315 research outputs found
Burnout y profesionales de la salud en adicciones
En el presente trabajo se pretende realizar un acercamiento a la comprensión del Síndrome de Burnout y a las devastadoras consecuencias que este desencadena, tanto para el sujeto que lo padece como para la institución de la cual forma parte. Se decidió estudiar Burnout en los profesionales de la salud que trabajan con la temática de adicciones ya que por las características de la misma podría ser un factor predisponente a que se manifiesten los indicadores del Síndrome de Burnout.
El diseño utilizado es no experimental, transversal, descriptivo. Se trabajó con muestra no probabilística, de carácter intencional. Los instrumentos de evaluación utilizados fueron el MBI (MaslachBurnoutInventory) considerado como una situación estímulo de tensión que puede reactivar la sintomatología del Burnout en los sujetos evaluados; y una entrevista estructurada que se aplico con el objetivo de obtener información relevante tanto del profesional como de la institución. La muestra se conforma de treinta profesionales que trabajan en los centros preventivos y asistenciales de adicciones de la provincia de Mendoza.In the present work is to make an approach to the understanding of burnout syndrome and this triggers devastating consequences for both the individual who suffers and the institution of which it is part. He decided to study Burnout in health professionals working with the issue of addiction and that the characteristics of it might be a predisposing factor to manifest indicators Burnout Syndrome.
The experimental design used is not transversal, descriptive. We worked with non-probability sample, are intentional. The assessment instruments used were the MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) considered a stress stimulus situation that can reactivate the symptoms of burnout in the subjects evaluated, and a structured interview was applied in order to obtain relevant information from both the professional and of the institution. The sample was made up of thirty professionals working in the centers of addiction prevention and care in the province of Mendoza.Fil: Oliva, Ana Laur
Soil processes in recently deglaciated environments in Maritime Antarctica: a study case from Elephant Point (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands)
1 .pdf file with the extended abstract from the Book Abstracts.- 1. pdf copy of the original poster presented by authors.Periglacial processes are widespread in all the peninsula, but the type and characteristics of soils depen on
the timing of glacier retreat. In this research we aim to assess how the glacier retreat affects the recently formed
soils. Ten sites were sampled along a transect crossing different geomorphological units (beach, raised beaches,
moraine, proglacial environment), following the direction of glacier retreat.Peer reviewe
Abordaje de expresiones regulares y sus derivadas mediante la utilización del software JFLAP
Realizar actualización de contenidos e introducir uso de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en asignaturas, es una tarea que impacta: tanto en la calidad de la educación, como en la curiosidad y motivación del alumno, al incluir software en los procesos de aprendizaje.
Es proyecto de Matemática Discreta con el uso de JFLAP1: herramienta que permite visualizar gráficamente la construcción de las máquinas de estados finitos; haciendo que el estudiante pueda comprender el funcionamiento de los modelos teóricos incluidos en la asignatura y también, posibilita la autocorrección de ejercicios.
La propuesta se sustenta en adicionar al software desarrollos teórico-prácticos que permitan desde las reglas de la gramática del Autómata Finito Determinístico (AFD) y su Expresión Regular (ER), obtener las reglas de la gramática del AFD que corresponde a la derivada de la ER, lo cual permitiría el trabajo de la derivada de la ER con el software, pues no lo aborda entre sus tareas realizables.
El desarrollo de algoritmos que generen la gramática del AFD de la derivada de una ER, permitirán la interrelación con JFLAP, potenciando así sus capacidades para dar respuesta a la representación gráfica del AFD de la derivada de una ER.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic
Abordaje de expresiones regulares y sus derivadas mediante la utilización del software JFLAP
Realizar actualización de contenidos e introducir uso de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en asignaturas, es una tarea que impacta: tanto en la calidad de la educación, como en la curiosidad y motivación del alumno, al incluir software en los procesos de aprendizaje.
Es proyecto de Matemática Discreta con el uso de JFLAP1: herramienta que permite visualizar gráficamente la construcción de las máquinas de estados finitos; haciendo que el estudiante pueda comprender el funcionamiento de los modelos teóricos incluidos en la asignatura y también, posibilita la autocorrección de ejercicios.
La propuesta se sustenta en adicionar al software desarrollos teórico-prácticos que permitan desde las reglas de la gramática del Autómata Finito Determinístico (AFD) y su Expresión Regular (ER), obtener las reglas de la gramática del AFD que corresponde a la derivada de la ER, lo cual permitiría el trabajo de la derivada de la ER con el software, pues no lo aborda entre sus tareas realizables.
