91 research outputs found

    Measuring the accuracy of genome-size multiple alignments

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    A novel computational approach can assess the accuracy of genomic alignments, and reveals suspicious regions in the 17-vertebrate MULTIZ alignment available on the UCSC Genome Browser

    Comparison of laryngeal mask airway supremeâ„¢ versus endotracheal intubation in positive pressure ventilation with muscle relaxant for intraoperative and postoperative conditions

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    Background: Laryngeal Mask Airways are increasingly being used now a day as an option to endotracheal intubation, as it is less invasive and causes less discomfort in the postoperative period. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical use of the laryngeal mask airway SupremeTM in patients undergoing elective gynaecological surgeries under general anaesthesia and compare it with endotracheal intubation.Methods: 60 ASA I and II females, having BMI <30kg.m-2 in the range of 20-50 years of age, scheduled for elective gynaecological surgeries were randomly allocated to one of the two groups according to the device used (LMAS or ETT). Time required for insertion, number of attempts, hemodynamic response to insertion/removal and incidence of immediate and late postoperative complications such as coughing, laryngospasm, sore throat, dysphagia etc. were assessed.Results: Number of attempts for successful insertion was similar but time required for LMA Supreme™ insertion was significantly less (25.40±12.90 versus 33.27±14.82 sec) similarly, time required for nasogastric tube insertion was significantly more in ETT group (30.28±16.22 versus 21.93±12.64 sec). No episode of failed ventilation or hypoxia was recorded. The changes in hemodynamic parameters were significantly higher after endotracheal intubation and during extubation. Incidence of postoperative complications was significantly higher after endotracheal intubation (p<0.05).Conclusions: The LMA Supreme™ is a suitable alternative to endotracheal intubation during general anaesthesia for elective gynaecological surgeries with the added advantage of less hemodynamic response during airway management and lower incidence of postoperative complications

    Identification of Critical Success Factors in Non-Formal Service Sector Using Delphi Technique

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) for the effective implementation of Six Sigma in non-formal service Sectors. Based on the survey of literature, the critical success factors (CSFs) for Six Sigma have been identified and are assessed for their importance in Non-formal service sector using Delphi Technique. These selected CSFs were put forth to the panel of expert to cluster them and prepare cognitive map to establish their relationship. All the critical success factors examined and obtained from the review of literature have been assessed as being of some importance with regard to their contribution to Six Sigma effectiveness in non formal service sector. The study is limited to the non-formal service sectors involved in the organisation of religious festival only. Future research could utilise use a broader sample of other non-formal service sectors like temple/ashram management, religious tours management etc. The research suggests an approach to identify CSFs of Six Sigma for Non-formal service sector. All the CSFs of the formal service sector will not be applicable to Non-formal services, hence opinion of experts was taken to add or delete the CSFs. As suggested by the experts, two new CSFs-"competitive benchmarking (F19) and resident's involvement (F28)" were added and one of the CSFs-"fulltime six sigma personnel (F15)" has been omitted in proposed clusters of CSFs for non-formal organisation

    Detection and comparison of fetal malnutrition by CANSCORE and other methods

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    Background: Objective of current study was clinical assessment of nutritional status of neonate using CANSCORE and comparison with other methods of determining fetal malnutrition. Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Tertiary care hospital. Study subjects: 384 live born singleton neonates with known gestational age and no major congenital malformation.Methods: Birth weight, length, midarm circumference and head circumference recorded in new-borns. Ponderal index and mid arm to head circumference ratio was calculated. Clinical assessment of nutritional status was done on the basis of CANSCORE and compared with other methods.Results: CANSCORE <25 separated 67.71% of the babies as well-nourished and 32.29% as malnourished. Weight for age and MAC/HC classified nearly 70% of babies as well-nourished and 30% as malnourished. Also Ponderal index classified 75.52% the babies as well-nourished and 24.48% as malnourished.Conclusion: CANSCORE may be a simple clinical index for identifying fetal malnutrition and for prediction of neonatal morbidity associated with it, without the aid of any sophisticated equipments.

