110 research outputs found

    Public entities driven robotic innovation in urban areas

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    Cities present new challenges and needs to satisfy and improve lifestyle for their citizens under the concept “Smart City”. In order to achieve this goal in a global manner, new technologies are required as the robotic one. But Public entities unknown the possibilities offered by this technology to get solutions to their needs. In this paper the development of the Innovative Public Procurement instruments is explained, specifically the process PDTI (Public end Users Driven Technological Innovation) as a driving force of robotic research and development and offering a list of robotic urban challenges proposed by European cities that have participated in such a process. In the next phases of the procedure, this fact will provide novel robotic solutions addressed to public demand that are an example to be followed by other Smart Cities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    El arquitecto : formación, competencias y ejercicio profesional

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    The thesis "The architect: training, competences and professional practice" study and analyze the relationships between the professional competences acquired during the training period and the professional competences required in the professional exercise of the architects. The study presents two kinds of data: first the reports constituted by documents, legal rules and statistics related to the matter, which configures the theoretical framework. Second, the data obtained from the interviews to experts - architects, professors, end users and costumers -, which configures the empirical framework of the study. In the theoretical framework, the thesis presents the history of the architect education, the syllabus of the Architecture school, the European directives and standards proposed by different institutions and present legal rules. Moreover, the thesis analyzes the Bolonia¿s architect degree. Also the thesis, discusses the different concepts of competences, training and qualifications, and proposes different classifications and levels of competence making the choice between specialist and generalist architect, as well as the different existing professional profiles are presented. Already within the empirical framework, there are established two expert groups who perform interviews: the first consisting of architects in exercise and the second group, of customers and end users. The thesis uses the theoretical framework to propose the contents of the interviews, and the outcomes are the assessment of the competence level as well as the classification of them, which are defined in official documentation of the teaching and professional practice of the architects. Then perform analysis of data obtained in interviews, through the circular adequacy level graphics - GØNA - enabling us to establish the strengths and weaknesses of training received by these professionals, as well as potential areas for improvement. The thesis proposes to adapt the teaching methodologies and include teaching by competence, as well as to incorporate professional training at the end of the academic degree and emphasize the need of longlive learning. Also the thesis proposes a new classification of professional profiles for the architect and models of self-assessment for these professionals.La presente Tesis "El arquitecto: formación, competencias y ejercicio profesional" tiene como objeto el análisis de las relaciones existentes entre las competencias profesionales adquiridas durante la formación de los arquitectos y las competencias exigidas en su práctica profesional. Para realizar este estudio, se han recogido datos provenientes de dos corpus de naturaleza diferente: en primer lugar la documentación escrita, que fundamenta el marco teórico, obtenida mediante el análisis de textos, documentos, normativas y estadísticas relacionados con el tema de estudio, y en segundo lugar los datos obtenidos de las entrevistas realizadas a los agentes involucrados - arquitectos en ejercicio, docentes, usuarios y clientes - que conformarán el marco empírico del análisis. Dentro del marco teórico, un primer análisis nos aproxima a la historia y a la actualidad de la enseñanza de la Arquitectura, de los planes de estudio de las Escuelas de Arquitectura, directivas y estándares propuestos por diferentes instituciones, el marco jurídico actual, para acabar profundizando en el Titulo de Grado de Arquitecto dentro del plan de homogeneización de los estudios en Europa, Bolonia 2010. También dentro del marco teórico, se analizan los diferentes conceptos de competencia, capacitación y cualificación, y se proponen diferentes clasificaciones y niveles de competencias. Para finalizar el marco teórico, se presentan los datos obtenidos del análisis de la práctica profesional de los arquitectos, principalmente a partir de estadísticas y encuestas, poniendo en evidencia la disyuntiva entre arquitecto generalista y especialista, así como los diferentes perfiles profesionales existentes. Ya dentro del marco empírico, se establecen dos grupos de expertos a quién realizar las entrevistas: el primero formado por los arquitectos en ejercicio y el segundo grupo, el de clientes y usuarios. De la información expuesta en el marco teórico, se extraen los contenidos de la entrevista, que se concreta en la valoración del nivel competencial así como en la clasificación de las competencias que figuran en la documentación oficial relativa a la enseñanza de la Arquitectura y a la práctica profesional de los Arquitectos. A continuación, se realiza el análisis de los datos obtenidos en las entrevistas, mediante los Gráficos Circulares de Nivel de Adecuación "GØNA" que nos permite establecer las fortalezas y debilidades de la formación recibida por estos profesionales, así como las posibles áreas de mejora. Dentro del apartado conclusiones, se proponen entre otras, la necesidad de adecuar las metodologías de impartición docente a los requerimientos de una formación por competencias, así como se plantea la necesidad de incorporar prácticas al final de la formación académica y de enfatizar la formación a todo lo largo de la vida. También dentro del apartado de conclusiones se propone una nueva clasificación de perfiles profesionales para el Arquitecto y se plantean modelos de autoevaluación para estos profesionales.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of Drug and Health Resource Use Before and After COVID-19 Lockdown in a Population Undergoing Treatment for Depression or Anxiety

