961 research outputs found

    Evaluation Report on Chicago Connection's Refugee Even Start Program

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    The stated objectives of the El Centro Even Start Program are that the literacy of participating families will improve, they will reach their target population of families most in need of services and lastly that local Even Start projects will provide comprehensive, instructional and support services that are of high quality to all families in a cost-effective way. The evaluation was structured to examine progress made towards achieving these objectives

    An Unconventional Collaboration at the College Level To Improve STEM Student Success

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    The purpose of this article is to illustrate the work that has resulted from a collaboration between a biology professor, a school psychology professor, a researcher in higher education access, and the writing programs director. The essential school psychologist role, as classroom observer and data analyzer, is discussed through an example of work done as part of a larger project focusing on student success and retention for at-risk populations in introductory college biology courses. Best practices for consulting at the college level are discussed and include: collaborate to cultivate the willing, collect and analyze data to sustain instructor involvement, and communicate and advocate. We hope that the model exemplified here might inspire future interdisciplinary collaborations that draw on school psychology expertise to design and conduct research

    Simulated Winter Incubation of Soil With Swine Manure Differentially Affects Multiple Antimicrobial Resistance Elements

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    Gastrointestinal bacteria that harbor antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) become enriched with antibiotic use. Livestock manure application to cropland for soil fertility presents a concern that ARG and bacteria may proliferate and be transported in the environment. In the United States, manure applications typically occur during autumn with slow mineralization until spring planting season. A laboratory soil incubation study was conducted mimicking autumn swine manure application to soils with concentrations of selected ARG monitored during simulated 120-day winter incubation with multiple freeze-thaw events. Additionally, the effects of two soil moistures [10 and 30% water holding capacity (WHC)] and two manure treatments [raw versus hydrated lime alkaline stabilization (HLAS)] were assessed. Fourteen tetracycline resistance genes were evaluated; tet(D), tet(G), and tet(L) were detected in background soil while swine manure contained tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(G), tet(M), tet(O), tet(Q), and tet(X). By day 120, the manure-borne tet(M) and tet(O) were still detected while tet(C), tet(D), tet(L), and tet(X) genes were detected less frequently. Other tet resistance genes were detected rarely, if at all. The sum of unique tet resistance genes among all treatments decreased during the incubation from an average of 8.9 to 3.8 unique tet resistance genes. Four resistance elements, intI1, blactx−m−32, sul(I), erm(B), and 16s rRNA genes were measured using quantitative PCR. ARG abundances relative to 16S abundance were initially greater in the raw manure compared to background soil (−1.53 to −3.92 log abundance in manure; −4.02 to \u3c−6.7 log abundance in soil). In the mixed manure/soil, relative abundance of the four resistance elements decreased (0.87 to 1.94 log abundance) during the incubation largely because 16S rRNA genes increased by 1.21 log abundance. Throughout the incubation, the abundance of intI1, blactx−m−32, sul(I), and erm(B) per gram in soil amended with HLAS-treated manure was lower than in soil amended with raw manure. Under low initial soil moisture conditions, HLAS treatment reduced the abundance of intI1 and resulted in loss of blactx−m−32, sul(I), and erm(B)] compared to other treatment-moisture combinations. Although one might expect antibiotic resistance to be relatively unchanged after simulated winter manure application to soil, a variety of changes in diversity and relative abundance can be expected

    Effect of bromoform and linseed oil on greenhouse gas emissions from stored beef manure

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    Emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide – potent greenhouse gases - from stored beef feedlot manure are a significant concern relative to climate change. Research on methane reduction strategies for enteric emissions has identified the application of organic additives, such as bromoform and linseed oil, to ruminant diets as potential solutions for reducing enteric emissions and pathogenic bacteria in excreted manure. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of bromoform and linseed oil on greenhouse gas emissions from beef feedlot manure, and on E. coli concentration in beef cattle manure, during a 5-week storage period. The experiment used a completely randomized block design (CRBD) with 4 replications of 5 treatments: 5.5 g/kg and 11 g/kg of linseed oil, 4.3 g/kg, and 8.6 g/kg of bromoform, and a control receiving no additives. Treatments were added to a 3-liter mix of 50% manure, 50% soil, mixed by hand, and stored in airtight columns (10-cm diameter x 40-cm tall) in a greenhouse maintained at 25 C during the storage period. Gas samples were collected 10 times during the 5-week test period using a 15 ml syringe and were analyzed using gas chromatography to determine concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. A 1-cm diameter core of material was removed from the top 20 cm of each column 4 times during the sampling period to conduct bacterial enumerations. Quantification of E.coli in samples was determined by incubating serial dilutions for 24 hours at 36 C and manually counting colonies. Preliminary results of the study showed that through 5 weeks of observation, 11g/kg linseed oil reduced the average concentration of E. coli (p \u3c0.05) compared to all other treatments. Preliminary results also indicate that bromoform at 8.6g/kg decreased carbon dioxide emissions but neither bromoform concentration had any significant effect on methane or nitrous oxide emissions compared to control. Linseed oil at 11g/kg increased methane emissions compared to control but neither linseed oil concentrations significantly impacted the average flux of carbon dioxide, or nitrous oxide from manure storages when compared to control

