101 research outputs found

    Stars that Move Together Were Born Together

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    It is challenging to reliably identify stars that were born together outside of actively star-forming regions and bound stellar systems. However, co-natal stars should be present throughout the Galaxy, and their demographics can shed light on the clustered nature of star formation and the dynamical state of the disk. In previous work we presented a set of simulations of the Galactic disk that followed the clustered formation and dynamical evolution of 4 billion individual stars over the last 5 Gyr. The simulations predict that a high fraction of co-moving stars with physical and 3D velocity separation of Δr<20\Delta r < 20 pc and Δv<1.5\Delta v < 1.5 km s1^{-1} are co-natal. In this \textit{Letter}, we use \textit{Gaia} DR2 and LAMOST DR4 data to identify and study co-moving pairs. We find that the distribution of relative velocities and separations of pairs in the data is in good agreement with the predictions from the simulation. We identify 111 co-moving pairs in the Solar neighborhood with reliable astrometric and spectroscopic measurements. These pairs show a strong preference for having similar metallicities when compared to random field pairs. We therefore conclude that these pairs were very likely born together. The simulations predict that co-natal pairs originate preferentially from high-mass and relatively young (<1< 1 Gyr) star clusters. \textit{Gaia} will eventually deliver well-determined metallicities for the brightest stars, enabling the identification of thousands of co-natal pairs due to disrupting star clusters in the solar neighborhood.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Submitted to ApJL. Catalog here: http://harshilkamdar.github.io/2019/04/03/pairs.htm

    Milky Way Mass and Potential Recovery Using Tidal Streams in a Realistic Halo

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    We present a new method for determining the Galactic gravitational potential based on forward modeling of tidal stellar streams. We use this method to test the performance of smooth and static analytic potentials in representing realistic dark matter halos, which have substructure and are continually evolving by accretion. Our FAST-FORWARD method uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to compare, in 6D phase space, an "observed" stream to models created in trial analytic potentials. We analyze a large sample of streams evolved in the Via Lactea II (VL2) simulation, which represents a realistic Galactic halo potential. The recovered potential parameters are in agreement with the best fit to the global, present-day VL2 potential. However, merely assuming an analytic potential limits the dark matter halo mass measurement to an accuracy of 5 to 20%, depending on the choice of analytic parametrization. Collectively, mass estimates using streams from our sample reach this fundamental limit, but individually they can be highly biased. Individual streams can both under- and overestimate the mass, and the bias is progressively worse for those with smaller perigalacticons, motivating the search for tidal streams at galactocentric distances larger than 70 kpc. We estimate that the assumption of a static and smooth dark matter potential in modeling of the GD-1 and Pal5-like streams introduces an error of up to 50% in the Milky Way mass estimates.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ; more information on our stream sample and a movie of the potential recovery method used can be found at http://www.astro.yale.edu/abonaca/research/potential_recovery.htm

    Dynamical evidence for a strong tidal interaction between the Milky Way and its satellite, Leo V

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    We present a chemodynamical analysis of the Leo~V dwarf galaxy, based on Keck II DEIMOS spectra of 8 member stars. We find a systemic velocity for the system of vr=170.91.9+2.1\langle v_r\rangle = 170.9^{+ 2.1}_{-1.9}kms1^{-1}, and barely resolve a velocity dispersion for the system, with σvr=2.31.6+3.2\sigma_{vr} = 2.3^{+3.2}_{-1.6}kms1^{-1}, consistent with previous studies of Leo~V. The poorly resolved dispersion means we are unable to adequately constrain the dark matter content of Leo~V. We find an average metallicity for the dwarf of [Fe/H]=2.48±0.21 = -2.48\pm0.21, and measure a significant spread in the iron abundance of its member stars, with 3.1-3.1\le[Fe/H]1.9\le-1.9 dex, which cleanly identifies Leo~V as a dwarf galaxy that has been able to self-enrich its stellar population through extended star formation. Owing to the tentative photometric evidence for tidal substructure around Leo~V, we also investigate whether there is any evidence for tidal stripping or shocking of the system within its dynamics. We measure a significant velocity gradient across the system, of dvdχ=4.12.6+2.8\frac{{\rm d}v}{{\rm d}\chi} = -4.1^{+2.8}_{-2.6}kms1^{-1} per arcmin (or dvdχ=71.945.6+50.8\frac{{\rm d}v}{{\rm d}\chi} = -71.9^{+50.8}_{-45.6}kms1^{-1}~kpc1^{-1}), which points almost directly toward the Galactic centre. We argue that Leo~V is likely a dwarf on the brink of dissolution, having just barely survived a past encounter with the centre of the Milky Way.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Updated to include minor revisions from referee proces

