovascular (coronaria, cerebrovascular o vascular periférica) y el tiempo hasta la muerte (mortalidad por cualquier causa). Como variables secundarias (potenciales factores de los modelos predictivos), se analizaron: edad, género, vivir sólo, nivel de estudios, antecedentes familiares de enfermedad cardiovascular, infarto de miocardio, insuficiencia cardiaca, enfermedad vascular periférica, enfermedad cerebrovascular, diabetes, diabetes con afectación de órganos, enfermedad renal moderada y severa, calidad de vida, fumador, paquetes-años, tensión arterial, índice de Charlson, actividad física y adherencia a la dieta mediterránea. Todas las variables secundarias se recogieron a través de entrevistas clínicas con los pacientes. Posteriormente se contruyeron 2 modelos para predecir la enfermedad cardiovascular y mortalidad al año de ingreso de los paciente hipertensos, adaptando los resultados a sistemas de puntos, que se validaron internamente, calculando la discriminación y calibración. Dentro del modelo predictivo para estimar el riego de desarrollar enfermedad cardiovascular al año de seguimiento desde el ingreso del paciente hipertenso, nos encontramos como resultado las siguientes variables: edad, género, actividad cotidiana, la presencia o no de infarto de miocardio, enfermedad vascular periférica e insuficiencia cardiaca. En el modelo predictivo de estimación del riesgo de muerte al año de seguimiento obtuvimos como variables: género, cuidado personal, actividad cotidiana y el índice de cormobilidad de Charlson. A modo de conclusión podemos decir que los modelos construidos obtuvieron buenos indicadores en las muestras que se han desarrollado, quedando pendiente su validación externa que será motivo de estudio en futuras investigaciones

    Reading Habit in Primary School Students: Influence of Family and School Reading Plan

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    In Primary School reading competence is a fundamental part of linguistic communication competence. And it has also been determined that its development in the early stages of education favors the academic success of students. Considering these ideas, a pilot study limited to one educational centre was carried out, a transversal cut, using a survey of closed-ended questions, on the value of the family in the development of the reading habit, investigating and showing the implications of this in the development policy of the Reading Plan and analysing whether this implication influenced the academic results of the students. This survey was administered to a sample of 51 students in the third year of Primary school. The management of the centre and the coordinators of the section were also interviewed. Once the results were obtained, the data obtained corroborated that the reading habit of the students is associated above all with school tasks and not so much with the taste or pleasure of reading in leisure time. It has also been determined that the attitude of the family has a clear influence on the development of the reading habit. And, finally, it could be verified that the academic performance of the students was related to this habit. It concludes with an emphasis on the necessary training of teachers to encourage the students' reading habits and family involvement in the Reading Plan.En Educación Primaria la competencia lectora es una parte fundamental de la competencia en comunicación lingüística. Se ha determinado que su desarrollo en las primeras etapas educativas favorece el éxito académico de los estudiantes. Considerando estas ideas, se realizó un estudio piloto limitado a un centro educativo, de corte transversal, empleando una encuesta de preguntas cerradas sobre el valor de la familia en el desarrollo del hábito lector, investigando y mostrando las implicaciones de ésta en la política de desarrollo del Plan Lector y analizando si esta implicación influía en los resultados académicos del alumnado. Dicha encuesta se administró a una muestra de 51 estudiantes de tercer curso de Primaria. También se entrevistó a la dirección del centro y a los coordinadores de tramo. Una vez obtenidos los resultados, los datos alcanzados corroboraron que el hábito lector de los estudiantes está asociado sobre todo a las tareas escolares y no tanto al gusto o al placer de leer en tiempo de ocio. También se ha determinado que la actitud de la familia posee una clara influencia en el desarrollo del hábito lector. Y, finalmente, se pudo comprobar que el rendimiento académico de los alumnos estaba relacionado con dicho hábito. Se concluye poniendo de relieve la necesaria formación y capacitación del profesorado para incentivar el hábito lector del alumnado y la implicación familiar en el Plan Lector del centro

