30 research outputs found

    Regulated Expression of Chromobox Homolog 5 Revealed in Tumors of ApcMin/+ ROSA11 Gene Trap Mice

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    The gene-trap lacZ reporter insertion, ROSA11, in the Cbx5 mouse gene illuminates the regulatory complexity of this locus in ApcMin/+ mice. The insertion site of the β-Geo gene-trap element lies in the 24-kb intron proximal to the coding region of Cbx5. Transcript analysis indicates that two promoters for Cbx5 flank this insertion site. Heterozygotes for the insertion express lacZ widely in fetal tissues but show limited expression in adult tissues. In the intestine, strong expression is limited to proliferative zones of crypts and tumors. Homozygotes for ROSA11, found at a lower than Mendelian frequency, express reduced levels of the coding region transcript in normal tissues, using a downstream promoter. Analysis via real-time polymerase chain reaction indicates that the upstream promoter is the dominant promoter in normal epithelium and tumors. Bioinformatic analysis of the Cbx5 locus indicates that WNT and its target transcription factor MYC can establish a feedback loop that may play a role in regulating the self-renewal of the normal intestinal epithelium and its tumors

    Isolation of MECP2-null Rett Syndrome patient hiPS cells and isogenic controls through X-chromosome inactivation

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a neurodevelopmental autism spectrum disorder that affects girls due primarily to mutations in the gene encoding methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2). The majority of RTT patients carry missense and nonsense mutations leading to a hypomorphic MECP2, while null mutations leading to the complete absence of a functional protein are rare. MECP2 is an X-linked gene subject to random X-chromosome inactivation resulting in mosaic expression of mutant MECP2. The lack of human brain tissue motivates the need for alternative human cellular models to study RTT. Here we report the characterization of a MECP2 mutation in a classic female RTT patient involving rearrangements that remove exons 3 and 4 creating a functionally null mutation. To generate human neuron models of RTT, we isolated human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cells from RTT patient fibroblasts. RTT-hiPS cells retained the MECP2 mutation, are pluripotent and fully reprogrammed, and retained an inactive X-chromosome in a nonrandom pattern. Taking advantage of the latter characteristic, we obtained a pair of isogenic wild-type and mutant MECP2 expressing RTT-hiPS cell lines that retained this MECP2 expression pattern upon differentiation into neurons. Phenotypic analysis of mutant RTT-hiPS cell-derived neurons demonstrated a reduction in soma size compared with the isogenic control RTT-hiPS cell-derived neurons from the same RTT patient. Analysis of isogenic control and mutant hiPS cell-derived neurons represents a promising source for understanding the pathogenesis of RTT and the role of MECP2 in human neurons

    Lineage-Specific Biology Revealed by a Finished Genome Assembly of the Mouse

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    A finished clone-based assembly of the mouse genome reveals extensive recent sequence duplication during recent evolution and rodent-specific expansion of certain gene families. Newly assembled duplications contain protein-coding genes that are mostly involved in reproductive function

    Fischer-344 Tp53-knockout rats exhibit a high rate of bone and brain neoplasia with frequent metastasis

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    Somatic mutations in the Tp53 tumor suppressor gene are the most commonly seen genetic alterations in cancer, and germline mutations in Tp53 predispose individuals to a variety of early-onset cancers. Development of appropriate translational animal models that carry mutations in Tp53 and recapitulate human disease are important for drug discovery, biomarker development and disease modeling. Current Tp53 mouse and rat models have significant phenotypic and genetic limitations, and often do not recapitulate certain aspects of human disease. We used a marker-assisted speed congenic approach to transfer a well-characterized Tp53-mutant allele from an outbred rat to the genetically inbred Fischer-344 (F344) rat to create the F344-Tp53tm1(EGFP-Pac)Qly/Rrrc (F344-Tp53) strain. On the F344 genetic background, the tumor spectrum shifted, with the primary tumor types being osteosarcomas and meningeal sarcomas, compared to the hepatic hemangiosarcoma and lymphoma identified in the original outbred stock model. The Fischer model is more consistent with the early onset of bone and central nervous system sarcomas found in humans with germline Tp53 mutations. The frequency of osteosarcomas in F344-Tp53 homozygous and heterozygous animals was 57% and 36%, respectively. Tumors were highly representative of human disease radiographically and histologically, with tumors found primarily on long bones with frequent pulmonary metastases. Importantly, the rapid onset of osteosarcomas in this promising new model fills a current void in animal models that recapitulate human pediatric osteosarcomas and could facilitate studies to identify therapeutic targets

    The utility of Apc-mutant rats in modeling human colon cancer

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    Prior to the advent of genetic engineering in the mouse, the rat was the model of choice for investigating the etiology of cancer. Now, recent advances in the manipulation of the rat genome, combined with a growing recognition of the physiological differences between mice and rats, have reignited interest in the rat as a model of human cancer. Two recently developed rat models, the polyposis in the rat colon (Pirc) and Kyoto Apc Delta (KAD) strains, each carry mutations in the intestinal-cancer-associated adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) gene. In contrast to mouse models carrying Apc mutations, in which cancers develop mainly in the small intestine rather than in the colon and there is no gender bias, these rat models exhibit colonic predisposition and gender-specific susceptibility, as seen in human colon cancer. The rat also provides other experimental resources as a model organism that are not provided by the mouse: the structure of its chromosomes facilitates the analysis of genomic events, the size of its colon permits longitudinal analysis of tumor growth, and the size of biological samples from the animal facilitates multiplexed molecular analyses of the tumor and its host. Thus, the underlying biology and experimental resources of these rat models provide important avenues for investigation. We anticipate that advances in disease modeling in the rat will synergize with resources that are being developed in the mouse to provide a deeper understanding of human colon cancer

    Colorectal tumor prevention by the progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate is critically dependent on postmenopausal status

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    The large randomized placebo controlled trials of the Women's Health Initiative have shown that the combination of estrogen and progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) protects from colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women. No effect was observed in women treated with estrogen alone. This suggests that progesterone, or more specifically the progestin MPA may have chemopreventive activity. The effect of MPA on colorectal carcinogenesis has been difficult to study in animal models. Most models are not affected by either depleting female hormones by ovariectomy or treatment with MPA. Importantly, an ovariectomy fails to reproduce one of the hall marks of the postmenopausal state in women with intact ovaries. That is, the continued production of androgens by the atrophic postmenopausal ovaries. Here we show that adenoma incidence is increased in the vinyl cylcohexene diepoxide (VCD) mouse model of the menopause compared to age matched fertile female mice. Treatment with MPA protected VCD treated mice from adenomagenesis, but had no effect on adenoma numbers in age-matched fertile female mice. Our data show that the protective effect of MPA depends on the postmenopausal state and suggest that MPA monotherapy may be studied as a chemopreventive agent in postmenopausal women