13 research outputs found

    Uso de marcação não radiativa para identificação de grandes rearranjos gênicos na deficiência da 21-hidroxilase

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    PURPOSE: To establish the Southern blotting technique using hybridization with a nonradioactive probe to detect large rearrangements of CYP21A2 in a Brazilian cohort with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CAH-21OH). METHOD: We studied 42 patients, 2 of them related, comprising 80 non-related alleles. DNA samples were obtained from peripheral blood, digested by restriction enzyme Taq I, submitted to Southern blotting and hybridized with biotin-labeled probes. RESULTS: This method was shown to be reliable with results similar to the radioactive-labeling method. We found CYP21A2 deletion (2.5%), large gene conversion (8.8%), CYP21AP deletion (3.8%), and CYP21A1P duplication (6.3%). These frequencies were similar to those found in our previous study in which a large number of cases were studied. Good hybridization patterns were achieved with a smaller amount of DNA (5 mug), and fragment signs were observed after 5 minutes to 1 hour of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: We established a non-radioactive (biotin) Southern blot/hybridization methodology for CYP21A2 large rearrangements with good results. Despite being more arduous, this technique is faster, requires a smaller amount of DNA, and most importantly, avoids problems with the use of radioactivity.OBJETIVO: Padronizar a técnica de Southern blotting usando hibridização com material não radioativo para detectar grandes rearranjos no gene CYP21A2 em uma amostra da população brasileira com hiperplasia adrenal congênita. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 42 pacientes, 2 dos quais aparentados, totalizando 80 alelos não relacionados. As amostras de DNA foram obtidas de sangue periférico, digeridas com enzima de restrição Taq I, realizado Southern blotting e hibridizadas com sonda marcada com biotina. RESULTADOS: O método se mostrou eficaz, com resultados similares aos encontrados ao utilizar a metodologia com material radioativo. Foram encontradas 2,5% de deleção do CYP21A2, 8,8% de grandes conversões, 3,8% de deleção do CYP21A1P e 6,3% de duplicação do CYP21A1P. Estas freqüências foram similares às encontradas em nosso estudo prévio, onde um número significante de casos foi estudado. Um bom padrão de hibridização foi alcançado utilizando menor quantidade de DNA (5mg) e a emissão de sinais foi observada entre 5 minutos e 1 hora de exposição. CONCLUSÕES: Padronizamos uma técnica de Southern blotting/ hibridização com material não radioativo (biotina) para a pesquisa de grandes rearranjos no gene CYP21A2 com bons resultados. Apesar de ser mais trabalhoso, este método é mais rápido, utiliza menores quantidades de DNA e, principalmente, evita problemas com o uso de radioatividade

    Insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (CA)n repeats and a variable number of tandem repeats of the insulin gene in Brazilian children born small for gestational age

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of (CA)n repeats in the insulin-like growth factor 1 gene and a variable number of tandem repeats of the insulin gene on birth size in children who are small or adequate-sized for gestational age and to correlate these polymorphisms with serum insulin-like growth factor 1 levels and insulin sensitivity in children who are small for gestational age, with and without catch-up growth. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated 439 infants: 297 that were adequate-sized for gestational age and 142 that were small for gestational age (66 with and 76 without catch-up). The number of (CA)n repeat in the insulin-like growth factor 1 gene and a variable number of tandem repeats in the insulin gene were analyzed using GENESCAN software and polymerase chain reaction followed by enzymatic digestion, respectively. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from all patients. RESULTS: The height, body mass index, paternal height, target height and insulin-like growth factor 1 serum levels were higher in children who were small for gestational age with catch-up. There was no difference in the allelic and genotypic distributions of both polymorphisms between the adequate-sized and small infants or among small infants with and without catch-up. Similarly, the polymorphisms were not associated with clinical or laboratory variables. CONCLUSION: Polymorphisms of the (CA)n repeats of the insulin-like growth factor 1 gene and a variable number of tandem repeats of the insulin gene, separately or in combination, did not influence pre- or postnatal growth, insulin-like growth factor 1 serum levels or insulin resistance

    Could the Leukocyte X Chromosome Inactivation Pattern Be Extrapolated to Hair Bulbs?

