53 research outputs found

    Assessment of Security, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability Risk for Toll Road Construction Workers

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    Preventing accidents and work-related diseases is an important factor that must be considered in construction activities. The problem that has occurred recently is that the majority of work accidents occur due to human negligence and unsafe actions. Therefore, it is necessary to commit worker awareness in addition to safety, health, security and environmental sustainability (SHSE), where SHSE also pays attention to non-worker factors or sustainability after construction to maintenance around the construction site environment. The research aims to analyze the influence of worker behaviour on SHSE risk assessments in case studies on the Becakayu Section II-A toll road construction project—quantitative descriptive research method involving 90 workers as respondents. The research results show that SHSE is partially influenced significantly by the variables Employee Knowledge, Employee Attitude, and Employee Action. At the same time, Worker Knowledge, Worker Attitudes and Worker Actions simultaneously have a significant effect on SHSE in the construction of the Becakayu Toll Road section II-A. The research conclusions underline that workers with high knowledge are aware of SHSE behaviour, workers' attitudes towards SHSE still require strong commitment, and workers' actions regarding SHSE need to increase awareness of using personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of occupatinal accidents

    Optimization of Services and Accessibility Webinar Tutorials on Satisfaction Using the Microsoft Teams Application for Universitas Terbuka Students

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    This research aims to determine the effect of webinar tutorial facilities and accessibility on student satisfaction in applying Microsoft Teams. This type of research is survey research that is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis. Where the service and accessibility of the webinar tutorial are independent variables, and student satisfaction with using the Microsoft Teams application is the dependent variable. The research population is the Universitas Terbuka students in the 2022.2 academic year who follow the webinar tutorial for scientific papers. Obtained the sample from students of the public administration study program by filling out google forms. This study tries to show a positive influence between the service and accessibility of webinar tutorials on student satisfaction after applying Microsoft Teams. The study is expected to produce new findings on the benefits and accessibility of webinar tutorials to provide satisfaction to Universitas Terbuka students in using the Microsoft Teams application

    Assessing the Extent to Which Poor Tourist Services Affect Promotion and Marketing of Tanzania National Parks: A Case of Ruaha National Park

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    This study researched on the extent to which poor tourist services affect the promotion and marketing of Tanzania national parks. The study was guided by four specific objectives, namely to assess tourists’ satisfaction on the services provided by National Parks; to assess tourists’ perceptions on the services provided by National Parks; to assess the strategies employed by national parks in marketing and promoting Tanzanian tourism products and to evaluate the impact of services in marketing and promoting tourism in the country. This research is both quantitative and qualitative in nature. The collection of data was facilitated by questionnaires and documentary review; and analyzed descriptively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel programmes and content analysis for secondary data was employed where results were transcribed using Microsoft Word programme. The study recommends that National Parks should implement efficient marketing strategies, product development (innovation) should be considered, service improvement, marketing course programs should be conducted, improvements of websites contents. In addition, the government should ensure there are policies to guide the development of sustainable tourism in order to maintain the status of the country services. For further research, this study recommends that there is need to conduct the same research in other locations aimed at getting a more countrywide representative picture


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    Utilization of tools and adoption of technology-based work systems (ICT) in the midst of the wide reach of remote tertiary institutions (PTJJ) and the high number of resources is still not optimal. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenon-based approach. Narrative reviews of literature studies are the main approach in writing reviews by applying systematic, empirical, and evidence-based protocols. The data and information included is credible, transparent and accountable as a source of research. The object of study is the flexible working space practice at the Ministry of Finance which is then placed in the framework of the PTJJ institution, namely the Open University. The results of the study show that optimizing the use of tools and adopting technology-based work systems (ICT) through the telework hubs framework has the opportunity to drive several performance variables for PTJJ institutions such as work ability, motivation, working conditions and cooperation/collaboration. Some of these variables are important variables in the framework of educational industry competition and the dynamics of challenges in resource management at PTJJ institutions, both managing resources or managed resources. The novelty of this study is research on work flexibility schemes which have not been widely studied, especially in PTJJ institutions in Indonesia. The main implications of the research are preparation recommendations in the context of optimizing the use of tools and the adoption of technology-based work systems (ICT) in PTJJ.AbstrakPemanfaatan tools dan pengadopsian sistem kerja berbasis teknologi (ICT) di tengah luasnya jangkauan lembaga perguruan tinggi jarak jauh (PTJJ) dan tingginya jumlah sumber daya masih belum optimal. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan berbasis fenomena. Tinjauan naratif dari studi literatur menjadi pendekatan utama dalam penulisan kajian dengan menerapkan protokol sistematis, empirik, dan berbasis bukti. Data dan informasi yang dicantumkan merupakan data-data kredibel, transparan, dan mampu dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai sumber kajian. Objek kajian berupa praktik flexible working space di Kementerian Keuangan yang kemudian diletakkan pada kerangka kerja lembaga PTJJ yakni Universitas Terbuka. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa optimasi pemanfaatan tools dan adopsi system kerja berbasis teknologi (ICT) melalui kerangka telework hubs berpeluang mendorong beberapa variabel kinerja lembaga PTJJ seperti kemampuan kerja, motivasi, kondisi kerja dan kerjasama/kolaborasi. Beberapa variabel tersebut merupakan variabel penting dalam rangka kompetisi industri pendidikan dan dinamika tantangan pengelolaan sumber daya pada lembaga PTJJ, baik sumber daya pengelola atau sumber daya yang dikelola. Kebaruan kajian ini adalah penelitian tentang skema fleksibilitas kerja yang masih belum banyak diteliti khususnya pada lembaga PTJJ di Indonesia. Implikasi utama penelitian yakni rekomendasi persiapan pada konteks optimasi pemanfaatan tools dan pengadopsian sistem kerja berbasis teknologi (ICT) di PTJJ