    Chemical composition and antioxidant capacities of phytococktail extracts from trans-Himalayan cold desert

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    BACKGROUND: Himalayan plants are widely used in traditional system of medicine both as prophylactics and therapeutics for high altitude maladies. Our aim was to evaluate the antioxidant capacities and bioactive compounds of methanol and n-hexane extracts of the phytococktail comprising of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and roseroot (Rhodiola imbricata) from trans-Himalaya. METHODS: The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) and nitric oxide (NO) radical scavenging capacities and lipid peroxidation inhibition (LPI) property of the extracts were determined. Total antioxidant power was determined by ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) assay. Total polyphenol, flavonoid, flavonol, proanthocyanidin and carotenoid were also estimated for both extracts. We have identified and quantified the phyto-chemotypes present in the methanol and n-hexane extracts by hyphenated gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) technique. RESULTS: Antioxidant capacity assays using DPPH, ABTS, NO, LPI and FRAP exhibited analogous results where the phytococktail showed high antioxidant action. The phytococktail was also found to possess high quantity of total polyphenol, flavonoid, flavonol and carotenoid. A significant and linear correlation was found between the antioxidant capacities and bioactive principles. A total of 32 phyto-chemotypes were identified from these extracts by GC/MS chemometric fingerprinting. Major phyto-chemotypes identified by GC/MS were glycosides, phenylpropanoids and derivatives, terpenoids, alkaloids, phytosterols, fatty acids and esters, alkaloids and derivatives, organic acid esters and aromatic ethers with positive biological and pharmacological actions. CONCLUSION: The phytococktail extracts were found to contain considerable amount of diverse bioactive compounds with high antioxidant capacities. The presence of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants in the phytococktail could have contributed to the higher antioxidant values. Hence, the phytococktail could be used as natural source of antioxidants to ameliorate disorders associated with oxidative stress

    PplD Is a De-N-Acetylase of the Cell Wall Linkage Unit of Streptococcal Rhamnopolysaccharides

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    The cell wall of the human bacterial pathogen Group A Streptococcus (GAS) consists of peptidoglycan decorated with the Lancefield group A carbohydrate (GAC). GAC is a promising target for the development of GAS vaccines. In this study, employing chemical, compositional, and NMR methods, we show that GAC is attached to peptidoglycan via glucosamine 1-phosphate. This structural feature makes the GAC-peptidoglycan linkage highly sensitive to cleavage by nitrous acid and resistant to mild acid conditions. Using this characteristic of the GAS cell wall, we identify PplD as a protein required for deacetylation of linkage N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). X-ray structural analysis indicates that PplD performs catalysis via a modified acid/base mechanism. Genetic surveys in silico together with functional analysis indicate that PplD homologs deacetylate the polysaccharide linkage in many streptococcal species. We further demonstrate that introduction of positive charges to the cell wall by GlcNAc deacetylation protects GAS against host cationic antimicrobial proteins

    Studies on pollen micro-morphology, pollen storage methods, and cross-compatibility among grape (Vitis spp.) genotypes

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    The knowledge of pollen morphology, suitable storage condition, and species compatibility is vital for a successful grapevine improvement programme. Ten grape genotypes from three different species, viz., Vitis vinifera L., Vitis parviflora Roxb., and Vitis champini Planc., were studied for their pollen structure and pollen storage with the objective of determining their utilization in grape rootstock improvement programs. Pollen morphology was examined through the use of a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The viability of the pollen was assessed using 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). In vitro pollen germination was investigated using the semi-solid medium with 10 % sucrose, 100 mg/L boric acid, and 300 mg/L calcium nitrate. The results revealed variations in pollen micro-morphology in 10 genotypes, with distinct pollen dimensions, shapes, and exine ornamentation. However, species-wise, no clear difference was found for these parameters. Pollen of V. parviflora Roxb. and Dogridge was acolporated and did not germinate. The remaining eight genotypes exhibited tricolporated pollen and showed satisfactory in vitro pollen germination. Storage temperature and duration interactions showed that, at room temperature, pollen of most of the grape genotypes can be stored for up to 1 day only with an acceptable pollen germination rate (&gt;30 %). However, storage for up to 7 days was successfully achieved at 4 °C, except for ‘Pearl of Csaba’. The most effective storage conditions were found to be at −20 °C and −196 °C (in liquid N2), enabling pollen storage for a period of up to 30 days, and can be used for pollination to overcome the challenge of asynchronous flowering. Four interspecific combinations were studied for their compatibility, among which V. parviflora Roxb. × V. vinifera L. (Pusa Navrang) and V. parviflora Roxb. × V. champini Planc. (Salt Creek) showed high cross-compatibility, offering their potential use for grape rootstock breeding. However, V. parviflora Roxb. × V. vinifera L. (Male Hybrid) recorded the lowest compatibility index among studied crosses. In the case of self-pollinated flowers from V. parviflora Roxb. and V. parviflora Roxb. × V. champini Planc. (Dogridge), pollen failed to germinate on the stigma due to male sterility caused by acolporated pollen. As a result, the flowers of these genotypes functioned as females, which means they are ideal female parents for grape breeding without the need for the tedious process of emasculation

    Reviews and syntheses: Physical and biogeochemical processes associated with upwelling in the Indian Ocean

