7 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Nutritional Value of Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Millet, and Fonio: Some Cereals Commonly Consumed in Côte d’Ivoire

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    This paper focuses on providing a useful database for the decisionmakers for adequate food security policy. It involves making a comparative study of the nutritional values of wheat, maize, sorghum, millet and fonio, which are the five cereals largely consumed in Côte d’Ivoire. In conducting this study, physicochemical analysis were performed. The results reveal that wheat, maize, sorghum, millet, and fonio have an acidic pH. These cereals contain relatively little amount of water and a large proportion of fibers. Carbohydratesrepresent the highest proportion of the dry matter of the cereals, while maize contains the most important rate. Maize, sorghum, and millet contain more lipids. Wheat, maize, and millet have lower ashes. Wheat and millet contain more proteins. Millet, sorghum, and fonio are the richest cereals in iron. Wheat is rich in calcium but has a lower content of potassium, phosphorus, and Magnesium. Fonio is rich in zinc. Cereals are rich in phytochemical compounds such as phenolic acid, flavonoids, and tannins. It is also important to take into cognizance the presence of antinutritional compounds such as phytates and oxalates. The results show that all the cereals studied represent potential sources of energy in Ivorians food but also has significant sources of fibers and minerals

    Habitudes Alimentaires Liees A La Survenue De La Maladie HemorroĂŻdaire Chez Les Ivoiriens

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    A study was conducted in order to search for food habits related to the occurrence of hemorrhoid disease in humans, through a transversal and descriptive survey including 414 students of Université Félix Houphouët- Boigny (UFHB) of Côte d’Ivoire. Respondents had diverse diets in which it was found the six groups of food, as described by Nicolet and Mautrait (1995). Additionally, spiced and exciting products were associated to this study. Hemorrhoid disease was diagnosed by anal examination, and the numeration of the blood formula was determined by a numerator spectrophotometer. Results revealed that 262 respondents (63.28 %) suffered from digestive disorders. Among them, 168 (64.12 %) had hemorrhoid disease. These ones used to eat, more than 3 times per week, red meat (beef, lamb, goat, pork). However, results of blood analysis showed that cases of hemorrhoid disease were neither associated with anemia nor infection (P≥0.05). These results demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge in Côte d’Ivoire, a cause and effect relationship between diets rich in red meat and the occurrence of hemorrhoid disease (P≤0.05)

    Potentialités Hypocholestérolémiantes D’euphorbia Heterophylla (L.) Klotz. & Garcke (Euphorbiaceae) Chez Les Lapins Locaux (Oryctolagus Cuniculus L.)

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    Two tests to feed local rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were carried out to evaluate the hypocholesterolemic potentiality of Euphorbia heterophylla. The first test was carried out during 90 days (feeding (30 days), growing (30 days), and fattening (30 days)) on 45 rabbits. As for the second test, it was carried out during 30 days in the course of the fattening period on 27 rabbits. Animals were both subjected to continuous or alterned provisions during the last test of the two experimental diets. The first test or control (Pangran) was composed of Panicum maximum and granules "IVOGRAIN" for rabbit. The second test (Paneuph) was composed of Panicum maximum and Euphorbia heterophylla supplemented with granules "IVOGRAIN" for rabbit. In the second test, the experimental diets (Pangran and Paneuph) were isocaloric. The test 1 results, respectively, showed an important cholesterol-LDL reduction of 26% and 60% after 30 and 90 days of the Euphorbia heterophylla ingestion. However, when diets are isocaloric, the ingestion of this plant causes an important reduction of cholesterol-LDL of 59.2 % and 65.4%, after, respectively, 15 and 30 days of ingestion. From the results, deep studies should be carried out with the aim of evaluating the hypocholesterolemic effect from Euphorbia heterophylla which could contribute to prevent human cardiovascular diseases

