54 research outputs found

    Motives and beliefs of learners enrolled in adult education

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    The present study intended to identify adult learners? motives for enrollment, and to assess their self-determination, self- efficacy beliefs and academic self-concept in a sample of 310 adult learners attending three different types of courses (short courses; long, vocational courses; long, nonvocational courses), as well as relating these constructs to each other and assess differences according to background variables. Autonomous regulation showed a strong, positive relationship with the epistemic motive and moderate, positive relationships with self-efficacy and academic self-concept. Although learners scored high in both intrinsic and extrinsic motives, group mean comparisons revealed that some characteristics like lower qualifications, unemployment and being a male showed a stronger connection to an extrinsic orientation. These results are in line with SDT predictions about the quality of motivation and suggest that learners with the former characteristics could be more at risk of failure and drop-out. Overall this study highlights the relevance of examining motivational variables in adult learners. Considering the relatively scarce research in the field, future research should further investigate adult learners? motivational profiles and how they relate to achievement.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    The influence of students self-determination and personal achievement goals in learning and engagement: a mediation model for traditional and nontraditional students

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    This study aimed to explore school factors that influence students? achievements in Trendsin International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, inthe United Arab Emirates. The study sample for TIMSS 2015 consisted of 4838 students in eighthgrade; 2172 girls, 2666 boys, and 156 schools from Abu Dhabi attended and participated in TIMSS2015. Principal component analysis (PCA) was run on 77 items of school questionnaires administeredto school principals to provide information about the school contexts for teaching and learning. Thefive factors from the school questionnaire were general school resources, school discipline and safety,parental support, principal experience and education, and library and instruction resources. Multipleregression models were implemented to examine the impact of school factors on student achievementin TIMSS 2015. The models are statistically significant, indicating that they fit the data well. This alsodemonstrates a significant linear relationship between students? achievement in TIMSS 2015 and thevariables related to school factors.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Motivational profiles of adult learners

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    This study investigated profiles of autonomous and controlled motivation and their effects in a sample of 188 adult learners from two Portuguese urban areas. Using a person-centered approach, results of cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of covariance revealed four motivational groups with different effects in self-efficacy, engagement, and learning. The study showed that groups of learners who have high autonomous motivation in the beginning of a course score higher in self-efficacy and later on in behavioral engagement and use of deep-learning strategies, whereas those who have controlled motivation alone or low levels of both types of motivation have worse results. Additionally, the study showed motivational differences according to adult learners? gender, educational level, and occupational status. The influence of the Portuguese adult education system on the results and the implications of the study for the practice of adult education are also discussed.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Aprender brincando : as TIC na aula de Portugu?s - um percurso no 2.? Ciclo do Ensino B?sico

