239 research outputs found


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    During the 1990s and early 2000s, a number of domestic social actors mobilized for peace in several African countries. They did so under unfavorable political conditions. Some of them went further and pursued their objective for peace at the level of formal negotiations. This particularizing inquiry sought to understand the process leading to their engagement with formal negotiations. To achieve this, inquiry focused on two questions: what about the conditions and contexts prevailing in the 1990s to early 2000s accounted for social actor\u27s engagement with formal negotiation processes and how civic groups went about doing so. The main argument was that certain opportunities within the unfavorable political conditions and social actors\u27 understanding of war accounted for the pursuit of peace objectives at the level of formal negotiations. A combination of specific and configurational history strategies were employed to reconstruct the process of engagement and the conditions under which it unfolded. This reconstruction relied on intrinsic and extrinsic analyses of ten peace campaigns led by religious leaders and women organizations that occurred between 1990 and 2005 in Angola, Burundi, Liberia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Sudan and Somalia. Data on these campaigns was collected through archival research and face to face interviews. The resulting account suggests that the failure of social actor\u27s humanitarian activities to mitigate the social and economic suffering caused by the war and the failure of formal negotiations to secure a lasting peace led to social actors\u27 pursuit for an end to war. However, to engage with political actors with political, military and economic leverage, social actors had to deploy their social resources creatively to pursue their demands for peace

    Trade dynamics in used clothing: the case of Durban, South Africa

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    Status sosial ekonomi (pekerjaan, pendidikan dan pendapatan keluarga) berperan penting dalam mempengaruhi status gizi suatu keluarga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status sosial ekonomi (pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan ibu, pendapatan keluarga) dengan status gizi balita berdasarkan indeks IMT/Usia 24-59 bulan yang ada di Desa Tateli III Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi yang diambil yaitu  balita usia 24-59 bulan. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah jumlah populasi balita 24-59 bulan di Desa Tateli III yang berjumlah 75 orang pada bulan Juli. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2019. Status gizi berdasarkan (BB/U) terdapat gizi kurang sebanyak 12% dan gizi baik sebanyak 88%. Indeks status gizi (TB/U) status gizi pendek sebanyak 17,3% dan normal sebanyak 82,7%. Indeks status gizi (BB/TB) dan (IMT/U) terdapat status gizi kurus sebanyak 17,3%, normal sebanyak 74,7% dan gemuk sebanyak 8,0%. Karakteristik sosial ekonomi, pendidikan ayah dan ibu yang mendominasi adalah tamat SMA dan termasuk dalam kategori tingkat pendidikan tinggi. sebanyak 81,3% ibu bekerja di dalam rumah sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Rata-rata pendapatan keluarga di Desa Tateli III adalah Rp.750.00,-bulan. Berdasarkan hasil uji Fisher Exact di dapatkan pendidikan ibu (IMT/U)nilai p = 1,000. Pendidikan ayah (IMT/U) nilai p = 1,000. Pekerjaan ibu (IMT/U) nilai p = 1000. Berdasarkan uji Korelasi Spearman di dapatkan pendapatan keluarga (IMT/U) nilai p = 0,929. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan ibu dan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi balita (IMT/U). Di sarankan bagi orang tua yang mempunyai anak dengan status gizi normal untuk menjaga status gizi anak dan untuk orang tua dengan balita yang berstatus gizi gemuk dan kurus agar dapat lebih diperhatikan yaitu dari segi pemberian makanan kepada balita. Kata Kunci: Sosial Ekonomi dan Status Gizi ABSTRACTSocioeconomic status (employment, education and family income) have an important role in influencing the nutritional status of a family. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between socioeconomic status (parental education, mother's occupation, family income) and  nutritional status of children under the age of 24-59 months BMI/Age index in Tateli III Village, Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. This research uses a cross sectional approach. The sample in this research is the population of toddlers 24-59 months in the village of Tateli III, amounting to 75 people in July. This research was conducted in June to August 2019. Based on nutritional status (Body Weight/Age) there are malnutrition as much as 12% and good nutrition as much as 88%. Nutritional status index (Body Height/Age) short nutritional status as much as 17.3% and normal as much as 82.7%. Nutritional status index (Body Weight/Body Height) and (BMI/Age) contained thin nutritional status of as much 17.3%, normal as much 74.7% and fat as much 8.0%. The socioeconomic characteristics, the dominating education of fathers and mothers are high school graduates and included in the category of higher education level as much 81.3% of mothers work in the house as housewives. The average family income in Tateli III Village is Rp.750.00, -months. Based on the Fisher Exact test results obtained mother's education (BMI/Age) p = 1,000. Father's education (BMI/Age) p = 1,000. Maternal occupation (BMI/Age) p value = 1000. Based on the Spearman Correlation test,  family income (BMI/Age) p value = 0.929. The conclusion of this research is that there is no relationship between parental education, mother's occupation and family income with nutritional status of children (BMI/Age). So it is recommended for parents who have children with normal nutritional status to maintain the nutritional status of children and for parents with toddlers who are fat and thin nutritional status so that it can be more concerned, namely in terms offeeding totoddlers. Keywords : Socioeconomic and Nutritional statu


