15 research outputs found

    Economics of wetland cultivation in Zimbabwe: case study of Mashonaland East Province

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    Wetlands are stocks of natural resources limited in supply, in the middle of unlimited human wants with multiple uses to society, presenting an economic problem in as far as their rational and sustainable use is concerned. To that end, conflicting recommendations have been forwarded regarding wetland cultivation as a possible land use across the globe and from within the same regions. On one extreme, wetland cultivation has been linked to degradation of wetlands with pure wetland conservation as the prescribed viable and sustainable land use option to society. Closer to reality, partial wetland conversion to crop land has been found compatible with wetland bio-diversity; implying that partial wetland cultivation is the prescribed wetland use option viable and sustainable to societies, a dictum mainly claimed by rural communities. With that conflicting background and based on the “Safe Minimum Standard” approach, a ban on wetland cultivation was maintained in several early environmental policies in Zimbabwe as a basis for legislative protection of wetlands, a position that is still legally binding in current statutes. Contrary to that, rural communities have responded by invading wetlands as a coping strategy in pursuit of the claimed values of wetland cultivation, further conflicting with standing policies. This scenario has managed to “lock” and is currently locking the claimed 1,28 million hectares of wetlands in Zimbabwe in a “legal-operational impasse”, at a cost to the entire nation since no meaningful investment is possible in wetlands when there is a legal conflict

    Adaptation choices, community perceptions, livelihood linkages and income dynamics for district producer communities surrounding Nyatana Game Park in Zimbabwe