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    Relat?rio Final de Pr?tica de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1? Ciclo do Ensino B?sico e de Portugu?s e Hist?ria e Geografia de Portugal no 2? Ciclo do Ensino B?sico apresentado na Escola Superior de Educa??o do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do CasteloNo presente relat?rio de est?gio ? retratado o percurso pedag?gico desenvolvido no decorrer do ano letivo de 2021/2022, no ?mbito da Unidade Curricular da Pr?tica de Ensino Supervisionada, incorporada no Mestrado em Ensino do 1.? ciclo do Ensino B?sico e de Portugu?s e Hist?ria e Geografia de Portugal no 2.? ciclo do Ensino B?sico. Para elaborar este relat?rio de est?gio, procedeu-se ao enquadramento das duas interven??es educativas realizadas ao longo do ano letivo: 1.? e 2.? Ciclos do ensino b?sico, destacando a caracteriza??o de cada contexto, os aspetos referentes ?s atividades realizadas nas diferentes ?reas de interven??o e alguns recursos did?ticos utilizados para a elabora??o das propostas de aprendizagem. Ser? igualmente explicada a proposta pedag?gica que envolveu as TIC e o ensino do Portugu?s em sala de aula com uma turma do 5.? ano do 2.? CEB. Esse momento traduziu-se num estudo de investiga??o que teve como objetivo perceber se a utiliza??o das apps e jogos l?dicos na disciplina de Portugu?s favoreciam a aprendizagem dos discentes em Portugu?s. Para realizar o estudo, foi primeiramente efetuada uma revis?o sistem?tica da literatura e elaborado um trabalho pr?ximo do estudo de caso. Para o formalizar adotou- se uma metodologia qualitativa em que se recolheram dados, recorrendo a um inqu?rito por question?rio, no qual os alunos avaliaram numericamente as disciplinas favoritas; a prefer?ncia pela utiliza??o do manual ou de atividades l?dicas, quais as apps utilizadas ao longo das implementa??es e as que mais gostaram. Podemos concluir, com este estudo, que os alunos aprender?o melhor com as apps e atividades l?dicas, primeiramente porque sentem ?-vontade com as mesmas visto que nasceram no mundo da tecnologia. Paralelamente, ficaram a conhecer apps que desconheciam, visto ser o manual o principal utens?lio de trabalho no dia a dia na sala de aula. Podemos, ainda, verificar que com o recurso ao jogo, os discentes apresentaram maior profici?ncia no portugu?s nas atividades realizadas e a sua prefer?ncia pela disciplina aumentou.In this final report we portray the pedagogical journey developed during the school year 2021/2022, under the Curricular Unit of Supervised Teaching Practice, incorporated in the Master's Degree in Teaching of 1st cycle of basic education and Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the 2nd cycle of basic education. To prepare this report, we began by proceed the framework of the two educational interventions carried out throughout the school year: one in the first cycle of basic education and another in the second cycle of basic education, highlighting, in addition to the characterization of each context, aspects relating to the activities carried out in the different areas of intervention and some teaching resources used for the development of learning proposals. In addition to the two interventions, the pedagogical proposal that involved ICT and the teaching of Portuguese in the classroom with a class of 5th year of the 2nd CEB will also be explained. This moment was a research study that aimed to understand whether the use of apps and games in Portuguese subjects favoured students' learning in Portuguese. To conduct the study, a systematic literature review was first carried out and close case study work was undertaken. To formalise it, a qualitative methodology was adopted, in which data were collected using a questionnaire survey, in which students numerically assessed their favourite subjects; their preference for the use of the textbook or playful activities; which apps were used throughout the implementations; and which they liked the most. We can conclude from this study that students learn better with apps and playful activities, firstly because they feel at ease with them, since they were born in the world of technology. At the same time, they got to know apps that they didn't know, since the textbook is the main tool for their daily work in the classroom. We can also see that with the use of the game, the students showed greater proficiency in Portuguese in the activities carried out and their preference for the subject increased

