147 research outputs found

    Pitanja okoliša u postkonfliktnim državama i model višestrukih tokova: slučaj zagađenja zraka u BiH

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    In post-conflict states, environmental problems are often neglected regardless of their severity. According to UN data, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is one of the countries with the worst air pollution in the world, which has serious consequences for people\u27s health and the economy. Given the importance of this issue, the paper investigates why it is not on the agenda of policymakers, by applying Kingdon\u27s multiple streams model. The analysis leads to the conclusion that of the three streams (problem, policy, and politics), the politics stream remains the most problematic one. However, the author argues that Kingdon\u27s original model is deficient in explaining why this problem is off the agenda, since it only includes domestic actors, while in the case of post-conflict BiH, as well as some other post-conflict countries, international actors play a significant role. In order to overcome this shortcoming, the model itself is enhanced by an insight into the role that international actors played in relation to this problem. It is concluded that the problems of environmental protection were largely ignored by international actors as well, primarily due to the nature of the liberal model of peacebuilding, that predominantly focused on building democratic institutions.U postkonfliktnim državama problemi zaštite okoliša često se zanemaruju unatoč njihovoj važnosti. Prema podacima UN-a, Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) jedna je od zemalja s najgorim zagađenjem zraka na svijetu, što ima ozbiljne posljedice na zdravlje ljudi i ekonomiju. Primjenjujući Kingdonov model višestrukih struja, rad istražuje zašto ovo pitanje nije na dnevnom redu kreatora javnih politika. Analiza upućuje na zaključak kako je od tri toka u modelu (tok problema, javnih politika i politike) tok politike najproblematičniji. Ipak, autorica zaključuje kako je izvorni Kingdonov model manjkav u objašnjenju zašto je ovaj problem izvan dnevnog reda, budući da u obzir uzima isključivo domaće aktere, dok u slučaju postkonfliktne BiH, kao i nekih drugih postkonfliktnih država, međunarodni akteri igraju značajnu ulogu. Kako bi se prevladao ovaj nedostatak, sam model nadograđuje se uvidom u ulogu koju su međunarodni akteri imali u vezi s ovim problemom. Zaključuje se kako su, zbog prirode liberalnog modela izgradnje mira u kojemu se fokus stavljao na izgradnju demokratskih institucija, problemi zaštite okoliša uvelike ignorirani i od strane međunarodnih aktera

    Oral lichen planus - retrospective study of 563 Croatian patients

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    Objectives: To investigate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of oral lichen planus (OLP) in a group of Croatian patients seen between 2006 and 2012. Study D esign: A group of 563 patients with a diagnosis of OLP was retrospectively reviewed in our clinic. Data regarding age, gender, medical history, drugs, smoking, alcohol, chief complaint, clinical type, localization, his - tology, treatment and malignant transformation were registered. Results: Of the 563 patients, 414 were females and 149 were males. The average age at the diagnosis was 58 (range 11-94). The most common site was buccal mucosa (82.4%). Most of our patients did not smoke (72.5%) or consume alcohol (69.6%). Patients reported oral soreness (43.3%), mucosal roughness (7%), xerostomia (3%), gingival bleeding (2%) and altered taste (0.5%) as the chief complaint, while almost half of them were asympto - matic (44.2%). The most common types of OLP were reticular (64.8%) and erosive (22.9%). Plaque-like (5.7%) atrophic/erythemtous (4.3%) and bullous (2.3%) type were also observed. Malignant transformation rate of 0.7% was recorded. Conclusions: OLP mostly affects non-smoking middle-aged women. Buccal mucosa is the most commonly af - fected site. In almost half of the cases patients are asymptomatic. In spite of the small risk for malignant transfor - mation all patients should be regularly monitored

    Prikaz knjige - Raghuram G. Rajan Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy

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    Energy potential of biomass of tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)

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    Upotrebom biomase se dobiva energija, također se na ekološko prihvatljiv način zbrinjava i iskorištava otpad i ostatak iz poljoprivrede, šumarstva i prerade drva. U Republici Hrvatskoj preporuka je da se maksimalno 30% od potencijalno dostupne biomase može koristiti u energetske svrhe, a ostalih 70% posto biomase potrebno je ostavljati na poljoprivrednim površinama zbog prirodnog obnavljanja organske tvari u tlu. Veliki problem predstavljaju invazivne strane vrste koje svojim širenjem narušavaju biološku raznolikost. Jedna od njih je i biljna vrsta pajasen [Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle], koja je jedna od najopasnijih invazivnih drvenastih biljaka kako u svijetu, tako i u Hrvatskoj. Vrlo je agresivna i prilagodljiva vrsta i pogubno djeluje na domaću floru. Cilj ovog rada je bio istražiti mogućnosti korištenja ostataka ove invazivne vrste nakon uklanjanja iz prirode mehaničkim putem, te procesom izgaranja njegove biomase ispitati njegov energetski potencijal i mogućnost korištenja biomase u energetske svrhe. Sukladno dobivenim rezultatima analiza, može se zaključiti da pajasen nudi mogućnost iskorištenja u energetske svrhe.Using biomass, energy is obtained, it is also an environmentally friendly way of managing waste and residues from agriculture, forestry and wood processing. In the Republic of Croatia, it is recommended that up to 30% of potentially available biomass can be used for energy purposes, while the remaining 70% of biomass should be left on the agricultural field due to the natural renewal of organic soil. Large problems are foreign invasive species that are rapidly spreading and damaging biodiversity. One of them is the plant species called the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), which is one of the most dangerous and invasive in the world, and Croatia. It is a very aggressive and adaptable species, which has a detrimental effect on domestic flora. The goal of this research was to explore the possibilities of using remains of this invasive species after removing it from nature and combusting its biomass to examine its energy potential and the possibility of using biomass for energy purposes. According to the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the Ailanthus altissima offers the possibility of utilization for energy purposes

