468 research outputs found
Avoiding the sign-problem in lattice field theory
In lattice field theory, the interactions of elementary particles can be
computed via high-dimensional integrals. Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
methods based on importance sampling are normally efficient to solve most of
these integrals. But these methods give large errors for oscillatory
integrands, exhibiting the so-called sign-problem. We developed new quadrature
rules using the symmetry of the considered systems to avoid the sign-problem in
physical one-dimensional models for the resulting high-dimensional integrals.
This article gives a short introduction to integrals used in lattice QCD where
the interactions of gluon and quark elementary particles are investigated,
explains the alternative integration methods we developed and shows results of
applying them to models with one physical dimension. The new quadrature rules
avoid the sign-problem and can therefore be used to perform simulations at
until now not reachable regions in parameter space, where the MCMC errors are
too big for affordable sample sizes. However, it is still a challenge to
develop these techniques further for applications with physical
higher-dimensional systems
Developing the Community reporting system for foodborne outbreaks.
Binary file ES_Abstracts_Final_ECDC.txt matche
Zero-variance principle for Monte Carlo algorithms
We present a general approach to greatly increase at little cost the
efficiency of Monte Carlo algorithms. To each observable to be computed we
associate a renormalized observable (improved estimator) having the same
average but a different variance. By writing down the zero-variance condition a
fundamental equation determining the optimal choice for the renormalized
observable is derived (zero-variance principle for each observable separately).
We show, with several examples including classical and quantum Monte Carlo
calculations, that the method can be very powerful.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
Meron-Cluster Approach to Systems of Strongly Correlated Electrons
Numerical simulations of strongly correlated electron systems suffer from the
notorious fermion sign problem which has prevented progress in understanding if
systems like the Hubbard model display high-temperature superconductivity. Here
we show how the fermion sign problem can be solved completely with
meron-cluster methods in a large class of models of strongly correlated
electron systems, some of which are in the extended Hubbard model family and
show s-wave superconductivity. In these models we also find that on-site
repulsion can even coexist with a weak chemical potential without introducing
sign problems. We argue that since these models can be simulated efficiently
using cluster algorithms they are ideal for studying many of the interesting
phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems.Comment: 36 Pages, 13 figures, plain Late
Simulating the coupling of angular momenta in distant matter qubits
We present a mathematical proof of the algorithm allowing to generate all -
symmetric and non-symmetric - total angular momentum eigenstates in remote
matter qubits by projective measurements, proposed in Maser et al. [Phys. Rev.
A 79, 033833 (2009)]. By deriving a recursion formula for the algorithm we show
that the generated states are equal to the total angular momentum eigenstates
obtained via the usual quantum mechanical coupling of angular momenta. In this
way we demonstrate that the algorithm is able to simulate the coupling of N
spin-1/2 systems, and to implement the required Clebsch-Gordan coefficients,
even though the particles never directly interact with each other.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur
Quantum Monte Carlo Loop Algorithm for the t-J Model
We propose a generalization of the Quantum Monte Carlo loop algorithm to the
t-J model by a mapping to three coupled six-vertex models. The autocorrelation
times are reduced by orders of magnitude compared to the conventional local
algorithms. The method is completely ergodic and can be formulated directly in
continuous time. We introduce improved estimators for simulations with a local
sign problem. Some first results of finite temperature simulations are
presented for a t-J chain, a frustrated Heisenberg chain, and t-J ladder
models.Comment: 22 pages, including 12 figures. RevTex v3.0, uses psf.te
Приложение для оценки отклонения результатов ручной и автоматической сегментации цифровых изображений
Разработка приложения, выполняющего сегментацию изображений, а также позволяющего выполнить количественную оценку отклонения результатов ручной и автоматической сегментации цифровых изображений.Developing an application that performs the segmentation of images and allows you to perform a quantitative assessment of the deviation of the results of manual and automatic segmentation of digital images
Bulk spectral function sum rule in QCD-like theories with a holographic dual
We derive the sum rule for the spectral function of the stress-energy tensor
in the bulk (uniform dilatation) channel in a general class of strongly coupled
field theories. This class includes theories holographically dual to a theory
of gravity coupled to a single scalar field, representing the operator of the
scale anomaly. In the limit when the operator becomes marginal, the sum rule
coincides with that in QCD. Using the holographic model, we verify explicitly
the cancellation between large and small frequency contributions to the
spectral integral required to satisfy the sum rule in such QCD-like theories.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure
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