    Adults and Elders and their use of ICTs. Media Competence of Digital Immigrants

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    The undisputed presence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in our lives has led to the development of new forms of social, interactive and critical relationships. This study aims to compare the level of media competencies, in relation to six established categories, of two population groups: adults (aged 18-55) and elders (aged over 55). The sample was composed of 714 people from the eight provinces making up the Spanish region of Andalusia. The study conducted was based on the selection and comparison of results of specific items drawn from two separate questionnaires, directed to both population groups. The data were statistically processed in accordance with the distribution of the sample proportions. The objective was to identify and contrast the degree of digital literacy of these two groups, in terms of their use, productivity and interaction with technological tools. The results highlight the needs and demands of both groups in terms of technology, critical reading and audio-visual production. It is notable that adults aged 18 to 30 have a higher level of expertise in the interaction and language dimensions, while those aged 30 and above perform better in critical and participative dimensions offered by such media, such as reflection, analysis and creation. In the over-55 group, there is a direct correlation between income bracket and level of media skills, the latter significantly diminishing with age

    Menor peso corporal, de índice de masa corporal y de perímetro de cintura se asocian a una disminución en factores de riesgo cardiovascular en población chilena = Effects of a lower body weight or waist circumference on cardiovascular risk. Findings from the Chilean health survey

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    Background: Overall and central obesity are important risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Aim: To investigate the association of body weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) with cardiovascular risk factors in Chile. Material and methods: We included 5,157 participants from the National Health Survey 2009-2010. Prevalence of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia (high total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and low HDL-cholesterol) were defined using international recommendations. BMI and WC were measured using standardized protocols. Results: A five percent lower body weight, BMI and WC were associated with a significant reduction in cardiovascular risk factors. For each 5% reduction in body weight, the risk for hypertension decreased by 8 and 9% in women and men respectively. Similar risk reductions were observed for diabetes (9 and 11% respectively), metabolic syndrome (23 and 30% respectively), low HDL cholesterol (13 and 13% respectively), high triglyceride levels (16 and 18% respectively) and total cholesterol (8 and 10% respectively). Similar findings were observed for BMI and WC. Conclusions: Lower body weight, BMI or WC are associated with important reductions in cardiovascular risk factors. A 5% reduction in these adiposity markers could be a perfectly feasible goal for lifestyle interventions

    Mujeres y desarrollo rural : la conciliación de tiempos de vida y de trabajo

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    En este artículo se plantea la participación de las mujeres en el desarrollo rural desde la perspectiva de su incorporación al mercado laboral y la forma en que compatibilizan trabajo y familia. En los primeros epígrafes se hace una revisión de actuaciones y estudios sobre el papel de las mujeres en el desarrollo rural y la conciliación de vida laboral y familiar, prestando especial atención a programas y políticas puestos en marcha en España y la Unión Europea. En la segunda parte, se presentan los resultados de una investigación empírica sobre la cuestión llevada a cabo en algunas comarcas de las provincias de Toledo y Cáceres. A partir del análisis de los Usos del Tiempo y el Espacio se reconocen las peculiaridades de las estrategias que desarrollan las mujeres rurales para conciliar vida laboral y familiar.This paper studies women’s participation in rural development from a perspective that focuses on their entry in labour market and the way they adopt to fit work and family life. The first section of the article is devoted to make a revision of studies and empirical examples of women’s role in rural development and labour and family life conciliation, with a special focus on policies and programs developed in Spain and the European Union. In the second section we present the results of an empirical research on the question performed in some rural areas of the Spanish provinces of Toledo and Cáceres. Analysing Time/Space Uses, we recognise some characteristics of the strategies rural women use to conciliate work and familiar life

    Mujeres y desarrollo rural : la conciliación de tiempos de vida y de trabajo

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    En este artículo se plantea la participación de las mujeres en el desarrollo rural desde la perspectiva de su incorporación al mercado laboral y la forma en que compatibilizan trabajo y familia. En los primeros epígrafes se hace una revisión de actuaciones y estudios sobre el papel de las mujeres en el desarrollo rural y la conciliación de vida laboral y familiar, prestando especial atención a programas y políticas puestos en marcha en España y la Unión Europea. En la segunda parte, se presentan los resultados de una investigación empírica sobre la cuestión llevada a cabo en algunas comarcas de las provincias de Toledo y Cáceres. A partir del análisis de los Usos del Tiempo y el Espacio se reconocen las peculiaridades de las estrategias que desarrollan las mujeres rurales para conciliar vida laboral y familiar.This paper studies women’s participation in rural development from a perspective that focuses on their entry in labour market and the way they adopt to fit work and family life. The first section of the article is devoted to make a revision of studies and empirical examples of women’s role in rural development and labour and family life conciliation, with a special focus on policies and programs developed in Spain and the European Union. In the second section we present the results of an empirical research on the question performed in some rural areas of the Spanish provinces of Toledo and Cáceres. Analysing Time/Space Uses, we recognise some characteristics of the strategies rural women use to conciliate work and familiar life

