18 research outputs found

    RhoA is required for cortical retraction and rigidity during mitotic cell rounding

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    Mitotic cell rounding is the process of cell shape change in which a flat interphase cell becomes spherical at the onset of mitosis. Rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton, de-adhesion, and an increase in cortical rigidity accompany mitotic cell rounding. The molecular mechanisms that contribute to this process have not been defined. We show that RhoA is required for cortical retraction but not de-adhesion during mitotic cell rounding. The mitotic increase in cortical rigidity also requires RhoA, suggesting that increases in cortical rigidity and cortical retraction are linked processes. Rho-kinase is also required for mitotic cortical retraction and rigidity, indicating that the effects of RhoA on cell rounding are mediated through this effector. Consistent with a role for RhoA during mitotic entry, RhoA activity is elevated in rounded, preanaphase mitotic cells. The activity of the RhoA inhibitor p190RhoGAP is decreased due to its serine/threonine phosphorylation at this time. Cumulatively, these results suggest that the mitotic increase in RhoA activity leads to rearrangements of the cortical actin cytoskeleton that promote cortical rigidity, resulting in mitotic cell rounding

    Anillin localization suggests distinct mechanisms of division plane specification in mouse oogenic meiosis I and II

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    Anillin is a conserved cytokinetic ring protein implicated in actomyosin cytoskeletal organization and cytoskeletal-membrane linkage. Here we explored anillin localization in the highly asymmetric divisions of the mouse oocyte that lead to the extrusion of two polar bodies. The purposes of polar body extrusion are to reduce the chromosome complement within the egg to haploid, and to retain the majority of the egg cytoplasm for embryonic development. Anillin's proposed roles in cytokinetic ring organization suggest that it plays important roles in achieving this asymmetric division. We report that during meiotic maturation, anillin mRNA is expressed and protein levels steadily rise. In meiosis I, anillin localizes to a cortical cap overlying metaphase I spindles, and a broad ring over anaphase spindles that are perpendicular to the cortex. Anillin is excluded from the cortex of the prospective first polar body, and highly enriched in the cytokinetic ring that severs the polar body from the oocyte. In meiosis II, anillin is enriched in a cortical stripe precisely coincident with and overlying the meiotic spindle midzone. These results suggest a model in which this cortical structure contributes to spindle re-alignment in meiosis II. Thus, localization of anillin as a conserved cytokinetic ring marker illustrates that the geometry of the cytokinetic ring is distinct between the two oogenic meiotic cytokineses in mammals

    The myriad roles of Anillin during cytokinesis

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    Anillin is a highly conserved multidomain protein that interacts with cytoskeletal components as well as their regulators. Throughout phylogeny, Anillins contribute to cytokinesis, the cell shape change that occurs at the end of meiosis and mitosis to separate a cell into daughter cells. Failed cytokinesis results in binucleation, which can lead to genomic instability. Study of Anillin in several model organisms has provided us with insight into how the cytoskeleton is coordinated to ensure that cytokinesis occurs with high fidelity. Here we review Anillin’s interacting partners and the relevance of these interactions in vivo. We also discuss questions of how these interactions are coordinated, and finally provide some perspective regarding Anillin’s role in cancer

    A theoretical model of cytokinesis implicates feedback between membrane curvature and cytoskeletal organization in asymmetric cytokinetic furrowing

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    During cytokinesis, the cell undergoes a dramatic shape change as it divides into two daughter cells. Cell shape changes in cytokinesis are driven by a cortical ring rich in actin filaments and nonmuscle myosin II. The ring closes via actomyosin contraction coupled with actin depolymerization. Of interest, ring closure and hence the furrow ingression are nonconcentric (asymmetric) within the division plane across Metazoa. This nonconcentricity can occur and persist even without preexisting asymmetric cues, such as spindle placement or cellular adhesions. Cell-autonomous asymmetry is not explained by current models. We combined quantitative high-resolution live-cell microscopy with theoretical modeling to explore the mechanistic basis for asymmetric cytokinesis in the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, with the goal of uncovering basic principles of ring closure. Our theoretical model suggests that feedback among membrane curvature, cytoskeletal alignment, and contractility is responsible for asymmetric cytokinetic furrowing. It also accurately predicts experimental perturbations of conserved ring proteins. The model further suggests that curvature-mediated filament alignment speeds up furrow closure while promoting energy efficiency. Collectively our work underscores the importance of membrane–cytoskeletal anchoring and suggests conserved molecular mechanisms for this activity

    A Sterile 20 Family Kinase and Its Co-factor CCM-3 Regulate Contractile Ring Proteins on Germline Intercellular Bridges