    Evaluation of the Nutritional Potential of Snail (Achatina Spp.) Meat in Rat

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    The chemical composition of Achatina achatina and Archachatina ventricosa, nutritional potential of snail (Achatina achatina) meat in growing rats was assessed. Five groups of six growing rats were fed for 21 days, with isoprotein diets (10 % protein). The control diet consisting of fish powder is substituted with snail powder levels of 25 %, 50 %, 75 %, and 100 %. The results of the chemical composition of Achatina achatina and Archachatina ventricosa show that they have a high protein content (68.65%±1.38 and 69.31%±1.82 Dry matter, respectively). Fat levels in Achatina achatina and Archachatina ventricosa were respectively 8.86±0.12 and 14.68±0.33% dry matter. These snails are rich in all minerals, but most mineral contents of Achatina achatina are higher than those of Archachatina ventricosa. The growth performance of rats decreased in proportion to the inclusion rates of snail powder in the control diet (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Body weight gain of rats subjected to snail meat (-0.12±0.00 g) is lower than that of rats consuming fish powder (1.81±0.00 g). The optimal rate of recommendable snail powder incorporation is 75%. Over this threshold, animals start to lose weight. Snail meat alone cannot support growth performance in rats

    Effet de la Consommation de l’Amande de Cacao sur la Croissance et les Valeurs Moyennes des Métabolites Sériques Chez le Rat

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    Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet de la consommation des amandes de cacao sur les caractéristiques nutritionnelles et sur la valeur moyenne des paramètres biochimiques sériques chez les rats en croissance. Pour ce faire, vingt et un rats mâles en croissance repartis en trois lots ont été nourris durant 21 jours, avec trois régimes alimentaires. Ainsi, un régime témoin à base de poudre de soja (SO), un régime à base de poudre de cacao fermenté (PCF) et un régime à base de poudre de cacao de marque ̏Tafissa ̋ (PCC), acheté dans le commerce, ont été mis en expérimentation. Le taux de protéines de ces régimes est fixé à 10 %. A la fin de l’expérience, les résultats révèlent que les rats nourris avec les régimes alimentaires à base de poudre d’amande de cacao PCF et PCC ont subi une perte de poids corporel du début jusqu’à la fin de l’expérimentation, tandis que ceux nourris avec le régime témoin (SO) ont une croissance normale. Cette étude montre qu’il n’y a pas de différence significative (p > 0,05) entre les valeurs de triglycéride, de cholestérol total et de cholestérol HDL des rats soumis aux régimes PCF et PCC par rapport au témoin. Les taux sériques de cholestérol LDL des rats des régimes PCF et PCC sont significativement inférieurs (p ≤ 0,05) à ceux des témoins(SO). De même, les valeurs de bilirubines conjuguées et de bilirubines totales des rats soumis au régime PCC sont significativement inférieures (p ≤0,05) à celles des témoins. Ces résultats impliquent que l’amande de cacao pourrait être un bon complément alimentaire car, sa consommation régulière a des effets bénéfiquessur la santé par son action contre la surcharge pondérale et les maladies cardiovasculaires. This study aims to evaluate the effect of cocoa almond consumption on the nutritional characteristics and on the average value of serum biochemical parameters in growing rats. To do this, twenty-one male rats growing in three lots were fed for 21 days, with three diets including a control diet based on soybean powder (SO), a diet based on fermented cocoa powder (PCF) and a commercial cocoa powder diet of brand ̏Tafissa ̋(PCC). The protein content of these diets is set at 10 %. At the end of the experiment, the results reveal that rats fed on cocoa almond powder diets PCF and PCC undergo body weight loss from the beginning to the end of the experiment, while that of those fed the control diet (SO) have normal growth. This study showsthat there is no significant difference (p> 0.05) between the triglyceride, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol values of rats subjected to the PCF and PCC diets compared to the control. Serum LDL cholesterol levels in PCF and PCC rats were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower than those of controls one (SO). The values of conjugated bilirubins and total bilirubins of the rats subjected to the PCC diet were significantly lower (p ≤0.05) than those of the controls. These results imply that cocoa almond could be a good dietary supplement because, its regular consumption has beneficial effects on health by its action against overweight and cardiovascular diseases

    Situation Socio-Demographique, Culturelle Et Comportement Nutritionnel Des Femmes Enceintes En Consultation Prenatale Au Chu De Cocody-Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire)

