9 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics with Double Dose Vaccination

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    Abstract This research attempted to investigate the effects of double dose vaccination in a non-linear mathematical model of Covid-19 infections with special compartments class termed first and second dose vaccination. The basic reproduction number was obtained, the stability of the model was analyzed, and the sensitivity analysis was also carried out. Of interest is the numerical simulation of the model where the impacts of contact rate, first and second dose vaccination were studied. The obtained results recommended how to control the corona virus keeping in mind the contact rate and vaccination. Keywords:   Covid-19, Double dose Vaccination, Basic Reproduction Number, Global Stabilit

    Perspective on Dark-Skinned Emotion Recognition using Deep-Learned and Handcrafted Feature Techniques

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    Image recognition has been widely used in various fields of applications such as human—computer interaction, where it can enhance fluency, accuracy, and naturalness in interaction. The need to automate the decision on human expression is high. This paper presents a technique for emotion recognition and classification based on a combination of deep-learned and handcrafted features. Residual Network (ResNet) and Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern (RILBP) features were combined and used as features for classification. The aim is to classify, identify, and make judgment on facial images from dark-skinned facial images. Facial Expression Recognition 2013 (FER2013) and self-captured dark-skinned datasets were used for the experiment and validated. The result showed 93.4% accuracy on FER dataset and 95.5% on self-captured dataset, which proved the efficiency of the proposed model

    On the Effects of Saturation Terms on A SEIR Epidemic Model with Infected and Susceptible Compartments

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    The importance of the saturation term in an SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, and Recovered) epidemic model was examined in this article. To estimate the basic reproduction number (R0), examine the stabilities and run numerical simulations on the model, the next generation matrix, the Lyapunov function and Runge-Kutta techniques were used. The numerical simulation results reveal that, the saturation term has a significant influence in the model’s susceptible and infected compartments. However, as demonstrated by the simulation results, saturation term has a greater influence on vulnerable people than on infected people. As a result, greater sensitization programs through seminars, media, and awareness will be more beneficial to the vulnerable class than the afflicted class during disease eradication

    Current Trends in Steroidal 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) Removal from the Environment: A Review

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    Emerging contaminants have posed major environmental and health challenges to human and aquatic lives. They include pharmaceuticals, endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), persistent environmental pollutants and many more. EE2 is an example of an endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) increasingly gaining acceptance and used to augment the deficiencies of other reproductive hormones. EE2 constitutes environmental nuisance via discharge into aquatic bodies, thus, threatening aquatic lives and resulting in health defects in human. It is worthy of note that previous researchers have channeled their studies to identifying ways of expelling EE2 from the environment. However, they remain persistent in the environment. The current review examined biological, chemical, physical and nanotechnological approaches in expelling EE2 from the environment. All methods discussed have been efficient in EE2 removal. From the review, both independent and combinatorial approaches in EE2 removal has yielded efficient results


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    Iperindo gold deposit is one of the few primary gold mineralization deposits in Nigeria and the area is underlain by rocks of Precambrian basement complex. Despite previous studies on geology, petrology, mineralogy, petrochemistry, geophysics and geochemistry, no attempt has been made on biogeochemistry of plant present in this area using Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). This work is therefore targeted at prospecting for gold using bark-scrapings of wild-native, deep rooted and perennial plant species known as Funtumia elastica. Rock units such as faulted migmatite gneiss, banded gneiss, granite gneiss, biotite-hornblende-gneiss, mica schist, quartzite/quartz schist and granite were identified. Eight representative samples of the tree bark were scraped to collect the soft outermost layer. The samples were air dried to prevent fungal and microorganism growth which can contaminate them. Laboratory preparation involved oven-drying at 105˚C for 24 hours. The dried samples were pulverised and sieved using ≥ 125 μm mesh size. The carbon coated samples were scanned at a magnification of ≥ 1000 times its original size to study the plant mineralogy and to infer gold mineralisation in underlying regolith or bedrock.Surface morphology of the samples as revealed by SEM is homogeneous in composition. Two contrasting compositions are common to all the SEM images studied- an embedded grain clusters showing bright resolution within a matrix of dull resolution. EDX showed average concentration (wt %) of elements such as Ca (11.91), C (59.9), O (21.06), K (1.01), Si (0.14) and Te (6.03). Presence of Te which is associated with gold mineralisation indicates possibility of detecting gold in locations where Te is available

    Analysis of Corona-Virus Mathematical Model in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Cases with Vaccine using Homotopy Perturbation Method

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    The impact of the emergence of Corona virus which affected all parts of the world cannot be over emphasized. COVID-19 has cost hundreds of thousands of human lives globally, presenting healthcare professionals with pressing challenges, and exposed the weaknesses of national health systems worldwide. Hence, there is a need for more vaccination of individuals which will in turn leads to the eradication of the deadly disease. In this paper, an investigation is carried out for the convergent solution of the model by making use of a reliable Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) in exploring the possible solution. Basic Reproduction number was computed using Next Generation Method, The Equilibriums points are determined and the model also explored the sensitivities aspect when the parameters are varied. Fractional model numerically using the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) to obtain the iterative solution of the epidemic model scheme and presenting different forms of graphical results that can be useful to analyze the model. The numerical results show that the spread of the corona – virus disease is reduced by taking adequate and effective vaccines with tim

    Primary stroke prevention worldwide: translating evidence into action

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    Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability worldwide and its burden is increasing rapidly in low-income and middle-income countries, many of which are unable to face the challenges it imposes. In this Health Policy paper on primary stroke prevention, we provide an overview of the current situation regarding primary prevention services, estimate the cost of stroke and stroke prevention, and identify deficiencies in existing guidelines and gaps in primary prevention. We also offer a set of pragmatic solutions for implementation of primary stroke prevention, with an emphasis on the role of governments and population-wide strategies, including task-shifting and sharing and health system re-engineering. Implementation of primary stroke prevention involves patients, health professionals, funders, policy makers, implementation partners, and the entire population along the life course

    Hibiscus sabdariffa

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