180 research outputs found

    Recommendations from a Meeting on Health Implications of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

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    The Ghana Public Health Association organized a scientific seminar to examine the introduction of genetically modified organisms into public use and the health consequences. The seminar was driven by current public debate on the subject. The seminar identified some of the advantages of GMOs and also the health concerns. It is clear that there is the need to enhance local capacity to research the introduction and use of GMOs; to put in place appropriate regulatory mechanisms including particularly the labeling of GMO products and post-marketing surveillance for possible negative health consequences in the long term. Furthermore the appropriate state agency should put in place advocacy strategies to keep the public informed about GMOs

    COVID-19 epidemic response in Ghana

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    The year 2020 has looked like a fairy tale as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world with devastating socio-economic and health consequences. The impact of the pandemic has depended, largely, on preparedness and response of countries, and their ability to adjust to the fast-evolving pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) on 30th January 2020, and Ghana reported its first two confirmed cases on 12th March 2020

    Barriers In Traditional Ashanti Religion To Membership In the Seventh-day Adventist Church

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    Problem The persistence of traditional belief and practice among about 30 percent of Ashanti traditionalists presents a great challenge to the Ashanti SDA Church on how to engage the traditionalists\u27 with the gospel. The darker side of the Ashanti world is characterized by fear and insecurity. While Christianity presents an attractive doctrine of salvation in a transcendent sense, its emissaries have failed to provide satisfying ways of dealing with the forces of the spirit world. In addition, the Ashanti institution of chieftaincy involves closely connected socio-political and religious rites. The chief is both the central officiant in rituals of tendence upon the ancestors and the mainstay of social order. Traditionalists fear that Christianity will displace traditional religious beliefs and thus undercut the force of social solidarity. These beliefs and practices pose significant barriers to the acceptance of the gospel and consequently impede a decision to join the SDA Church. Method Four of the religious beliefs and practices that are regarded as barriers to the acceptance of Christianity are analyzed using both anthropological and biblical perspectives. The evangelistic approaches of Catholics, mainline churches, the SDA Church, and the spiritual churches in Ghana are discussed and analyzed to see how and to what extent they have been able to break down the barriers that impede the acceptance of Christianity. Finally, biblical and practical responses to some of the issues involved are presented. Results The study suggests that a major root of the problem is the Ashanti concept of God as being remote and unapproachable and hence not available in times of crisis and insecurity. An answer is found in the Christian concept of an immanent God and the mediatorial function of the incarnate Savior. Conclusion Ashanti SDA Christian workers should be equipped with an adequate understanding of traditional beliefs and practices to enable them to supply satisfying theological and practical answers to the barriers that impede acceptance of Christianity

    Paradox of Informal Luxury Housing Boom in a Post-Mining Town in Ghana

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    This paper examines spontaneous construction of new housing in Obuasi, the largest gold mining town in Ghana after its closure in 2014. Obuasi has become spatially different as more new luxury houses have been developed by the former miners over a relatively short period without coordination. The paper explores the role of lump sum severance packages received from industrial collapse on housing. Using in-depth interviews with former miners who have built their houses after the mine closure, the reasons for the use of the severance packages to build and thoughts behind the choices of housing typologies have been discussed. This paper established that the former workers built their new houses with their take-home money to overcome the bottlenecks in the formal housing finance market and to fulfil continuity of “good-living” privileges previously enjoyed for working and living in the gold mines. The paper concludes that industrial workers should be provided livelihood options training before they are laid off from their respective employments. Keywords: Post-mining towns, Obuasi, informal housing, housing finance, Ghana DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/73-04 Publication date: February 28th 202

    The Influence of Service Marketing Mix on Customer Choice of Repeat Purchase of Restaurant in Kumasi, Ghana

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    The study focuses on the influence of service marketing mix on customers’ choice of registered restaurants in the Kumasi Metropolis-Ghana. Nine service marketing mix attributes have been identified by many scholars but the study focused on 7ps, including product, price, place, process, promotion, people and physical evidence. The study used quantitative research approach and primary data were collected through administration of questionnaire to 293 customers of five registered restaurants in the Kumasi Metropolis. The restaurants were stratified into grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 restaurants and 1 restaurant was selected from grade 1, 2 restaurants were from grade 2 and 3 each. The data collected were analyzed with the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Chi-square and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient were used to test independency and relationship of service marketing mix and customer choice of repeat purchase. Process (χ2=96.465; p<0.01) had the greatest influence on customer’s decision to repeat purchase. All other attributes, except place significantly influence decision to repeat purchase. The study recommended that restaurant operators should limit investment on opening of many branches but they should think of making the existing ones more accessible using signage to direct customers. Restaurants operators should increase their investment on the extended 3p’s (process, people and physical evidence), especially process by ensuring speedy delivery of service, home delivery and having opening and closing time consistent with customers’ life style. Keywords: Service marketing mix, customer choice

    Hva tenker dere om de dere karbongreiene?

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    Formålet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å få innsikt i samtaler mellom elever, og elever og lærer i gruppe og plenumssituasjoner i et utforskende opplegg med bålbrenning. Datamaterialet som danner grunnlaget for analysen, er samlet inn fra en undervisningstime i en kjemi 1 klasse på videregående skole. Den overordnete problemstillingen er hvordan elevenes tenkning rundt observasjoner og ideer til forklaring utvikles gjennom økten. For å besvare denne har jeg formulert tre forskningsspørsmål: Hvilke faktorer spiller inn når elevene ytrer seg faglig? Hva kommer fram i plenum fra gruppene, og hva sorteres ut? Hvordan endres samtaler mellom elever etter at lærer har utfordret dem? Fra det første forskningsspørsmålet, viser analysen av datamaterialet to hovedfunn. Elevene kommer fram til like ideer uavhengig av hverandre, og ulike faktorer som blant annet gruppesammensetning påvirker elevenes engasjement og den faglige dybden i samtalene. Relatert til det andre forskningsspørsmålet, har jeg funnet ut at det ikke er et tydelig skille mellom ytringer på grupper og i plenum. Når elever oppsummerer, sorterer ut og tilføyer informasjon er det framtredende at all viktig informasjon fra gruppefasen tas med i plenum. Når det gjelder det tredje forskningsspørsmålet, viser analysen at samtalen mellom lærer og elev sjeldent følger et IRE-samtalemønster, og at elever klargjør ideer etter interaksjon med lærer.Masteroppgave i kjemiKJEM399KMAMN-LÆREMAMN-KJE
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