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    Background: The androgen receptor gene is located on the X chromosome with a polymorphic tract of CAG repeats that is inversely correlated to the receptor`s transactivation activity. A short CAG tract is associated with hyperandrogenic disorders. In women, one of the X chromosomes is inactivated and the X chromosome inactivation (XCI) pattern varies among tissues. Previous studies of hyperandrogenic disorders only evaluated XCI in leukocytes. Objective: To evaluate whether the XCI pattern in leukocytes could be extrapolated to those in hair bulbs. Material: A total of 58 healthy women were used for this study. DNA was extracted from leukocytes (n = 58 women) and pubic (n = 53 women) and scalp hair (n = 21 women). Methods: Hpa II digested and undigested DNA samples underwent fluorescence PCR GeneScan (R) analysis. Results: A significant and positive correlation of XCI was found between leukocytes and hair bulbs. However, individual comparisons showed that 13 and 19% of the women presented a different leukocyte XCI pattern in pubic hair and similar in leukocytes and hair bulbs of normal women indicating that leukocyte DNA is useful for XCI analysis. However, the XCI pattern could vary among tissues from the same subject, indicating that care should be taken when extrapolating individual leukocyte XCI patterns to other tissue. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, BaselFAPESP[06/56028-7]CNPq[301958/2003-3]CNPq[300828/2005-5

    Use of nonradioactive labeling to detect large gene rearrangements in 21-hydroxylase deficiency Uso de marcação não radiativa para identificação de grandes rearranjos gênicos na deficiência da 21-hidroxilase

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    PURPOSE: To establish the Southern blotting technique using hybridization with a nonradioactive probe to detect large rearrangements of CYP21A2 in a Brazilian cohort with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CAH-21OH). METHOD: We studied 42 patients, 2 of them related, comprising 80 non-related alleles. DNA samples were obtained from peripheral blood, digested by restriction enzyme Taq I, submitted to Southern blotting and hybridized with biotin-labeled probes. RESULTS: This method was shown to be reliable with results similar to the radioactive-labeling method. We found CYP21A2 deletion (2.5%), large gene conversion (8.8%), CYP21AP deletion (3.8%), and CYP21A1P duplication (6.3%). These frequencies were similar to those found in our previous study in which a large number of cases were studied. Good hybridization patterns were achieved with a smaller amount of DNA (5 mug), and fragment signs were observed after 5 minutes to 1 hour of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: We established a non-radioactive (biotin) Southern blot/hybridization methodology for CYP21A2 large rearrangements with good results. Despite being more arduous, this technique is faster, requires a smaller amount of DNA, and most importantly, avoids problems with the use of radioactivity.<br>OBJETIVO: Padronizar a técnica de Southern blotting usando hibridização com material não radioativo para detectar grandes rearranjos no gene CYP21A2 em uma amostra da população brasileira com hiperplasia adrenal congênita. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 42 pacientes, 2 dos quais aparentados, totalizando 80 alelos não relacionados. As amostras de DNA foram obtidas de sangue periférico, digeridas com enzima de restrição Taq I, realizado Southern blotting e hibridizadas com sonda marcada com biotina. RESULTADOS: O método se mostrou eficaz, com resultados similares aos encontrados ao utilizar a metodologia com material radioativo. Foram encontradas 2,5% de deleção do CYP21A2, 8,8% de grandes conversões, 3,8% de deleção do CYP21A1P e 6,3% de duplicação do CYP21A1P. Estas freqüências foram similares às encontradas em nosso estudo prévio, onde um número significante de casos foi estudado. Um bom padrão de hibridização foi alcançado utilizando menor quantidade de DNA (5mg) e a emissão de sinais foi observada entre 5 minutos e 1 hora de exposição. CONCLUSÕES: Padronizamos uma técnica de Southern blotting/ hibridização com material não radioativo (biotina) para a pesquisa de grandes rearranjos no gene CYP21A2 com bons resultados. Apesar de ser mais trabalhoso, este método é mais rápido, utiliza menores quantidades de DNA e, principalmente, evita problemas com o uso de radioatividade