El desarrollo de algoritmos que generen la gramática del AFD de la derivada de una ER, permitirán la interrelación con JFLAP, potenciando así sus capacidades para dar respuesta a la representación gráfica del AFD de la derivada de una ER.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic
Signalling pathways involved in antitumoral effects of VIP in human renal cell carcinoma A498 cells: VIP induction of p53 expression
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) decreases cell proliferation through PI3K signalling and prevents tumour progression in clear renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Here we analyzed the signalling pathways that mediate such VIP effects by using human RCC A498 cells. The effects of treatment with 1 mM VIP and/or speci?c protein kinase inhibitors such as H89, Wortmannin and PD98059 were studied by cell adhesion assay, ELISA of VEGF165 and ROS production assays. Semiquantitative RT-PCR and western blot were performed to study p53 expression. VIP increased cell adhesion and ROS production, and decreased VEGF165 secretion through PI3K signalling. Moreover, VIP increased nuclear expression of tumour suppressor p53. VIP effects could be blocked by cell incubation with a speci?c p53 inhibitor, cyclin pi?thrin-a hydrobro- mide (CPFT-?H). In conclusion, this study provides a p53-dependent mechanism by which VIP regulates cell proliferation in RCC development. It supports a potential usefulness of VIP in new therapies of RCC.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaFundación Mutua MadrileñaFundación Jesús Serr
Isolation of Chitinolytic Bacteria from European Sea Bass Gut Microbiota Fed Diets with Distinct Insect Meals
SIMPLE SUMMARY: The ever-growing human population is increasingly demanding more fish. As a response, aquaculture has become the fastest growing industry in its sector. Alternatives to fish meal, an unsustainable commodity used as the main protein source for carnivorous species, are urgently needed in aquafeeds. Recently, in Europe, seven insect species have been approved as potential ingredients for animal feeds, including fish feed. However, chitin, one of the components of an insect’s exoskeleton, is indigestible for several economically valuable fish species, decreasing fish performance upon inclusion. This work aimed to isolate, from the European sea bass gastrointestinal tract, probiotic bacteria capable of producing chitinases to improve the use of diets containing high levels of insect meal. Based on the enhanced adaptability of gut microbial communities and the selective pressure of chitin-enriched diets on fish gut microbiota, bacteria were first isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of European sea bass fed chitin-enriched diets. Isolates were then comprehensively screened in vitro for important traits such as their ability to utilize chitin, gut-survival aptitude, and biosafety-related issues required to be considered eligible as probiotics by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). ABSTRACT: Insect meal (IM), recently authorized for use in aquafeeds, positions itself as a promising commodity for aquafeed inclusion. However, insects are also rich in chitin, a structural polysaccharide present in the exoskeleton, which is not digested by fish, resulting in lower fish performance. Through the application of a dietary pressure, this study aimed to modulate European sea bass gut microbiota towards the enrichment of chitinolytic bacteria to allow the isolation of novel probiotics capable of improving the use of IM-containing diets, overcoming chitin drawbacks. Five isoproteic (44%) and isolipidic (18%) diets were used: a fish meal (FM)-based diet (diet CTR), a chitin-supplemented diet (diet CHIT5), and three diets with either 25% of Hermetia illucens and Tenebrio molitor larvae meals (HM25 and TM25, respectively) or H. illucens exuviae meal (diet HEM25) as partial FM substitutes. After an 8-week feeding trial, the results showed a clear modulatory effect towards spore-forming bacteria by HM25 and HEM25 diets, with the latter being responsible for the majority of the chitinolytic fish isolates (FIs) obtained. Sequential evaluation of the FI hemolytic activity, antibiotic resistance, total chitinolytic activity, sporulation, and survival in gastrointestinal-like conditions identified FI645 and FI658 as the most promising chitinolytic probiotics for in vivo application
Exploring association of melanoma-specific Bcl-xL with tumor immune microenvironment