    O Cuidar dos enfermeiros na equipa de suporte em cuidados paliativos

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    Relat?rio de Est?gio em Cuidados Paliativos apresentada na Escola Superior de Sa?de do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do CasteloAcompanhar o processo de fim de vida implica ter uma vis?o hol?stica como garantia de uma assist?ncia integral ? pessoa. V?rias vezes nos confrontamos com pessoas em grande sofrimento nas unidades hospitalares, onde ainda imperam valores m?dicos que se direcionam para a dimens?o biol?gica da pessoa, procurando-se a cura e negando-se a morte. Efetivamente quando a pessoa se v? na fronteira entre a vida e a morte, necessita que a ajudem a encontrar um sentido para a vida, adaptando-se a esta nova situa??o. Assim, o desafio consiste em que os profissionais de sa?de, nomeadamente os enfermeiros, implementem modelos de cuidados centrados na pessoa e fam?lia, que consigam entrar no seu mundo interior, de forma a responder ?s suas necessidades. Neste sentido, tivemos como objetivo desenvolver habilidades e compet?ncias especializadas na ?rea dos Cuidados Paliativos, pelo que optamos pela realiza??o de um Est?gio de Natureza Profissional, com 350 horas presenciais, na Equipa Intra-Hospitalar de Suporte em Cuidados Paliativos da Unidade Local de Sa?de do Alto Minho. Com este est?gio temos como intencionalidade a obten??o de habilidades e compet?ncias na ?rea dos cuidados paliativos atrav?s do treino e da an?lise cr?tica e reflexiva, de forma a que possamos contribuir no nosso contexto de trabalho para a mudan?a/inova??o de modelos de cuidados que viabilizem a constru??o de um fim de vida condigno. Durante a realiza??o do est?gio de natureza profissional procuramos adotar metodologias ativas, din?micas e participativas, integrando, mobilizando e consolidando os conhecimentos te?ricos adquiridos no 1? ano do curso de mestrado. Atendemos aos princ?pios ?tico-deontol?gicos, visando a pessoa doente e fam?lia como uma unidade de cuidados e por conseguinte a garantia da qualidade do cuidado. A nossa participa??o passou pelas v?rias dimens?es dos cuidados paliativos, nomeadamente a n?vel do controlo sintom?tico, verificamos que ? primordial para o bem-estar destes doentes e uma das preocupa??es maiores dos cuidados de enfermagem. Assim procuramos desenvolver compet?ncias sobretudo a n?vel da avalia??o e monitoriza??o. A n?vel da comunica??o enfatizamos o treino a n?vel de um estilo comunicacional emp?tico, procurando sempre uma comunica??o eficaz e clara. Assim estas compet?ncias foram desenvolvidas atrav?s de uma adapta??o da comunica??o, ?s situa??es, contextualizar as rea??es, perceber os pensamentos e comportamentos, de forma a desenvolver habilidades para um cuidar mais adequado e adaptado. A n?vel do acompanhamento familiar e processo de luto salientamos as confer?ncias familiares. No que se refere ? nossa participa??o no ?mbito da forma??o permitiu o desenvolvimento de compet?ncias e novas formas de intervir. Com a realiza??o deste est?gio, percebemos que uma resposta adequada em cuidados paliativos requer compet?ncias t?cnicas, cient?ficas, relacionais e humanas, sempre acompanhadas de um pensamento cr?tico-reflexivo. Consideramos ter desenvolvido compet?ncias necess?rias para a presta??o de cuidados paliativos de excel?ncia.To accompany the process of nearing the end of life implies to have an holistic vision that provides global care to the person. We are quite commonly confronted with people who are suffering deeply in hospitals, where medical values centered in the biological dimension of the person still prevail, where the search for the cure imposes itself and death is denied. In fact, when a person is facing the frontier between life and death, this person will need help to find a meaning for his/her life in order to adapt to this new situation. So, the challenge consists of implementing new care models focused on the person and the family that enable the health professionals, particularly, the nurses, to enter the patients? inner world and by this responding to their needs. With this in mind, it is our aim to develop specialized skills and expertise in the field of Palliative Care. Therefore, we have chose an Internship of Professional Nature, 350 hours, in the Intra-Hospital Suppot Team for Palliative Care of the Local Unit of Healthcare of Alto Minho. The objective of this internship is to achieve the skills and expertise in the field of palliative care through practice as well as critical and reflexive thinking so that we will be able to contribute to the change/innovation of care models to ensure that the end of the patient?s life will occur with dignity. Troughout the intership, we tried to embrace active dynamic participatory methologies and by this integrating mobilizing and consolidating knowlegde of what had been learned in the first year of the Masters Degree. Attending to the principals of deontology ethics, aiming to consider the person and the family as a unit of care. So, being able to ensure the quality of care. We participated in the various dimensions of the palliative care, namely in symptomatic control. We realised that it is of the outmost importance for the well-being of the patient and one of the greatets concerns of the nurse?s care. Therefore, we developed expertise mainly at evaluation and monitoring level. Regarding communication, we emphasized an emphatic communication, mantaining it effective and clear. This expertise was developed by adapting communication to the situations, having in consideration the reactions, thoughts and behaviours so as to develop the skills to provide the best care possible. The family benefited from counselling for accompaniment and the grieving process. In what concerns our parttaking in the Basic Course in Palliative Care, it allowed us to develop new skills and ways to intervene. viThe intership allowed us to comprehend that technical scientific relational and human skills have always to interact with critical and reflexive thinking. We understand that we have developed the required skills for the provision of excellence in pallitative care.

