546 research outputs found

    Faktor Penentu Keberhasilan Pengelolaan Satuan Pendidikan

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    This study aims to evaluate the determinants of successful management of educational units in SMP 6 Seluma. The method in this research is evaluative. Data collection techniques used in this study are: interviews, documentation, observation and questionnaires. The result of this research showed the critical success factors in the management of the school leadership, teachers, students, school committee. Suggestions research; need the commitment of the school manager to constantly improve the competence and leadership role and teachers to constantly renew its ability to be able to adjust to the changes that occur both within the work environment or in the surrounding environment

    Penerapan Fungsi Gamma dalam Pembuktian 0! = 1

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    Pembuktian 0 ! = 1 dapat dilakukan dari definisi faktorial itu sendiri yaitu n! nn 1! , jika masing-masing ruas kiri dan kanan persamaan tersebut dibagi dengan n maka kita peroleh n!/n=(n(n-1)!)/n→n!/n=((n-1)!)/n . Dari persamaan ini kita bisa dapatkan 0! = 1 jika nilai n diganti dengan 1. Dalam jurnal ini akan dibahas bagaimana membuktikan 0! = 1 melalui penerapan fungsi gamma yang melibatkan sifat-sifat operasi pada integral tak wajar. Kata Kunci : Integral tertentu, integral tak wajar, fungsi gamma

    Biomass Production and Formulation of Bacillus Subtilis for Biological Control

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    Bacillus subtilis is a widespread bacterium found in soil, water, and air. It controls the growth of certain harmful bacteria and fungi, presumably by competing for nutrients, growth sites on plants, and by directly colonizing and attaching to fungal pathogens. When applied to seeds, it colonizes the developing root system of the plants and continues to live on the root system and provides protection throughout the growing season. The study on biomass production and formulation of B. subtilis for biological control was conducted in the laboratory of Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB-CA), College, Laguna from May to July 2005. The objective of the study was to determine the optimum pH and a good carbon source for biomass production of B. subtilis and to develop a seed treatment formulation of B. subtilis as biological control agent. Results showed that the optimum pH for growth of B. subtilis was pH 6 (1.85 x 109 cfu/ml). In laboratory tests for biomass production using cassava flour, corn flour, rice flour, and brown sugar as carbon sources, it grew best in brown sugar plus yeast extract medium (6.8 x 108 cfu ml-1 in sterile distilled water and 7.8 x 108 cfu ml-1 in coconut water). In test for bacterial biomass carriers, talc proved to be the best in terms of number of bacteria recovered from the seeds (3.98 x 105 cfu seed-1)

    Politik Kesehatan Gratis di Indonesia

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    Kesehatan gratis telah menjadi hot and sexy issue dalam berbagai event pilkada tanah air. Kesehatan gratis seringkali dipolitisir dan dimainkan oleh para calon bupati/walikota dan bahkan gubernur untuk meraih simpati masyarakat. Apa benar gratis, mengapa harus gratis dan apa peranan politik dalam kesehatan gratis menjadi sejumlah pertanyaan dalam Politik Kesehatan Gratis di Indonesia

    Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Bentuk Cerita Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal Matematika Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Majene

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    The type of this research is descriptive research that aims to determine the ability of students mathematical connections to solve the problem of story form on Triangle and Triangle material in class VII of SMP Negeri 1 Majene based on students\u27 early math ability. The subjects of the study were 6 students consisting of 2 students with a high level of early math ability, 2 students with moderate level of math ability, and 2 students with low level of early math ability. The result of the research shows that (1) students with high level of high mathematics ability have high mathematical connection ability, students with high ability level can solve problems and connect them with mathematics, science (other), and daily life well. But there are students who have little problem in solving the problem (2) students with the basic level of mathematics skills have medium math connection ability, students with ability level are able to understand the problem, but have difficulty in solving the problem and connect it with mathematics concept, fields), and daily life. (3) students with low level of early math ability have low mathematical connection ability, Students with low ability level have difficulty in understanding determine the elements of the problem so that they can not solve the problem and connect it with mathematics, science (other), and also everyday life

    Perkembangan Hukum Perdata Islam di Indonesia (Aspek Perkawinan dan Kewarisan )

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    This paper discusses the development of Islamic civil law in Indonesia restricted regarding aspects of marriage and inheritance. Discussion of developments means in Islamic civil law in the reform era, either already in the form of implementation or as ideas. These developments can be seen on various topics of discourse and implementations are carried out in Indonesia as a discussion of children born out of wedlock, the legal registration of marriages , polygamous regulation, wasiah wajibah, replacement in inheritence and other issues regarding Islamic law in marriage and inheritance in Indonesi

    Construction and Analysis Tool Design Capture Pengerih (Stow Net) Used Fishing Village Bay Sub in Waters Kampar Peninsula Kampar Peninsula Pelalawan Province Riau

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    Stow net fishing gear used fisher bay is not effective to operate because the use of shortening with a value of 17.8 % on the body gear stow net cause the formation of a perfect in body construction with water thus affecting the shape of mesh openings and the mechanism of operation of the tool . Formations are good for shortening the fishing cape stow net used selukup is 15 % for mouth and body , and 10 % for the waist , tummy and pouch . Due to the characteristics of fast-flowing waters tend bumpy enough and strong , it is necessary to increase the buoyancy of 2.880 gf so well established tools when operated
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