Background: Macrophages take center stage in the tumor microenvironment, a niche composed of extracellular matrix and a heterogeneous group of cells, including immune ones. They can evolve during tumor progression and acquire Tumor-Associated Macrophage (TAMs) phenotype. The release of cytokines by tumor and stromal cells, influence the secretion of cytokines by TAMs, which can guarantee tumor progression and influence the response to therapy. Among all factors able to recruit and polarize macrophages, we focused our attention on Bcl-xL, a multifaceted member of the Bcl-2 family, whose expression is deregulated in melanoma. It acts not only as a canonical pro-survival and anti-apoptotic protein, but also as a promoter of tumor progression. Methods: Human melanoma cells silencing or overexpressing Bcl-xL protein, THP-1 monocytic cells and monocyte-derived macrophages were used in this study. Protein array and specific neutralizing antibodies were used to analyze cytokines and chemokines secreted by melanoma cells. qRT-PCR, ELISA and Western Blot analyses were used to evaluate macrophage polarization markers and protein expression levels. Transwell chambers were used to evaluate migration of THP-1 and monocyte-derived macrophages. Mouse and zebrafish models were used to evaluate the ability of melanoma cells to recruit and polarize macrophages in vivo. Results: We demonstrated that melanoma cells overexpressing Bcl-xL recruit macrophages at the tumor site and induce a M2 phenotype. In addition, we identified that interleukin-8 and interleukin-1β cytokines are involved in macrophage polarization, and the chemokine CCL5/RANTES in the macrophages recruitment at the tumor site. We also found that all these Bcl-xL-induced factors are regulated in a NF-kB dependent manner in human and zebrafish melanoma models. Conclusions: Our findings confirmed the pro-tumoral function of Bcl-xL in melanoma through its effects on macrophage phenotype
Desigualdades sociales y salud en el nivel local: hacia la conformación del observatorio socio-sanitario para Concepción del Uruguay
El objetivo del presente proyecto fue analizar la relación entre las desigualdades sociales y las inequidades en salud en la ciudad de Concepción del Uruguay para el período 2001 - 2018. Para alcanzar este objetivo se llevó adelante un estudio descriptivo de diseño mixto de corte transversal y longitudinal retrospectivo, sustentado en datos de fuentes primarias y secundarias que combinó el análisis estadístico y la georreferenciación de datos a nivel local para el análisis de seis problemáticas de salud específicas.
De esta forma, se analizó la distribución temporal y espacial de la mortalidad materna e infantil, los embarazos de riesgo, el cáncer, el VIH-SIDA y las muertes violentas y su relación con dimensiones socioeconómicas, ambientales y culturales, generando conocimiento sobre la relación entre las inequidades en salud y las desigualdades sociales en Concepción del Uruguay y sentando las bases de un sistema de información que oriente el diseño de políticas de salud en el nivel local.
ARK: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s22504559/zzdzo1xk1
Antitumoral effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide in human renal cell carcinoma xenografts in athymic nude mice
We studied antitumor effect of VIP in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (A498 cells xenografted in immunosuppressed mice). VIP-treated cells gave resulted in p53 upregulation and decreased nuclear ?-catenin translocation and NFKB expression, MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities, VEGF levels and CD-34 expression. VIP led to a more differentiated tubular organization in tumours and less metastatic areas. Thus, VIP inhibits growth of A498-cell tumours acting on the major issues involved in RCC progression such as cell proliferation, microenvironment remodelling, tumour invasion, angiogenesis and metastatic ability. These antitumoral effects of VIP offer new therapeutical possibilities in RCC treatment.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaFundación Mutua MadrileñaFundación Jesús Serra (Grupo Catalana de Occidente
Growth hormone-releasing hormone induced transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor in human triple-negative breast cancer cells
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subset of breast cancers which is negative for expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2). Chemotherapy is currently the only form of treatment for women with TNBC. Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are autocrine/paracrine growth factors in breast cancer and a substantial proportion of TNBC expresses receptors for GHRH and EGF. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interrelationship between both these signaling pathways in MDA-MB-468 human TNBC cells. We evaluated by Western blot assays the effect of GHRH on transactivation of EGF receptor (EGFR) as well as the elements implicated. We assessed the effect of GHRH on migration capability of MDA-MB-468 cells as well as the involvement of EGFR in this process by means of wound-healing assays. Our findings demonstrate that in MDA-MB-468 cells the stimulatory activity of GHRH on tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR is exerted by two different molecular mechanisms: i) through GHRH receptors, GHRH stimulates a ligand-independent activation of EGFR involving at least cAMP/PKA and Src family signaling pathways; ii) GHRH also stimulates a ligand-dependent activation of EGFR implicating an extracellular pathway with an important role for metalloproteinases. The cross-talk between EGFR and GHRHR may be impeded by combining drugs acting upon GHRH receptors and EGFR family members. This combination of GHRH receptors antagonists with inhibitors of EGFR signalling could enhance the efficacy of both types of agents as well as reduce their doses increasing therapeutic benefits in management of human breast cancer.Hospital Universitario Príncipe de AsturiasUniversidad de Alcal
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