527 research outputs found

    Universal Properties of Ferroelectric Domains

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    Basing on Ginzburg-Landau approach we generalize the Kittel theory and derive the interpolation formula for the temperature evolution of a multi-domain polarization profile P(x,z). We resolve the long-standing problem of the near-surface polarization behavior in ferroelectric domains and demonstrate the polarization vanishing instead of usually assumed fractal domain branching. We propose an effective scaling approach to compare the properties of different domain-containing ferroelectric plates and films.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. to be publishe

    Sensitivity of transcription factors to DNA methylation.

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    Dynamic binding of transcription factors (TFs) to regulatory elements controls transcriptional states throughout organism development. Epigenetics modifications, such as DNA methylation mostly within cytosine-guanine dinucleotides (CpGs), have the potential to modulate TF binding to DNA. Although DNA methylation has long been thought to repress TF binding, a more recent model proposes that TF binding can also inhibit DNA methylation. Here, we review the possible scenarios by which DNA methylation and TF binding affect each other. Further in vivo experiments will be required to generalize these models.journal article2019 Nov 222019 11 22importe

    The Cilialyzer - A freely available open-source software for the analysis of mucociliary activity in respiratory cells.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder causing a defective ciliary structure, which predominantly leads to an impaired mucociliary clearance and associated airway disease. As there is currently no single diagnostic gold standard test, PCD is diagnosed by a combination of several methods comprising genetic testing and the examination of the ciliary structure and function. Among the approved diagnostic methods, only high-speed video microscopy (HSVM) allows to directly observe the ciliary motion and therefore, to directly assess ciliary function. In the present work, we present our recently developed freely available open-source software - termed "Cilialyzer", which has been specifically designed to support and facilitate the analysis of the mucociliary activity in respiratory epithelial cells captured by high-speed video microscopy. METHODS In its current state, the Cilialyzer software enables clinical PCD analysts to load, preprocess and replay recorded image sequences as well as videos with a feature-rich replaying module facilitating the commonly performed qualitative visual assessment of ciliary function (including the assessment of the ciliary beat pattern). The image processing methods made accessible through an intuitive user interface allow clinical specialists to comfortably compute the ciliary beating frequency (CBF), the activity map and the "frequency correlation length" - an observable getting newly introduced. Furthermore, the Cilialyzer contains a simple-to-use particle tracking interface to determine the mucociliary transport speed. RESULTS Cilialyzer is fully written in the Python programming language and freely available under the terms of the MIT license. The proper functioning of the computational analysis methods constituting the Cilialyzer software is demonstrated by using simulated and representative sample data from clinical practice. Additionally, the software was used to analyze high-speed videos showing samples obtained from healthy controls and genetically confirmed PCD cases (DNAI1 and DNAH11 mutations) to show its clinical applicability. CONCLUSIONS Cilialyzer serves as a useful clinical tool for PCD analysts and provides new quantitative information awaiting to be clinically evaluated using cohorts of PCD. As Cilialyzer is freely available under the terms of a permissive open-source license, it serves as a ground frame for further development of computational methods aiming at the quantification and automation of the analysis of mucociliary activity captured by HSVM

    Cannabis in medicine: a national educational needs assessment among Canadian physicians

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    Background: There is increasing global awareness and interest in the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes (CTP). It is clear that health care professionals need to be involved in these decisions, but often lack the education needed to engage in informed discussions with patients. This study was conducted to determine the educational needs of Canadian physicians regarding CTP. Methods: A national needs assessment survey was developed based on previous survey tools. The survey was approved by the Research Ethics Board of the McGill University Health Centre Research Institute and was provided online using LimeSurvey®. Several national physician organizations and medical education organizations informed their members of the survey. The target audience was Canadian physicians. We sought to identify and rank using 5-point Likert scales the most common factors involved in decision making about using CTP in the following categories: knowledge, experience, attitudes, and barriers. Preferred educational approaches and physician demographics were collected. Gap analysis was conducted to determine the magnitude and importance of differences between perceived and desired knowledge on all decision factors. Results: Four hundred and twenty six responses were received, and physician responses were distributed across Canada consistent with national physician distribution. The most desired knowledge concerned “potential risks of using CTP” and “safety, warning signs and precautions for patients using CTP”. The largest gap between perceived current and desired knowledge levels was “dosing” and “the development of treatment plans”. Conclusions: We have identified several key educational needs among Canadian physicians regarding CTP. These data can be used to develop resources and educational programs to support clinicians in this area, as well as to guide further research to inform these gaps

    The cost-effectiveness of alternative vaccination strategies for polyvalent meningococcal vaccines in Burkina Faso: A transmission dynamic modeling study.