    Quality Assurance in Nursing Education: A Qualitative Study Involving Students and Newly Graduated Nurses

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    Background: Assuring quality training for future nursing professionals is essential to preserving population health and socio-economic development. Quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area places students in a leading role to transform and improve higher education programs. Therefore, an innovative way of reviewing strengths and weaknesses of the nursing education program of a Spanish university has been developed. Objectives: The aim of this paper was to explore the perceptions and opinions of nursing students and newly-qualified nurses regarding the contents of the nursing curriculum in order to improve its quality. Methods: Descriptive and exploratory qualitative research was carried out involving 12 newly-qualified nurses and 12 student nurses. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were performed. Results: Based on the thematic analysis, two themes emerged: improving clinical practices and reviewing the theoretical curriculum. Conclusions: Among the improvements suggested by the participants, the most relevant ones were establishing a clear structure of learning contents in the practicum, and redistributing the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS credits in various courses of the study program. However, additional evidence is needed prior to proceeding with any changes

    Factores asociados al desarrollo de obesidad en Chile: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2009-2010 = Risk factors for obesity: analysis of the 2009-2010 Chilean Health Survey

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    Background: Chile has one of the highest obesity rates in Latin America. However, the factors that could explain this high prevalence of obesity are unknown. Aim: To determine the main risk factors for the development of obesity in Chile. Material and methods: We included 1398 obese and 1478 normal weight participants of the National Health Survey 2009-2010. The risk factors considered were socioeconomic variables, diet, physical activity, comorbidities and general wellbeing. Results: The main factors associated with a higher risk of being obese were age, high salt consumption and high alcohol intake. Education, income and living in rural or urban zones were protective for women and risk factors for men. The probability of being obese increases in women that sleep less than seven hours per day or have a poor health. Sedentariness and lack of physical activity were risk factors among men. Conclusions: The identification of these risk factors may help to implement public health interventions to tackle obesity in Chile

    Factores asociados al desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en Chile = Risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes in Chile

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    Background: Worldwide, prevalence of type 2 diabetes has doubled in the last years, mainly due to unhealthy lifestyle behaviours. They are many risk factors associated with diabetes, however, which factors are associated with diabetes in the Chilean population remains unknown. Therefore, the aim was to determine what risk factors are associated with the development of diabetes in Chile. Methods: Four thousand and seven hundred participants from the cross-sectional 2009-2010 National Health Survey were included in this study (4,162 normal; 538 diabetics). Risk factors assessed were socio-demographic, anthropometric, lifestyle, well-being and comorbidities. The association between diabetes and risk factors was examined using logistic regression. Results: The main non-modifiable risk factors associated with diabetes were age ≥ 45 year, female and family history of diabetes; whereas the main modifiable risk factors were hypertension, overweight, obesity, central obesity, physical inactivity and higher levels of sitting time. Conclusion: The identification of modifiable risk factors for DMT2 is key to control and decrease the prevalence of this pathology and to improve the quality of life of the population

    Dating Violence: A Bibliometric Review of the Literature in Web of Science and Scopus

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    FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades/Proyecto (P18-RT-1475).This study has the general purpose of improving the understanding and description of the field of violence in young couple relationships by means of a bibliometric analysis. A descriptive and transversal-retrospective methodology is used, the objective of which is to describe in a quantitative way the information obtained from the production of 842 references registered in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The results show that during 2017 and 2018, the majority of publications were concentrated, highlighting that the United States is the country with the highest amount of scientific production on violence in intimate relationships. It is important to highlight that more and more countries are investigating this subject, highlighting an increase in production from 2015 onwards. The violence that occurs in the relationships of young couples is a global social and health problem that requires research to be able to deepen its knowledge and in the prevention of this social scourge.Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades/Proyecto P18-RT-147