15 research outputs found

    First Report of Sylvatic DENV-2-Associated Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in West Africa

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    Dengue virus (DENV) circulates in human and sylvatic cycles. Sylvatic strains are both ecologically and evolutionarily distinct from endemic viruses. Although sylvatic dengue cycles occur in West African countries and Malaysia, only a few cases of mild human disease caused by sylvatic strains and one single case of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Malaysia have been reported. Here we report a case of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) with thrombocytopenia (13000/µl), a raised hematocrit (32% above baseline) and mucosal bleeding in a 27-year-old male returning to Spain in November 2009 after visiting his home country Guinea Bissau. Sylvatic DENV-2 West African lineage was isolated from blood and sera. This is the first case of DHF associated with sylvatic DENV-2 in Africa and the second case worldwide of DHF caused by a sylvatic strain

    Workers or employers: who is shaping wage inequality in Portugal?

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    An extensive micro data set matching firms, establishments and their employees, is used to study the determinants of earnings inequality in Portugal and its evolution from 1983 to 1992, with the Theil index, its decomposition, and the decomposition of its change as tools of analysis. A profile of an economy undergoing modernisation, where rising labour market inequality signalled the lack of an adequate labour force, can be drawn. An upgrading of the quality of the labour force, accompanied by rising returns to skill and schooling and declining returns to age is detected, while firms shifted towards more flexible structures. The impact of institutions was twofold. Trade unions, claiming to follow an inequality-reduction strategy, were unable to offset the rise in the highest wages, as wage drift was used by employers to overcome the constraints imposed by collective bargaining; the minimum wage legislation and collective bargaining contributed to compress the bottom of the wage distribution

    Profesor de méritos: Dr. Javier Eduardo Rodríguez Fernández de Castro

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    Doctor Javier Eduardo Rodríguez Fernández de Castro was born on February 12th, 1917 in Gijón, Asturias, Spain. From a bourgeois origin, he received an educative formation from his parents. At the beginning of the decade of 1930, he went to the College of Medicine of San Carlos of the Central University of Madrid where he studied for two years and graduated as a Bachelor of Medicine. Later on, he travelled to Cuba and began to work in a printing office until he started his medical studies at the University of Havana in the Academic Year 1938-1939. In 1943, he was an outstanding daytime student of “Calixto García” Hospital, and, two years later, he graduated as a Doctor of Medicine.  After the official opening of the National Hospital, called afterwards “Enrique Cabrera” Hospital, he started to work at this institution where he offered his medical services for more than 50 years.  He died in Havana on December 12th, 2012. Keywords:  Doctor, Javier Eduardo Rodríguez Fernández de Castro, Allergology, Medical ethics, scientific domains, science, history, literature. El doctor Javier Eduardo Rodríguez Fernández de Castro nace en Gijón, Asturias, España, el 12 de febrero de 1917. A inicios de la década de 1930 asiste a la Facultad de San Carlos en la Universidad Central de Madrid, donde estudia por dos cursos la Licenciatura en Medicina. Viaja luego a Cuba donde labora en una imprenta hasta reiniciar sus estudios de medicina en la Universidad de La Habana en el curso 1938-1939, plaza que gana por oposición. En 1943, sobresale como alumno externo del Hospital Calixto García y dos años más tarde se gradúa de doctor en Medicina. Al inaugurarse en 1961 el Hospital Nacional, después nombrado Enrique Cabrera, pasa a la laborar en este centro por más de 50 años. Fallece en la Habana el 12 de diciembre 2012.Palabras clave: Doctor, Javier Eduardo Rodríguez Fernández de Castro, Alergología, ética médica, dominios científicos, ciencias, historia

