18 research outputs found

    Nanostructured tungsten trioxide on interdigitated microelectro- mechanical platform for ethylene gas sensor applications / Amirul Abd Rashid

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    In this study, tungsten trioxide (WO3) nanostructure material is integrated onto interdigitated (IDE) Micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) platform to form a gas sensor targeting to detect ethylene gas. Traditionally, ethylene gas detection requires the sample of the gas to be collected and measured offline due to the complexity of the measurement system. Even though a newer detection technology which enables for in-situ detection has been developed, the size of the sensor is relatively bulky and very expensive hence it is not suitable for mass outdoor applications examples in the agriculture industry. Therefore, this research explores a different approach to detecting ethylene gas utilizing WO3 nanostructure as the sensing element of the sensor. This n-type metal oxide family were recognized for its excellent in sensitivity, ruggedness, versatility and relatively low cost to fabricate compared to other gas sensing material technology. The early work in this research is focused on producing one-dimensional WO3 nanostructure through hydrothermal method. Design of experiment (DOE) technique is used to identify the effect and relationship of the variables in producing WO3 nanostructure morphology. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) reveals one dimensional, two dimensional and three-dimensional nanostructures have been produced by this facile process. Since the response of the gas sensor is highly dependent on the surface area, the analysis of DOE was focused on defining parameters that will produce one-dimensional nanostructure because it will give the biggest surface to volume ratio compared to the other structures. This type of morphology is also suitable to create the electrical interconnection in between the IDE electrodes to functionalist the sensor

    Fuel Consumption Investigation for Quran Disposal Incinerator System

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    In this study, the fuel consumption characteristic of a Quran incineration system was conducted. The experiment examines the relation between fuel usage and Quran loads as well as how the usage of blower affects the fuel utilization. The result proved that the blower unit shortens the combustion time and uses less fuel. Nevertheless, the electrical source to power the blower will increase the operating costs, especially during full loading operation. Therefore, this study will provide insight in determining the balance between the combustion duration over the operational costing of such a system

    Alat pemungut tandan kelapa sawit darjah kebebasan

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    Kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman yang menyumbang kepada industri penghasilan minyak di dunia seperti minyak masak, minyak industri, dan minyak bahan bakar (biodiesal). Pulangan dari sektor pertanian khususnya kelapa sawit sangat menguntungkan. Kini ramai petani telah bertukar ke tanaman kelapa sawit. Indonesia merupakan pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia [1]. Dengan terdapatnya pembukaan ladang sawit secara besar-besaran maka banyaklah syarikat-syarikat pertanian mula mencipta alat atau mesin yang baik untuk mencepatkan proses memetik dan mengeluarkan sawit dari ladang. Namun alatan yang lebih mesra pengguna dilihat tidak dipandang serius. Atas isu ini timbul idea mencipta alat pemungut tandan kelapa sawit darjah kebebasan. Semua sedia maklum untuk mengeluarkan sawit dari ladang perlunya meletakan tandan sawit ke dalam kereta sorong terlebih dahulu.Untuk meletakan sawit ke dalam kereta sorong T-shape palm fruit shank diperlukan. Pekebun akan mengangkat sawit yang telah dipetik dari pokok menggunakan alatan tersebut.Tanpa disedari alatan ini membahayakan pekebun dan membebankan. Pekebun memerlukan tenaga yang banyak untuk mengangkat tandan sawit yang amat berat ke dalam kereta sorong. Selain itu, mengangkat bebanan yang berat dalam kuantiti yang banyak menyebabkan sakit dibahagian tulang belakang pekebun. Di samping itu, mata alat yang tajam dan terdedah meningkatkan risiko kecederaan pekebun. Duri pada buah sawit juga bahaya pada pekebun

    Green Lean TQM Islamic Process Management Practices In Malaysian Food Companies / Nur Asiah Kuzaiman...[et al.]

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    Halal market is expanding globally. With the world Muslim population is approaching 2.8 billion people, Muslims are expected to account for 30% of the world’s population by 2025. This large market has created interest from food producing countries worldwide including Malaysia. Being recognized internationally as a progressive Muslim country, Malaysia has the edge of becoming a major producer of Halal food products. Nevertheless, in order to realize this potential demand, the food-based Halal industries should consistently enhance their products by practising a high quality process management system. Lean TQM Islamic Process Management System is a system whereby Process Management Practices are integrated to Lean Manufacturing (LM), Total Quality Management (TQM), Environmental Management System (EMS) and Islamic Manufacturing Practices (IMP) principles. In this study, 30 food companies from Selangor have been selected to participate in this survey. From the data collected, Green Lean TQM Islamic Process framework have been proposed. The implementation practices were divided into 5 categories which are Foundation Level, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and level 4. From the data collected in this study, unfortunately there are none of the practices listed in the Foundation levelThe output from this study will provide insights on the good management benchmark that will be beneficial to the food industries, especially for Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs)

    Examining Grassroot Innovation: A Case Study of the Curry Puff Maker Machine Project from a Socioeconomic Perspective