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    The Indian Ocean presents two distinct climate regimes. The north Indian Ocean is dominated by the monsoons, whereas the seasonal reversal is less pronounced in the south. The prevailing wind pattern produces upwelling along different parts of the coast in both hemispheres during different times of the year. Additionally, dynamical processes and eddies either cause or enhance upwelling. This paper reviews the phenomena of upwelling along the coast of the Indian Ocean extending from the tip of South Africa to the southern tip of the west coast of Australia. Observed features, underlying mechanisms, and the impact of upwelling on the ecosystem are presented. In the Agulhas Current region, cyclonic eddies associated with Natal pulses drive slope upwelling and enhance chlorophyll concentrations along the continental margin. The Durban break-away eddy spun up by the Agulhas upwells cold nutrient-rich water. Additionally, topographically induced upwelling occurs along the inshore edges of the Agulhas Current. Wind-driven coastal upwelling occurs along the south coast of Africa and augments the dynamical upwelling in the Agulhas Current. Upwelling hotspots along the Mozambique coast are present in the northern and southern sectors of the channel and are ascribed to dynamical effects of ocean circulation in addition to wind forcing. Interaction of mesoscale eddies with the western boundary, dipole eddy pair interactions, and passage of cyclonic eddies cause upwelling. Upwelling along the southern coast of Madagascar is caused by the Ekman wind-driven mechanism and by eddy generation and is inhibited by the Southwest Madagascar Coastal Current. Seasonal upwelling along the East African coast is primarily driven by the northeast monsoon winds and enhanced by topographically induced shelf breaking and shear instability between the East African Coastal Current and the island chains. The Somali coast presents a strong case for the classical Ekman type of upwelling; such upwelling can be inhibited by the arrival of deeper thermocline signals generated in the offshore region by wind stress curl. Upwelling is nearly uniform along the coast of Arabia, caused by the alongshore component of the summer monsoon winds and modulated by the arrival of Rossby waves generated in the offshore region by cyclonic wind stress curl. Along the west coast of India, upwelling is driven by coastally trapped waves together with the alongshore component of the monsoon winds. Along the southern tip of India and Sri Lanka, the strong Ekman transport drives upwelling. Upwelling along the east coast of India is weak and occurs during summer, caused by alongshore winds. In addition, mesoscale eddies lead to upwelling, but the arrival of river water plumes inhibits upwelling along this coast. Southeasterly winds drive upwelling along the coast of Sumatra and Java during summer, with Kelvin wave propagation originating from the equatorial Indian Ocean affecting the magnitude and extent of the upwelling. Both El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events cause large variability in upwelling here. Along the west coast of Australia, which is characterized by the anomalous Leeuwin Current, southerly winds can cause sporadic upwelling, which is prominent along the southwest, central, and Gascoyne coasts during summer. Open-ocean upwelling in the southern tropical Indian Ocean and within the Sri Lanka Dome is driven primarily by the wind stress curl but is also impacted by Rossby wave propagations. Upwelling is a key driver enhancing biological productivity in all sectors of the coast, as indicated by enhanced sea surface chlorophyll concentrations. Additional knowledge at varying levels has been gained through in situ observations and model simulations. In the Mozambique Channel, upwelling simulates new production and circulation redistributes the production generated by upwelling and mesoscale eddies, leading to observations of higher ecosystem impacts along the edges of eddies. Similarly, along the southern Madagascar coast, biological connectivity is influenced by the transport of phytoplankton from upwelling zones. Along the coast of Kenya, both productivity rates and zooplankton biomass are higher during the upwelling season. Along the Somali coast, accumulation of upwelled nutrients in the northern part of the coast leads to spatial heterogeneity in productivity. In contrast, productivity is more uniform along the coasts of Yemen and Oman. Upwelling along the west coast of India has several biogeochemical implications, including oxygen depletion, denitrification, and high production of CH4 and dimethyl sulfide. Although weak, wind-driven upwelling leads to significant enhancement of phytoplankton in the northwest Bay of Bengal during the summer monsoon. Along the Sumatra and Java coasts, upwelling affects the phytoplankton composition and assemblages. Dissimilarities in copepod assemblages occur during the upwelling periods along the west coast of Australia. Phytoplankton abundance characterizes inshore edges of the slope during upwelling season, and upwelling eddies are associated with krill abundance. The review identifies the northern coast of the Arabian Sea and eastern coasts of the Bay of Bengal as the least observed sectors. Additionally, sustained long-term observations with high temporal and spatial resolutions along with high-resolution modelling efforts are recommended for a deeper understanding of upwelling, its variability, and its impact on the ecosystem
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