32 research outputs found

    Correlations between risk factors for prostate cancer: an epidemiological analysis

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    Objective: To establish correlations between risk factors for prostate cancer. Method: 155 Medical records of patients with prostate cancer were analyzed regarding the tumor characteristics and risk factors. Results: The patients on average were 70 years of age, incomplete grade school (70%), exposed to pesticides (68,56%), non-smokers (93,8%), and alcohol consumption (71,2%), patients with adenocarcinoma (98,71%) and metastases (12,90%). Positive correlations (0.001) were evidenced with occupational exposure (r= 0,588), use of medications (r= 0,569) and radiation exposure (r= 0.609). No correlations were observed for diet, smoking and alcoholism. Conclusion: The data show that for associations between genetic factors and occupational exposure, with emphasis to the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity

    Haematological and genotoxic profile study of workers exposed to medical waste

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    Objective: To evaluate the haematological and genotoxic profile of workers exposed to medical waste. Method: Descriptive study of an observational nature, performed with two distinct groups: exposed (20 individuals) and unexposed (20 individuals), which had blood samples collected for analysis. Results: The results revealed an increased erythrocytes, hematocrit and leukocytes of the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. In the group exposed were identified: eosinophilia (45%), atypical lymphocytes (35%) and neutrophil toxic granulation (25%). It revealed a significant genotoxic effect by the content and frequency of major damage in the exposed group. There was no correlation of these results with the habits and life styles reported. Conclusion: It was found that the study group might be undergoing reaction processes caused by some agent, as well as genetic instability. These data highlight the need for greater biomonitoring of these workers in order to prevent neoplastic conditions

    Risk factors associated with breast cancer patients in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

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    Objective: To characterize the risk factors for breast cancer in patients seen in a referral center in the city of Teresina, Piaui (2010-2012). Method: A descriptive exploratory study with 197 patient records. A personal health questionnaire was administered to 20 patients and 20 women without breast cancer. The data were submitted to SPSS 13.0 for analysis of percentages, means and Spearman correlations. Results: The average age (55 years) was positively correlated with ductal carcinoma (83%) and 10% of metastases. The occupation of domestic, family history, medications, and exposure to ionizing radiation have been demonstrated as risk factors. Significant (p <0.001) positive correlation (r = 0.6642, p = 0.002) were observed between breast cancer family history and occupation. Conclusion: Prevention strategies related to environmental, occupational and hereditary factors are necessary to minimize the risk of mutagenicity and carcinogenicity

    Hand hygiene: a review of understanding and attitudes of healthcare professionals

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    Objective: Evaluate hand hygiene performed by health professionals in a public hospital and identify non-adherence factors for the correct technique. Methods: The professionals were submitted to a questionnaire, testing their knowledge of hand hygiene compliance for health professionals and were observed while hand washing. Results: 62,5% received training either during undergraduation course, or by the hospital, while 37,5% did not know how to do the technique. Regarding the reason for the noncompliance of proper hygiene techniques, 61,1% of professionals said that excessive professional activity, and insufficient time are the main causes. 44,4% mentioned the lack of priority of the institution as to the procedure and 16,6% lack the time to perform the technique. Conclusion: It appears that most of the professionals interviewed did not obey the rules recommended hand hygiene and the main reason is no time due to excessive workload

    Possible oxidative effects of isotretinoin and modulatory effects of vitamins A and C in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Isotretinoin (ITN), chemically known as 13-cis-retinoic acid, is a part of the broad group of compounds related to vitamin A. It is particularly employed in the treatment of nodular cystic acne and as an inhibitor of proliferation of neoplastic cells, by exerting a regulatory effect on the cell differentiation. This study aimed at investigating the possible oxidative effects of ITN and modulatory effects of vitamins A and C in mutant and non-mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. In addition, to reconfirm the oxidative effects, five in vitro antioxidant assays were also prepared taking the alpha-tocopherol analogue, trolox as a standard. In vivo study conducted on S. cerevisiae cells was carried out with ITN 20 μg/ml taking hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as stressor (STR), whereas ITN 5 to 50 μg/ml was considered for in vitro assays taking similar dose of trolox (TRO). Results show ITN to have oxidative effect in both in vitro and in vivo tests. In conclusion, ITN produced oxidative effects and there may be an hypervitaminosis effect with vitamins A and C, thus insinuation to genetic material.Key words: Assay, isotretinoin, vitamin A, vitamin C, oxidative stress

    Correlations between risk factors for prostate cancer: an epidemiological analysis

