25 research outputs found

    Environmental Response Management Application

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    The Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC), a partnership between the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and NOAA\u27s Office of Response and Restoration (ORR), is leading an effort to develop a data platform capable of interfacing both static and real-time data sets accessible simultaneously to a command post and assets in the field with an open source internet mapping server. The Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA™) is designed to give responders and decision makers ready access to geographically specific data useful during spill planning/drills, incident response, damage assessment and site restoration. In addition to oil spill and chemical release response, this website can be relevant to other environmental incidents and natural disasters, responses and regional planning efforts. The platform is easy to operate, without the assistance of Information Technology or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialists. It allows users to access individual data layer values, overlay relevant data sets, and zoom into segments of interest. The platform prototype is being developed specifically for Portsmouth Harbor and the Great Bay Estuary, NH. The prototype demonstrates the capabilities of an integrated data management platform and serves as the pilot for web-based GIS platforms in other regions

    Diesel exhaust and asthma: hypotheses and molecular mechanisms of action.

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    Several components of air pollution have been linked to asthma. In addition to the well-studied critera air pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone, diesel exhaust and diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) also appear to play a role in respiratory and allergic diseases. Diesel exhaust is composed of vapors, gases, and fine particles emitted by diesel-fueled compression-ignition engines. DEPs can act as nonspecific airway irritants at relatively high levels. At lower levels, DEPs promote release of specific cytokines, chemokines, immunoglobulins, and oxidants in the upper and lower airway. Release of these mediators of the allergic and inflammatory response initiates a cascade that can culminate in airway inflammation, mucus secretion, serum leakage into the airways, and bronchial smooth muscle contraction. DEPs also may promote expression of the T(subscript)H(/subscript)2 immunologic response phenotype that has been associated with asthma and allergic disease. DEPs appear to have greater immunologic effects in the presence of environmental allergens than they do alone. This immunologic evidence may help explain the epidemiologic studies indicating that children living along major trucking thoroughfares are at increased risk for asthmatic and allergic symptoms and are more likely to have objective evidence of respiratory dysfunction

    Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) - Web-based GIS Data Display and Management System for Oil Spill Planning and Environmental Response

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    NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (ORR) in a partnership with the University of New Hampshire Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC), is leading an effort to develop an Open Source GIS system that is accessible to both the command post and to assets in the field during a response. The ERMA (Environmental Response Management Application) system is an integrated data management platform that uses MapServer and Open Layers software to combine real-time and static regional geospatial data sets. Data available include: weather and forecasts, ESI maps, IOOS buoys, modeled spill trajectories, real-time tracks of vessels, response plans, navigational charts, bathymetry, restoration projects, water quality and sediment chemistry data, protected and economically important areas, and other natural resource information. The application is able to upload, manipulate, analyze and display spatially referenced data for solving complex resource issues. The web-based nature of ERMA is critical as it allows for the integration and synthesis of various types of information, provides a common operational picture for all individuals involved in an incident, improves communication and coordination among responders and stakeholders, and provides resource managers with the information necessary to make faster and better informed decisions. In terms of pre-planning and preparedness for oil spill response, this system is nearly as important as any oil spill detection or response technique. The pilot site was developed for Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and now NOAA is partnering with other entities to develop an ERMA system for locations such as the Caribbean and Arctic

    Acceptability of prison-based take-home naloxone programmes among a cohort of incarcerated men with a history of regular injecting drug use

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    Background: Take-home naloxone (THN) programmes are an evidence-based opioid overdose prevention initiative. Elevated opioid overdose risk following prison release means release from custody provides an ideal opportunity for THN initiatives. However, whether Australian prisoners would utilise such programmes is unknown. We examined the acceptability of THN in a cohort of male prisoners with histories of regular injecting drug use (IDU) in Victoria, Australia. Methods: The sample comprised 380 men from the Prison and Transition Health (PATH) Cohort Study; all of whom reported regular IDU in the 6 months prior to incarceration. We asked four questions regarding THN during the pre-release baseline interview, including whether participants would be willing to participate in prison-based THN. We describe responses to these questions along with relationships between before- and during-incarceration factors and willingness to participate in THN training prior to release from prison. Results: Most participants (81%) reported willingness to undertake THN training prior to release. Most were willing to resuscitate a friend using THN if they were trained (94%) and to be revived by a trained peer (91%) using THN. More than 10 years since first injection (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 2.22, 95%CI 1.03-4.77), having witnessed an opioid overdose in the last 5 years (AOR 2.53, 95%CI 1.32-4.82), having ever received alcohol or other drug treatment in prison (AOR 2.41, 95%CI 1.14-5.07) and injecting drugs during the current prison sentence (AOR 4.45, 95%CI 1.73-11.43) were significantly associated with increased odds of willingness to participate in a prison THN programme. Not specifying whether they had injected during their prison sentence (AOR 0.37, 95%CI 0.18-0.77) was associated with decreased odds of willingness to participate in a prison THN training. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that male prisoners in Victoria with a history of regular IDU are overwhelmingly willing to participate in THN training prior to release. Factors associated with willingness to participate in prison THN programmes offer insights to help support the implementation and uptake of THN programmes to reduce opioid-overdose deaths in the post-release period

    A Meaningful U.S. Cap-and-Trade System to Address Climate Change

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