    Prevalencia de caries dental en niños con síndrome de Down

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    A descriptive study is done to determine the prevalence of dental caries in children with Down syndrome treated in the Special Stomatology service at the Pediatric Hospital "Pedro Agustín Pérez" from January 2008 to July 2013 .The universe was presented by 27 patients under 16 years, 16 males and 11 females. Socio demographic data, caries prevalence and performance of caregivers in relation to diet and oral hygiene habits were recorded. We conclude that children with Down syndrome have a high prevalence of dental caries, 100%, with a cop-d rate of 4.3 indexes COP-D 6.4, and the intervention of caregivers is deficient to control factors risk of dental caries: diet and oral hygiene habits.Se realiza un estudio descriptivo para conocer la prevalencia de la caries dental en los niños con síndrome de Down atendidos en el servicio de Estomatología Especial del Hospital Pediátrico Docente “Pedro Agustín Pérez” en el periodo de enero 2008 a julio de 2013. El universo está constituido por 27 pacientes  menores de 16 años, 16 del sexo masculino y 11 del femenino. Se registraron datos socios demográficos, prevalencia de caries y actuación de los cuidadores en relación con la dieta y hábitos de higiene bucal. Se concluye que los niños con síndrome de Down tienen una elevada prevalencia de caries dental, 100 %, con un índice ceo-d de 4.3 e índice COP-D de 6.4, y que la intervención de los cuidadores es deficiente para controlar los factores de riesgo de caries dental: dieta y hábitos de higiene bucal

    Estomatología Especial Pediátrica en Guantánamo. Evaluación del período 2010-2012

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    Se describen las variables socio demográficas y las modalidades de tratamiento de las personas con discapacidad atendidas en el servicio de Estomatología Especial del Hospital Pediátrico Docente “Pedro Agustín Pérez” en el periodo de enero de 2010 a diciembre de 2012. El universo estuvo constituido por 103 pacientes. Predominó el sexo masculino, el grupo etario de 5-9 años y el retraso mental profundo como discapacidad más frecuente. La mayoría de los pacientes fueron atendidos de forma ambulatoria y bajo anestesia general. Se concluye que el tratamiento brindado en el servicio de Estomatología Especial es seguro y con un alto nivel de interrelación entre las especialidades médicas y estomatológicas. Se recomienda, un incremento de las acciones de promoción de salud y prevención de las enfermedades bucales en las personas con discapacidad severa a nivel de la Atención Primaria de Salud.Sociodemographic variables are described and the forms of treatment of the persons with disability attended in the service of special stomatology at the Pediatric Teaching Hospital “Pedro Agustín Pérez “from January, 2010 to December, 2012. The universe was constituted by 103 patients predominating over the masculine sex, over the group of age 5-9 years and the mental deep delay as more frequent disability. The majority of the patients were attended of ambulatory form and under general anesthesia. One concludes that the treatment offered in the service of special stomatology is sure and with a high level of interrelation between the medical specialties and stomatologic specialties. It is recommended, an increase of the actions of promotion of health and prevention of the mouth illnesses in the persons with severe disability at level of the Primary Attention of Health

    Fiebre reumática. Estudio de 16 años en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente “Pedro Agustín Pérez” de Guantánamo

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    The cases treated by rheumatic fever were studied in the Pediatric Teaching Hospital "Pedro Agustín Pérez" of Guantánamo, from January 1996 to December 2011. It was investigate the incidence of the disease, origin, way of coexistence of children, antecedents Of tonsillitis, treatment compliance, symptoms and signs at admission, complementary outcome, hospital stay and valve sequelae. The results show that there was a higher incidence of the disease in 2006 and less in 2000 and 2002. The majority of the patients came from the rural area, those with overcrowding predominated, and the history of tonsillitis and noncompliance were frequent. Fever and tachycardia predominated among the symptoms and a third of the children had valve sequelae, mainly mitral insufficiency. The positivity of the hemogram and erythrocyte sedimentation occurred.Se estudian los casos atendidos por fiebre reumática en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente “Pedro Agustín Pérez” de Guantánamo, en el período enero de 1996 - diciembre de 2011. Se investiga la incidencia de la enfermedad, procedencia, modo de convivencia de los niños, antecedentes de amigdalitis, cumplimiento del tratamiento, síntomas y signos al ingreso, resultado de complementarios, estadía hospitalaria y secuelas valvulares. Los resultados muestran que hubo mayor incidencia de la enfermedad en 2006 y menos en 2000 y 2002. La mayoría de los pacientes procedía de área rural, predominaron los que tenían hacinamiento y fue frecuente el antecedente de amigdalitis y el incumplimiento del tratamiento. La fiebre y la taquicardia predominaron entre los síntomas y la tercera parte de los niños tuvo secuelas valvulares, sobre todo Insuficiencia mitral. La positividad del hemograma y eritrosedimentación, sobresalieron.