    Elaboración de una propuesta de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los fundamentos de la microscopía óptica mediante el uso de la NTIC haciendo énfasis en el procesamiento y análisis digital de las imágenes

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    Este trabajo presenta una propuesta metodológica para la enseña- aprendizaje de los fundamentos de la microscopía óptica mediante el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (NTIC) haciendo énfasis en el procesamiento y análisis digital de las imágenes (DIP) y en la cual los estudiantes “aprenden haciendo”. Los módulos diseñados para este fin guían al estudiante hacia el uso del microscopio comprendiendo la óptica inmersa en toda la trayectoria de la luz hasta la adquisición por la cámara digital o por el ojo, lo cual se logra a través de la transformación de un microscopio muy simple y usando elementos caseros en uno con mayores prestaciones para hacer técnicas en microscopía adicional a la de campo claro, como son la de polarización y la de campo oscuro. Estos módulos también guían al estudiante en el procesamiento y la interpretación digital de las imágenes obtenidas. El software empleado para el DIP es de libre uso: OrquideaJAI e ImageJ. La propuesta se aplicó en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín a través de un curso extracurricular sobre microscopía óptica en el que participaron como voluntarios 10 estudiantes de 5 programas de pregrado y un profesor asociado de Escuela de Geociencias. La pertinencia y calidad de la propuesta se mide a partir de una encuesta realizada a los participantes al final de esta experiencia.Abstract: This paper show a methodological tender about teaching- learning of optical microscopy basics using information and communication new technologies (ICNT) emphasizing in the process and digital image analysis (DIP), whit this, the students “learn by doing”. The modules designed for this purpose, guide the student toward to use of microscope comprising the basic principles of light travel immersed in the optical until the image formation in the digital camera o in the eye, this is profit through the transformation of a microscope very simple and using household things into one with higher benefits for to do techniques in additional microscopy to the brightfield microscopy, such as polarization and darkfield. These modules also guide the student in the processing and interpretation digital of images obtained by them. The software OrquideaJAI and ImageJ used for the DIP is of free use. The proposal was applied in the National University of Colombia at Medellin, through an extracurricular course about optical microscopy whit 10 students of 5 undergraduate programs and an associate professor of Geosciences School, who participated as volunteer. The relevance and quality of this proposal is measured from a survey of participants at the end of this experience

    Rancang Bangun Alat Uji Impak Metode Charpy

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    Suatu Pengujian untuk mengukur ketahanan bahan terhadap beban kejut, dilakukan pengujian impak. Pengujian impak mensimulasikan hasil kondisi uji impak matrial AISI 1025 dengan metode charpy yang dirancang dengan menggunakan standar American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM E23-07a. Berdasarkan kontruksiperancangan beban pendulum,dan perhitungan kekuatan kontruksi dengan beban yang diterima AISI 1025 Pada mesin uji impak charpy yang dirancang dengan beban pendulum 100 N dan daya motor dalam menaikan pendulum132,57 W. Dengan kekuatan impak maksimal 39,87 J.Berdasarkan data pada alat uji impak charpy diatas didapat hasil dari setiap matrial diperoleh energi yang diserap maksimal 39,87 J, harga impak 0,498 J/m2 dan gaya pendulum62,22 N

    An Effective Ensemble Convolutional Learning Model with Fine-Tuning for Medicinal Plant Leaf Identification

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    Accurate and efficient medicinal plant image classification is of utmost importance as these plants produce a wide variety of bioactive compounds that offer therapeutic benefits. With a long history of medicinal plant usage, different parts of plants, such as flowers, leaves, and roots, have been recognized for their medicinal properties and are used for plant identification. However, leaf images are extensively used due to their convenient accessibility and are a major source of information. In recent years, transfer learning and fine-tuning, which use pre-trained deep convolutional networks to extract pertinent features, have emerged as an extremely effective approach for image-identification problems. This study leveraged the power by three-component deep convolutional neural networks, namely VGG16, VGG19, and DenseNet201, to derive features from the input images of the medicinal plant dataset, containing leaf images of 30 classes. The models were compared and ensembled to make four hybrid models to enhance the predictive performance by utilizing the averaging and weighted averaging strategies. Quantitative experiments were carried out to evaluate the models on the Mendeley Medicinal Leaf Dataset. The resultant ensemble of VGG19+DensNet201 with fine-tuning showcased an enhanced capability in identifying medicinal plant images with an improvement of 7.43% and 5.8% compared with VGG19 and VGG16. Furthermore, VGG19+DensNet201 can outperform its standalone counterparts by achieving an accuracy of 99.12% on the test set. A thorough assessment with metrics such as accuracy, recall, precision, and the F1-score firmly established the effectiveness of the ensemble strategy