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    This thesis explores human-wildlife interactions under community managed game parks. The thesis consists of an introductory chapter, study location chapter and four self-contained studies based on different samples from created clusters surrounding Nyatana Game Park, which make up the rest of the thesis chapters. Chapter one presents an introductory overview of wildlife management in Zimbabwe, specifically looking at human-wildlife interactions under CAMPFIRE projects, welfare dynamics and conservation implications for the surrounding communities who share boundaries with community-managed game parks. The chapter concludes by highlighting the challenges facing community-based wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe as well as the key concepts that will be the subject of the rest of the thesis. Chapter two presents the study location; it highlights the road map to the study area, starting with the provincial location, and indicates the specific districts from which respondents were selected. A brief agro-ecological summary of the study area is also presented; it looks specifically at climate, vegetation and a demographic data of the study area. Chapter three: Can game parks be trusted as livelihood sources? To answer this topical question, Chapter three explores livelihood adaptation strategies for households who share boundaries with Nyatana Game Park. Most of the community managed game parks, under CAMPFIRE principles in Zimbabwe, were established with the primary objective of generating revenue for the surrounding communities; this was done in the hope of using positive returns from game farming to promote the conservation of wildlife. Has this materialised in practice? Descriptive results from this study seem to suggest otherwise, where mixed farming and gold panning were the major livelihood adaptation choices reported by most households. The revenue from game farming was reported to be too low and inconsistent, to such an extent that the majority of the community regarded it as risky and unreliable. A multinomial logistic regression model for correlates of adaptation choices indicated that access to credit, markets, and extension may be some of the current institutional constraints inhibiting households from accessing off-farm sources for their livelihoods. In addition, household size, gender and age may enhance the adaptive capacity of households to move out of risky crop faming into other off-farm portfolio diversifications. The study, therefore, suggests that game parks, according to the evidence uncovered by the study, may not be trusted as a reliable and sustainable livelihood source. If local communities who share boundaries with game parks do not view them as reliable and sustainable livelihood sources, as concluded in Chapter three, how can they (local communities) be trusted to conserve them? To assess their perceptions of game parks, Chapter four presents a multinomial logistic regression model for perceptions of society on game parks using the African elephant as a typical example. The results suggest that Problem Animal Control (PAC) perceptions, livestock predation and issues of low and poor revenue distribution may be some of the critical perceptions capable of influencing surrounding communities to negatively participate in the conservation of wildlife. The results further suggest that using wildlife proceeds to finance observable local common pool infrastructure may positively influence the surrounding communities to conserve wildlife. The chief conclusion regarding game parks, therefore, was that the surrounding communities were in favour of the obliteration pathway, although minimal conservation perceptions were also available. Given the negative conclusions regarding game parks, as suggested in Chapters three and four, citizens would then wonder if any meaningful hope for community managed game parks exists. Chapter five probes the buffer zone livelihood link under community managed game parks, using evidence from the Nyatana Game Park. The binary logistic regression model results, for buffer zone participation and resource extraction combinations by surrounding communities, suggest that resource extraction may be market driven rather than focussing on domestic consumption. The study therefore concludes that the buffer zone livelihood link as currently practiced, though potential, may fail to address the livelihood expectations of the sub-district producer communities. The study therefore calls for extreme caution whenever the buffer zone livelihood link is considered, because several institutional and design conflicts exist within this dynamic. In Chapter six, the study further probed the buffer zone income dynamics for the sub-district producer community. The results of descriptive statistics suggest that the contribution of buffer zone activities to household income may be significant with a positive correlation to household agricultural income for communities who reside inside or close to the park (primary sub-district producer community). Using the Gini decomposition approach and Lorenz curves, the study concluded that a buffer zone income may be capable of contributing to more equally distributed incomes for rural communities who share boundaries with game parks. With respect to the correlates of household income, the results suggest that household size and age may negatively influence income from buffer zone activities, while gender may have a positive effect. This was also true for education and Livestock Units (LUs) with respect to income from self employment; the former positively and the latter negatively related. The results further suggest that land size may also be positively significant in order to explain income from agriculture as well as total income. With regard to the distance from the buffer zone, the results suggest a negative influence with respect to the buffer zone, agriculture and total income. The implied message therefore suggests that buffer zones may provide active livelihood sources which are capable of financing rural household agriculture. The income equalizing effect which is portrayed may also further imply that, if correctly targeted and promoted, a buffer zone income could possibly address the current income inequality which is generic in rural areas. However, this potential may not be realized due to the current buffer zone design status (created for local secondary use as opposed to commercial primary use), restrictive policies and poor institutional support. With this dilemma facing community managed game parks (threats as summarised in Chapters three and four amid the potential hope summarized in Chapters five and six), Chapter 7 concludes the study by suggesting that the human-wildlife interaction model, though currently theoretical, may have significant practical potential in addressing the livelihoods of the surrounding communities as well as promoting the conservation of wildlife. This could be possible if available challenges that range from low revenue, insecure property rights, high human-elephant conflict and institutional design conflict for buffer zone utilization are corrected by means of the free market system. This would allow market forces to deliver on the expectations of the ―human-wildlife interactions model‖ – sustainable livelihoods for the former and intergenerational conservation for the latter

    Labour Dynamics in Climate and Techno Reliant Small Scale Maize Production

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     Adoption of improved technology tends to recalibrate labour use in agricultural production. The study examined how the adoption of various maize varieties impacted labour use in smallholder production. The study utilised a structured pre-coded questionnaire-based survey of 487 smallholder maize farmers in South Africa. The purposive sample was obtained from Ingquza Hill and Port St John’s Local Municipalities in the Eastern Cape Province. A multinomial regression model and Monte Carlo Simulation were utilised to analyse the data. Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) version 23 as well as Excel were the statistical tools utilised. Through multinomial regression analysis, the study found that weeding labour was the most significantly affected by a change in maize variety. It was observed that as maize variety transcends in use from Landrace to GMO, improved OPV and conventional hybrid, ploughing and weeding hours tend to decrease. The harvesting, storage and shelling hours tend to increase. Utilising the Monte Carlo Simulation, the study also found an increased impact of maize variety utilisation on harvesting as well as on shelling and storage labour hours.  The study recommends that varieties be promoted taking cognizance of the labour dynamics to tier maximize suitability and labour-based productivity, reducing tedious labour use in ploughing and weeding, whilst promoting employment in harvesting, shelling and storage

    Benefits of an Irrigation Scheme and Its Determinants to Surrounding Peripheral Rural Communities

