636 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Frekuensi Tes Formatif Dan Gaya Belajar Siswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Tanpa Mengontrol Pengetahuan Awal

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    : This study aims to determine the effect of frequence formative test and learning styles student's toward result mathematics at SMA class X without and after controlling for previous mathematics knowledge of students the research was conducted in SMA 1 and SMA Negeri 2 in Palu Central Sulawesi Province on teachings in 2010/2011. The number of samples in this study as many as 80 students of class X with the determination of class samples done in multi-stage random sampling. The method used in this study is the experimental method with 2 x 2 factorial design. These experiments apply of frequence formative test and student's learning styles as the treatment factor, and mathematics learning outcomes as response variables, and previous knowledge of mathematics students as covariabel or covariate. Conclusion of this research are : overal there the result of the research effect between frequence formative test and student's learning style in effecting the outcome of student's learning methematics without controlling of previous knowledg

    Keplerian Motion of Broad-Line Region Gas as Evidence for Supermassive Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Emission-line variability data on NGC 5548 argue strongly for the existence of a mass of order 7 x 10^7 solar masses within the inner few light days of the nucleus in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, and these determinations are combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. The data for several different emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected V proportional to r^{-1/2} correlation and are consistent with a single value for the mass.Comment: 9 pages, 2 Figures. accepted by ApJ Letter

    The Effectiveness of Using Some E-Supporting Applications in Developing Digital Empowerment among Public Education Teachers in Light of Quality Standards for the Instructional Design

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    This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using some e-supporting apps in developing digital empowerment among public education teachers in light of quality standards for the instructional design. The study employed a semi-experimental approach with one group-pre-post-test. The study sample consisted of 90 teachers in the Summer Training Program at Taibah University in the year 1438-1439. The researchers used the following tools and materials: an achievement test, an observation card, and a scale of instructional design quality. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of teachers in the achievement test, the observation card, and the scale of instructional design quality in the development of digital empowerment in the post-test. The most important recommendations were: That electronic support apps. should be used o develop digital empowerment to become a formula in the development of digital content and the quality of educational design; to prepare teachers to meet the needs of the society, to encourage public education teachers to design new technologies for e-support; and to employ them in the design of all courses for different disciplines in the different academic stages

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Kerang Darah dengan Proses Hidrotermal Variasi Suhu dan PH

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 is a calcium phosphate compound which is bioactive ceramic material with high bioafinitas. It is one of bones and teeth constituent. In this research, HAp was synthesized by hydrothermal process with pH reaction of 8, 10, 12 and temperature reaction of 130, 150 and 170oC. Samples were characterized by Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The results of FTIR analysis revealed that synthesis of HAp with hydrothermal process showed the formation of hydroxyapatite with the presence of peaks PO43- and OH-. The best condition in this research at pH 12 with reaction temperature 170oC

    Pengaruh Jumlah Siklus Dip-Drying pada Sintesis Koating Tembaga-Kobalt Oksida Berbasis Nitrat Konsentrasi Tinggi sebagai Solar Selective Absorber dengan Metode Sol-Gel Dip-Coating

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    Solar Selective Absorber (SSA) is the most important part that determines the efficiency of solar thermal collectors. SSA should have high absorptance (low reflectance at wavelengths 2.5 m). Solar selective absorber can be synthesized using sol-gel dip coating method. The purpose of this research is to know the effect variation number of dipping-drying cycles to absorptance copper-cobalt coating and get a coating of copper cobalt that have absorptance value is high (> 80%) and low emitance (<10%). The coating were synthesized by molar percursors 0.25:0.5M and number of dipping-drying cycles 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x and 10x. Reflektance spectra in the area of UV-Vis-NIR showed that increased cycles of dipping-drying cycles (which increases the thickness of the coating) increase the value of absorptance (α). The results showed that the highest absorptance value found in coatings which was synthesized using mixture copper nitrate and cobalt nitrate 0.25:0.5M M at 2x cycles (dipping and drying) with absorptance (α) = 84.90%. Further characterization showed emitance values (ε) = 13.2%