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    Generasi muda dalam hal ini mahasiswa di bidang kesehatan mempunyai peran penting dalam pembangunan bangsa Indonesia, mengingat secara demografis Indonesia akan mengalami bonus demografi atau masa emas pada rentang tahun 2020-2030. Tentunya terdapat prasyarat agar para generasi muda dapat memanfaatkan masa emas tersebut, dimana salah satu prasyaratnya ialah kondisi sehat. Kurangnya aktivitas fisik akan menjadi salah satu faktor risiko independen dalam suatu penyakit kronis yang bisa menyebabkan kematian secara global. Aktivitas fisik juga berpengaruh terhadap perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh seseorang, kesehatan fisik mental dan spiritual seseorang, kecerdasan emosi seseorang dan kemampuan psikologis seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran aktivitas fisik mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UNSRAT semester IV saat pembatasan sosial masa pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan survey deskriptif, dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2020. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 113 mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian International Physical Activity Questionare/IPAQ dan Formulir Recall 2x24 jam. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu paling banyak responden tergolong dalam kategori sedang yaitu sebanyak 54 orang atau 47,8% kemudian diikuti oleh kategori ringan yaitu sebanyak 33 orang atau 29,2% dan paling sedikit berjumlah 26 orang atau 23,0% dalam kategori berat. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Fisik, Mahasiswa, COVID-19 ABSTRACTThe young generation, in this case, students in the health sector play an important role in the development of the Indonesian nation, considering that demographically Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus or golden period in the period 2020-2030. Of course there are prerequisites so that the younger generation can take advantage of this golden period, where one of the prerequisites is a healthy condition. Lack of physical activity will be an independent risk factor for a chronic disease that can cause death globally. Physical activity also affects changes in one's Body Mass Index, physical mental and spiritual health, emotional intelligence and psychological abilities. The purpose of this study was to describe the physical activity of the fourth semester students of the Faculty of Public Health UNSRAT during the social restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Type of this research is a quantitative study with a descriptive survey held in March-October 2020. The sample in this study amounted to 113 students. This Research uses International Physical Activity Questionnaire/IPAQ and Recall Form 2x24 hours. This research obtained the following results, most of the respondents were in the moderate category, amounting to 54 people or 47.8%, then followed by the mild category, namely 33 people or 29.2% and the least in the heavy category amounting to 26 people or 23.0%. Keywords: Physical activity, College students, COVID-1

    Gambaran Kecukupan Mineral Makro pada Tenaga Pendidik dan Kependidikan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sam Ratulangi Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Minerali makro adalahi mineral yangi dibutuhkani tubuh dalami jumlahi lebih dari 100 mg isehari, yangi termasuk mineral makroi antarai lain natrium, klorida, ikalium, kalsium, ifosfor, imagnesium. Salahi satu cara untuki mencegah ipenularan Covid-19 yaitui dengan mengonsumsii gizi yangi seimbang sertai memperbanyaki konsumsii sayur dani buah, karena kandungani vitamin dan minerali di dalami sayur dan buahi dapat memperkuati sistem imuni tubuh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuki mengetahuii gambarani kecukupan mineral makroi pada tenagai pendidik dan kependidikani Fakultas Kesehatani Masyarakat Universitasi Sam Ratulangii selama masai pandemii Covid-19. Penetian inii bersifati deskriptif, yangi dilaksanakani pada bulani Juli 2020 - Novemberi 2021, di Fakultasi Kesehatani Masyarakati Universitasi Sam Ratulangi dengani jumlah sampeli sebanyak 40 iresponden. Alat ukur penelitiani ini menggunakan kuesioner iformulir food record dalam 2x24 jam Analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu analisis univariat. Analisis univariat dilakukan tiap variabel dari hasil penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan karakteristik umum responden dan kecukupan mineral imakro tenagai pendidiki dan ikependidikan Fakultasi Kesehatani Masyarakati Universitasi Sami Ratulangi saat pembatasani sosial pandemii Covid-19. Hasil Penelitiani ini menunjukkani bahwai paling banyak respondeni memilikii asupani natrium ikurang yaitui sebanyaki 82%, kalium  90%, kalsium 87% dan magnesium 55%. Berbeda dengan fosfor paling banyak responden yang memiliki asupan fosfor yang lebih yaitu sebanyak 45,5%.  Kata Kunci : Kecukupan Mineral Makro, Tenaga Pendidik dan Kependidikan, COVID-19 ABSTRACKBawoleng, Astriani. Overview of Macro Mineral Adequacy in Educators and Educational  Personnel ofi thei Facultyi of Public Health, Sam Ratulangi University During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. Essay. [Public Health of Sam Ratulangi University in 2021.Supervisor : (I) dr. Marsella.D.Amisi, M.Gizi, (II) Yulianty Sanggelorang, SKM, MPHMacro minerals are minerals that the body needs in amounts of more than 100 mg a day, which include macro minerals, including sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. One way to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 is to eat a balanced diet and increase the consumption of vegetables and fruit, because the vitamins and minerals in vegetables and fruit can strengthen the body's immune system. The purpose of this study was to describe the adequacy of macro minerals in educators and education at the Faculty of Public Health, Sam Ratulangi University during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is descriptive in nature, which was carried out in July 2020 - November 2021, at the Faculty of Public Health, Sam Ratulangi University with a total sample of 40 respondents. The measuring instrument of this research used a food record form questionnaire in 2x24 hours. Data analysis was carried out, namely univariate analysis. Univariate analysis was carried out for each variable from the results of this study to describe the general characteristics of respondents and the adequacy of macro minerals for educators and education staff at the Faculty of Public Health, Sam Ratulangi University during the Covid-19 pandemic social restrictions. The results of this study indicate that the most respondents have a reduced intake of sodium as much as 82%, potassium 90%, calcium 87% and magnesium 55%. In contrast to phosphorus, most of the respondents had more phosphorus intake, which was 45.5%. Keywords: Macro Mineral Adequacy, Educators and Education Personnel, COVID-1