    (Orto)grafar: compreender o erro ortogr?fico - uma abordagem da escrita com alunos do 2.? ciclo

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    Relat?rio Final de Pr?tica de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1? e 2? Ciclos do Ensino B?sico apresentado na Escola Superior de Educa??o do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do CasteloA presente investiga??o, inserida no relat?rio final do Mestrado em Educa??o do 1? e 2? Ciclos do Ensino B?sico, incide na compreens?o das dificuldades sentidas por alunos de uma turma de sexto ano do Ensino B?sico, ao n?vel da ortografia. A metodologia adotada para esta investiga??o assenta num modelo de investiga??o qualitativa, com caracter?sticas de um estudo explorat?rio, que consiste na recolha de informa??o fi?vel e sistem?tica sobre aspetos espec?ficos. Uma das finalidades deste estudo foi tentar perceber de que forma consciencializar os alunos para a corre??o ortogr?fica. Para o seu desenvolvimento, foi essencial a participa??o da turma em estudo. Os dados necess?rios para esta investiga??o foram recolhidos atrav?s da observa??o, por parte da investigadora, das produ??es textuais, do conjunto de atividades planeadas e outros registos escritos por parte dos alunos. Foram efetuadas an?lises aos dados recolhidos e categorizados os erros detetados. Desta forma, foi poss?vel identificar e categorizar os erros ortogr?ficos, mas tamb?m foi poss?vel compreender as suas causas. Este estudo tem como principais objetivos promover a consolida??o ortogr?fica, apelar ? reflex?o sobre o modo como as palavras se escrevem, tendo em conta regras de ortografia, desenvolver a capacidade de concentra??o e autonomia, em que a crian?a deve pensar, ler e escrever conforme solicitado e desenvolver e analisar os erros ortogr?ficos encontrados.The present investigation, inserted in the final Masters? Report in Education of the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education focusses on the understanding of difficulties felt by students in a Sixth Grade class of Basic Education, at an orthography level. The methodology adopted for this investigation is based on a qualitative investigation model, with features of an exploratory study, which consists of the gathering of reliable and systematic information regarding specific aspects. The main aim of this study is to promote orthographic consolidation, appeal for reflection on the ways in which the words are written, taking into account the orthography rules, develop the capacity of concentration and autonomy, in which the child should think, read and write as requested, and develop and analyse the orthography errors found. One of the purposes of this study was to try to understand in what way the practise of written activities would contribute to the students individually correcting their errors. For its development, the participation of the class in study was essential. The necessary data for this investigation was gathered through observation, by the researcher, of textual productions, of the set of planned activities and other written records by the students. Analyses were carried out on the gathered data and the detected errors categorised. In this way, it was possible to identify and categorise orthographic errors, but it was also possible to understand their cause

    Slavery in color : approach, recognition and acceptance of black people?s humanity in a project by Marina Amaral.

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    Este artigo toma para an?lise o trabalho In Color: Slavery in Brazil, 1869, da colorista Marina Amaral para observar de que maneira o gesto de apropria??o da artista ressignifica os arquivos da escravid?o brasileira, mais precisamente os tipos fotogr?ficos feitos por Alberto Henschel. Parte-se do entendimento de que as imagens de Henschel (e de outros fot?grafos da ?poca que apontavam suas c?meras para mulheres e homens negros) s?o assinaladas por uma l?gica tipificadora que perpassa n?o apenas sua produ??o, mas seu consumo, no passado e no presente. Nessa acep??o, os novos sentidos que s?o alcan?ados com o projeto da artista s? podem emergir da ruptura com esse estatuto. Para isso, Amaral recorre ? coloriza??o e ? montagem das fotografias de maneira que convida o espectador a enxerg?-las de outro modo, distanciado daquele que ? o cerne da representa??o das pessoas negras escravizadas: a ideia de Outro, peculiar, diferente e estranho. O que a colorista prop?e, em dire??o contr?ria, ? faz?-las aparecer nas fotos a partir de sua natureza humana. Trata-se, defende-se aqui, de uma a??o de car?ter est?tico amplo, de teor pol?tico ? essencialmente antirracista.This article examines In Color: Slavery in Brazil, 1869, a project made by the colorist Marina Amaral, in order to observe how her gesture of appropriation brings new meanings to Brazilian slavery?s archives, especially to photographic types produced by Alberto Henschel. In the first part, the paper explains that Henschel?s images (as well as images from others who photographed black people in that period) were produced and consumed according to a typifying logic, that still marks their comprehension today. In this regard, the new meanings forged by the artist's project can only emerge from the subversion of that logic. As the artist recuperates these photos, renders them in color and presents them in a new montage, she invites spectators to look at them in a singular way, beyond the perception of enslaved individuals as Other, peculiar, different and strange. Thus, she proposes that the audience recognizes the humanity of those who appear in these images. At stake in Amaral's project is a practice both broadly aesthetic in character and of essentially anti-racist political value