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    The objective of the study was to identify the extent of benefits and their determinants to communities surrounding the Qamata Irrigation Scheme (QIS) in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The study used a quantitative based cross-sectional survey of 197 households within a radius of 20 km from the QIS. Multiple sampling methods were utilized where the villages were randomly and the households conveniently selected. A semi-structured pre-coded questionnaire was utilized to collect the data which was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multinomial logit regression. The study identified 14 discriminant benefits ranging from job opportunities, income increment food diversification to share cropping. Sixty-two percent of the households identified less than 5 benefits, whilst 27% and 11% identified 6-10 and 11-14 benefits respectively. Determinants of a surrounding household to attain benefits were significantly influenced by the distance from the scheme, the main source of income and gender of household head (P<0.01); marital and employment status (P<0.05); and access to farm land (P<0.1). The study concludes that the level of benefit diffused to surrounding households is based on socio-economic factors. The study recommends conscientization of surrounding communities on the peripheral benefits accrued from the proximity to the QIS, achievable through awareness initiatives

    Barriers and incentives to potential adoption of biofuels crops by smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    The main objective of this study was to identify barriers and incentives that influence the potential adoption of biofuel crops by smallholder farmers. The study utilized a semi-structured questionnaire to record responses from 129 smallholder farmers that were identified through a snowballing sampling technique. The respondents were from the Oliver Tambo and Chris Hani District Municipalities in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. A Heckman two-step model was applied to analyze the data. Results obtained show that variables; arable land, incentives offered, challenges faced, labour source, were statistically significant to awareness of farmers to biofuel crops. Adoption of biofuel crops was statistical related to gender, qualification, membership to an association and knowledge on biofuel. It is recommended that smallholder farmers should be made aware of the proposed biofuel crops in order for them to adopt. Furthermore, for the biofuel industry to succeed, farmers in the semi-arid regions need to be educated on land improvement and notified of the expected returns if they are to participate in the production of biofuel crops

    Determinants of Risk Behaviour in Livestock Development Programs: Evidence from South Africa's Kaonafatso Yadikgomo (Kyd) Scheme

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    Risk plays a significant role in input use decisions and production of output in agricultural production. Understanding farmer risk attitudes and their responses to risk is significant in designing effective intervention programmes. Few studies have tried to identify how the introduction of a livestock programme has tended to influence farmer risk profile. The objective of the study was to highlight the determinants of risk behaviour in participants of a livestock development programme. The study was carried out in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Province of South Africa, utilising a purposive sample of 164 respondents who are part of the Kaonafatso Yadikgomo (KYD) Scheme. The cross-sectional survey collected data pertaining to the risk attitudes of the livestock farmers from an attitudinal scale as well as socio-economic and farm biophysical characteristics. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression were used to analyse the data. The results show that the livestock farmers were risk loving, with the risk attitude being influenced by the age of household head, monthly household income and experience in rearing cattle at the ð‘ < 0.1 level. Furthermore, the source of income, herd size, reason for slaughtering cattle distance to the nearest water source and access to a dip tank had significant influence of attitude towards risk at the ð‘ < 0.05 level. The study concludes that being part of a livestock development programme tends inflto uence the risk attitudes of the participants as the determinants were against a priori expectations.&nbsp

    Buffer zone income dynamics for the sub-district producer community: Implications for rural off-farm income, income inequality and the development of household agriculture.