    Slant, Fan, and Narrow: the Response of Stellar Streams to a Tilting Galactic Disk

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    Stellar streams are sensitive tracers of the gravitational potential, which is typically assumed to be static in the inner Galaxy. However, massive mergers like Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus can impart torques on the stellar disk of the Milky Way that result in the disk tilting at rates of up to 10-20 deg/Gyr. Here, we demonstrate the effects of disk tilting on the morphology and kinematics of stellar streams. Through a series of numerical experiments, we find that streams with nearby apocenters (rapo20 kpc)(r_{\rm apo} \lesssim 20~\rm{kpc}) are sensitive to disk tilting, with the primary effect being changes to the stream's on-sky track and width. Interestingly, disk tilting can produce both more diffuse streams and more narrow streams, depending on the orbital inclination of the progenitor and the direction in which the disk is tilting. Our model of Pal 5's tidal tails for a tilting rate of 15 deg/Gyr is in excellent agreement with the observed stream's track and width, and reproduces the extreme narrowing of the trailing tail. We also find that failure to account for a tilting disk can bias constraints on shape parameters of the Milky Way's local dark matter distribution at the level of 5-10%, with the direction of the bias changing for different streams. Disk tilting could therefore explain discrepancies in the Milky Way's dark matter halo shape inferred using different streams.Comment: 24 pages (+2 appendix), 15 figures, submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome. v2: fixed rendering issue with Fig. 11 on some device

    Globular Cluster Streams as Galactic High-Precision Scales - The Poster Child Palomar 5

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    Using the example of the tidal stream of the Milky Way globular cluster Palomar 5 (Pal 5), we demonstrate how observational data on streams can be efficiently reduced in dimensionality and modeled in a Bayesian framework. Our approach combines detection of stream overdensities by a Difference-of-Gaussians process with fast streakline models, a continuous likelihood function built from these models, and inference with MCMC. By generating 107\approx10^7 model streams, we show that the geometry of the Pal 5 debris yields powerful constraints on the solar position and motion, the Milky Way and Pal 5 itself. All 10 model parameters were allowed to vary over large ranges without additional prior information. Using only SDSS data and a few radial velocities from the literature, we find that the distance of the Sun from the Galactic Center is 8.30±0.258.30\pm0.25 kpc, and the transverse velocity is 253±16253\pm16 km/s. Both estimates are in excellent agreement with independent measurements of these quantities. Assuming a standard disk and bulge model, we determine the Galactic mass within Pal 5's apogalactic radius of 19 kpc to be (2.1±0.4)×1011(2.1\pm0.4)\times10^{11} M_\odot. Moreover, we find the potential of the dark halo with a flattening of qz=0.950.12+0.16q_z = 0.95^{+0.16}_{-0.12} to be essentially spherical within the radial range that is effectively probed by Pal 5. We also determine Pal 5's mass, distance and proper motion independently from other methods, which enables us to perform vital cross-checks. We conclude that with more observational data and by using additional prior information, the precision of this method can be significantly increased.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ApJ (revised version), comments welcom

    Constraining the Star Formation Histories in Dark Matter Halos: I. Central Galaxies

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    Using the self-consistent modeling of the conditional stellar mass functions across cosmic time by Yang et al. (2012), we make model predictions for the star formation histories (SFHs) of {\it central} galaxies in halos of different masses. The model requires the following two key ingredients: (i) mass assembly histories of central and satellite galaxies, and (ii) local observational constraints of the star formation rates of central galaxies as function of halo mass. We obtain a universal fitting formula that describes the (median) SFH of central galaxies as function of halo mass, galaxy stellar mass and redshift. We use this model to make predictions for various aspects of the star formation rates of central galaxies across cosmic time. Our main findings are the following. (1) The specific star formation rate (SSFR) at high zz increases rapidly with increasing redshift [(1+z)2.5\propto (1+z)^{2.5}] for halos of a given mass and only slowly with halo mass (Mh0.12\propto M_h^{0.12}) at a given zz, in almost perfect agreement with the specific mass accretion rate of dark matter halos. (2) The ratio between the star formation rate (SFR) in the main-branch progenitor and the final stellar mass of a galaxy peaks roughly at a constant value, 109.3h2yr1\sim 10^{-9.3} h^2 {\rm yr}^{-1}, independent of halo mass or the final stellar mass of the galaxy. However, the redshift at which the SFR peaks increases rapidly with halo mass. (3) More than half of the stars in the present-day Universe were formed in halos with 10^{11.1}\msunh < M_h < 10^{12.3}\msunh in the redshift range 0.4<z<1.90.4 < z < 1.9. (4) ... [abridged]Comment: 15 figures, 22 pages, Accepted for publication in Ap