    The legitimacy of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) : an assessment of the due process of standard-setting

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    International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are required or permitted for use in over 100 countries across the world. IFRS are developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The IASB, with no formal or legal mandate, is performing a task normally reserved for national standard-setters. This study sought to establish the legitimacy of IFRS by assessing the due process of the IASB. The study established that countries have different motivations for choosing IFRS which raises legitimacy concerns. The global financial crisis compounded the legitimacy challenges of IFRS by exposing due process vulnerabilities. The study established that the IFRS governance structures are dominated by powerful stakeholders especially members of the G-20. Although the due process procedures provide opportunities for participation, actual participation is still dominated by constituents from Europe. Africa and South America still account for very low proportions of governance seats and participants in standard-setting projects.Financial AccountingM. Com. (Accounting


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    Konsumsi zat gizi makro yang melebihi kebutuhan akan menyebabkan seseorang mengalami kegemukan dan memberikan peluang bagi seseorang untuk terserang penyakit tidak menular seperti penyakit jantung, hipertensi, diabetes melitus, dan stroke. Sedangkan konsumsi yang tidak memenuhi kebutuhan akan menyebabkan seseorang mengalami status gizi kurang. Di masa pandemi covid-19 ini konsumsi zat gizi makro sangat penting. Konsumsi makanan bergizi dan seimbang yang mengandung unsur zat gizi makro serta dikonsumsi sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang berpedoman pada prinsip gizi seimbang, dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh sehingga menurunkan resiko terkena penyakit infeksi seperti infeksi virus covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Gambaran Asupan Zat Gizi Makro Mahasiswa Semester IV Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sam Ratulangi Saat Pembatasan Sosial Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian survei deskriptif, yang dilaksanakan di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sam Ratulangi pada bulan Mei - November 2020. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester IV Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sam Ratulangi dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 94 mahasiswa. Kriteria inklusi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif semester IV FKM UNSRAT yang terdaftar di bagian SIM FKM UNSRAT dan bersedia menjadi responden. Alat ukur penelitian ini menggunakan formulir food record 2 x 24 jam. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat asupan karbohidrat kurang yaitu sebanyak 69 orang (73,4%), tingkat asupan lemak kurang yaitu sebanyak 62 orang (66,0%), dan tingkat asupan protein kurang sebanyak 46 orang (48,9%). Kata Kunci: Asupan Zat Gizi Makro, Mahasiswa, Covid-19 ABSTRACTConsumption of macronutrients that exceed the need will cause a person to be overweight and provide an opportunity for a person to contract non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and stroke. While consumption that does not meet the needs will cause a person to experience malnutrition status. During the covid-19 pandemic, the consumption of macronutrients is very important. Consumption of nutritious and balanced foods containing elements of macronutrients and consumed in accordance with the needs based on the principle of balanced nutrition, can improve the immune system thereby lowering the risk of developing infectious diseases such as covid-19 virus infection. The purpose of this study is to find out the Picture of Macro Nutrient Intake of Students Semester IV of the Faculty of Public Health, Sam Ratulangi University During social restrictions during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive survey research design, which was conducted at the Faculty of Public Health, Sam Ratulangi University in May - November 2020. The subject of this study was a fourth semester student of the Faculty of Public Health, Sam Ratulangi University with a sample of 94 students. The inclusion criteria in this study are active students of semester IV of FKM UNSRAT who are registered in the driver's license section of FKM UNSRAT and willing to be respondents. Measuring instrument of this research using food record form 2 x 24 hours. Data analysis using univariate analysis. The results showed that most respondents had a less carbohydrate intake level of 69 people (73.4%), less fat intake level of 62 people (66.0%), and less protein intake as much as 46 people (48.9%). Keywords: Macro Nutrient Intake, Students, Covid-1