    Representa??es de norma lingu?stica para professores de l?ngua portuguesa do ensino fundamental II.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Letras. Departamento de Letras, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Este trabalho apresenta um levantamento das representa??es acerca de norma lingu?stica que t?m professores de L?ngua Portuguesa do Ensino Fundamental II. Observar a pr?tica de colegas mais experientes ? condi??o para se tornar professor. A partir da?, o observador relata e analisa aquilo que assistiu. Entretanto, ouvir o professor em exerc?cio tamb?m pode colaborar para esse processo formador constante. ? nesta perspectiva que este estudo caminha: ouvir professores no que se refere aos aspectos de norma lingu?stica. Partindo da descri??o hist?rica da institucionaliza??o da L?ngua Portuguesa no Brasil, perpassamos tamb?m os caminhos da fixa??o dessa l?ngua como disciplina a ser ensinada nas escolas. Discorremos sobre a legisla??o brasileira no que se refere ?s prescri??es curriculares (PCN e BNCC) para ensino de L?ngua Portuguesa no Brasil, e procuramos mostrar como essas prescri??es nos parecem imprecisas no que concerne ? ideia de norma lingu?stica. Analisamos, ent?o, as ideias de norma para alguns te?ricos, partindo dos preceitos estruturalistas de Saussure e atingindo linguistas brasileiros que investigam a quest?o da norma lingu?stica da L?ngua Portuguesa. Este trabalho se vale em sua metodologia de um question?rio proposto aos professores participantes no processo investigativo e procurou levantar as representa??es de determinado grupo de sujeitos. Assim, o objetivo foi identificar e descrever as representa??es de norma lingu?stica que t?m os professores de L?ngua Portuguesa do ensino fundamental II. O campo de pesquisa ? uma cidade do interior de Minas Gerais, Itabirito, cujos professores participantes s?o funcion?rios da rede municipal de ensino. OS resultados dessa disserta??o apontam para tr?s eixos representativos ? a saber: norma culta: sin?nimo de padr?o; o uso ? oposto ? norma padr?o e ? norma culta; adequa??o lingu?stica. Esta pesquisa lan?ou luz ? voz docente, um dos protagonistas do processo ensino-aprendizagem - o professor - e salientar as inconsist?ncias tanto nos referenciais te?ricos quanto nos documentos que regem o ensino de L?ngua Portuguesa s?o refletidos nas representa??es mapeadas neste estudo.This study sought to raise the representations in linguistic norms of Portuguese language teachers in Elementary School II. Observing the practice of more experienced colleagues is a condition to become a teacher. From there, the observer reports and analyzes what he watched. However, listening to the acting teacher can also contribute to this constant formative process. It is in this perspective that this study moves: listening to teachers regarding the aspects of linguistic norm. Starting from the historical description of the institutionalization of the Portuguese language in Brazil, we also crossed the paths of fixing this language as a discipline to be taught in schools. We discuss Brazilian legislation with regard to curricular prescriptions for teaching Portuguese in Brazil, and we try to show how imprecise these prescriptions seem with regard to the idea of a linguistic standard. We then analyzed ideas of a norm for some theorists, starting from Saussure's structuralism precepts and reaching Brazilian linguists who investigate the issue of the Portuguese language's linguistic norm. This study uses a questionnaire proposed to teachers participating in the investigative process and sought to raise the representations of a certain group of subjects. Thus, the objective was to raise and describe the representations of linguistic norms that Portuguese language teachers in elementary education II have. The research field is a city in the interior of Minas Gerais, Itabirito, whose participating teachers are employees of the municipal school system. What we found were three representative axes - namely: Formal norm: synonymous with pattern; Usage is opposite to the norm and the cultured norm; Linguistic adequacy. This research was done in an attempt to give voice to one of the protagonists of the teachinglearning process - the teacher - and to highlight the inconsistencies both in the theoretical references and in the documents that govern the of Portuguese language teaching are reflected in the representations mapped in this study

    About living the city at risk : experiences in a Bar?o de Cocais on alert.

