367 research outputs found

    The effect of sodium dodecylsulfate on the equilibria of copper(II) complexing

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    The effect of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on copper(II) complexing with iminodiacetic acid (IDA) and ethylenediamine (En) is studied by means of potentiometric titration and NMR relaxation methods with computer data processing. In the Cu(II)-IDA-SDS system, competition between the complexone and surfactant micelles for association with Cu2+ ions is found (logKas Cu = 6.47 ± 0.10). In the case of En, ternary associates with monomeric surfactant anions are found: CuEn(DS)2 (logKas = 5.66 ± 0.06) and CuEn2(DS)2 (logKas = 6.38 ± 0.12). © 1996 MAHK Hayka/Interperiodica Publishing

    Influence of Cations on the Formation of Cobalt(II) Complexes with Thiocyanate Ions in Solutions of Nonionic Micelles

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    The influence of additives of alkali, alkaline-earth, and several transition metal cations, protonated amines, and quaternary ammonium on the state of the tetrahedral cobalt(II) thiocyanate complex is studied in an aqueous solution of the nonionogenic surfactant Triton X-100. It is shown that alkali and alkaline-earth metal cations and compounds containing protonated primary amino groups favor the formation of additional amounts of the micellar-bonded [Co(NCS)4]2- complex anion. This fact is explained by the interaction of these cations with the oxyethylene chains of the nonionogenic surfactant as was observed in the crown ether coordination. This provides the formation and transfer into micelles of additional amounts of their associates with [Co(NCS)4]2-. The Mn2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ cations decompose cobalt tetrathiocyanate due to the formation of their own complexes with the ligand. This effect is not observed in the case of the quaternary ammonium compounds, which is explained by their incapability of coordinating the oxyethylene chains of the nonionogenic surfactant

    Synergism in complex formation between cobalt(II) and thiocyanate ions in mixed solutions of cationic and nonionic surfactants

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    The stabilizing effect of alkyl pyridinium cations (RPy+) on the equilibrium of formation of the tetrahedral complex [Co(SCN)4]2- in aqueous solutions of nonionic surfactants [T = Tween 20 (40), Triton X-100] disclosed for the first time, was explained by the formation of species with the composition (RPy)2[Co(SCN)4] localized in nonionic micelles. © 1999 MAHK "Hayka/Interperiodica"

    On impulsive Sturm–Liouville operators with Coulomb potential and spectral parameter linearly contained in boundary conditions

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    The Sturm–Liouville problem with linear discontinuities is investigated in the case where an eigenparameter appears not only in a differential equation but also in boundary conditions. Properties and the asymptotic behavior of spectral characteristics are studied for the Sturm–Liouville operators with Coulomb potential that have discontinuity conditions inside a finite interval. Moreover, the Weyl function for this problem is defined and uniqueness theorems are proved for a solution of the inverse problem with respect to this function.Досліджено задачу Штурма-Ліувілля з лінійними розривами у випадку, коли власний параметр міститься не лише у диференціальному рівнянні, але й у граничних умовах. Вивчено властивості та асимптотичну поведінку спектральної характеристики для операторів Штурма-Ліувілля з потенціалом Кулона, що мають умову розривності всередині скінченного інтервалу. Крім того, для розглядуваної задачі визначено функцію Вейля та доведено теореми єдиності для розв'язку оберненої задачі відповідно до цієї функції

    Export of Educational Services as the Most Important Factor of Competitiveness and Economic Development of the Country

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    Export of educational services is not only the most important source of economic development of the country, but also the most important indicator of the country’s competitiveness, the degree of its integration into the world community. At the present stage, in the conditions of internationalization of higher education, there is an increase in the export of educational services.The article presents an analysis of the export potential of the Russian system of higher education, the conditions that contribute to its development. The article presents the dynamics of training of foreign students in Russian universities in different years. The role and importance of export of educational services for the economic development of the country are revealed. The author pays special attention to the priority project «Development of export potential of the Russian education system» approved in 2017

    Some features of the bioelectric activity of the muscles with prolonged hypokinesia

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    The effects of prolonged hypokinesia, brought on by confinement to bed and the attendant lack of motor activity, on the bioelectric activity of muscles are studied. Electromyographic measurements of amplitude and frequency indicators of muscular bioelectric activity were analyzed

    On the Need to Adopt a Strategic Planning Document «Strategy for the Development of the Higher Education System in the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030»