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    Grassroots innovation is a customised innovation programme aimed at empowering the community by demonstrating creativity, resourcefulness, and technological proficiency to tackle issues that impact their daily life. Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM) is a prominent institution in Malaysia that serves as an anchor for this endeavour. This study examines a project that was awarded an innovation grant to produce curry puff makers and distribute the machines to individuals from marginalised demographics, including single moms, handicapped individuals, and others. The methodology of research for this study involves using a qualitative method, namely a descriptive case study approach, to engage with the grant recipient. The feedback was evaluated using thematic techniques. The project has successfully achieved its objectives across the four examined categories: social, economic, environmental, and technological adoption

    CFD Simulation of Air-Piloted Downdraft Gasification Process: A Comparative Study Between Coal and Palm Kernel Shell as Feedstock

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    A fixed bed downdraft gasifier model based on computational fluid dynamic (CFD) framework was developed to investigate the influence of feedstock (palm kernel shell [PKS] and coal) on the quality of syngas produced via the gasification process. Euler–Euler approach was utilized in this study to describe the gas and solid phases. Realizable k-ε turbulence model was used to evaluate the constitutive properties of the dispersed phase and the gas phase behavior. This simulation model was validated by comparing the syngas composition of gasification simulation of coal with previous research, which yielded the overall accuracy result of 83.2%. This study also highlighted that PKS gasification produced 53.74% and 90.51% higher composition of H2 and CO respectively as compared to coal gasification. Whereas coal gasification produced 81.35%, 71.31% and 52.29% higher composition of CH4, H2O and CO2 respectively as compared to PKS gasification. Hence, PKS produced 66.2% higher combustible gas of H2 and CO than coal. PKS is thus considered as a potential renewable feedstock for gasification process as an alternative to the non-renewable coal. In addition, PKS gasification produced 52.29% lesser composition of CO2 as compared to coal gasification

    CFD Simulation of Air-Piloted Downdraft Gasification Process: A Comparative Study Between Coal and Palm Kernel Shell as Feedstock

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    A fixed bed downdraft gasifier model based on computational fluid dynamic (CFD) framework was developed to investigate the influence of feedstock (palm kernel shell [PKS] and coal) on the quality of syngas produced via the gasification process. Euler–Euler approach was utilized in this study to describe the gas and solid phases. Realizable k-ε turbulence model was used to evaluate the constitutive properties of the dispersed phase and the gas phase behavior. This simulation model was validated by comparing the syngas composition of gasification simulation of coal with previous research, which yielded the overall accuracy result of 83.2%. This study also highlighted that PKS gasification produced 53.74% and 90.51% higher composition of H2 and CO respectively as compared to coal gasification. Whereas coal gasification produced 81.35%, 71.31% and 52.29% higher composition of CH4, H2O and CO2 respectively as compared to PKS gasification. Hence, PKS produced 66.2% higher combustible gas of H2 and CO than coal. PKS is thus considered as a potential renewable feedstock for gasification process as an alternative to the non-renewable coal. In addition, PKS gasification produced 52.29% lesser composition of CO2 as compared to coal gasification

    Development of mobile based flood victims medical management system

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    Flood is the most devastating natural disaster Malaysia has ever seen. In Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak, there are 189 river basins (89 in Peninsula Malaysia, 78 in Sabah, and 22 in Sarawak), with the main rivers flowing directly into the South China Sea and 85 of them are prone to repeated floods. The projected area vulnerable to flood catastrophe is around 29,800 km2 or 9% of Malaysia's total territory, affecting nearly 4.82 million people or about 22% of the country's entire population. Humans are affected by floods in a variety of ways. Floods have the worst effect on human health because infectious illnesses spread readily during and after the flood. Furthermore, healthcare services are hampered during the flood season. It is owing to transportation and staffing difficulties, as well as the procedure of documenting flood victims' health reports. The primary goal of this initiative is to assist flood victims in terms of health. It will be easier to seek treatment, record the patient's health concerns online, and notify the hospital immediately if there are patients who need to be sent to the hospital with the information supplied. This system was created with the Android Studio platform as the user interface medium and Google Firebase as the data storage medium


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    Wikipedia is considered a globally primary resource for public review. As it is the largest, free, and most popular general reference work on the World Wide Web, it is easy for web crawlers to do their search indexes and improve the visibility of the page in the digital world. To sustain its top ranking in organic search and display of any search engines, Wikipedia attracts many links and contains a large amount of content on a broad set of topics. Document about Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) started in Wikipedia since 2004, and it has been consistently evolving since then. UiTM has many branch campuses throughout the nation. It is Malaysia's largest institution of higher learning in terms of size and population, with the anchor campus in Shah Alam and one in each state. Whilst the main university is visible digitally, the branch campuses are almost invisible digitally. These may lead to inauthentic content and dispute of affiliation among the UiTM branches. This paper discusses the approach taken to overcome the problem of the authenticity of facts about UiTM. Content analysis is deployed throughout all related campus pages found on Wikipedia. A table ofguideline was developed to form an authenticity checklist