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    Gizi merupakan salah satu faktor sangat terpenting dalam menentukan kualtas sumber daya manusia. Salah satu indikator yang menentukan pertumbuhan anak yaitu dari kulitas status gizi yang begitu  sangat baik. Adalagi faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi status gizi anak yaitu pendidikan, pekerjaan dan juga pendapatan . Tujuan penelitian ini mencari hubungan antara status sosial ekonomi dgn status gizi pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di Desa Wori Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Desain penelitian ini yang digunakan yaitu  analitik Cross-Sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh anak dengan usia 24-59 bulan, dengan sampel penelitian ini seluruh jumlh populasi yaitu 95 anak. Penelitian di laksanakan  bulan Mei-Juni 2019. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan status gizi bedasarkan (BB/U) status gizi kurang 11 (11,6 %) dan status gizi baik  84 (88,4%). Indeks status gizi (BB/TB) status gizi kurus sebanyak 15 (15,8%) dan 80 (84,2%) status gizi normal. Indeks status gizi  (TB/U) 19 (18,9)  pendek dan (IMT/U) status gizi kurus sebanyak 18 (18,9%) dan 77 (81,1%) status gizi normal. Karakteristik status sosial ekonomi seperti pendidikan orang tua mendominasi pada tingkat pendidikan rendah. Sebanyak 87,4% ibu  bekerja di dalam rumah atau menjadi Ibu Rumah Tangga. Pendapatan keluarga sebagian termasuk pendapatan rendah 87 (91,6%). Berdasarkan hasil uji chi quare  ada hubungan antara pendidikan ayah dengan status gizi (IMT/U)  (p= 0.001). Pendidikan ibu (IMT/U)  (p= 0,001). Berdasarkan hasil  Fisher Exact test ini tidak terdapat hubungan antara pekerjaan ibu dengan status gizi (IMT/U) (p= 0.591) & begitu juga tiadak terdapat adanya hubungan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi (IMT/U) (p= 0,345). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan orang tua dengan status gizi anak (IMT/U), pekerjaan ibu serta pendapatan keluarga tidak terdapat hubungan dengan status gizi anak (IMT/U). Disarankan kepada orangtua untuk memperhatikan lebih baik  lagi asupan makanan bagi anak baik dari segi yang  berkualitas maupun kuantitas. Juga bagi orang tua harus rajin pergi ke posyandu mencari informasi dengan mengikuti penyuluhan-penyuluhan tentang masalah gizi pada anak.  Kata Kunci: Sosial Ekonomi Dan Status Gizi  ABSTRACTNutrition is an essential factor in determining the quaity of human resources. One indicator that determines the growth of chiildren is the quality of good nutritional statuss. The factors that can affect the nutritionl status of children are educatioon, employment, and incomee. The purpose oof this study to lok is for a relationship between socioeconomic status nutritional status  children aged 24-59 months in Wori Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The design of this researchh is analytic design with a Cross-Sectional approach. The population is all children aged 24-59 monthss, the sample of this study is the total population of 95 children. This research was conducted in May-June 2019. Based on nutritional status a (BB/U) there were 11 (11.6%) underweight and 84 (88.4%) good nutritin. Nutritional status index (BB/TB) contained thin nutritional status of 15 (15.8%) and 80 (84.2%) normal nutrition. Nutritional status index (TB/U) and (IMT/U) there are underweight nutritional status of 18 (18.9%) and 77 (81.1%) status normal nutrition. Characteristics of socioeconomic status such as mother and father education predominate at low levels of education. As many as 87.4% of mothers do not work or become a housewife. Family income is mostlly included in the low incme of 87 (91.6%). Based on the results of the chi-square test, the father 's education (IMT/U) is obtained p-value = 0.001. Maternal education (IMT/ U) p-value = 0.001. Based on Fisher Exact test Work motheer test results (IMT/U) p = 0.591 and family incomee (IMT/ U) p = 0.345. This study concludes that the father education and mother' education have a relationship with the nutritional status of children (IMT / U), and maternal work and family income have no relationship with the nutritional status of children (IMT/ U). It is recommended for parents to pay attention to food intake for children both in terms of quality and quantity. Also for parents to be diligent in going to the Integrated Healthcare Center looking for information by following counseling about nutrition problems in children. Keywords: Socio-Economic and Nutritional Statu