    Distributed lags time series analysis versus linear correlation analysis (Pearson's r) in identifying the relationship between antipseudomonal antibiotic consumption and the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in a single Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary hospital

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    The relationship between antibiotic consumption and selection of resistant strains has been studied mainly by employing conventional statistical methods. A time delay in effect must be anticipated and this has rarely been taken into account in previous studies. Therefore, distributed lags time series analysis and simple linear correlation were compared in their ability to evaluate this relationship. Data on monthly antibiotic consumption for ciprofloxacin, piperacillin/tazobactam, carbapenems and cefepime as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa susceptibility were retrospectively collected for the period April 2006 to July 2007. Using distributed lags analysis, a significant temporal relationship was identified between ciprofloxacin, meropenem and cefepime consumption and the resistance rates of P. aeruginosa isolates to these antibiotics. This effect was lagged for ciprofloxacin and cefepime [1 month (R=0.827, P=0.039) and 2 months (R=0.962, P=0.001), respectively] and was simultaneous for meropenem (lag 0, R=0.876, P=0.002). Furthermore, a significant concomitant effect of meropenem consumption on the appearance of multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa strains (resistant to three or more representatives of classes of antibiotics) was identified (lag 0, R=0.992, P<0.001). This effect was not delayed and it was therefore identified both by distributed lags analysis and the Pearson's correlation coefficient. Correlation coefficient analysis was not able to identify relationships between antibiotic consumption and bacterial resistance when the effect was delayed. These results indicate that the use of diverse statistical methods can yield significantly different results, thus leading to the introduction of possibly inappropriate infection control measures

    Cotton textiles modified with citric acid as efficient anti-bacterial agent for prevention of nosocomial infections

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    Aim. To study the antimicrobial activity of citric acid (CA) and sodium hypophosphite monohydrate (SHP) against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and to determine the influence of conventional and microwave thermal treatments, on the effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment of cotton textiles. ----- Method. Textile material was impregnated with CA and SHP solution and thermally treated by either conventional or microwave drying/curing treatment. Antibacterial effectiveness was tested according to ISO 20743:2009 standard, using absorption method. The surfaces were morphologically observed by scanning electron microscopy, while physical characteristics were determined by wrinkle recovery angles method (DIN 53 891), tensile strength (DIN 53 837), and whiteness degree method (AATCC 110-2000). ----- Results. Cotton fabric treated with CA and SHP showed significant antibacterial activity against MRSA (6.38 log10 treated by conventional drying and 6.46 log10 treated by microwave drying before washing, and 6.90 log10 and 7.86 log10, respectively, after 1 cycle of home domestic laundering washing [HDLW]). Antibacterial activity was also remarkable against S. aureus (4.25 log10 by conventional drying, 4.58 log10 by microwave drying) and against P. aeruginosa (1.93 log10 by conventional drying and 4.66 log10 by microwave drying). Antibacterial activity against P. aeruginosa was higher in samples subjected to microwave than in conventional drying. Antibacterial activity was reduced after 10 HDLW cycles but the compound was still effective. The surface of the untreated cotton polymer was smooth, while minor erosion stripes appeared on the surfaces treated with antimicrobial agent, and long and deep stripes were found on the surface of the washed sample. ----- Conclusion. CA can be used both for the disposable (non-durable) materials (gowns, masks, and cuffs for blood pressure measurement) and the materials that require durability to laundering. The current protocols and initiatives in infection control could be improved by the use of antimicrobial agents applied on cotton carbohydrate polymer

    First report on PVL-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus of SCCmec type V, spa type t441 in Croatia

