26 research outputs found

    Building Efficient Query Engines in a High-Level Language

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    Abstraction without regret refers to the vision of using high-level programming languages for systems development without experiencing a negative impact on performance. A database system designed according to this vision offers both increased productivity and high performance, instead of sacrificing the former for the latter as is the case with existing, monolithic implementations that are hard to maintain and extend. In this article, we realize this vision in the domain of analytical query processing. We present LegoBase, a query engine written in the high-level language Scala. The key technique to regain efficiency is to apply generative programming: LegoBase performs source-to-source compilation and optimizes the entire query engine by converting the high-level Scala code to specialized, low-level C code. We show how generative programming allows to easily implement a wide spectrum of optimizations, such as introducing data partitioning or switching from a row to a column data layout, which are difficult to achieve with existing low-level query compilers that handle only queries. We demonstrate that sufficiently powerful abstractions are essential for dealing with the complexity of the optimization effort, shielding developers from compiler internals and decoupling individual optimizations from each other. We evaluate our approach with the TPC-H benchmark and show that: (a) With all optimizations enabled, LegoBase significantly outperforms a commercial database and an existing query compiler. (b) Programmers need to provide just a few hundred lines of high-level code for implementing the optimizations, instead of complicated low-level code that is required by existing query compilation approaches. (c) The compilation overhead is low compared to the overall execution time, thus making our approach usable in practice for compiling query engines

    Denotationally Correct, Purely Functional, Efficient Reverse-mode Automatic Differentiation

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    Reverse-mode differentiation is used for optimization, but it introduces references, which break the purity of the underlying programs, making them notoriously harder to optimize. We present a reverse-mode differentiation on a purely functional language with array operations. It is the first one to deliver a provably efficient, purely functional, and denotationally correct reverse-mode differentiation. We show that our transformation is semantically correct and verifies the cheap gradient principle. Inspired by PROPs and compilation to categories, we introduce a novel intermediate representation that we call 'unary form'. Our reverse-mode transformation is factored as a compilation scheme through this intermediate representation. We obtain provably efficient gradients by performing general partial evaluation optimizations after our reverse-mode transformation, as opposed to manually derived ones. For simple first-order programs, the obtained output programs resemble static-single-assignment (SSA) code. We emphasize the modularity of our approach and show how our language can easily be enriched with more optimized primitives, as required for some speed-ups in practice.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figure

    An Efficient Vectorized Hash Table for Batch Computations

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    In recent years, the increasing demand for high-performance analytics on big data has led the research on batch hash tables. It is shown that this type of hash table can benefit from the cache locality and multi-threading more than ordinary hash tables. Moreover, the batch design for hash tables is amenable to using advanced features of modern processors such as prefetching and SIMD vectorization. While state-of-the-art research and open-source projects on batch hash tables made efforts to propose improved designs by better usage of mentioned hardware features, their approaches still do not fully exploit the existing opportunities for performance improvements. Furthermore, there is a gap for a high-level batch API of such hash tables for wider adoption of these high-performance data structures. In this paper, we present Vec-HT, a parallel, SIMD-vectorized, and prefetching-enabled hash table for fast batch processing. To allow developers to fully take advantage of its performance, we recommend a high-level batch API design. Our experimental results show the superiority and competitiveness of this approach in comparison with the alternative implementations and state-of-the-art for the data-intensive workloads of relational join processing, set operations, and sparse vector processing

    Finally, a Polymorphic Linear Algebra Language (Pearl)

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    Many different data analytics tasks boil down to linear algebra primitives. In practice, for each different type of workload, data scientists use a particular specialised library. In this paper, we present Pilatus, a polymorphic iterative linear algebra language, applicable to various types of data analytics workloads. The design of this domain-specific language (DSL) is inspired by both mathematics and programming languages: its basic constructs are borrowed from abstract algebra, whereas the key technology behind its polymorphic design uses the tagless final approach (a.k.a. polymorphic embedding/object algebras). This design enables us to change the behaviour of arithmetic operations to express matrix algebra, graph algorithms, logical probabilistic programs, and differentiable programs. Crucially, the polymorphic design of Pilatus allows us to use multi-stage programming and rewrite-based optimisation to recover the performance of specialised code, supporting fixed sized matrices, algebraic optimisations, and fusion

