122 research outputs found

    Pollen collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) from south of Caldén district (Argentina): Botanical origin and protein content

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    In the south of the Caldén district (Phytogeographical province of Espinal, Argentina) the availability of flowering along with the botanical origin and protein content of pollen harvested by honey bees, was studied. During two apiculture periods (from end August to early January) pollen loads were collected every fortnight using pollen traps. A total of 637.96 g of pollen loads was analysed. From 139 species recorded, only 29 were visited by honey bees. In terms of biomass the contribution of exotic plants was high at the end of the winter (Brassicaceae and Erodium cicutarium); during this period of pollen shortage, honey bees collected spores of Puccinia interveniens. During the spring, the native plants (Condalia microphylla, Chuquiraga erinacea, Discaria americana, Grindelia tehuelches, Larrea divaricate, Prosopis sp., Prosopidastrum globosum and Vicia pampicola) were utilised. Those pollen types of high protein level were collected most intensively.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Pollen collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) from south of Caldén district (Argentina): Botanical origin and protein content

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    In the south of the Caldén district (Phytogeographical province of Espinal, Argentina) the availability of flowering along with the botanical origin and protein content of pollen harvested by honey bees, was studied. During two apiculture periods (from end August to early January) pollen loads were collected every fortnight using pollen traps. A total of 637.96 g of pollen loads was analysed. From 139 species recorded, only 29 were visited by honey bees. In terms of biomass the contribution of exotic plants was high at the end of the winter (Brassicaceae and Erodium cicutarium); during this period of pollen shortage, honey bees collected spores of Puccinia interveniens. During the spring, the native plants (Condalia microphylla, Chuquiraga erinacea, Discaria americana, Grindelia tehuelches, Larrea divaricate, Prosopis sp., Prosopidastrum globosum and Vicia pampicola) were utilised. Those pollen types of high protein level were collected most intensively.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Rhamnaceae asociadas a mieles fétidas en Argentina

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    Melissopalynological analysis of six honey samples, commercially rejected for its fetid odour, was performed. These honeys were produced from Espinal and Pampeana Phytogeographical Provinces. The main nectar sources that characterized monofloral honeys belong to the following families: Rhamnaceae (Discaria americana, Scutia buxifolia) and Calyceraceae (Acicarpha tribuloides) along with pollen of S. buxifolia as secondary. According with the results of the present study it seems that the odour has its origin in the Rhamnaceae flower

    Pollen collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) from south of Caldén district (Argentina): Botanical origin and protein content

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    In the south of the Caldén district (Phytogeographical province of Espinal, Argentina) the availability of flowering along with the botanical origin and protein content of pollen harvested by honey bees, was studied. During two apiculture periods (from end August to early January) pollen loads were collected every fortnight using pollen traps. A total of 637.96 g of pollen loads was analysed. From 139 species recorded, only 29 were visited by honey bees. In terms of biomass the contribution of exotic plants was high at the end of the winter (Brassicaceae and Erodium cicutarium); during this period of pollen shortage, honey bees collected spores of Puccinia interveniens. During the spring, the native plants (Condalia microphylla, Chuquiraga erinacea, Discaria americana, Grindelia tehuelches, Larrea divaricate, Prosopis sp., Prosopidastrum globosum and Vicia pampicola) were utilised. Those pollen types of high protein level were collected most intensively.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The crosstalk between insulin resistance, systemic inflammation, redox imbalance and the thyroid in subjects with obesity

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    We aimed at assessing the interaction between visceral adipose tissue (VAT), insulin resistance (IR), circulating levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and malondialdehyde (MDA) and the thyroid parameters in obese subjects. Methods. Obese subjects without thyroid pathologies or diseases associated with systemic inflammation and OS were recruited. Insulinemia, visceral fat thickness, metabolic and thyroid parameters were assayed. Circulating levels of MCP-1 and MDA were used to quantify inflammation and OS. Results. A number of 160 obese subjects were included. The MCP-1 level increased with the degree of obesity and HOMA-IR. MCP 1 was positively associated with antithyroperoxidase antibody (TPOab) levels and the frequency of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT). The MDA level was positively correlated with the degree of obesity, aspartate aminotransferase and MCP-1. MDA was an independent predictor for the occurrence of hypothyroidism. IR patients showed higher fT3 levels and a positive association between insulin and TPOab levels. Conclusions. Systemic inflammation increased with VAT, IR and OS and was correlated with the frequency and the severity of HT, suggesting that, in obesity, MCP-1 could be part of the etiopathogenesis of autoimmune thyroiditis. MDA was an independent risk factor for hypothyroidism; therefore, redox imbalance associated with obesity can produce cell damage and thyroid dysfunction. FT3 is increased in IR patients, thus being a marker for the severity of metabolic impairment

    Políticas públicas educativas: Intervenciones desde el trabajo social

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    Presentamos una producción que tiene raíces y horizontes. Raíces que hacen su anclaje en una disciplina, Trabajo Social, pero además en nuestra Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y enlos desafíos que se nos presentan como docentes e investigadoras. Horizontes, que se proyectan, en términos de las posibilidades estratégicas de acción que,desde el Trabajo Social pueden desarrollarse en un ámbito específico: el educativo en diversas direcciones, donde uno de los focos es la incidencia en políticas públicas educativas.La mirada de las políticas públicas educativas y sus relaciones con las intervenciones de Trabajo Social, plantean para el equipo que hoy expone estas apreciaciones y conclusiones, un recorrido que se inicia en 2004 y se mantiene de manera sostenida con encuentros, autocríticas y revisiones hasta el presente. Hemos transitado por las diversas vías que nos plantea nuestra universidad pública, docencia, investigación y extensión y si bien hoy nos detendremos a exponer algunos hallazgos relativos, especialmente a la investigación, queremos también reflexionar sobre aquello que ha retroalimentado nuestra línea de producción de conocimientodes de las otras funciones universitarias.En un contexto complejo de pandemia, intentaremos dar cuenta de lo producido y abrir nuevas perspectivas a nuestra comunidad profesional, como parte de la tarea que nos proponemos desde la universidad pública, y devolviendo a nuestra comunidad aquello que la universidad nos permitió construir.Fil: Rotondi, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Verón, Dolores. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Andrada, Ana. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Artazo, Gabriela Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Gregorio, Lilian Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Zamarbide, Alicia. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Biochemical and echocardiographic markers for the early detection of cardiotoxicity under monoclonal antibodies therapy

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    The progress made over the past years in the field of cancer therapy has led to a significant decrease in cancer mortality, but these therapies have many adverse effects, cardiovascular effects being among the most frequent ones. For increasing lifelong expectancy of surviving cancer patients, cardiac monitoring represents an important task. Current studies and practice recommend echocardiography using strain analysis for monitoring the cardio toxic effects of cancer therapy. The potential of combining imaging techniques with biomarkers for the early detection and diagnosis seems a promising path for future research

    First results from the AugerPrime Radio Detector

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