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    This paper explores the role of buffer zones in household welfare in Zimbabwe by using primary household level data collected between November and December 2010 from communities that share boundaries with Nyatana Game Park. The descriptive statistics suggest that the contribution of buffer zone activities to household income may be significant, with a positive correlation to household agricultural income for communities that reside inside or close to the Park. Using the Gini decomposition approach and Lorenz curves, the paper further suggest that buffer zone income may be capable of contributing to more equally distributed incomes for rural communities who share boundaries with Game Parks. The implied message is that buffer zones may provide active livelihood sources capable of financing rural household agriculture and reducing income inequality. However, this potential may not be realized because of the current buffer zone design status (created for local secondary use, not for commercial primary use), restrictive policies, high predation, poorly defined buffer zone boundaries and poor institutional support. Need therefore arises to address current barriers as suggested by regression estimates for correlates of household income. This will promote households’ adaptation abilities hence marrying conservation and rural development using positive harvests from buffer zones as incentives for wildlife conservation

    Socio-economic Factors that Influence Households: Participation in Wetland Cultivation: A Binary Logistic Regression of Wetland Cultivators and Noncultivators

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    Increased droughts in southern Africa have noticed some appreciation of the role that partial wetland cultivation can play to address household food security. This has also witnessed some indication of possible relaxation of wetland cultivation restrictive policies in Zimbabwe. However, the general perceptions of society towards wetland cultivation remain unclear and critically important for policy crafting before blanket recommendations are made. Using a Binary Logistic Regression Model seven predictor independent variables were regressed against a binary dependent variable of wetland cultivation status of households with the implicit goal of estimating socio-economic factors capable of influencing households` participation in wetland cultivation. Results revealed that from the seven predictor variables, six variables had a significant influence, while one variable was not significant. The implied message centres on careful articulation of such a policy given the fact that, the dominant age group (young and educated household heads) had a negative attitude towards wetland cultivation, a crucial factor that may risk its rejection if put under a referendum. Intuitively results conjecture a bleak future for partial wetland cultivation as a possible land use because the expected future generation (current young and educated household heads) currently shares a negative attitude towards partial wetland cultivation.Wetland Cultivation, Environmental Policy, Logistic Regression, Crop Production/Industries,

    Drivers of genetically modified maize production among rural farming households in Ngqushwa local municipality, South Africa: a triple hurdle approach

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    Enhancing rural agricultural productivity using proven technologies such as genetically modified (GM) maize production has many advantages as a pathway to economic development and poverty reduction. However, despite the global rise in GM maize and potential benefits of GM technology, the production rates and yields of smallholder farmers remain very low for reasons that are poorly understood. With this background, the aim of this study was to investigate the drivers of genetically modified (GM) maize awareness, participation, and intensity of production at the household level. Data were collected from 400 randomly selected respondents from Ngqushwa Local Municipality using a semi-structured questionnaire. Through a triple hurdle model, the study revealed that GM maize awareness is negatively influenced by age and female gender and positively influenced by married status, employment and number of years in school. Conditional on awareness of GM maize varieties, both participation and intensity of participation in GM maize production are positively influenced by land size, female gender, group membership, income and ownership of arable land and negatively influenced by employment. The study recommends that priority should be given to these socio-economic and institutional (group membership) factors by targeting GM maize awareness campaigns using platforms more suited to female-headed, older, less educated and unemployed rural farming households. The study also recommends addressing income, secure land ownership and access to large areas of land

    Socio-economic Factors that Influence Households: Participation in Wetland Cultivation: A Binary Logistic Regression of Wetland Cultivators and Noncultivators

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    Increased droughts in southern Africa have noticed some appreciation of the role that partial wetland cultivation can play to address household food security. This has also witnessed some indication of possible relaxation of wetland cultivation restrictive policies in Zimbabwe. However, the general perceptions of society towards wetland cultivation remain unclear and critically important for policy crafting before blanket recommendations are made. Using a Binary Logistic Regression Model seven predictor independent variables were regressed against a binary dependent variable of wetland cultivation status of households with the implicit goal of estimating socio-economic factors capable of influencing households` participation in wetland cultivation. Results revealed that from the seven predictor variables, six variables had a significant influence, while one variable was not significant. The implied message centres on careful articulation of such a policy given the fact that, the dominant age group (young and educated household heads) had a negative attitude towards wetland cultivation, a crucial factor that may risk its rejection if put under a referendum. Intuitively results conjecture a bleak future for partial wetland cultivation as a possible land use because the expected future generation (current young and educated household heads) currently shares a negative attitude towards partial wetland cultivation