    An Embedded Query Language in Scala

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    In this thesis we address the problem of integrating general purpose programming languages with relational databases. An approach to solving this problem is using raw strings to represent SQL statements. This approach leads to runtime errors and security vulnerabilities like SQL injection. The second approach is integrating the query in a host language. The most well-known example of the second approach is LINQ. This approach provides static checking of types and syntax during compilation. This thesis presents an embedded query language in Scala, namely Shadow Embedding in Slick. Shadow Embedding provides even stronger compile-time guarantees than LINQ and similar systems in Scala. The experimental results show that the performance of our approach is very similar to the case of using raw Strings, thanks to static code analysis and clever code caching

    Compilation and Code Optimization for Data Analytics

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    The trade-offs between the use of modern high-level and low-level programming languages in constructing complex software artifacts are well known. High-level languages allow for greater programmer productivity: abstraction and genericity allow for the same functionality to be implemented with significantly less code compared to low-level languages. Modularity, object-orientation, functional programming, and powerful type systems allow programmers not only to create clean abstractions and protect them from leaking, but also to define code units that are reusable and easily composable, and software architectures that are adaptable and extensible. The abstraction, succinctness, and modularity of high-level code help to avoid software bugs and facilitate debugging and maintenance. The use of high-level languages comes at a performance cost: increased indirection due to abstraction, virtualization, and interpretation, and superfluous work, particularly in the form of tempory memory allocation and deallocation to support objects and encapsulation. As a result of this, the cost of high-level languages for performance-critical systems may seem prohibitive. The vision of abstraction without regret argues that it is possible to use high-level languages for building performance-critical systems that allow for both productivity and high performance, instead of trading off the former for the latter. In this thesis, we realize this vision for building different types of data analytics systems. Our means of achieving this is by employing compilation. The goal is to compile away expensive language features -- to compile high-level code down to efficient low-level code

    Hinted Dictionaries: Efficient Functional Ordered Sets and Maps

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    This paper introduces hinted dictionaries for expressing efficient ordered sets and maps functionally. As opposed to the traditional ordered dictionaries with logarithmic operations, hinted dictionaries can achieve better performance by using cursor-like objects referred to as hints. Hinted dictionaries unify the interfaces of imperative ordered dictionaries (e.g., C++ maps) and functional ones (e.g., Adams\u27 sets). We show that such dictionaries can use sorted arrays, unbalanced trees, and balanced trees as their underlying representations. Throughout the paper, we use Scala to present the different components of hinted dictionaries. We also provide a C++ implementation to evaluate the effectiveness of hinted dictionaries. Hinted dictionaries provide superior performance for set-set operations in comparison with the standard library of C++. Also, they show a competitive performance in comparison with the SciPy library for sparse vector operations

    Compiling structured tensor algebra

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    Tensor algebra is essential for data-intensive workloads in various computational domains. Computational scientists face a trade-off between the specialization degree provided by dense tensor algebra and the algorithmic efficiency that leverages the structure provided by sparse tensors. This paper presents StructTensor, a framework that symbolically computes structure at compilation time. This is enabled by Structured Tensor Unified Representation (STUR), an intermediate language that can capture tensor computations as well as their sparsity and redundancy structures. Through a mathematical view of lossless tensor computations, we show that our symbolic structure computation and the related optimizations are sound. Finally, for different tensor computation workloads and structures, we experimentally show how capturing the symbolic structure can result in outperforming state-of-the-art frameworks for both dense and sparse tensor algebra

    PyTond:Efficient Python data science on the shoulders of databases

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    Python data science libraries such as Pandas and NumPy have recently gained immense popularity. Although these libraries are feature-rich and easy to use, their scalability limitations require more robust computational resources. In this paper, we present PyTond, an efficient approach to push the processing of data science workloads down into the database engines that are already known for their big data handling capabilities. Compared to the previous work, by introducing TondIR, our approach can capture a more comprehensive set of workloads and data layouts. Moreover, by doing IR-level optimizations, we generate better SQL code that improves the query processing by the underlying database engine. Our evaluation results show promising performance improvement compared to Python and other alternatives for diverse data science workloads