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    The objective of this work is to evaluate the socio-demographic and cultural status, and the nutritional behavior of pregnant women received in medical consultation at the Gynecology-Obstetrics Department of the University Hospital Center of Cocody-Abidjan (CĂ´te d'Ivoire). A survey was conducted on a cohort of 504 pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in the period from August 26, 2015 to February 23, 2017. The survey method consisted of collecting information on socio-demographic, cultural and nutritional status, pregnant women, from a survey card. The results showed that these women, whose age varies between 15 and 44 years, are predominantly Ivorian, with 49.23 % of them belonging to the Akan ethnic group. Burkinabe women represent more than half of non-Ivorian women. The Christian women represent 68.25 %, against 29.76 % of Muslim women. Of those surveyed, 82.14 % are single, 82.54 % are literate, compared to 17.86 % married and 17.46 % illiterate. Living conditions have revealed that 3-room apartment buildings are the most inhabited, and many of them enjoy the amenities of a modern home. At the nutritional level, 1.19 % of respondents followed a diet recommended by a doctor and 31.35 % have dietary prohibitions. 0.99 % of this study population regularly consume alcohol. Food groups such as breads, cereals, starchy foods and pulses are the most consumed (68.06 %); meat is more consumed than fish. Fresh fruits and vegetables are less present in the dietary habits of these respondents. From this study, it could be concluded that the respondents have a satisfactory sociodemographic situation. However, civil marriage is not a proof of marital stability. The percentage of divorced could give an indication of this stability, although in CĂ´te d'Ivoire, customary marriage is the most recognized by the community. Finally, in CĂ´te d'Ivoire, eating habits are often known. But it is a good and balanced diet that the population often ignores

    Effet d'un aliment commercial de poules pondeuses sur la teneur en cholestérol du jaune des oeufs de cailles (Coturnix coturnix japonica) produits en Côte d'Ivoire

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    Objectif: Le présent travail vise à déterminer l'impact de l'aliment commercial de poules pondeuses, principal aliment distribué aux cailles en Côte d'Ivoire, sur la teneur en cholestérol des oeufs de cailles qui sont de plus en plus prisés par la population ivoirienne pour leurs valeurs thérapeutiques.Méthodologie et Résultats: L'effet de l'aliment commercial de poules pondeuses (100%, régime contrôle (RC) ou d’un régime constitué de 95% du régime contrôle et 5% de graines de Euphorbia heterophylla, riches en acides gras polyinsaturés oméga 3 (R5) a été étudié sur 30 cailles pondeuses (Coturnix coturnix japonica) de 172±2 g, réparties en deux lots durant 15 jours. A la fin de l’essai, le taux de cholestérol du jaune des oeufs de cailles produits à partir de l'aliment commercial de poules pondeuses (RC) était de 27,0±5,0 mg.g-1 contre 16,6±0,8 mg.g-1 pour R5, soit une réduction significative de 38,6% (P>0,05). Aucune différence significative n’a été révélée au niveau des paramètres zootechniques des cailles et des caractéristiques physiques des oeufs (P>0.05).Conclusion et Application des résultats: L'alimentation des cailles dans les fermes ivoiriennes devrait faire l'objet d'une supplémentation en acides gras oméga 3 afin que ces oeufs ne constituent pas une source supplémentaire de maladies cardiovasculaires, principales causes de mortalité dans les pays africains à revenu faible ou intermédiaire.Mots clés: Cailles, Euphorbia heterophylla, oeufs, cholestérol, AGPI n-3, santéEnglish Title: Effect of a commercial diet of laying hens on the cholesterol content of the yolk of quail eggs (Coturnix coturnix japonica) products in Ivory CoastEnglish AbstractObjective: The aim of this study was determine the effect of commercial feed of laying hens, principal feed distributed to quail in Ivory Coast, on the cholesterol content of quail eggs which are consumed a lot by the Ivorian population, due to their therapeutic value.Methodology and Results: the effect of commercial feed of laying hens (100%, control diet (RC)) or 95% of control diet supplemented by 5% of Euphorbia heterophylla seeds, rich in polyunsatured fatty acids n-3 (R5) was studies 30 laying quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) of 172+2 g body weight, divided into two groups) during 15 days. At the end of test, the cholesterol level in the egg yolk of quails produced with the control diet RC was of 27.0±5.0 mg.g-1 against 16.6±0.8 mg.g-1 with the diet R5, which means a significant reduction of 38.6% (P>0.05). No significant differences were observed on production parameters of laying quail and physical characteristics of eggs (P>0.05).Conclusions and Application of Results: The feeding of the quails in the Ivorian farms should be supplemented by omega-3 fatty acids in order to prevent these eggs from being an additional source of cardiovascular disease, principal cause of mortality in the African countries with low or intermediate income.Keywords: Quails, Euphorbia heterophylla, eggs, cholesterol, PUFA n-3, healt