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    BACKGROUND: The introduction of a conjugate vaccine for serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis has dramatically reduced disease in the African meningitis belt. In this context, important questions remain about the performance of different vaccine policies that target remaining serogroups. Here, we estimate the health impact and cost associated with several alternative vaccination policies in Burkina Faso. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We developed and calibrated a mathematical model of meningococcal transmission to project the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted and costs associated with the current Base policy (serogroup A conjugate vaccination at 9 months, as part of the Expanded Program on Immunization [EPI], plus district-specific reactive vaccination campaigns using polyvalent meningococcal polysaccharide [PMP] vaccine in response to outbreaks) and three alternative policies: (1) Base Prime: novel polyvalent meningococcal conjugate (PMC) vaccine replaces the serogroup A conjugate in EPI and is also used in reactive campaigns; (2) Prevention 1: PMC used in EPI and in a nationwide catch-up campaign for 1-18-year-olds; and (3) Prevention 2: Prevention 1, except the nationwide campaign includes individuals up to 29 years old. Over a 30-year simulation period, Prevention 2 would avert 78% of the meningococcal cases (95% prediction interval: 63%-90%) expected under the Base policy if serogroup A is not replaced by remaining serogroups after elimination, and would avert 87% (77%-93%) of meningococcal cases if complete strain replacement occurs. Compared to the Base policy and at the PMC vaccine price of US4perdose,strategiesthatusePMCvaccine(i.e.,BasePrimeandPreventions1and2)areexpectedtobecostsavingifstrainreplacementoccurs,andwouldcostUS4 per dose, strategies that use PMC vaccine (i.e., Base Prime and Preventions 1 and 2) are expected to be cost saving if strain replacement occurs, and would cost US51 (-US236,US236, US490), US188(US188 (-US97, US626),andUS626), and US246 (-US53,US53, US703) per DALY averted, respectively, if strain replacement does not occur. An important potential limitation of our study is the simplifying assumption that all circulating meningococcal serogroups can be aggregated into a single group; while this assumption is critical for model tractability, it would compromise the insights derived from our model if the effectiveness of the vaccine differs markedly between serogroups or if there are complex between-serogroup interactions that influence the frequency and magnitude of future meningitis epidemics. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that a vaccination strategy that includes a catch-up nationwide immunization campaign in young adults with a PMC vaccine and the addition of this new vaccine into EPI is cost-effective and would avert a substantial portion of meningococcal cases expected under the current World Health Organization-recommended strategy of reactive vaccination. This analysis is limited to Burkina Faso and assumes that polyvalent vaccines offer equal protection against all meningococcal serogroups; further studies are needed to evaluate the robustness of this assumption and applicability for other countries in the meningitis belt

    Phase Diagram of a Strained Ferroelectric Nanowire

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    Ferroelectric materials manifest unique dielectric, ferroelastic, and piezoelectric properties. A targeted design of ferroelectrics at the nanoscale is not only of fundamental appeal but holds the highest potential for applications. Compared to two-dimensional nanostructures such as thin films and superlattices, one-dimensional ferroelectric nanowires are investigated to a much lesser extent. Here, we reveal a variety of the topological polarization states, particularly the vortex and helical chiral phases, in loaded ferroelectric nanowires, which enable us to complete the strain–temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional ferroelectrics. These phases are of prime importance for optoelectronics and quantum communication technologie

    Retaining individualities: the photodynamics of self-ordering porphyrin assemblies

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    The retention of photochemical properties of individual chromophores is a key feature of biological light harvesting complexes. This is achieved despite extensive aggregation of the chromophores, which in synthetic chromophore assemblies often yields a change in spectral characteristics. As an alternative approach towards mimicking biological light harvesting complexes, we report the synthesis of porphyrin assemblies which retained the photochemical properties of the individual chromophore units despite their substantial aggregation. These new materials highlight a new bottom-up approach towards the design and understanding of more complex biomimetic and naturally occurring biological systems