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    IntroductionThe arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic modified the functions of Primary Care (PC) teams, which were forced to focus their resources on the diagnosis and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. The disrupted healthcare of individuals with pre-existing mental disorders (depression or anxiety), as well as the psychological decompensation resulting from the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, may have modified the use of drugs and health resources by these patients. The aim of this study is to determine the changes in these parameters, between the 6 months prior to the lockdown (09/14/2019 to 03/15/2020) and the 6 months following its end (05/03/2020 to 11/04/2020), in a population undergoing active treatment for depression or anxiety, according to the electronic clinical record.Materials and MethodsReal world data observational study of 110,694 individuals aged >16 years suffering from active or undergoing treatment for depression or anxiety according to the electronic medical records of the Aragon Regional Health Service (Spain). Pharmacological variables [daily dose per inhabitant (DHD) dispensed by pharmacies of: anxiolytics, hypnotics/sedatives, and antidepressants] and variables related to the use of healthcare resources (number of primary and specialized healthcare visits) were considered. Student’s T-tests for paired samples were performed to analyze differences between periods (pre–post). The level of significance was established at 5% (p < 0.05).ResultsThe use of anxiolytic drugs increased as compared to its use over the 6 months prior to the lockdown. In contrast, the consumption of antidepressants was found to decrease. The use of health resources continued to be below pre-pandemic levels, 6 months post-lockdown end.ConclusionChanges in the use of health resources could have a negative impact on the parameters of these diseases. The increase in drug use, especially benzodiazepines, may suggest a worsening of the symptoms during the lockdown and in the subsequent months. It is a worrying sign, which points to the growth of this public health problem and the need for its prevention

    Public demand driven technological innovation

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    Ponència presentada a: Session 6: Los procesos de diseño como conocimiento / Design processes and knowledg

    Public demand driven technological innovation

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    Ponència presentada a: Session 6: Los procesos de diseño como conocimiento / Design processes and knowledg

    Analysis of Clinical Parameters, Drug Consumption and Use of Health Resources in a Southern European Population with Diabetes That Did Not Contract COVID-19: A Longitudinal Big Data Study

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    The lockdown measures imposed to stop the spread of the virus have affected the general population, but particularly people with chronic diseases such as diabetes. An observational real world data pre-post study of 86,615 individuals over the age of 16, having a medical history in the Aragon (Spain) Health Service and diagnosed with diabetes, without COVID-19 infection was undertaken. Clinical, pharmacological and health resource use variables were collected during the six months prior to the onset of the lockdown and during the six months after the lockdown ended. The Student’s t-test was used to analyse differences in means. Our study does not show clinically relevant changes six months following the end of the strict lockdown. The consumption, by these patients, of hypoglycaemic drugs and the use of health resources continue at below pre-pandemic levels, six months later. The interruption in care for these patients and the lifestyle change resulting from the pandemic do not appear to have had a significant impact on the health of the diabetic population

    Evolution of Anxiety and Depression in Men during the First Six Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Factors Associated with Worsening of Mental Health: Retrospective Longitudinal Study

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    Background: The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a huge impact on the psychological wellbeing of the population, however, few studies have analysed the psychological consequences for the most vulnerable groups, particularly those suffering from depression and anxiety, and specifically in men. The objective of this study is to analyse the changes in a population of men undergoing active treatment for depression or anxiety and factors associated with these changes. Methods: Retrospective, longitudinal and observational study of a population of 28,294 men in northern Spain. The study variables were sociodemographic variables, chronic comorbidities, COVID-19 infection, anxiolytic and antidepressant drug consumption, and use of healthcare resources. These variables were collected from the Primary Health Care electronic records for the two distinct periods (6 months before and 6 months following the end of the lockdown). To compare drug patterns and the use of healthcare resources a paired Student’s T-test was used. To analyse associated factors related to a deterioration of mental disorders, a multivariate logistic regression was performed. Results: In relation to changes in drug patterns, 40% of men saw an increase in at least one Defined Daily Dose (DDD) of their prescribed drugs during the 6 months following lockdown and the number of appointments at health centres and home visits significantly decreased. Factors associated with a deterioration of mental disorders are being under 60 years old, having an income of less than 18,000 euros/year and suffering from more than one comorbidity. Conclusions: The pandemic had a significant impact on men with a previous diagnosis of depression and/or anxiety

    Robotic solutions for sewage systems in coastal urban environments

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    The objective of this article is to present a specific urban challenge proposed by European cities in ECHORD++ project that can be the starter point of new innovative public procurements. The project that was selected by the project leading team has been a robotic solution for monitoring the sewage system of a European city. Cities are prepared and the Research and Technological Development (RTD) consortia are waiting for real opportunities. The take-off of the robotic technology could be possible: from Lab to Market addressing real urban needs of citizens and cities. The proposals obtained in ECHORD++ could be followed by other cities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sex Differences in Clinical Parameters, Pharmacological and Health-Resource Utilization in a Population With Hypertension Without a Diagnosis of COVID-19

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    Objectives: Determine the changes in clinical, pharmacological and healthcare resource use parameters, between the 6 months prior to the lockdown and the 6 months following its end, in a population with hypertension who did not have a diagnosis of COVID-19.Methods: Real world data observational study of 245,979 persons aged >16 years with hypertension in Aragon (Spain). Clinical (systolic-diastolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), blood creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides and anthropometric measures); pharmacological (diuretics, calcium channel antagonists, and ACE inhibitors); and utilization of healthcare resources were considered. We performed the Student’s T-test for matched samples (quantitative) and the Chi-squared test (qualitative) to analyze differences between periods.Results: SBP, DBP, parameters of renal function and triglycerides displayed a significant, albeit clinically irrelevant, worsening in women. In men only DBP and eGFR showed a worsening, although to a lesser extent than in women. Certain antihypertensive drugs and health-resource utilization remained below pre-pandemic levels across the 6 months post-lockdown.Conclusion: Changes in lifestyles, along with difficulties in access to routine care has not substantially compromised the health and quality of life of patients with hypertension