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    Este texto se constitui como um relato sobre Bar?o de Cocais, munic?pio do interior mineiro que desde o come?o de 2019 convive com o medo de ser afetado pelo rompimento de uma barragem de rejeitos de minera??o, pertencente ? Vale. Para tanto, algumas reflex?es te?rico-conceituais sobre a textualidade urbana, entendida como historicamente constru?da pela organiza??o pol?tica e econ?mica da sociedade, s?o empreendidas. Junto a elas, tra?a-se uma retrospectiva da constitui??o da urbe atrelada ? atividade miner?ria, que a m?quina. Em seguida, s?o descritas as condi??es do espa?o na atualidade, em suas intera??es e interven??es produzidas pelo risco iminente, o que se faz, metodologicamente, a partir da pr?pria viv?ncia na cidade. Objetiva-se, com isso, propor uma leitura da cidade, ela mesma fen?meno comunicacional. O que se empreende da?, em uma dimens?o pr?tica, aponta a tomada de consci?ncia hist?rica que envolve a percep??o do passado, presente e futuro que se chocam.This text is a report about Bar?o de Cocais, a town in the countryside of Minas Gerais that since the beginning of 2019 is dealing with the fear of a potential rupture of a tailings dam that belongs to the multinational corporation Vale. In the paper, some theoretical and conceptual reflections about urban textuality are made, in order to understand the city as a historical construction based on the political and economic organization of society. A retrospective, from the constitution of Bar?o de Cocais settled on mining activity, is also made. Besides that, the current conditions of the place are described, molded by interactions and interventions induced by the imminent risk. The description is built from the experience in the town. The objective is to propose a reading of the city, as a communicational phenomenon itself. A practical dimension is achieved, which points to a historical awareness that involves the perception of the past, present and future that collide

    The roles of innovation agents in new technology-based firms.

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    O principal papel dos agentes de suporte ? inova??o (ASIs) ? apoiar o desenvolvimento de empresas de base tecnol?gica (EBTs). Entre estes agentes destacam-se aceleradoras de empresas (AEs), incubadoras de empresas (IEs) e parques tecnol?gicos (PTecs). Ainda s?o recentes na literatura artigos que abordam estes tr?s tipos de agentes em conjunto, o que indica que este ? um tema que atualmente come?a a se desenvolver, sendo, todavia, promissor em vista da import?ncia econ?mica do desenvolvimento de EBTs e de ambientes de inova??o. Com efeito, o objetivo deste artigo ? analisar os pap?is, os pontos comuns e as diferen?as entre estes tr?s tipos de ASIs, no que tange ao seu apoio ao desenvolvimento de EBTs. A abordagem utilizada ? a qualitativa, em que foram obtidos dados de um total de vinte e tr?s agentes, distribu?dos entre AEs, IEs, PTecs e EBTs, localizados no Brasil, ou em Portugal. Como resultado, apresenta-se uma vis?o sistem?tica e abrangente destes tr?s tipos de ASIs, baseada nos construtos: espa?o f?sico e servi?os b?sicos, gerencial, acultura??o e redes de rela??es sociais. Adicionalmente, como implica??o pr?tica, conclui-se que este artigo pode ser utilizado como fonte de refer?ncia para o desenvolvimento, tanto de ASIs quanto de EBTs.The main role of innovation agents (IAs) is to provide support for the development of new technology-based firms (NTBFs). These agents include business accelerators (BAs), business incubators (BIs), and science parks (SPs). Studies addressing these three types of agents all together are relatively recent in the literature. This indicates that this is a new but promising topic due to the economic importance of NTBFs and innovation environments. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the roles, similarities, and differences among these three types of IAs, concerning their support for the NTBFs' development. The qualitative research method was used to investigate and collect data from a sample of twenty-three agents consisting of BAs, BIs, SPs, and NTBFs, located in Brazil or in Portugal. As a result, a comprehensive and systematic view of these three types of IAs is presented based on the following constructs: physical space, basic and managerial services, acculturation, and social networks. Furthermore, as a practical implication, this article can be used as a reference source for the development of IAs and NTBFs
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