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to investigate the molecular epidemiology of community- associated MRSA in Primorsko-Goranska County of Croatia during a six-year period(2001-2007). Methods In period from 2001 and 2007, 46 MRSA isolates were collected in Rijeka, strains were subjected to susceptibility testing according to CLSI guidelines, mecA gene detection and SCCmec typing as well as detection of PVL. Strains were typed by Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) and spa typing. Results All isolates were susceptible to vancomycin, linezolid, mupirocin, nitrofurantoin, only one strain was resistant to fusidic acid and co-trimoxazole. Results of SCCmec typing showed the presence of SCCmec type IV in 26 MRSA strains, SCCmec type V in three strains, and 13 strains comprised SCCmec I. SCCmec type II and III were not observed. Four MRSA strains were non-typeable by applied SCCmec typing methods. PVL was detected in 4 strains, two SCCmec IV and two SCCmec V. PFGE analysis, grouped MRSA strains into six similarity groups and 18 singletons. Dominating spa types in this collection of strains were t015, with 15 strains, followed by t041(N=7), t051,(N=2 ), t2850(N=2), t008(N=2)and single isolates t441, t002, t448, t018, t019, t355, t390, t026, t449, t148. We also detected two new spa types, t3510 and t3509, respectively. Conclusions This is the first report on SCCmec type V in Croatia, and, to our knowledge, first report of PVL-positive mehicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus SCCmec type V and t441(ST59-MRSA-V) in this part of Europe

    Short-Term Antibacterial Efficacy of Three Bioceramic Root Canal Sealers Against Enterococcus Faecalis Biofilms

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    Ciljevi: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati antimikrobnu učinkovitost triju biokeramičkih materijala za punjenje korijenskog kanala na biofilm s bakterijama E. faeaclis. Materijali i metode: Bakterijski biofilm s enterekokima fekalis uzgojen je na papirnatim filtar-diskovima postavljenima na ploče s agarom. Nakon inkubacije diskovi su prekriveni s četirima različitim materijalima za punjenje korijenskih kanala: 1. jednokomponentnim biokeramičkim punilom (TotalFill BC Sealer); 2. dvokomponentnim biokeramičkim punilom (BioRoot RCS); 3. punilom proizvedenim na temelju mineralnog trioksidnog agregata (MTA Fillapex); 4. punilom proizvedenim na temelju epoksidne smole (AH Plus). Nakon kontaktnog 60-minutnog razdoblja materijali su uklonjeni, a diskovi uloženi u epruvete s puferiranom fiziološkom otopinom. Nakon serijskog razrjeđivanja, suspenzija je nasađena na ploče s agarom te su nakon 24 sata izbrojene narasle kolonije i određen njihov ukupan broj prema čimbeniku razrjeđenja. Rezultati: Nije bilo značajne razlike u antimikrobnoj učinkovitosti između TotalFill BC Sealera i AH Plusa (p = 0,386). Oba materijala pokazala su bolju antibakterijsku učinkovitost od BioRoot RCS-a i MTA Fillapexa (p < 0,001). Zaključak: Total Fill BC Sealer i AH Plus bolje antibakterijski djeluju od BioRoot RCS-a i MTA Fillapexa.Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of three bioceramic root canal sealers against Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) biofilm. Material and methods: E. faecalis bacterial suspension was grown on filter paper discs on agar plates. After the incubation period, the discs were covered with four different root canal sealers: 1) Premixing bioceramic root canal sealer (TotalFill BC Sealer); 2) Dual component bioceramic sealer (BioRoot RCS); 3) Mineral trioxide agreggate based sealer (MTA Fillapex); 4) Epoxy resin-based selar (AH Plus). After contact time of 60 minutes, the sealers were removed, and the discs were transferred into sterile tubes containing phosphate buffered saline. After serial dilutions, the aliquots of the suspension were cultivated for 24 hours. After the incubation period, the colony forming units (CFUs) were counted. Results: There were no significant differences in antibacterial efficacy between the Total Fill BC Sealer and the AH Plus sealer (p=0.386). Both sealers showed better antibacterial efficacy compared to the BioRoot RCS and the MTA Fillapex (p<0.001). Conclusion: The Total Fill BC Sealer and AH Plus had better antibacterial efficacy than the BioRoot RCS and the MTA Fillapex sealers

    Nationwide Survey of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Strains Producing CTX-M Extended-spectrum b-lactamases in Croatia

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    Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) producing bacteria have been increasingly reported in both hospital and community patients. Production of ESBLs is the major mechanism of resistance to oxymino-cephalosporins and aztreonam in Gram-negative bacteria 1,2. Recently a new family of ESBLs with predominant activity against cefotaxime (CTX-M β-lactamases) has been reported. Over 80 CTX-M enzymes have been described so far, which can be grouped into five main subgroups according to amino acid sequence identity (CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2, CTX-M-8, CTX-M-9 and CTX-M-25) 3 . In some countries, CTX-M β-lactamases are the most prevalent types of ESBLs, for instance in Russia 4, Greece 5 , Spain 6 , Switzerland 7, Japan 8, Taiwan 9, China 10 and Argentina 11 . These enzymes have been identified in countries near Croatia such is Italy 12, Hungary13 and Austria14 The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and the types of CTX-M β lactamases produced by Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates collected from October 2006 to January 2007 from both community- and hospital –based isolates were included (Figure 1.). 128 ESBL isolates were subjected to further analysis: screening with double disc diffusion test and confirmed by ESBL E test 15