19 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to propose a way to classify four different game situations in a basketball game and quantify the covered distances by player positions in each category, using a video-based system. One game of the season 2011/2012 New Basketball Brazil was analyzed. The data on distance covered by the players on both teams was obtained with a video-based manual tracking method (Dvideo System). The game situations were classified as: attack, defense, transition to attack or transition to defense. The distances covered are shown by each player’s position. Significant differences were observed between attack and defense vs. transition to attack and transition to defense, and also for transition to attack vs. transition to defense

    Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo: uma breve revisão sistemática: Takotsubo Cardiomiopathy: a brief systematic review

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    A cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo é uma nova cardiomiopatia que foi noticiada pela primeira vez em 2001. A doença é definida por disfunção reversível do ventrículo esquerdo e manifesta-se normalmente como uma síndrome coronária aguda. Este estudo teve como objetivo discutir as principais características da cardiomiopatia takotsubo. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma revisão sistemática de literatura, recorrendo-se às bases de dados Scielo, Medline e Lilacs, selecionando-se estudos publicados nos últimos 5 anos. A partir da análise e interpretação dos dados das fontes foi possível concluir que a cardiomiopatia de takotsubo é desencadeada pelo estresse físico e é vista como uma complicação para outras doenças não cardíacas, se apresentando geralmente em mulheres pós-menopausa, acima dos 70 anos de idade. Manifesta-se com início súbito de dor torácica e dispneia, após um evento emocional estressante que precede o início dos sintomas. Com principais consequências, tem-se choque cardiogênico, obstrução da via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo, trombo da parede ventricular esquerda, arritmias ventriculares, ruptura da parede ventricular e paragem cardíaca, registrando-se alguns casos de morte súbita

    Validação de uma tecnologia educacional para promoçãoda alimentação saudável na escola

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    A Educação Alimentar e Nutricional pode favorecer a formação de hábitos alimentares saudáveis no ambiente escolar. No entanto, há escassez de materiais que auxiliemaos docentes na sua inclusão de forma transversal no currículo escolar. Objectivo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi validar uma tecnologia educacional para auxiliar docentes a atuarem como promotores da alimentação saudável no ambiente escolar. Materiais e métodos. Trata-se de um estudo metodológico de validação de conteúdo e aparência de um livro de atividades para auxiliar docentes a incluírem a educação alimentar e nutricional de forma transversal no currículo escolar do Brasil. Utilizou-se o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) e participaram 15 juízes de três especialidades: 1) juízes de conteúdo (nutricionistas); 2) juízes técnicos (pedagogos); e 3) juízes de design e marketing. Depois da primeira avaliação, foi realizado ajuste na tecnologia educacional, incorporando sugestões dos especialistas e, subsequentemente, foi avaliada pelo grupo-alvo: 35 docentes do ensino fundamental I. Finalizadas as avaliações, foram calculados o IVC, o Suitability Assessment of Materials eo alpha de Cronbach, para avaliar a qualidade e compreensão do material educativo, e confiabilidade dos instrumentos. Resultados. A proporção de concordância dos nutricionistas foi 0.99, dos pedagogos 1.0, dos especialistas em design de 84,6%, enquanto a do público alvo foi de 92,1%. Esses achados indicam que a tecnologia educacional apresenta conteúdo, estilo da escrita e aparência adequados, além de boa organização e motivação para leitura pelo grupo-alvo. Conclusão. Espera-se que o material validado seja um importante instrumento para inclusão da educação alimentar e nutricional no ambiente escolar.Food and Nutrition Education can favor the formation of healthy eating habits in the school environment. However, there is a shortage of materials that helps teachers to include it in a transversal way in the school curriculum. Objective. The present study aimed to validate an educational technology to assist teachers to act as promoters of healthy eating in the school environment. Materials and methods. This is a methodological study of content validation and appearance of an activity book to assist teachers to include food and nutrition education across the Brazilian school curriculum. The Content Validity Index (CVI) was used and 15 judges from three specialties participated: 1) content judges (nutritionists); 2) technical judges (pedagogues); and 3) design and marketing judges. After the first evaluation, an adjustment was made in the educational technology, incorporating the expert's suggestions and, subsequently, it was evaluated by the target group: 35 elementary school I teachers. After the evaluations, the CVI, the Suitability Assessment of Materials and the Cronbach's alpha were calculated to evaluate, used to guarantee the quality and understanding of the educational material, and the reliability of the instruments. Results. The proportion of agreement of nutritionists was 0.99, of the pedagogues 1.0, of the design specialists was 84.6%, while of the target audience was 92.1%. These findings indicate that educational technology has adequate content, writing style, and appearance, in addition to good organization and motivation for reading the target group. Conclusion. The validated material is expected to be an important tool for including food and nutrition education in the school environment

    T Cells Induce Pre-Metastatic Osteolytic Disease and Help Bone Metastases Establishment in a Mouse Model of Metastatic Breast Cancer

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    <div><p>Bone metastases, present in 70% of patients with metastatic breast cancer, lead to skeletal disease, fractures and intense pain, which are all believed to be mediated by tumor cells. Engraftment of tumor cells is supposed to be preceded by changes in the target tissue to create a permissive microenvironment, the pre-metastatic niche, for the establishment of the metastatic foci. In bone metastatic niche, metastatic cells stimulate bone consumption resulting in the release of growth factors that feed the tumor, establishing a vicious cycle between the bone remodeling system and the tumor itself. Yet, how the pre-metastatic niches arise in the bone tissue remains unclear. Here we show that tumor-specific T cells induce osteolytic bone disease before bone colonization. T cells pro-metastatic activity correlate with a pro-osteoclastogenic cytokine profile, including RANKL, a master regulator of osteoclastogenesis. In vivo inhibition of RANKL from tumor-specific T cells completely blocks bone loss and metastasis. Our results unveil an unexpected role for RANKL-derived from T cells in setting the pre-metastatic niche and promoting tumor spread. We believe this information can bring new possibilities for the development of prognostic and therapeutic tools based on modulation of T cell activity for prevention and treatment of bone metastasis.</p> </div

    Increased number of osteoclasts in 4T1 tumor-bearing mice relates to early bone loss.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Number of TRAP<sup>+</sup> multinucleated OC cells was determined in iliac bones, 11 days after 4T1 or 67NR tumor cells injection in mammary fat pad. Representative TRAP-stained sections are shown (original magnifications 40x). (<b>B</b>) Histomorphometric analysis of iliac bones from naïve and 4T1 tumor-bearing mice, at different time points after tumor injection in the mammary fat pad. Sagital sections from demineralized iliac bones were made following conventional methods and stained with H and E. All microscopic slides were scanned with a ScanScope GL equipped with a 40x objective. Trabecular bone volume was expressed as a percentage of total tissue volume. (<b>C</b>–<b>D</b>) High resolution µCT analysis. BV/TV%, trabecular bone volume/tissue volume were calculated from µCT images. Results are expressed as mean ± SD and are representative of at least three independent experiments with 5 mice/group. <sup>*</sup><i>p<0.05</i>; <sup><i>**</i></sup><i>p<0</i>.<i>001</i>.</p