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    Germ cells in most animals are connected by intercellular bridges, actin-based rings that form stable cytoplasmic connections between cells promoting communication and coordination [1]. Moreover, these connections are required for fertility [1, 2]. Intercellular bridges are proposed to arise from stabilization of the cytokinetic ring during incomplete cytokinesis [1]. Paradoxically, proteins that promote closure of cytokinetic rings are enriched on stably open intercellular bridges [1, 3, 4]. Given this inconsistency, the mechanism of intercellular bridge stabilization is unclear. Here, we used the C. elegans germline as a model for identifying molecular mechanisms regulating intercellular bridges. We report that bridges are actually highly dynamic, changing size at precise times during germ cell development. We focused on the regulation of bridge stability by anillins, key regulators of cytokinetic rings and cytoplasmic bridges [1, 4-7]. We identified GCK-1, a conserved serine/threonine kinase [8], as a putative novel anillin interactor. GCK-1 works together with CCM-3, a known binding partner [9], to promote intercellular bridge stability and limit localization of both canonical anillin and non-muscle myosin II (NMM-II) to intercellular bridges. Additionally, we found that a shorter anillin, known to stabilize bridges [4, 7], also regulates NMM-II levels at bridges. Consistent with these results, negative regulators of NMM-II stabilize intercellular bridges in the Drosophila egg chamber [10, 11]. Together with our findings, this suggests that tuning of myosin levels is a conserved mechanism for the stabilization of intercellular bridges that can occur by diverse molecular mechanisms

    CENP-A and topoisomerase-II antagonistically affect chromosome length

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    The size of mitotic chromosomes is coordinated with cell size in a manner dependent on nuclear trafficking. In this study, we conducted an RNA interference screen of the Caenorhabditis elegans nucleome in a strain carrying an exceptionally long chromosome and identified the centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENP-A and the DNA decatenizing enzyme topoisomerase-II (topo-II) as candidate modulators of chromosome size. In the holocentric organism C. elegans , CENP-A is positioned periodically along the entire length of chromosomes, and in mitosis, these genomic regions come together linearly to form the base of kinetochores. We show that CENP-A protein levels decreased through development coinciding with chromosome-size scaling. Partial loss of CENP-A protein resulted in shorter mitotic chromosomes, consistent with a role in setting chromosome length. Conversely, topo-II levels were unchanged through early development, and partial topo-II depletion led to longer chromosomes. Topo-II localized to the perimeter of mitotic chromosomes, excluded from the centromere regions, and depletion of topo-II did not change CENP-A levels. We propose that self-assembly of centromeric chromatin into an extended linear array promotes elongation of the chromosome, whereas topo-II promotes chromosome-length shortening

    Polar body cytokinesis.

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    International audiencePolar body cytokinesis is the physical separation of a small polar body from a larger oocyte or ovum. This maternal meiotic division shares many similarities with mitotic and spermatogenic cytokinesis, but there are several distinctions, which will be discussed in this review. We synthesize results from many different model species, including those popular for their genetics and several that are more obscure in modern cell biology. The site of polar body division is determined before anaphase, by the eccentric, cortically associated meiotic spindle. Depending on the species, either the actin or microtubule cytoskeleton is required for spindle anchoring. Chromatin is necessary and sufficient to elicit differentiation of the associated cortex, via Ran-based signaling. The midzone of the anaphase spindle serves as a hub for regulatory complexes that elicit Rho activation, and ultimately actomyosin contractile ring assembly and contraction. Polar body cytokinesis uniquely requires another Rho family GTPase, Cdc42, for dynamic reorganization of the polar cortex. This is perhaps due to the considerable asymmetry of this division, wherein the polar body and the oocyte/ovum have distinct fates and very different sizes. Thus, maternal meiotic cytokinesis appears to occur via simultaneous polar relaxation and equatorial contraction, since the polar body is extruded from the spherical oocyte through the nascent contractile ring. As such, polar body cytokinesis is an interesting and important variation on the theme of cell division. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Model-based trajectory classification of anchored molecular motor-biopolymer interactions

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    During zygotic mitosis in many species, forces generated at the cell cortex are required for the separation and migration of paternally provided centrosomes, pronuclear migration, segregation of genetic material, and cell division. Furthermore, in some species, force-generating interactions between spindle microtubules and the cortex position the mitotic spindle asymmetrically within the zygote, an essential step in asymmetric cell division. Understanding the mechanical and molecular mechanisms of microtubule-dependent force generation and therefore asymmetric cell division requires identification of individual cortical force-generating units in vivo. There is no current method for identifying individual force-generating units with high spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we present a method to determine both the location and the relative number of microtubule-dependent cortical force-generating units using single-molecule imaging of fluorescently labeled dynein. Dynein behavior is modeled to classify trajectories of cortically bound dynein according to whether they are interacting with a microtubule. The categorization strategy recapitulates well-known force asymmetries in C. elegans zygote mitosis. To evaluate the robustness of categorization, we used RNAi to deplete the tubulin subunit TBA-2. As predicted, this treatment reduced the number of trajectories categorized as engaged with a microtubule. Our technique will be a valuable tool to define the molecular mechanisms of dynein cortical force generation and its regulation as well as other instances wherein anchored motors interact with biopolymers (e.g., actin, tubulin, DNA)