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    Objetivo: estabelecer correla&ccedil;&otilde;es entre fatores de risco para o c&acirc;ncer de pr&oacute;stata. M&eacute;todos: 155 prontu&aacute;rios de pacientes com c&acirc;ncer de pr&oacute;stata foram analisados quanto &agrave;s caracter&iacute;sticas do tumor e aos fatores de risco. Resultados: os pacientes apresentavam em m&eacute;dia 70 anos de idade, prim&aacute;rio incompleto (70%), expostos a agrot&oacute;xicos (68,56%), sem h&aacute;bitos para tabagismo (93,8%), e etilismo (71,2%), portadores de adenocarcinoma (98,71%) e met&aacute;stases (12,90%). Correla&ccedil;&otilde;es (0,001) positivas foram evidenciadas com exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o ocupacional (r=0,588), uso de medicamentos (r=0,569) e exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o a radia&ccedil;&otilde;es (r=0,609). N&atilde;o foram observadas correla&ccedil;&otilde;es para dieta, tabagismo e etilismo. Conclus&atilde;o: os dados apontam para associa&ccedil;&otilde;es entre fatores gen&eacute;ticos e exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o ocupacional, com &ecirc;nfase para a mutagenicidade e carcinogenicidade. Descritores: C&acirc;ncer de pr&oacute;stata, Fatores de risco, Mutagenicidade, Carcinogenicidade

    Correlations between risk factors for prostate cancer: an epidemiological analysis

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    Objetivo: estabelecer correlações entre fatores de risco para o câncer de próstata. Métodos: 155 prontuários de pacientes com câncer de próstata foram analisados quanto às características do tumor e aos fatores de risco. Resultados: os pacientes apresentavam em média 70 anos de idade, primário incompleto (70%), expostos a agrotóxicos (68,56%), sem hábitos para tabagismo (93,8%), e etilismo (71,2%), portadores de adenocarcinoma (98,71%) e metástases (12,90%). Correlações (0,001) positivas foram evidenciadas com exposição ocupacional (r=0,588), uso de medicamentos (r=0,569) e exposição a radiações (r=0,609). Não foram observadas correlações para dieta, tabagismo e etilismo. Conclusão: os dados apontam para associações entre fatores genéticos e exposição ocupacional, com ênfase para a mutagenicidade e carcinogenicidade. Descritores: Câncer de próstata, Fatores de risco, Mutagenicidade, Carcinogenicidade

    Haematological and genotoxic profile study of workers exposed to medical waste

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    Objective: To evaluate the haematological and genotoxic profile of workers exposed to medical waste. Method: Descriptive study of an observational nature, performed with two distinct groups: exposed (20 individuals) and unexposed (20 individuals), which had blood samples collected for analysis. Results: The results revealed an increased erythrocytes, hematocrit and leukocytes of the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. In the group exposed were identified: eosinophilia (45%), atypical lymphocytes (35%) and neutrophil toxic granulation (25%). It revealed a significant genotoxic effect by the content and frequency of major damage in the exposed group. There was no correlation of these results with the habits and life styles reported. Conclusion: It was found that the study group might be undergoing reaction processes caused by some agent, as well as genetic instability. These data highlight the need for greater biomonitoring of these workers in order to prevent neoplastic conditions. Descriptors: Medical Waste, Waste Collectors, Occupational Risk

    Haematological and genotoxic profile study of workers exposed to medical waste

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    Objective: To evaluate the haematological and genotoxic profile of workers exposed to medical waste. Method: Descriptive study of an observational nature, performed with two distinct groups: exposed (20 individuals) and unexposed (20 individuals), which had blood samples collected for analysis. Results: The results revealed an increased erythrocytes, hematocrit and leukocytes of the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. In the group exposed were identified: eosinophilia (45%), atypical lymphocytes (35%) and neutrophil toxic granulation (25%). It revealed a significant genotoxic effect by the content and frequency of major damage in the exposed group. There was no correlation of these results with the habits and life styles reported. Conclusion: It was found that the study group might be undergoing reaction processes caused by some agent, as well as genetic instability. These data highlight the need for greater biomonitoring of these workers in order to prevent neoplastic conditions. Descriptors: Medical Waste, Waste Collectors, Occupational Risk

    Hand hygiene: a review of understanding and attitudes of healthcare professionals

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    Objective: Evaluate hand hygiene performed by health professionals in a public hospital and identify non-adherence factors for the correct technique. Methods: The professionals were submitted to a questionnaire, testing their knowledge of Hand Hygiene Compliance for Health Professionals and were observed while hand washing. Results: 62.5% received training either during undergraduation course, or by the hospital, while 37.5% did not know how to do the technique. Regarding the reason for the noncompliance of proper hygiene techniques, 61.1% of professionals said that excessive professional activity, and insufficient time are the main causes. 44.4% mentioned the lack of priority of the institution as to the procedure and 16.6% lack the time to perform the technique. Conclusion: It appears that most of the professionals interviewed did not obey the rules recommended hand hygiene and the main reason is no time due to excessive workload. Descriptors: Infection, Hand hygiene, health professionals