Socio-economic Factors that Influence Households: Participation in Wetland Cultivation: A Binary Logistic Regression of Wetland Cultivators and Noncultivators


Increased droughts in southern Africa have noticed some appreciation of the role that partial wetland cultivation can play to address household food security. This has also witnessed some indication of possible relaxation of wetland cultivation restrictive policies in Zimbabwe. However, the general perceptions of society towards wetland cultivation remain unclear and critically important for policy crafting before blanket recommendations are made. Using a Binary Logistic Regression Model seven predictor independent variables were regressed against a binary dependent variable of wetland cultivation status of households with the implicit goal of estimating socio-economic factors capable of influencing households` participation in wetland cultivation. Results revealed that from the seven predictor variables, six variables had a significant influence, while one variable was not significant. The implied message centres on careful articulation of such a policy given the fact that, the dominant age group (young and educated household heads) had a negative attitude towards wetland cultivation, a crucial factor that may risk its rejection if put under a referendum. Intuitively results conjecture a bleak future for partial wetland cultivation as a possible land use because the expected future generation (current young and educated household heads) currently shares a negative attitude towards partial wetland cultivation

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