    Antibiotic Resistance in Manure- Amended Agricultural Soils

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    Manure application to agricultural land benefits soil health and agronomic yields. However, as antibiotic resistance becomes a more serious threat to public health, there is concern that antibiotic resistance originating from livestock manure could impact human health through contamination of the environment or food. This study sought to quantify this risk by monitoring concentrations of antibiotic resistance bacteria and genes in fallow soil during the period of October through April, representing fall manure application through spring planting. Resistance to three common antibiotics— tylosin, azithromycin and tetracycline— was monitored following application of fresh, stockpiled, or composted beef feedlot manure, or inorganic fertilizer. Overall, concentrations of all monitored resistant bacteria were below the detection limit for enumeration. Results indicate that while all the manure treatments increased at least one measure of antibiotic resistance during the sampling period, by the final sampling day antibiotic resistance prevalence and concentrations in manured plots were not significantly different from soil receiving no fertilizer treatments

    Enhancing HIV Communication between Parents and Children: Efficacy of the Parents Matter!

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    We examine efficacy of the Parents Matter! Program (PMP), a program to teach African-American parents of preadolescents sexual communication and HIV-prevention skills, through a multicenter, randomized control trial. A total of 1115 parent-child participants were randomized to one of three intervention arms (enhanced, brief, control). Percentages and 95% confidence intervals compare parents’ perception of child readiness to learn about sexual issues, communication effectiveness, and dyad concordance from baseline to 12 months postintervention. Wilcoxon rank sum tests compare the changes in scores measuring communication content in HIV/ AIDS, abstinence, and condom use. Compared to control, parents in the enhanced arm increased perception of child readiness to learn about sex (16% vs. 29%; p \u3c .001), and a greater proportion of parent-child dyads reported concordant responses on communication topics: HIV/AIDS (15%, 95% CI = 8-21%; p \u3c .001), abstinence (13%, 95% CI = 7-20%; p \u3c .001), condoms (15%, 95% CI = 9-22%; p \u3c .001). Increases in communication scores in HIV/AIDS, abstinence, and condom use were greater in the enhanced arm than control (p \u3c 0.01). We conclude that the enhanced PMP can help parents educate children about HIV and prepare children to avoid sexual risk

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the postnatal developing primate brain transcriptome.

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    Developmental changes in the temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression drive the emergence of normal mature brain function, while disruptions in these processes underlie many neurodevelopmental abnormalities. To solidify our foundational knowledge of such changes in a primate brain with an extended period of postnatal maturation like in human, we investigated the whole-genome transcriptional profiles of rhesus monkey brains from birth to adulthood. We found that gene expression dynamics are largest from birth through infancy, after which gene expression profiles transition to a relatively stable state by young adulthood. Biological pathway enrichment analysis revealed that genes more highly expressed at birth are associated with cell adhesion and neuron differentiation, while genes more highly expressed in juveniles and adults are associated with cell death. Neocortex showed significantly greater differential expression over time than subcortical structures, and this trend likely reflects the protracted postnatal development of the cortex. Using network analysis, we identified 27 co-expression modules containing genes with highly correlated expression patterns that are associated with specific brain regions, ages or both. In particular, one module with high expression in neonatal cortex and striatum that decreases during infancy and juvenile development was significantly enriched for autism spectrum disorder (ASD)-related genes. This network was enriched for genes associated with axon guidance and interneuron differentiation, consistent with a disruption in the formation of functional cortical circuitry in ASD

    Mid-infrared frequency comb spanning an octave based on an Er fiber laser and difference-frequency generation

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    We describe a coherent mid-infrared continuum source with 700 cm-1 usable bandwidth, readily tuned within 600 - 2500 cm-1 (4 - 17 \mum) and thus covering much of the infrared "fingerprint" molecular vibration region. It is based on nonlinear frequency conversion in GaSe using a compact commercial 100-fs-pulsed Er fiber laser system providing two amplified near-infrared beams, one of them broadened by a nonlinear optical fiber. The resulting collimated mid-infrared continuum beam of 1 mW quasi-cw power represents a coherent infrared frequency comb with zero carrier-envelope phase, containing about 500,000 modes that are exact multiples of the pulse repetition rate of 40 MHz. The beam's diffraction-limited performance enables long-distance spectroscopic probing as well as maximal focusability for classical and ultraresolving near-field microscopies. Applications are foreseen also in studies of transient chemical phenomena even at ultrafast pump-probe scale, and in high-resolution gas spectroscopy for e.g. breath analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures revised version, added reference

    Hippocampal connectivity patterns echo macroscale cortical evolution in the primate brain

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    While the hippocampus is key for human cognitive abilities, it is also a phylogenetically old cortex and paradoxically considered evolutionarily preserved. Here, we introduce a comparative framework to quantify preservation and reconfiguration of hippocampal organisation in primate evolution, by analysing the hippocampus as an unfolded cortical surface that is geometrically matched across species. Our findings revealed an overall conservation of hippocampal macro- and micro-structure, which shows anterior-posterior and, perpendicularly, subfield-related organisational axes in both humans and macaques. However, while functional organisation in both species followed an anterior-posterior axis, we observed a marked reconfiguration in the latter across species, which mirrors a rudimentary integration of the default-mode-network in non-human primates. Here we show that microstructurally preserved regions like the hippocampus may still undergo functional reconfiguration in primate evolution, due to their embedding within heteromodal association networks
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