    Pemikiran Etika Ibnu Miskawaih

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    Ibnu Miskawaih dijuluki sebagai bapak etika Islam. Ia telah mampu merumuskan dasar-dasar etika di dalam kitabnya Tahdzib al Akhlaq wa Thathir al A‘raq (PendidikanBudi dan Pembersihan Akhlak ). Sumber filsafat etika Ibnu Miskawaih berasal dari fisafat Yunani, peradaban Persia, ajaran syariat Islam dan pengalaman pribadi. Dalam pemikirannya mengenai etika, ia memulainya dengan menyelami jiwa manusia. Ia memandang bahwa ilmu jiwa memiliki keutamaan sendiri dibandingkan dengan ilmu-ilmu jiwa lainnya. Ajaran etika Ibnu Miskawaih berpangkal pada teori jalang tengah. Intinya menyebutkan bahwa keutamaan akhlak secara umum diartikan sebagai posisi tengah ekstrem kelebihan dan ekstrem kekurangan masing-masing jiwa manusia. Dengan demikian, menurut Ibnu Miskawaih bahwa akhlak merupakan keadaan jiwa yang mengajak sesorang untuk melakukan perbuatan tanpa dipikirkan dan diperhitungkan sebelumnya. Sehingga akhlak dapat dijadikan fitrah manusia dengan melakukan latihan-latihan yang terus menerus hingga menjadi sifat diri yang melahirkan akhlak yang baik

    Tingkat Kerusakan Tanah Akibat Produksi Biomassa Pertanian di Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The research aims to study the land degradation as impact agricultural biomass production Sub-district Kuala Cenaku Indragiri Hulu, Riau Province. The research was carried out with methods of soil survey. Based on field observations that guided map and global positioning observation 4 point to the use of agricultural biomass production and 5 points on the production of forest biomass as a control. Based on Government Regulation No. 7/2006, land quality in Kuala Cenaku is not degradation criteria by agricultural biomass production. In General, value of parameters subsidence, pirit, ground water depth, pH, redox, electric conductivity, bulk density and particle density of the agricultural biomass production is higher than the production of biomass forestry. However, the value of the number of microbes, solum thickness, permeability, moisture content and porosity in agricultural biomass production is lower than on the production of biomass forestry

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Reptil Ordo Squamata Dikawasan Hutan Lindung Gunung Semahung Desa Sebatih Kecamatan Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak

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    Reptiles are one species of fauna mostly found in West Kalimantan. This research aims to investigate kinds of squamates living in the area of Semahung mountain protected forest in Sebatih village in Sengah Temila sub-district in Landak district. Thhe research took place from February 14th to March 1st 2014 using visual encounter survey (VES). The status squamates found based on the red list of IUCN (International Unio for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) comprises ten least concern squamates, two near threatened squamates and two not evaluated squamates. There are forteen species of squamates from five families. Based on Percent Similary value evaluation, the highest abundance is from Scincidae family that is Eutropis rudis of 37%. The highest diversity value is on aquatic habitat of e=0,8019. Of two habitats (aquatict and terrestrial) of squamates, the similary index of two habitats is 0,4, meaning that there are 40% of those species living in those habitats are similar species and 60% of those are different. It is because the two habitats have the similar altitude. Eutropis rudis have the highest meeting probability of 0,486 individual/hour. They are mostly seen in terrestrial habitat. Keywords: Squamates, species diversity, Semahung Mountai

    Comparison of Control Methods PD, PI, and PID on Two Wheeled Self Balancing Robot

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    A robot must employ a suitable control method to obtain a good stability. The Two-Wheeled Self Balancing Robot in this paper is designed using a MPU-6050 IMU sensor module and ATmega128 microcontroller as its controller board. This IMU sensor module is employed to measure any change in the robot's tilt angle based on gyroscope and accelerometer readings contained in the module. The tilt angle readings are then utilized as the setpoint on the control methods, namely PD (Proportional Derivative), PI (Proportional Integral), or PID (Proportional Integral Derivative). Based on the conducted testing results, the PID controller is the best control strategy when compared to the PD and PI control. With parameters of Kp = 14, Ki = 0005 and Kd = 0.1, the robot is able to adjust the speed and direction of DC motor rotation to maintain upright positions on flat surfaces
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