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    The purpose: the article substantiates the importance of the country’s adoption of the strategic planning document «Strategy for the development of the higher education system in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030».Materials and methods: the research uses theoretical and empirical methods, logical and system analysis, methods of description, prediction and expert assessments. The theoretical basis of the research is the method of strategic management developed by the famous economist, doctor of economic sciences, professor, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. L. Kvint.Results: the analysis of numerous definitions of the concept and essence of strategy existing in the scientific literature is carried out, and a number of key positions in its definition are highlighted. Justifications are given for the criteria for developing strategies, using the example of the Strategy for the development of the country’s higher education system for the long term. The features of developing a strategy for the development of higher education are defined, and the hierarchy of levels of the strategy system is presented in relation to the strategy for the development of domestic higher education.Discussion: the strategy proposed for adoption should reflect the state and prospects of development of the higher education system, with the definition of Russia’s position in the world educational space, current challenges and threats facing higher education, identify strategic priorities, goals and objectives, mechanisms and stages of implementation of the strategy, propose scenarios for the development of the higher education system, identify sources of resources for the implementation of the strategy, expected results and monitoring of its implementation.Conclusion: it is noted that various state programs, national, Federal and priority projects, and action plans related to the development of the higher education system are being developed and approved in the country. However, there is no key strategic planning document — the Strategy for the development of the higher education system in Russia for the long term (for example, until 2030). In this regard, it is very relevant to develop and adopt this strategy, which undoubtedly takes into account the historically established traditions and features of the national higher school

    The state of a paramagnetic probe in solutions containing mixed micelles of anionic and nonionic surfactants from data on nuclear magnetic relaxation

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    The state of Mn2+ ions in solutions of binary mixtures of anionic (sodium decyl, dodecyl, and tetradecyl sulfates) and nonionic (Tween 40 and Triton X-100) surfactants at 298 K was studied by the nuclear magnetic relaxation method. It was found that an increased spin-lattice relaxation rate of water protons is caused by formation of mixed surfactant aggregates. The method proposed previously for describing the micellization of anionic surfactants was extended to mixed aggregates containing a nonionic surfactant. A mathematical simulation revealed the formation of mixed micelles of alkyl sulfates and nonionic surfactants of two types: with 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 ratios. In the latter case, the mixed micelles are incapable of binding counterions, which is probably caused by the blocking of head sulfate groups by the ethylene oxide chains of the nonionic surfactants. The adequacy of the used approach was supported by the method of competing reactions between iminodiacetic acid and mixed micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate and Tween 40 for binding with Mn2+ cations. © 1999 MAHK "Hayka/Interperiodica"

    Binding of protonated forms of o-phenylenediamine and some other cations with the micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate according to data from pH measurements

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    Binding of the protonated forms of o-phenylenediamine (oPn) with micelles in aqueous solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was studied by potentiometric titration. The dependences of the apparent pro-tonization constant (log K1 app) for oPn on the content of surfactants and some ions (Na+, NH4 +, and Me4N+) were revealed. The micellar binding constants for the cations studied were obtained for the first time by computer simulation. The approach proposed is applicable for any other ions and surfactants. © 1996 MAK Haya/Interperiodica Publishing

    State Management of the Employment in the Conditions of the Economic Crisis

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    The article considers the current problems of the employment state management. The characteristic of the role of employment management in the system of state economic regulation is given. The dynamics of unemployment, employment, and labor force participation are analyzed. The success of the authorities in achieving the aims of the employment state regulation is demonstrated. A comparison of the current trends in employment and economic development is shown. The consequences for the employment sphere during the economic crisis of the Russian Federation in recent years are considered. The changing characteristic of the population’s standard of living, real disposable money income, poverty level is presented. The established and current trends in the structure of employment changes in the scale of the Russian Federation, federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation are revealed. The socio-economic consequences of the situation around employment are analyzed. The characteristic of the number of employed poor people is given. The expert estimates of the shadow economy increasing are  given. The estimations of the informal sector of the economy volumes are presented. The estimation of the achieving the goals degree of the authorized state employment agencies is provided. The causes of a systemic crisis of state employment of the population are identified. The necessity of more complete participation of the state government employment in the development and implementation of the socio-economic development policy of the Russian Federation has been substantiated. The proposals for the strategies establishment for the future development of employment services in the regions of the Russian Federation and their inclusion in the system of strategic planning documents are presented