807 research outputs found

    Using adult mosquitoes to transfer insecticides to Aedes aegypti larval habitats.

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    Vector control is a key means of combating mosquito-borne diseases and the only tool available for tackling the transmission of dengue, a disease for which no vaccine, prophylaxis, or therapeutant currently exists. The most effective mosquito control methods include a variety of insecticidal tools that target adults or juveniles. Their successful implementation depends on impacting the largest proportion of the vector population possible. We demonstrate a control strategy that dramatically improves the efficiency with which high coverage of aquatic mosquito habitats can be achieved. The method exploits adult mosquitoes as vehicles of insecticide transfer by harnessing their fundamental behaviors to disseminate a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA) between resting and oviposition sites. A series of field trials undertaken in an Amazon city (Iquitos, Peru) showed that the placement of JHA dissemination stations in just 3-5% of the available resting area resulted in almost complete coverage of sentinel aquatic habitats. More than control mortality occurred in 95-100% of the larval cohorts of Aedes aegypti developing at those sites. Overall reductions in adult emergence of 42-98% were achieved during the trials. A deterministic simulation model predicts amplifications in coverage consistent with our observations and highlights the importance of the residual activity of the insecticide for this technique

    Inhibition of IFN-γ Signaling by an Epstein-Barr Virus Immediate-Early Protein

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    AbstractViruses have evolved elaborate mechanisms to target many aspects of the host's immune response. The cytokine IFN-γ plays a central role in resistance of the host to infection via direct antiviral effects as well as modulation of the immune response. In this study, we demonstrate that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) immediate-early protein, BZLF1, inhibits the IFN-γ signaling pathway. BZLF1 decreases the ability of IFN-γ to activate a variety of important downstream target genes, such as IRF-1, p48, and CIITA, and prevents IFN-γ-induced class II MHC surface expression. Additionally, BZLF1 inhibits IFN-γ-induced STAT1 tyrosine phosphorylation and nuclear translocation. Finally, we demonstrate that BZLF1 decreases expression of the IFN-γ receptor, suggesting a mechanism by which EBV may escape antiviral immune responses during primary infection

    VLA 1.4 GHz Catalogs of the Abell 370 and Abell 2390 Cluster Fields

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    We present 1.4 GHz catalogs for the cluster fields Abell 370 and Abell 2390 observed with the Very Large Array. These are two of the deepest radio images of cluster fields ever taken. The Abell 370 image covers an area of 40'x40' with a synthesized beam of ~1.7" and a noise level of ~5.7 uJy near field center. The Abell 2390 image covers an area of 34'x34' with a synthesized beam of ~1.4" and a noise level of ~5.6 uJy near field center. We catalog 200 redshifts for the Abell 370 field. We construct differential number counts for the central regions (radius < 16') of both clusters. We find that the faint (S_1.4GHz < 3 mJy) counts of Abell 370 are roughly consistent with the highest blank field number counts, while the faint number counts of Abell 2390 are roughly consistent with the lowest blank field number counts. Our analyses indicate that the number counts are primarily from field radio galaxies. We suggest that the disagreement of our counts can be largely attributed to cosmic variance.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Estimating the impact of city-wide Aedes aegypti population control: An observational study in Iquitos, Peru.

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    During the last 50 years, the geographic range of the mosquito Aedes aegypti has increased dramatically, in parallel with a sharp increase in the disease burden from the viruses it transmits, including Zika, chikungunya, and dengue. There is a growing consensus that vector control is essential to prevent Aedes-borne diseases, even as effective vaccines become available. What remains unclear is how effective vector control is across broad operational scales because the data and the analytical tools necessary to isolate the effect of vector-oriented interventions have not been available. We developed a statistical framework to model Ae. aegypti abundance over space and time and applied it to explore the impact of citywide vector control conducted by the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Iquitos, Peru, over a 12-year period. Citywide interventions involved multiple rounds of intradomicile insecticide space spray over large portions of urban Iquitos (up to 40% of all residences) in response to dengue outbreaks. Our model captured significant levels of spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal variation in Ae. aegypti abundance within and between years and across the city. We estimated the shape of the relationship between the coverage of neighborhood-level vector control and reductions in female Ae. aegypti abundance; i.e., the dose-response curve. The dose-response curve, with its associated uncertainties, can be used to gauge the necessary spraying effort required to achieve a desired effect and is a critical tool currently absent from vector control programs. We found that with complete neighborhood coverage MoH intra-domicile space spray would decrease Ae. aegypti abundance on average by 67% in the treated neighborhood. Our framework can be directly translated to other interventions in other locations with geolocated mosquito abundance data. Results from our analysis can be used to inform future vector-control applications in Ae. aegypti endemic areas globally